Gen Z kids will vote for whatever the jews tell them to, which is their own self destruction. After the self destruction of the goy the jews will split and divide the world into the 12 tribes of judah.
Correct. This is what the jews will do in Europe:
In the west, they will forcefully immigrate and ship in middle easterners with 85 IQ.
Then they will forcefully immigrate and ship in africans with 70 IQ
Then they will kill off them and establish the population they want which will have an average IQ around 80.
They bill drain Africa like a balloon.
The global human population will plummet.
Nanobots (such as the ones I have studied how to make at university) will be used to kill opposition people individually.
They, a jew-heavy elite will create a state for themselves which the rest of the population will serve under anarcho-primitivistic conditions and medial and religious control.
New innovations will rarely be made. The lack of reproduction among intelligent moral creative high inhib men has been planned and no more such men will be born.
All populations except the elite will be mixed and without language or history; they will only have the media as guide for who they are.
The comming masses will have an average IQ of 80 wich means that they can't organize on their own, being gradually bred to never stand out or revolt. It will be like a combination of 1984, Brave new world, the stone age and the bible/talmud. Technology will gradually decline.
Women have doomed the west and there is only one thing left to do.