There were probably fags in the stone age but were most likely stoned. I agree, everything these people do and create is just putrid in its nature, but by far the most disgusting and abhorrent creatures to emerge from this anomaly are the Trannies. These creatures are so disgusting to my eyes the mere sight of their being brings about such a violent and contemptuous disgust towards them and any sodomite that promotes and defends this social construct, this artificial hell these Leftists have created and will not stop until they are finally eradicated from existence. It reminds me of the time I went to Subway and they actually had one of these things working there touching food and what have you. I was actually revolted by what I was seeing that I walked out and haven't had fast food in 2 years. To me, the sight elicited such Satanic images of Sheep carcasses in the open fields and anytime I see an ad for Subway, McDonald's, KFC, Hungry Jacks I'm reminded that the walls of this society draw closer and closer to its own extinction. A rotting corpse bloated and blown open, filled with maggots.