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Germancels, did you know about this INCEL school schooter? RIP Sebastian Bosse. He was an Incel 1000%



Slowly fading away
Nov 8, 2017

>>>I never had a girlfriend. I never kissed a girl but wait, there was this wannabe Gothic chick … don't like these but I was drunk, so fuck that! I'm not gay! I don't think it's a problem if anyone is lesbian or gay, but I'm not. I like Jill, from Resident Evil Apocalypse and 3 Nemesis. That's why I have my sawed off .22 ‹Jill›. The 12 Gauge is the ‹BFG› and the .45 is ‹Mister Püsterich›, named after Homer Simpsons gun. I like the Simpsons. I dont like comics at all, but I love the Simpsons and spawn comics. <<<

-Sebastian Bosse (Manifesto)

Looks so identical to the columbine shooter


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yes I remember. they blamed it on violent video games and distracted the people with a discussion about that for weeks,
instead of talking about bullying and especially bullying by teachers.

but it's currently 7:40 am in germany so I doubt many germancels are online.
The Black trenchcoat is the uniform of the Blackpilled
Reminds me of Marc Lepine he was a canadian school shooter and Im pretty sure he was incel
I see it now. He looks like Linus tech tips from youtube
If this is what germancels look like then I won't set foot in hitlerland to ascend
>>>I never had a girlfriend. I never kissed a girl but wait, there was this wannabe Gothic chick … don't like these but I was drunk, so fuck that! I'm not gay! I don't think it's a problem if anyone is lesbian or gay, but I'm not. I like Jill, from Resident Evil Apocalypse and 3 Nemesis. That's why I have my sawed off .22 ‹Jill›. The 12 Gauge is the ‹BFG› and the .45 is ‹Mister Püsterich›, named after Homer Simpsons gun. I like the Simpsons. I dont like comics at all, but I love the Simpsons and spawn comics. <<<

-Sebastian Bosse (Manifesto)
What a shitty manifesto, I hope this isn’t all of it
Looks so identical to the columbine shooter


“Failed normie” or “mentalcel” is the term I’d use for him
he don't look like incel at all. he'd probably getting laid by now tbh
Bastian Bosse`s suicide note on his web site (and I found good quality this photo) :
(The Emsdetten school shooting was a school shooting that occurred at the Geschwister Scholl-Schule in Emsdetten, Germany on 20 November 2006. Eighteen-year-old former student Sebastian Bosse shot and wounded five people before committing suicide)
“When you know you can’t be happy with your life anymore and the reasons for it pile up day after day, then you have no other choice but to disappear from this life. And I decided to do that. There might be people who would have continued, who would have thought “it’s going to be ok”, but it is not going to be ok. People told me I have to go to school, to learn for my life to be able to lead a beautiful life later. But what’s the point of the fattest [meaning most expensive] car, the biggest house, the most beautiful wife, if in the end it doesn’t matter anyway. When your wife begins to hate you, when your car uses up gas that you can’t pay for, and when you don’t have anybody that will come visit you in your fucking house! The only thing that was taught to me intensely at school was that I am a loser. For the first years at GSS (Geschwister Scholl School, the school Bosse attended), it is even true, I fell for the horniness (horniness: meaning the desire for; e.g., lust) for consumption, I strove to make friends, people who don’t see you as a person but rather as a status symbol. But then I woke up! I realized that the world as I saw it didn’t exist, that it was an illusion, which was mainly created by the media. I noticed more and more in what kind of a world I was. In a world, in which money reigns everything, even at school, it was only about that. You had to have the newest cell phone, the newest clothes, and the right “friends”. If you don’t have one of them you aren’t worth being noticed. And these people are called jocks. Jocks are all of those who think they are above others because of expensive clothes or beautiful girls on their side. I loathe these people, no, I loathe people.
In the 18 years of my life, I had to experience that you can only be happy, when you conform to the masses, when you adapt to society. But I couldn’t and didn’t want to do that. I am free! Nobody is allowed to interfere in my life, and if somebody still does it, he has to suffer the consequences! No politician has the right to pass laws that prohibit things for me, No cop has the right to take my weapon, especially while he is wearing his on his belt.
Why should I do anything? Why should I work? So that I work myself to death in order to retire at 65 and croak 5 years later? Why should I make an effort to succeed in something, if in the end it doesn’t matter anyway because, sooner or later, I will die? I can build a house, have kids and who knows what else. But for what? Eventually, the house is going to be torn down, and the children are also going to die. So tell me what is the meaning of life? There isn’t one! That’s why you have to give your life its own meaning, and I won’t do that by crawling up the ass of an overpaid boss or let Fascists, who want to tell me that we live in a democracy, jerk me around. No, for me there is only one more possibility now to give meaning to my life and I won’t waste it as I did with all the others before! Maybe my life could have been completely different. But society doesn’t have room for individualists. I mean real individualists, people who think for themselves, and not those “I am wearing a watch with studs and I am alternative” idiots!
You started this battle, not I. My actions are a result of your world, a world that won’t let me be the way I am. You made fun of me, I did the same to you now, I just had a completely different sense of humor!
From 1994 until 2003/2004, it was also my attempt to have friends, to have fun. When I started at GSS in 1998, everything started with the status symbols, clothing, friends, cell phone and so on. Then I woke up. I realized that my entire life, I was the dumb one for the others, and people made fun of me. And I swore to take revenge! This revenge will be executed so brutally and ruthlessly that your blood will freeze in your veins. Before I go, I will teach you a lesson, so that nobody will ever forget me again! I want you to realize, that nobody has the right to interfere in others lives under a fascist pretext of law and religion! I want that my face will be burnt into your heads! I don’t want to run away anymore! I want to contribute my part to the revolution of the outcasts! I want R E V E N G E !
I thought about the fact that most students who humiliated me have already left GSS. I have two things to say to that: 1. I wasn’t just in one class, no, I went to the entire school. The people who are at the school are by no means innocent! Nobody is! The same program that also ran in previous years runs in their heads! I am the virus that wants to destroy these programs, it is completely irrelevant where I start. 2. A majority of my revenge will be aimed at the teaching staff, because those are people who interfered in my life against my will, and who helped to put me where I am standing now; On the battlefield! Almost all these teachers are still at this damn school!
Today, life as it happens daily is surely the most pathetic life that the world has to offer! S.J.W.R.D. — School, Job Training, Work, Retirement, Death. That’s the life of a “normal” person these days. But what is essentially normal? We label normal as that what is expected by society. Therefore, punks, bums, murderers, goths, homos and so on are considered abnormal, because they don’t, can’t or don’t want to, meet the general perception of society. I don’t give a shit about you! Everybody has to be free! Give everybody a weapon and the problems among people will be resolved without any interference of a third party. When somebody dies, then he is dead. So? Death is part of life! If the relatives can’t deal with the loss, they can commit suicide, nobody will stop them!
S.J.W.R.D. begins at the age of 6 here in Germany, with school enrollment. The child starts on its personal path of socialization, and in the following years, it will be forced to conform to the community, the majority. If it refuses, teacher, parents, and if nothing else, the police will step in. School attendance is a nice way of saying school enforcement, because you are indeed forced to go to school. He who is forced, loses a piece of freedom. You are forced to pay taxes, you are forced to stick to speed limits, you are forced to do this, you are forced to do that. Ergo: No Freedom! And that is what you call democracy. If people were to rule, it would be called anarchy! WAKE UP FINALLY — GET OUT ON THE STREETS — IT HAS ALREADY WORKED ONCE IN GERMANY!
After my actions, some fat politicians will talk big about how “We all stick together now” or “We have to try together to get through this”. However, they only do that to get attention, to present themselves as the solution. It was the same at GSS … this fat piece of shit principal never showed her face, but when there were theater performances, then she was the first one standing on stage with a wide grin and introduced herself to the masses!
Nazis, hip-hopper, Turks, state, civil servants, believers … basically everybody sucks and needs to be destroyed! (I use the term “Turks” for all hip hop muchels (muchels refers to slick, well dressed men from Turkey or elsewhere in the Middle East) and small-time criminals; They come to Germany because the conditions in their homeland are so bad, because there is war… and then they come to Germany, the social service department of the world, and do whatever they want. They should all be gassed! Not Jews, not Negros, not the Dutch, but muchels! I AM NOT A DAMN NAZI! I hate you and your ways! You all have to die!
Since I was 6 years old, I was jerked around by all of you! Now you have to pay for it!
Because I know that the fascist police won’t want to publish my videos, notebooks, diaries, basically anything, I took it into my own hands.
On a final note, I want to thank those people who mean something to me or who were at one point good to me, and I want to apologize for all of this!
I am gone …”

He was right.
RIP to anyone who's ever taken a gun to a crowd of people.
Bastian Bosse`s suicide note on his web site (and I found good quality this photo) :
(The Emsdetten school shooting was a school shooting that occurred at the Geschwister Scholl-Schule in Emsdetten, Germany on 20 November 2006. Eighteen-year-old former student Sebastian Bosse shot and wounded five people before committing suicide)
“When you know you can’t be happy with your life anymore and the reasons for it pile up day after day, then you have no other choice but to disappear from this life. And I decided to do that. There might be people who would have continued, who would have thought “it’s going to be ok”, but it is not going to be ok. People told me I have to go to school, to learn for my life to be able to lead a beautiful life later. But what’s the point of the fattest [meaning most expensive] car, the biggest house, the most beautiful wife, if in the end it doesn’t matter anyway. When your wife begins to hate you, when your car uses up gas that you can’t pay for, and when you don’t have anybody that will come visit you in your fucking house! The only thing that was taught to me intensely at school was that I am a loser. For the first years at GSS (Geschwister Scholl School, the school Bosse attended), it is even true, I fell for the horniness (horniness: meaning the desire for; e.g., lust) for consumption, I strove to make friends, people who don’t see you as a person but rather as a status symbol. But then I woke up! I realized that the world as I saw it didn’t exist, that it was an illusion, which was mainly created by the media. I noticed more and more in what kind of a world I was. In a world, in which money reigns everything, even at school, it was only about that. You had to have the newest cell phone, the newest clothes, and the right “friends”. If you don’t have one of them you aren’t worth being noticed. And these people are called jocks. Jocks are all of those who think they are above others because of expensive clothes or beautiful girls on their side. I loathe these people, no, I loathe people.
In the 18 years of my life, I had to experience that you can only be happy, when you conform to the masses, when you adapt to society. But I couldn’t and didn’t want to do that. I am free! Nobody is allowed to interfere in my life, and if somebody still does it, he has to suffer the consequences! No politician has the right to pass laws that prohibit things for me, No cop has the right to take my weapon, especially while he is wearing his on his belt.
Why should I do anything? Why should I work? So that I work myself to death in order to retire at 65 and croak 5 years later? Why should I make an effort to succeed in something, if in the end it doesn’t matter anyway because, sooner or later, I will die? I can build a house, have kids and who knows what else. But for what? Eventually, the house is going to be torn down, and the children are also going to die. So tell me what is the meaning of life? There isn’t one! That’s why you have to give your life its own meaning, and I won’t do that by crawling up the ass of an overpaid boss or let Fascists, who want to tell me that we live in a democracy, jerk me around. No, for me there is only one more possibility now to give meaning to my life and I won’t waste it as I did with all the others before! Maybe my life could have been completely different. But society doesn’t have room for individualists. I mean real individualists, people who think for themselves, and not those “I am wearing a watch with studs and I am alternative” idiots!
You started this battle, not I. My actions are a result of your world, a world that won’t let me be the way I am. You made fun of me, I did the same to you now, I just had a completely different sense of humor!
From 1994 until 2003/2004, it was also my attempt to have friends, to have fun. When I started at GSS in 1998, everything started with the status symbols, clothing, friends, cell phone and so on. Then I woke up. I realized that my entire life, I was the dumb one for the others, and people made fun of me. And I swore to take revenge! This revenge will be executed so brutally and ruthlessly that your blood will freeze in your veins. Before I go, I will teach you a lesson, so that nobody will ever forget me again! I want you to realize, that nobody has the right to interfere in others lives under a fascist pretext of law and religion! I want that my face will be burnt into your heads! I don’t want to run away anymore! I want to contribute my part to the revolution of the outcasts! I want R E V E N G E !
I thought about the fact that most students who humiliated me have already left GSS. I have two things to say to that: 1. I wasn’t just in one class, no, I went to the entire school. The people who are at the school are by no means innocent! Nobody is! The same program that also ran in previous years runs in their heads! I am the virus that wants to destroy these programs, it is completely irrelevant where I start. 2. A majority of my revenge will be aimed at the teaching staff, because those are people who interfered in my life against my will, and who helped to put me where I am standing now; On the battlefield! Almost all these teachers are still at this damn school!
Today, life as it happens daily is surely the most pathetic life that the world has to offer! S.J.W.R.D. — School, Job Training, Work, Retirement, Death. That’s the life of a “normal” person these days. But what is essentially normal? We label normal as that what is expected by society. Therefore, punks, bums, murderers, goths, homos and so on are considered abnormal, because they don’t, can’t or don’t want to, meet the general perception of society. I don’t give a shit about you! Everybody has to be free! Give everybody a weapon and the problems among people will be resolved without any interference of a third party. When somebody dies, then he is dead. So? Death is part of life! If the relatives can’t deal with the loss, they can commit suicide, nobody will stop them!
S.J.W.R.D. begins at the age of 6 here in Germany, with school enrollment. The child starts on its personal path of socialization, and in the following years, it will be forced to conform to the community, the majority. If it refuses, teacher, parents, and if nothing else, the police will step in. School attendance is a nice way of saying school enforcement, because you are indeed forced to go to school. He who is forced, loses a piece of freedom. You are forced to pay taxes, you are forced to stick to speed limits, you are forced to do this, you are forced to do that. Ergo: No Freedom! And that is what you call democracy. If people were to rule, it would be called anarchy! WAKE UP FINALLY — GET OUT ON THE STREETS — IT HAS ALREADY WORKED ONCE IN GERMANY!
After my actions, some fat politicians will talk big about how “We all stick together now” or “We have to try together to get through this”. However, they only do that to get attention, to present themselves as the solution. It was the same at GSS … this fat piece of shit principal never showed her face, but when there were theater performances, then she was the first one standing on stage with a wide grin and introduced herself to the masses!
Nazis, hip-hopper, Turks, state, civil servants, believers … basically everybody sucks and needs to be destroyed! (I use the term “Turks” for all hip hop muchels (muchels refers to slick, well dressed men from Turkey or elsewhere in the Middle East) and small-time criminals; They come to Germany because the conditions in their homeland are so bad, because there is war… and then they come to Germany, the social service department of the world, and do whatever they want. They should all be gassed! Not Jews, not Negros, not the Dutch, but muchels! I AM NOT A DAMN NAZI! I hate you and your ways! You all have to die!
Since I was 6 years old, I was jerked around by all of you! Now you have to pay for it!
Because I know that the fascist police won’t want to publish my videos, notebooks, diaries, basically anything, I took it into my own hands.
On a final note, I want to thank those people who mean something to me or who were at one point good to me, and I want to apologize for all of this!
I am gone …”

He was right.
RIP to anyone who's ever taken a gun to a crowd of people.
I take back what I said, he still isn’t an incel, but at least he realized life for what it is or was in his case (then again he could’ve just read Eric’s journal)
Those cheekbones mog the fuck outa me.

Bastian Bosse

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