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Jul 3, 2024
Gen Z has become the most materialistic generation compared to previous generations.

There are a multitude of factors for this, expenses are much higher and the spending power of the dollar is totally inflated away, wages and job availability isn't all that good either even if you graduated.

But what studies don't mention, the biggest factor, is the blackpill. In a 2023 study done by Northwest mutual, Gen Z was found to be the generation to prefer "financial compatibility" (men to make more money) more than any previous generation. Millenials, gen x, boomers, etc.


Gen Z is also the first generation to have more than 10% say they postponed getting married because of financial uncertainty - compared to boomers who didn't care at all (they had it so easy JFL)


It's also very obvious that "dating" among normies in Gen Z is seen as "the most transactional process" compared to how normies viewed dating in the past. You have awful memes like the "i'm looking for a man in finance, trust fund, 6'5, blue eyes" and "if he wanted to he would" going around on tiktok.

Blackpill is hitting Gen Z. It is law that foids are really only attracted to the top 10%-20% of men. The rest they see as paypigs and attention giving machines and mules. They are okay with fucking some of these men, the ones they are not okay with fucking are incels. That's us. ghosts in the eyes of women.

There used to be unspoken rules that prevented foids from being retarded. There was slutshaming, religious values, men used to take the lead and say "we know what's best for society" and give their daughters to men they only approved of. Sex outside of marriage wasn't even a THING. The whole interaction was only seen as the act of making children and creating a family, a slightly painful process that required effort in order to bring more life into this world. children. Didn't matter if the man or woman liked each other that much or not.

Now chads and foids are raised to believe sexual gratification is the whole purpose of men and women coming together, Uncontrolled hypergamy combined with women in the workforce doing bullshit jobs like product manager has created a society where EVEN THE NORMIES can't compete with chad anymore.

Normies always say shit like "just work hard and get money bro no woman wants a brokie" and "men age like fine wine women love to (settle) for older men with money (after a homeless chad fucked them for years and left them with a baby)".

But as women make more money, they choose to stay at home, chase chads on their iphone, and live it up. They DON'T "need" normies anymore. Normies have turned into men that give them attention and free dates and validation from tinder. They don't need to fuck them to get paid. They don't need to pretend to be interested in them to stay alive.

nevermind the obvious fact that men are the ones paying them to work at businesses owned by men, the infrastructure they use is supported and owned by men, the shitty starbucks cups they throw away are picked up by men so the streets are clean when they walk to chads apartment.

This phenomenon is why normies are freaking the fuck out. It's why they ONLY want to make money and stack that cash. by ANY. MEANS. NECESSARY. It's why grifters like andrew tate and looksmaxxing youtubers can prey on gen Z normies and COLLECT millions of dollars on their desperation.




They are coping so bad. They have this inability to swallow the blackpill because they can't accept that women really would rather fuck chad and live single than enter a dead bedroom betabuxx marriage just because normies have money. That's why so many of Gen Z is doing this open relationship bullshit. They don't do it by choice, they HAVE to let chad fuck their wife while they pay for everything because it's the only way they can have their weekly sex with "THE WIFE".

JFL :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: I don't even have a conclusion for any of this. They are just fucked, I don't know what happens next from here, maybe we will enter a soyciety like south korea/japan and put on VR headsets to nut inside of dolls, maybe more normies kill themselves, who knows. It was over for me from the day embryogenesis happened. It just took me 20 years of neurodivergent pattern recognition and blackpill knowledge to accept that I can't escape my genes and bone structure. Neurotyipcal bluepilled normies are beyond fucked lmao.
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Money doesnt make me happy.
It's over for my generation
Gen Z has become the most materialistic generation compared to previous generations.

There are a multitude of factors for this, expenses are much higher and the spending power of the dollar is totally inflated away, wages and job availability isn't all that good either even if you graduated.

But what studies don't mention, the biggest factor, is the blackpill. In a 2023 study done by Northwest mutual, Gen Z was found to be the generation to prefer "financial compatibility" (men to make more money) more than any previous generation. Millenials, gen x, boomers, etc.

View attachment 1199487

Gen Z is also the first generation to have more than 10% say they postponed getting married because of financial uncertainty - compared to boomers who didn't care at all (they had it so easy JFL)

View attachment 1199489

It's also very obvious that "dating" among normies in Gen Z is seen as "the most transactional process" compared to how normies viewed dating in the past. You have awful memes like the "i'm looking for a man in finance, trust fund, 6'5, blue eyes" and "if he wanted to he would" going around on tiktok.

Blackpill is hitting Gen Z. It is law that foids are really only attracted to the top 10%-20% of men. The rest they see as paypigs and attention giving machines and mules. They are okay with fucking some of these men, the ones they are not okay with fucking are incels. That's us. ghosts in the eyes of women.

There used to be unspoken rules that prevented foids from being retarded. There was slutshaming, religious values, men used to take the lead and say "we know what's best for society" and give their daughters to men they only approved of. Sex outside of marriage wasn't even a THING. The whole process was only seen as the act of making children and doing everything for children. Didn't matter if the man or woman liked each other that much or not.

Now chads and foids are raised to believe sexual gratification is the whole purpose, Uncontrolled hypergamy combined with women in the workforce doing bullshit jobs like product manager has created a society where EVEN THE NORMIES can't compete with chad anymore.

View attachment 1199493

Normies always say shit like "just work hard and get money bro no woman wants a brokie" and "men age like fine wine women love to (settle) for older men with money (after a homeless chad fucked them for years and left them with a baby)".

But as women make more money, they choose to stay at home, chase chads on their iphone, and live it up. They DON'T "need" normies anymore. Normies have turned into men that give them attention and free dates and validation from tinder. They don't need to fuck them to get paid. They don't need to pretend to be interested in them to stay alive.

nevermind the obvious fact that men are the ones paying them to work at businesses owned by men, the infrastructure they use is supported and owned by men, the shitty starbucks cups they throw away are picked up by men so the streets they walk on when going to chads apartment are clean.

This phenomenon is why normies are freaking the fuck out. It's why they ONLY want to make money and stack that cash. by ANY. MEANS. NECESSARY. It's why grifters like andrew tate and looksmaxxing youtubers can prey on gen Z normies and COLLECT millions of dollars on their desperation.

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They are coping so bad. They have this inability to swallow the blackpill because they can't accept that women really would rather fuck chad and live single than enter a dead bedroom betabuxx marriage just because normies have money. That's why so many of Gen Z is doing this open relationship bullshit. They don't do it by choice, they HAVE to let chad fuck their wife while they pay for everything because it's the only way they can have their weekly sex with "THE WIFE".

JFL :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: I don't even have a conclusion for any of this. They are just fucked, I don't know what happens next from here, maybe we will enter a soyciety like south korea/japan and put on VR headsets to nut inside of dolls, maybe more normies kill themselves, who knows. It was over for me from the day embryogenesis happened. It just took me 20 years of neurodivergent pattern recognition and blackpill knowledge to accept that I can't escape my genes and bone structure. Neurotyipcal bluepilled normies are beyond fucked lmao.
High IQ.

Brutal. Thanks for the high effort post.
Money doesnt make me happy.
I don't think anything will make anyone "happy" forever. It's impossible. Schopenhauer understood this perfectly.

Life is suffering. The only thing you can do is minimize suffering, (and be bored) take drugs, cope, orgasm, play games etc. to temproarily suspend your boredom and suffering with a dopamine high.

That being said the "will" or the biological programming to seek a state of non suffering, to seek dopamine highs, and to reproduce like a fucking virus is the cause of more suffering. Just look at heroin addicts, completely stuck in suffering because of constant dopamine chasing. Your body literally forces you to do crazy shit like working 30 hours because you get paper to buy drugs or nutting inside of evil women so you can get your rocks off and then be forced to live with a foid and endure the sin of raising a wageslave as a father.

normies aren't aware of this they just go from action to action. Neurodivergents are aware. Asceticism and minimizing suffering is key. Using your brain to stop the will from forcing you to chase stupid shit, work long hours, and cause more suffering on you for a small dopamine spike is an honorable thing.

let go of the chase, minimize suffering, and perhaps pick up art or intellectual pursuits as that seems to be the best and most satisfying cope with life for neurodivergents. It's a near godlike experience to be able to see the big picture of life and create beautiful art.

Chrome geFANYPAxy
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I don't think anything will make anyone "happy" forever. It's impossible. Schopenhauer understood this perfectly.

Life is suffering. The only thing you can do is minimize suffering, (and be bored) take drugs, cope, orgasm, play games etc. to temproarily suspend your boredom and suffering with a dopamine high.

That being said the "will" or the biological programming to seek a state of non suffering and to reproduce like a fucking virus is the cause of more suffering. Your body literally forces you to do crazy shit like working 30 hours because you get paper to buy drugs or nutting inside of evil women so you can get your rocks off and then be forced to live with a foid and endure the sin of raising a wageslave as a father.

normies aren't aware of this they just go from action to action. Neurodivergents are aware. Asceticism and minimizing suffering is key. Using your brain to stop the will from forcing you to chase stupid shit, work long hours, and cause more suffering on you for a small dopamine spike is an honorable thing.

View attachment 1199518
Schopenhauer and Aristotle.
Gods among men.
watar things are already known
I mean, I really can't talk, because I am very invested into collecting vinyl, but it seems that the vast majority of normies have integrated their existence into satisfaction from physical things, money etc. Therefore, equating their lives to be quite useless.
I mean, I really can't talk, because I am very invested into collecting vinyl, but it seems that the vast majority of normies have integrated their existence into satisfaction from physical things, money etc. Therefore, equating their lives to be quite useless.
I think for most people their lives are useless. They just had good ways to forget that. Gen Z can't even afford to forget that they were born into a thresher, most of them can't socialize their nihilism away they live in soulless inner cities, they can't buy themselves a ton of random shit, the neurotypicals are too stupid to get nerdsniped or study abstract concepts all day like us, they're just left to face the facts of life (take drugs and kill themselves) or frantically grasp at previously available coping mechanisms (make money and looksmaxx to become betabux)
i felt anger reading this post because of how true it is.

pin worthy TBH
I think for most people their lives are useless. They just had good ways to forget that. Gen Z can't even afford to forget that they were born into a thresher, most of them can't socialize their nihilism away they live in soulless inner cities, they can't buy themselves a ton of random shit, the neurotypicals are too stupid to get nerdsniped or study abstract concepts all day like us, they're just left to face the facts of life (take drugs and kill themselves) or frantically grasp at previously available coping mechanisms (make money and looksmaxx to become betabux)
Yeah, when they aren't wasting their lives with self-destructive copes like getting high, and watching TV all day like a bunch of degenerates, they then adapt the mindset that consumerism and consuming will solve their existential crisis that only arose when they took on the nihilistic beliefs that were enforced upon them as society as gospel. All they effectively do is consume, like locusts. And breed more normies, that have nothing to offer.

One of the most infamous members of the WEF spoke about this phenomenon.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkYWwWAXgKI&pp=ygUbbm9haCBoYXJyYXJpIGRydWdzIGNvbXB1dGVy
Quality post.
Normie/BB uselessness has been explored but the connection to zoomer materialism was never made.
JFL Spiritual compat is lowest of all in all the columns. What a joke.
And that spike for delaying marriage for Gen x to Mills, and then again to Z. Mills are 30s at the youngest now. I think it was a fucking wall for the younger cohort, with the older mills being generally like their X-er fore-bearers.
There are a multitude of factors for this, expenses are much higher and the spending power of the dollar is totally inflated away, wages and job availability isn't all that good either even if you graduated.
I mean, this just means a slow return to betabuxx domination. Which is largely how sub-8 men reproduced historically.
Gen-z isn't special in this. In many ways zoomers are exactly like boomers.
Gen Z has become the most materialistic generation compared to previous generations.

There are a multitude of factors for this, expenses are much higher and the spending power of the dollar is totally inflated away, wages and job availability isn't all that good either even if you graduated.

But what studies don't mention, the biggest factor, is the blackpill. In a 2023 study done by Northwest mutual, Gen Z was found to be the generation to prefer "financial compatibility" (men to make more money) more than any previous generation. Millenials, gen x, boomers, etc.

View attachment 1199487

Gen Z is also the first generation to have more than 10% say they postponed getting married because of financial uncertainty - compared to boomers who didn't care at all (they had it so easy JFL)

View attachment 1199489

It's also very obvious that "dating" among normies in Gen Z is seen as "the most transactional process" compared to how normies viewed dating in the past. You have awful memes like the "i'm looking for a man in finance, trust fund, 6'5, blue eyes" and "if he wanted to he would" going around on tiktok.

Blackpill is hitting Gen Z. It is law that foids are really only attracted to the top 10%-20% of men. The rest they see as paypigs and attention giving machines and mules. They are okay with fucking some of these men, the ones they are not okay with fucking are incels. That's us. ghosts in the eyes of women.

There used to be unspoken rules that prevented foids from being retarded. There was slutshaming, religious values, men used to take the lead and say "we know what's best for society" and give their daughters to men they only approved of. Sex outside of marriage wasn't even a THING. The whole interaction was only seen as the act of making children and creating a family, a slightly painful process that required effort in order to bring more life into this world. children. Didn't matter if the man or woman liked each other that much or not.

Now chads and foids are raised to believe sexual gratification is the whole purpose of men and women coming together, Uncontrolled hypergamy combined with women in the workforce doing bullshit jobs like product manager has created a society where EVEN THE NORMIES can't compete with chad anymore.

View attachment 1199493

Normies always say shit like "just work hard and get money bro no woman wants a brokie" and "men age like fine wine women love to (settle) for older men with money (after a homeless chad fucked them for years and left them with a baby)".

But as women make more money, they choose to stay at home, chase chads on their iphone, and live it up. They DON'T "need" normies anymore. Normies have turned into men that give them attention and free dates and validation from tinder. They don't need to fuck them to get paid. They don't need to pretend to be interested in them to stay alive.

nevermind the obvious fact that men are the ones paying them to work at businesses owned by men, the infrastructure they use is supported and owned by men, the shitty starbucks cups they throw away are picked up by men so the streets are clean when they walk to chads apartment.

This phenomenon is why normies are freaking the fuck out. It's why they ONLY want to make money and stack that cash. by ANY. MEANS. NECESSARY. It's why grifters like andrew tate and looksmaxxing youtubers can prey on gen Z normies and COLLECT millions of dollars on their desperation.

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View attachment 1199500
They are coping so bad. They have this inability to swallow the blackpill because they can't accept that women really would rather fuck chad and live single than enter a dead bedroom betabuxx marriage just because normies have money. That's why so many of Gen Z is doing this open relationship bullshit. They don't do it by choice, they HAVE to let chad fuck their wife while they pay for everything because it's the only way they can have their weekly sex with "THE WIFE".

JFL :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: I don't even have a conclusion for any of this. They are just fucked, I don't know what happens next from here, maybe we will enter a soyciety like south korea/japan and put on VR headsets to nut inside of dolls, maybe more normies kill themselves, who knows. It was over for me from the day embryogenesis happened. It just took me 20 years of neurodivergent pattern recognition and blackpill knowledge to accept that I can't escape my genes and bone structure. Neurotyipcal bluepilled normies are beyond fucked lmao.
They don’t have the based erenyeager genes.
Everyone who's not chad or stacy has to cope one way or another. This is just one outlet to channel their need and desire to alleviate their unhappiness. Most people will feel some level of dissatisfaction with the state of their life and try to address those insecurities and self doubts.
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please collapse already
I have tons of money and I’m still incel and single and have no friends you filthy gentiles this is your fault
Saar please send $4000 a month please. Thanks saar
Gen Z has become the most materialistic generation compared to previous generations.

There are a multitude of factors for this, expenses are much higher and the spending power of the dollar is totally inflated away, wages and job availability isn't all that good either even if you graduated.

But what studies don't mention, the biggest factor, is the blackpill. In a 2023 study done by Northwest mutual, Gen Z was found to be the generation to prefer "financial compatibility" (men to make more money) more than any previous generation. Millenials, gen x, boomers, etc.

View attachment 1199487

Gen Z is also the first generation to have more than 10% say they postponed getting married because of financial uncertainty - compared to boomers who didn't care at all (they had it so easy JFL)

View attachment 1199489

It's also very obvious that "dating" among normies in Gen Z is seen as "the most transactional process" compared to how normies viewed dating in the past. You have awful memes like the "i'm looking for a man in finance, trust fund, 6'5, blue eyes" and "if he wanted to he would" going around on tiktok.

Blackpill is hitting Gen Z. It is law that foids are really only attracted to the top 10%-20% of men. The rest they see as paypigs and attention giving machines and mules. They are okay with fucking some of these men, the ones they are not okay with fucking are incels. That's us. ghosts in the eyes of women.

There used to be unspoken rules that prevented foids from being retarded. There was slutshaming, religious values, men used to take the lead and say "we know what's best for society" and give their daughters to men they only approved of. Sex outside of marriage wasn't even a THING. The whole interaction was only seen as the act of making children and creating a family, a slightly painful process that required effort in order to bring more life into this world. children. Didn't matter if the man or woman liked each other that much or not.

Now chads and foids are raised to believe sexual gratification is the whole purpose of men and women coming together, Uncontrolled hypergamy combined with women in the workforce doing bullshit jobs like product manager has created a society where EVEN THE NORMIES can't compete with chad anymore.

View attachment 1199493

Normies always say shit like "just work hard and get money bro no woman wants a brokie" and "men age like fine wine women love to (settle) for older men with money (after a homeless chad fucked them for years and left them with a baby)".

But as women make more money, they choose to stay at home, chase chads on their iphone, and live it up. They DON'T "need" normies anymore. Normies have turned into men that give them attention and free dates and validation from tinder. They don't need to fuck them to get paid. They don't need to pretend to be interested in them to stay alive.

nevermind the obvious fact that men are the ones paying them to work at businesses owned by men, the infrastructure they use is supported and owned by men, the shitty starbucks cups they throw away are picked up by men so the streets are clean when they walk to chads apartment.

This phenomenon is why normies are freaking the fuck out. It's why they ONLY want to make money and stack that cash. by ANY. MEANS. NECESSARY. It's why grifters like andrew tate and looksmaxxing youtubers can prey on gen Z normies and COLLECT millions of dollars on their desperation.

View attachment 1199494
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View attachment 1199500
They are coping so bad. They have this inability to swallow the blackpill because they can't accept that women really would rather fuck chad and live single than enter a dead bedroom betabuxx marriage just because normies have money. That's why so many of Gen Z is doing this open relationship bullshit. They don't do it by choice, they HAVE to let chad fuck their wife while they pay for everything because it's the only way they can have their weekly sex with "THE WIFE".

JFL :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: I don't even have a conclusion for any of this. They are just fucked, I don't know what happens next from here, maybe we will enter a soyciety like south korea/japan and put on VR headsets to nut inside of dolls, maybe more normies kill themselves, who knows. It was over for me from the day embryogenesis happened. It just took me 20 years of neurodivergent pattern recognition and blackpill knowledge to accept that I can't escape my genes and bone structure. Neurotyipcal bluepilled normies are beyond fucked lmao.
Rally a good post
GG Gray
Gen Z has become the most materialistic generation compared to previous generations.

There are a multitude of factors for this, expenses are much higher and the spending power of the dollar is totally inflated away, wages and job availability isn't all that good either even if you graduated.

But what studies don't mention, the biggest factor, is the blackpill. In a 2023 study done by Northwest mutual, Gen Z was found to be the generation to prefer "financial compatibility" (men to make more money) more than any previous generation. Millenials, gen x, boomers, etc.

View attachment 1199487

Gen Z is also the first generation to have more than 10% say they postponed getting married because of financial uncertainty - compared to boomers who didn't care at all (they had it so easy JFL)

View attachment 1199489

It's also very obvious that "dating" among normies in Gen Z is seen as "the most transactional process" compared to how normies viewed dating in the past. You have awful memes like the "i'm looking for a man in finance, trust fund, 6'5, blue eyes" and "if he wanted to he would" going around on tiktok.

Blackpill is hitting Gen Z. It is law that foids are really only attracted to the top 10%-20% of men. The rest they see as paypigs and attention giving machines and mules. They are okay with fucking some of these men, the ones they are not okay with fucking are incels. That's us. ghosts in the eyes of women.

There used to be unspoken rules that prevented foids from being retarded. There was slutshaming, religious values, men used to take the lead and say "we know what's best for society" and give their daughters to men they only approved of. Sex outside of marriage wasn't even a THING. The whole interaction was only seen as the act of making children and creating a family, a slightly painful process that required effort in order to bring more life into this world. children. Didn't matter if the man or woman liked each other that much or not.

Now chads and foids are raised to believe sexual gratification is the whole purpose of men and women coming together, Uncontrolled hypergamy combined with women in the workforce doing bullshit jobs like product manager has created a society where EVEN THE NORMIES can't compete with chad anymore.

View attachment 1199493

Normies always say shit like "just work hard and get money bro no woman wants a brokie" and "men age like fine wine women love to (settle) for older men with money (after a homeless chad fucked them for years and left them with a baby)".

But as women make more money, they choose to stay at home, chase chads on their iphone, and live it up. They DON'T "need" normies anymore. Normies have turned into men that give them attention and free dates and validation from tinder. They don't need to fuck them to get paid. They don't need to pretend to be interested in them to stay alive.

nevermind the obvious fact that men are the ones paying them to work at businesses owned by men, the infrastructure they use is supported and owned by men, the shitty starbucks cups they throw away are picked up by men so the streets are clean when they walk to chads apartment.

This phenomenon is why normies are freaking the fuck out. It's why they ONLY want to make money and stack that cash. by ANY. MEANS. NECESSARY. It's why grifters like andrew tate and looksmaxxing youtubers can prey on gen Z normies and COLLECT millions of dollars on their desperation.

View attachment 1199494
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View attachment 1199500
They are coping so bad. They have this inability to swallow the blackpill because they can't accept that women really would rather fuck chad and live single than enter a dead bedroom betabuxx marriage just because normies have money. That's why so many of Gen Z is doing this open relationship bullshit. They don't do it by choice, they HAVE to let chad fuck their wife while they pay for everything because it's the only way they can have their weekly sex with "THE WIFE".

JFL :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: I don't even have a conclusion for any of this. They are just fucked, I don't know what happens next from here, maybe we will enter a soyciety like south korea/japan and put on VR headsets to nut inside of dolls, maybe more normies kill themselves, who knows. It was over for me from the day embryogenesis happened. It just took me 20 years of neurodivergent pattern recognition and blackpill knowledge to accept that I can't escape my genes and bone structure. Neurotyipcal bluepilled normies are beyond fucked lmao.
@Fat Link PIN in must ready?
High IQ post. Incels need to create their own parallel society.
Gen Z aren't more materialist, maybe Gen Z foids are, but they are more solipsistic and sociopathic. Like people forget how materialistic boomers are, who even kick their kids so they can save money for another vacation in the Bahamas.
I don't think anything will make anyone "happy" forever. It's impossible. Schopenhauer understood this perfectly.

Life is suffering. The only thing you can do is minimize suffering, (and be bored) take drugs, cope, orgasm, play games etc. to temproarily suspend your boredom and suffering with a dopamine high.

That being said the "will" or the biological programming to seek a state of non suffering, to seek dopamine highs, and to reproduce like a fucking virus is the cause of more suffering. Just look at heroin addicts, completely stuck in suffering because of constant dopamine chasing. Your body literally forces you to do crazy shit like working 30 hours because you get paper to buy drugs or nutting inside of evil women so you can get your rocks off and then be forced to live with a foid and endure the sin of raising a wageslave as a father.

normies aren't aware of this they just go from action to action. Neurodivergents are aware. Asceticism and minimizing suffering is key. Using your brain to stop the will from forcing you to chase stupid shit, work long hours, and cause more suffering on you for a small dopamine spike is an honorable thing.

let go of the chase, minimize suffering, and perhaps pick up art or intellectual pursuits as that seems to be the best and most satisfying cope with life for neurodivergents. It's a near godlike experience to be able to see the big picture of life and create beautiful art.

View attachment 1199518
cope chad has a happpy
Everyone who's not chad or stacy has to cope one way or another. This is just one outlet to channel their need and desire to alleviate their unhappiness. Most people will feel some level of dissatisfaction with the state of their life and try to address those insecurities and self doubts.
cope chad has a happpy
nah man life is futile and a hedonic treadmill even if you spend all your time taking drugs and nutting inside women all day. Hard for us to imagine but there's a reason chad still copes with random bullshit. It's just worse for us because we'll never know what that feels like. If we did spend all our lives trying to attain that, thinking it "cures" life. Then faced the same state of unfulfillment we had before attaining it we'd probably have an existential crisis.

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