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Venting Genuinely Pissed off By the Racism in the Site, I Hope Every DeathNik Ascends with a BLOND STACY



Jun 12, 2023
Imagine hating on other brocels because they come from a different ethnic background. It's just confusing to me. There's a Somalian refugee in Denmark on this forum right now that is facing bullying from the Alt-Right because he's in """their"""" country. Why the fuck do you care? First off, he's a deathnik so he's not fucking any white women, second, even if he was, WHY DO YOU CARE? If you're a genetic dead-end, why do you care that whites are getting cucked by ethnics? Would it be better if white Chad fucked the Stacies instead of an ethnic? Either way, it's not YOUR bloodline being threatened, it's Chads. So please piss off with the racism, it's getting on my nerves because I genuinely want this to be a community of people who respect each other, but we're not going to have that when half the users are deathniks and the other have want deathniks exterminated.
Imagine hating on other brocels because they come from a different ethnic background. It's just confusing to me. There's a Somalian refugee in Denmark on this forum right now that is facing bullying from the Alt-Right because he's in """their"""" country. Why the fuck do you care? First off, he's a deathnik so he's not fucking any white women, second, even if he was, WHY DO YOU CARE? If you're a genetic dead-end, why do you care that whites are getting cucked by ethnics? Would it be better if white Chad fucked the Stacies instead of an ethnic? Either way, it's not YOUR bloodline being threatened, it's Chads. So please piss off with the racism, it's getting on my nerves because I genuinely want this to be a community of people who respect each other, but we're not going to have that when half the users are deathniks and the other have want deathniks exterminated.
why are you so anti racist? arent you white yourself? jfl you havent seen @wereq 's thread, that would probably get you aneurysm.
why are you so anti racist? arent you white yourself? jfl you havent seen @wereq 's thread, that would probably get you aneurysm.
I respect his civility to be honest. I'd have to see the threads you're talking about.

I'm anti-racist because I view myself in other races. Seeing the threatment that blacks get in the movies reminds me exactly how I was treated in school.
jfl you havent seen @
@wereq 's thread, that would probably get you aneurysm.
The racepill is the ultimate blackpill. :feelsLightsaber: :feelsLightsaber: :feelsLightsaber:
Imagine hating on other brocels because they come from a different ethnic background. It's just confusing to me. There's a Somalian refugee in Denmark on this forum right now that is facing bullying from the Alt-Right because he's in """their"""" country. Why the fuck do you care? First off, he's a deathnik so he's not fucking any white women, second, even if he was, WHY DO YOU CARE? If you're a genetic dead-end, why do you care that whites are getting cucked by ethnics? Would it be better if white Chad fucked the Stacies instead of an ethnic? Either way, it's not YOUR bloodline being threatened, it's Chads. So please piss off with the racism, it's getting on my nerves because I genuinely want this to be a community of people who respect each other, but we're not going to have that when half the users are deathniks and the other have want deathniks exterminated.
Imagine hating on other brocels because they come from a different ethnic background. It's just confusing to me. There's a Somalian refugee in Denmark on this forum right now that is facing bullying from the Alt-Right because he's in """their"""" country. Why the fuck do you care? First off, he's a deathnik so he's not fucking any white women, second, even if he was, WHY DO YOU CARE? If you're a genetic dead-end, why do you care that whites are getting cucked by ethnics? Would it be better if white Chad fucked the Stacies instead of an ethnic? Either way, it's not YOUR bloodline being threatened, it's Chads. So please piss off with the racism, it's getting on my nerves because I genuinely want this to be a community of people who respect each other, but we're not going to have that when half the users are deathniks and the other have want deathniks exterminated.
thanks for the hopefuel btw but JBW is still supreme and no toilet is going to sleep with an ethnic anyway so it's pointless day dreaming about ascension with white blonde women and even ethnic women.
Cause incels here don't have much in life (no money, no women, etc) so they cope with racism as a way to make themselves feel superior. "I dont have much to offer but I am intrinsically superior to that guy." It's a cope, and seeing ethnics get with white women pisses them off because they feel they should be getting the white women instead. It's just jealousy when you peel off all the layers of justifications.
Are you talking about @DragonBallZCel ?

I Know @SomaliInScandi is in Norway. I am a Somali from the UK myself.
thanks for the hopefuel btw but JBW is still supreme and no toilet is going to sleep with an ethnic anyway so it's pointless day dreaming about ascension with white blonde women and even ethnic women.
I know it's not likely, but I'd just like to see the white supremacist racists pissed off jfl
Cause incels here don't have much in life (no money, no women, etc) so they cope with racism as a way to make themselves feel superior. "I dont have much to offer but I am intrinsically superior to that guy." It's a cope, and seeing ethnics get with white women pisses them off because they feel they should be getting the white women instead. It's just jealousy when you peel off all the layers of justifications.
Then they should be mad at Chad, not ethnics.It's Chad of all racces who's stealing the foids.
Why do you think race baiting is against the rules? It only serves to divide, not unite incels (and frankly, everyone). If you don't want to stoke racial anger, stop making race-related posts.
Are you talking about @DragonBallZCel ?

I Know @SomaliInScandi is in Norway. I am a Somali from the UK myself.
I was talking about Somalinscandi, he told me he was from Denmark.
I fully agree @SomaliInScandi seems like a nice guy, so those rats who are targeting him are just scumbags that should get warnings if not out righted banned.
A racist incel is like a feminist man. an oxymoron.
found a future vid of yours
I fully agree @SomaliInScandi seems like a nice guy, so those rats who are targeting him are just scumbags that should get warnings if not out righted banned.
he is a faggot, i cant never support faggots
Cause incels here don't have much in life (no money, no women, etc) so they cope with racism as a way to make themselves feel superior. "I dont have much to offer but I am intrinsically superior to that guy." It's a cope, and seeing ethnics get with white women pisses them off because they feel they should be getting the white women instead. It's just jealousy when you peel off all the layers of justifications.
OnLy WhItEs ArE RaYsIsT kys
This anti racism psy op needs to go lol, were so fucking tired of hearing it. I will forever be a racist, niggers are inferior and dont belong in white countries. Im not white. I dont want a ducking blonde whore either.
The last thing this world needs is more mulatto kids
I unironically find the women of my race pretty attractive
Imagine hating on other brocels because they come from a different ethnic background. It's just confusing to me. There's a Somalian refugee in Denmark on this forum right now that is facing bullying from the Alt-Right because he's in """their"""" country. Why the fuck do you care? First off, he's a deathnik so he's not fucking any white women, second, even if he was, WHY DO YOU CARE? If you're a genetic dead-end, why do you care that whites are getting cucked by ethnics? Would it be better if white Chad fucked the Stacies instead of an ethnic? Either way, it's not YOUR bloodline being threatened, it's Chads. So please piss off with the racism, it's getting on my nerves because I genuinely want this to be a community of people who respect each other, but we're not going to have that when half the users are deathniks and the other have want deathniks exterminated
Agreed, racism against brocels is retarded.
If it's against the rules then why are half the users open Nazis?
I don't see anything wrong with what you said but thats just how things are for some reason. It thrills people to have some sort of punching bag.
the gift that keeps on giving
Brootal. I mean yes I agree as incels we should most likely be siding with one another as opposed to fellow members of our respective races. Especially because Chads get all of our resources and we need to band together because we have nothing but each other and our copes at this point. And I don't like it when we fight amongst one another either.

But to be honest I think the best thing you can do is ignore race-bait. It is just like porn-bait in that people are just looking for a reaction by saying something. I would hope that most of us here don't hate one another, but again what do you expect? We are scum at the bottom of the barrel of the internet. The lowest of the low. And unfortunately it is a very dark and dirty place down here. The best we can do is to be positive towards one another. Don't fall for bait and treat others with respect I guess.
Worshipping Chads of your own race is gay. Faggots deserve to be eaten by Guanxi cannibals.
I'm glad you Kike faggot got hardbanned , rest in piss

@30klhlvwizard @Murder Mario @wereq
I'm glad you Kike faggot got hardbanned , rest in piss

@30klhlvwizard @Murder Mario @wereq
why are you so anti racist? arent you white yourself? jfl you havent seen @wereq 's thread, that would probably get you aneurysm.
White people are the only race on this planet that self police their own racism on a massive scale. It’s fairly bizarre, but it’s become a way to virtue signal and to make people feel morally superior seems to me.

There’s racism and then there’s racism. Many things are called racist that are just realism.

For example, suppose I say that on average black people in America are dumber, lower inhib, and commit more crime than whites or Asians.

This is just a true statement of fact. People will call it racist as though it’s evil but if it’s true then it’s true. Notice I did NOT say there aren’t exceptions to this — of course there are tons. Thomas Sowell for example is basically a genius who’s smarter than I’ll ever be and he’s a black man. Anything like this is on average and I agree that you should evaluate people as individuals. But there absolutely fuckin-lutely are differences, sometimes big ones, on average between racial groups.

Another example would be how Asians do much better academically in the US compared to whites for example.

People will sit here and act like things I just said are “evil” and “racist” and that racism is soooooo bad but it depends. What matters really is if what you’re claiming is true. If I go to Chicago you better fuckin believe I’m staying as a far away from any black men that look like they’re homeless or dangerous because I’ve been mugged in that shithole before, I’ve had homeless people throw things at me and cuss me out. That’s anecdotal but the statistics by and large do back up what I’m saying. Sometimes people develop racism for good reason and sometimes they don’t. It depends.

Anti racism has become a weird fucked up religion for some people. Like I said they use it to feel morally superior to others while denying reality in the worst cases. I do agree with the sentiment though that incels have got to stick together and put our prejudice aside to work as a unit for change. And I really can’t emphasize enough (seriously it’s like people didn’t even read what I said) that any of these differences are “on average” and there are many exceptions that exist within groups. It’s just those exceptions don’t change the reality of the overall trend and sometimes people have to make decisions with incomplete information and without know you personally.

Also racist jokes are funny and I’m tired of pretending they’re not. I don’t say that hypocritically either, I accept that means I must be cool with racist jokes about my own group too. Frankly people need fucking thicker skin and normies are fucking babies who can’t take a joke, it’s pathetic. If someone makes a racist joke better to lean into it or tell your own back. Turning into a moral-fag and trying to lecture everyone over it is stupid as fuck.
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