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Serious GenZ kids are feminine extroverted pretty-boys.



Sep 15, 2019
Pretty facial features. Low in aggression. High in sociability. They lean more toward female character traits. No masculinity in appearance or behavior. Girls completely dominate the conversations and interactions. They are like bunny rabbits.

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Yes, as humanity advances men get more feminine. This has been happening for DECADES.
It’s called the jews
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You know (((who))) to thank for this
Low aggression isn't necessarily bad, do you want the Chads and Tyrones robbing and beating everyone else in high school?
cope im not extroverted
Low aggression isn't necessarily bad, do you want the Chads and Tyrones robbing and beating everyone else in high school?
Yes, technically it is good, but having people repress their violence is bad, and it will make those who do not have even more advantages.
Female sexual selection at work here.
Its over if you arent a prettyboy in gen z. Foids hate you if you gymmaxxx now
They're tall as fucking buildings though. That alone makes em seem rather high T from my vantage point.

Pretty boys always been the best version of chad
Dont they all have beards though (if they can)?
Fake toughness.
Idk about "toughness". I'm talking appearance alone. I for one am terrified of zoomers. I keep my head down when I see em no lie. Their brightly colored trendy fashion choices make them intimidating too. Like dueling peacocks or something...
Idk about "toughness". I'm talking appearance alone. I for one am terrified of zoomers. I keep my head down when I see em no lie. Their brightly colored trendy fashion choices make them intimidating too. Like dueling peacocks or something...

zoomer here. :feelzez:
Yes, technically it is good, but having people repress their violence is bad, and it will make those who do not have even more advantages.
>But having people repress their violence is bad, and it will make those who do not have even more advantages.
Images   2020 04 02T023546966

This is not a test. This is your emergency broadcast system announcing the commencement of the Annual Purge, sanctioned by the U.S government. Weapons of class 4 and lower have been authorized for use during the Purge. All other weapons are restricted. Government officials of ranking 10 have been granted immunity from the Purge and shall not be harmed. Commencing at the siren, any and all crime, including murder, will be legal for 12 continuous hours. Police, fire, and emergency medical services will be unavailable until tomorrow morning at 7 A.M, when the Purge concludes. Blessed be our New Founding Fathers and America, a nation reborn. May God be with you all.
Low aggression isn't necessarily bad, do you want the Chads and Tyrones robbing and beating everyone else in high school?
What happens when overall male aggression goes down is that Chads and Tyrones become even more powerful by comparison.

It is the same with masculine facial features. As they become rarer due to men retaining neotony, the Chads and Tyrones that remain will only be more impressive.
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Do you think that the implicit threat of violence encourages politeness?
The implicit threat of violence is the whole basis of social order.

Now that sub8 men are not allowed to threaten violence towards women (only psychopathic Chads and Tyrones can), we see the results in terms of human mating.
They are facially feminine, but have larger frames and are much taller than average. Basically what women are looking for in men, sexually dimorphic but with attractive faces.
What happens when overall male aggression goes down is that Chads and Tyrones become even more powerful by comparison.

It is the same with masculine facial features. As they become rarer due to men retaining neotony, the Chads and Tyrones that remain will only be more impressive.

They are facially feminine, but have larger frames and are much taller than average.

Don't think so. Previous generations had larger frames, especially the generations where manual labor was part of a normal boys day. Height may be slightly up, but by only an inch or so on average (according to the CDC, circa the 1970s).

You can't really say heights are changing to any great degree.
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It's the environment. Also facial beauty > facial masculinity. I do see some that will be full Chads when they finish growing. Pretty-boys are pretty much the ideal in high-school.
Yes, as humanity advances men get more feminine. This has been happening for DECADES.
It’s called the jews
View attachment 227410
whats wrong with being a happy merchant
It's the environment. Also facial beauty > facial masculinity. I do see some that will be full Chads when they finish growing. Pretty-boys are pretty much the ideal in high-school.
yeah my cousin dated some pretty boy in high school then she dumped him for a more masculine chad
Low aggression isn't necessarily bad, do you want the Chads and Tyrones robbing and beating everyone else in high school?

I think group selective values are better than what is good or bad according to individual selective values.
This is the elite's plan, create more and more soyboys and give soyciety for women to rule.

Rip masculinity.
They choose high genetic male.. and don't giva fuck about ugly ones
Idk about "toughness". I'm talking appearance alone. I for one am terrified of zoomers. I keep my head down when I see em no lie. Their brightly colored trendy fashion choices make them intimidating too. Like dueling peacocks or something...
I mean height is correlated with fear or disrespect. If you see someone smaller than yourself you think you're more dominant & when you see someone hulking over you there's intimidation, in a general sense. It's no coincidence that the biggest kids in the school year get picked for the sports teams & CEOs are way above average height.

Point is if you're a manlet you'd better learn some sort of fighting techniques otherwise ppl will think they can walk all over you & will if you ain't got the stuff while some tallfag ppl are intimidating on height alone but might be the biggest pushovers ever but don't get tested.
This is the elite's plan, create more and more soyboys and give soyciety for women to rule.

Rip masculinity.
Less chance of resistance & change to the powers ruling everything. Just let the women pick who they wanna fuck & give them the illusion of power. They also blow their money on shit.
I wish I was a pretty boy
It doesn't matter anyway
cus all mog me
Fuck i hate watching those kinds of videos. Makes me remember all the things i missed out on. Plus literally all the guy's in that video mog me.
fuck man I wish I looked like one of them
What happens when overall male aggression goes down is that Chads and Tyrones become even more powerful by comparison.

It is the same with masculine facial features. As they become rarer due to men retaining neotony, the Chads and Tyrones that remain will only be more impressive.

Yep even if only 1 in 100 males turns out to be a violent aggressive Chad.. then it just means there will be 100 horny women chasing that one violent man.. and 99 virgin soyboys reddit posters who worship women making excuses for the women.
The degeneracy really enrages me. But they all mog me. The only manliness I have is some deep voice and some amount of facial hair. The right amount of facial hair which makes me look as ugly as I could be (while rest all are growing beards). Other wise I am just a wristcel.
Pretty facial features. Low in aggression. High in sociability. They lean more toward female character traits. No masculinity in appearance or behavior. Girls completely dominate the conversations and interactions. They are like bunny rabbits.

Testesterone levels have been decreasing for generations now. This is only going to get worse.
They are facially feminine, but have larger frames and are much taller than average. Basically what women are looking for in men, sexually dimorphic but with attractive faces.
just watched video, they actually just look like normal high school boys. mog me in being manly ngl
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some of them are puberts
Pretty facial features. Low in aggression. High in sociability. They lean more toward female character traits. No masculinity in appearance or behavior. Girls completely dominate the conversations and interactions. They are like bunny rabbits.

They're all brainlessly giggling and laughing like zombies while trying to talk over each other to establish social dominance. But yeah, you're right, guys appear meek and wallflowerish. Overall, these typical zoom niggers are totally retarded. How do youngcels cope in such an environment? :(
Testosterone in men has been dropping for decades, testosterone in women is rising. We are literally witnessing a reversal of the roles between men and women. From patriarchy we are slowly entering matriachy, and we are already in a gynocracy. Basically men still "rule" but at the ground level, women have far more social power. Being an aggressive muscled up alpha isn't being selected for anymore because it doesn't help in todays society. It just gets you arrested. The modern survival mechanism is instead being highly social, extroverted and aware of how to navigate modern society.

Also in terms of looks women don't like overly masculine looking men anymore, they want prettyboy tiktok mofos with feminine features (this is also due to the change in hormones in women because it has been proven that as women have more estrogen they prefer masculine gigachads more but lower estrogen females prefer prettyboys, so as women get less estrogen and more test, they will prefer prettyboys more).

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