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LifeFuel Future advancements in anti-aging



Feb 16, 2019
Whenever I feel down about the agepill, I just remind myself that eventually, everyone will be able to look like highschoolers forever if they choose to do so. Eventually, science may be able to eliminate the agepill once and for all.

Not only would this give us a chance to experience what we never got to experience again, this would satisfy the guys here that want to experience JB love (since everyone can be young for as long as they want, a 150 year old girl who still looks like a cute highschool girl would absolutely be legal).
Only the rich could get that technology most likely
I read Silicon Valley bullshit about extreme life extension and shit. I don't really believe it. Look at the world today, and how wonderous people thought it would be even 20 years ago. Technology is not improving as fast as people seem to believe. Computers get faster, graphics get better, but shit doesn't actually change that much.
Gigacope. Even if this were to happen(it won't within our lifetimes), and for the technology to become widely available, it would just mean that the planet would quickly lose the capacity to support our population. The elite wouldn't allow it to happen tbh.
Only the rich could get that technology most likely
Not if it's cheap to produce. If it's easy to produce then everyone would be able to afford it.

Gigacope. Even if this were to happen(it won't within our lifetimes), and for the technology to become widely available, it would just mean that the planet would quickly lose the capacity to support our population. The elite wouldn't allow it to happen tbh.
You would see a lot less people reproducing in first world countries. Also, people would still die for a variety of reasons, getting old just wouldn't be one of those reasons.
sorry, it's never going to happen in our lifetimes
sorry, it's never going to happen in our lifetimes
That's fine, just stick yourself in a goddamn freezer and hope they'll thaw you out if that's the case.
Some of you here who are seriously considering roping should at least give cryonic freezing a try. It wouldn't hurt to see if you would wake up in the future from being cryonically frozen. You were going to kill yourselves anyway, weren't you?
Maybe under actual communism. Sadly in this political system most resources are distributed towards consumerist bullshit to increase shareholder value. Le """free""" marketplace of ideas. Tons of human potential is also unused in the lesser developped parts of the world for the same reason.
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That's fine, just stick yourself in a goddamn freezer and hope they'll thaw you out if that's the case.
Some of you here who are seriously considering roping should at least give cryonic freezing a try. It wouldn't hurt to see if you would wake up in the future from being cryonically frozen. You were going to kill yourselves anyway, weren't you?

freezing destroys all cells, lmao

go freeze a banana then thaw it
Sadly in this political system most resources are distributed towards consumerist bullshit to satisfy the short-term greed of the elite.
Yeah, every communist state ever was definitely not like that.
I know this is absolutely turbo-normalfag advice, but you guys should be a little more optimistic for technology. I think that technology will be a huge game-changer for us. Yes, it will be expensive at first, but that's expected with ALL new technology. When capitalism works its magic and competition among different companies causes the technology to be produced for CHEAPER and BETTER with time, I guarantee it will be affordable to everyone eventually.

You also have to realize that there would be a good incentive to keep everyone young and capable. If everyone was young forever, then they would be of working age forever. Seriously, why would there not be a good reason for keeping everyone capable of working forever?

freezing destroys all cells, lmao

go freeze a banana then thaw it
It's not literally freezing, the technology is way more sophisticated than that. Low IQ post tbh.
It's not literally freezing, the technology is way more sophisticated than that. Low IQ post tbh.

Why, because you saw it in a shitty tom cruise movie from the 90s?

Liquid nitrogen at -196°C is not going to flash-freeze a head to the centre, any more than a deep fryer set to 200°C will flash-defrost something frozen dropped into it. It takes minutes, crystals will form, cells will break, proteins will denature.

Freezing organs recoverably. (We already do this routinely with embryos and there's good work, though little success as yet, on freezing and recovering organs. It attracts lots of cryobiology funding.)

Fixing the freezing damage to the original frozen brain. The dendrites (10,000 connections for each of the 100 billion neurons — that's 1015 dendrites to check) are cracked badly by the freezing process — "acoustic fracturing events," like when you drop an ice cube into a drink. What is the process for fixing a frozen brain that's cracked into several or hundreds of pieces, with dendrites shattered at a microscopic level? This is a problem even with vitrification.[21]

The damage may not be mappable, let alone repairable. Damaging energies are required to scan at 5 nm resolutions, where things start going quantum.[22]

Reattaching a severed head or transplanting the brain.

Alternately: reading the patterns from the original brain and writing those to the cloned brain (uploading and downloading minds). Cryonicists speak of mind-uploading as if it's a mere technical detail that's just around the corner, rather than something that we don't even know can be meaningfully discussed.

The cryopreservatives that prevent ice crystal damage are themselves toxic and would need to be removed from the tissues. (This is really a pretty minor problem compared to everything else listed herein.)

Cryonics needs to preserve a high proportion of the mind if it is to live up to its promise. But what is an acceptable threshold? A typical stroke patient loses ~5% of their brain (over 10% in some severe strokes).[23] A severe stroke can be associated with loss of large chunks of personality and memory and the sufferer is frequently severely disabled afterwards, although stroke victims are still considered to be the same person (occupying the same body and all that). For comparison, an adult naturally loses up to 0.5% of their brain volume every year.[24] For another comparison, hemispherectomy, removing half a person's brain (as pioneered by everyone's favourite neurosurgeon[25]) is survivable with, thanks to neuroplasticity, surprisingly tolerable effects on memory, personality and cognitive function, particularly in young children.[26] Of course, there is at present no evidence that cryonics preserves more than 0%.
Once you've fixed the body's cells and the brain paths, you have a recovered corpse. Your next task is to resurrect the dead.

I think that technology will be a huge game-changer for us.
Technology has already been a game changer for us, it's just made it worse. We're lower than ever before and are under constant surveillance and targeted advertising. I don't believe other technology will necessarily be better.
Also, people would still die for a variety of reasons, getting old just wouldn't be one of those reasons.
agreed. Did they mention people could still die of diseases, murder, hit by a Mac truck, hunger. It's like sealing just a few, of many holes in a sinking boat. The boat will sink a little slower, but it will still sink, eventually.
If you become crippled or lose your faculties, or sex drive, would you really want to live forever?
the only shape that antiaging is going to take in our lifetimes, is that lots of 35 year old women with vocal fry, will publically inject themselves with the life extension serum outside, on public transport, etc, and loudly complain online about getting dirty looks from less well-off strangers, the way women used to whine about getting dirty looks from poor people for using their iPads in 2010
the only shape that antiaging is going to take in our lifetimes, is that lots of 35 year old women with vocal fry, will publically inject themselves with the life extension serum outside, on public transport, etc, and loudly complain online about getting dirty looks from less well-off strangers, the way women used to whine about getting dirty looks from poor people for using their iPads in 2010

All these posts boil down to:

"Let's all become chad!"

"But the chad label is based on being being in the top few % of good looking guys. Current chads will just become the new incel"
Femoids and chads are going to abuse that so your condition will be the same, sadly.
All these posts boil down to:

"Let's all become chad!"

"But the chad label is based on being being in the top few % of good looking guys. Current chads will just become the new incel"
i just don't see it becoming anything more than an expensive scam with very weak effects in our lifetime. basically a status symbol.
as a commercial product, just the way the iPad 1 used to be, with the hype and disposability and crummy little 'class divisions' where some people have a shitty tablet and some don't.

i mean, men aren't giving themselves expensive baby foreskin facials to look 1% younger, women are. i don't see this changing anytime soon. women will inject gradually more expensive and complex stem cell solutions into various parts of their body, delaying aging by several imperceptible percentages. men will continue to rot or invest into their hobbies, audiophile equipment, etc.
Why, because you saw it in a shitty tom cruise movie from the 90s?

Liquid nitrogen at -196°C is not going to flash-freeze a head to the centre, any more than a deep fryer set to 200°C will flash-defrost something frozen dropped into it. It takes minutes, crystals will form, cells will break, proteins will denature.

Freezing organs recoverably. (We already do this routinely with embryos and there's good work, though little success as yet, on freezing and recovering organs. It attracts lots of cryobiology funding.)

Fixing the freezing damage to the original frozen brain. The dendrites (10,000 connections for each of the 100 billion neurons — that's 1015 dendrites to check) are cracked badly by the freezing process — "acoustic fracturing events," like when you drop an ice cube into a drink. What is the process for fixing a frozen brain that's cracked into several or hundreds of pieces, with dendrites shattered at a microscopic level? This is a problem even with vitrification.[21]

The damage may not be mappable, let alone repairable. Damaging energies are required to scan at 5 nm resolutions, where things start going quantum.[22]

Reattaching a severed head or transplanting the brain.

Alternately: reading the patterns from the original brain and writing those to the cloned brain (uploading and downloading minds). Cryonicists speak of mind-uploading as if it's a mere technical detail that's just around the corner, rather than something that we don't even know can be meaningfully discussed.

The cryopreservatives that prevent ice crystal damage are themselves toxic and would need to be removed from the tissues. (This is really a pretty minor problem compared to everything else listed herein.)

Cryonics needs to preserve a high proportion of the mind if it is to live up to its promise. But what is an acceptable threshold? A typical stroke patient loses ~5% of their brain (over 10% in some severe strokes).[23] A severe stroke can be associated with loss of large chunks of personality and memory and the sufferer is frequently severely disabled afterwards, although stroke victims are still considered to be the same person (occupying the same body and all that). For comparison, an adult naturally loses up to 0.5% of their brain volume every year.[24] For another comparison, hemispherectomy, removing half a person's brain (as pioneered by everyone's favourite neurosurgeon[25]) is survivable with, thanks to neuroplasticity, surprisingly tolerable effects on memory, personality and cognitive function, particularly in young children.[26] Of course, there is at present no evidence that cryonics preserves more than 0%.
Once you've fixed the body's cells and the brain paths, you have a recovered corpse. Your next task is to resurrect the dead.

I think you're ignoring the fact that there is a lot of room for improvement with this technology. Just because the technology isn't exactly that good now, doesn't mean it can't be better in the future.

Also, despite what this article that you ripped from rationalwiki™ says, losing brain matter doesn't equate to losing an individual. With technology in the future that is able to repair the brain, this point is pretty moot. Sure, maybe the technology is shit at preserving the brain now, but the same cannot be said in, say, 10, 20, 50, or even a 100 years later. And even if the neurites are all severed, it is possible technology will be able to re-connect all of them in the future and effectively reverse almost all damage.
Yeah, every communist state ever was definitely not like that.

Well we had mostly (semi)socialist democratic centralism so far, which achieved gigantic steps forward compared to the situations before, developed the lower classes and set a broad foundation instead of engaging in consumerism. Sadly it was simply not strong enough in its comparatively juvenile phase to compete with the global hegemonic system and its seeming abundance.

In the cases it happened the elite was comparatively small and the scale of consumerism in no way comparable.
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I know this is absolutely turbo-normalfag advice, but you guys should be a little more optimistic for technology. I think that technology will be a huge game-changer for us. Yes, it will be expensive at first, but that's expected with ALL new technology. When capitalism works its magic and competition among different companies causes the technology to be produced for CHEAPER and BETTER with time, I guarantee it will be affordable to everyone eventually.

You also have to realize that there would be a good incentive to keep everyone young and capable. If everyone was young forever, then they would be of working age forever. Seriously, why would there not be a good reason for keeping everyone capable of working forever?
Also, despite what this article that you ripped from rationalwiki™ says, losing brain matter doesn't equate to losing an individual. With technology in the future that is able to repair the brain, this point is pretty moot. Sure, maybe the technology is shit at preserving the brain now, but the same cannot be said in, say, 10, 20, 50, or even a 100 years later. And even if the neurites are all severed, it is possible technology will be able to re-connect all of them in the future and effectively reverse almost all damage.
Thing is, even if there might be a way to entirely prevent or at least reverse cellular aging, there are still other problems. For one, I think it's not an unreasonable claim to state that our brains probably can't hold an infinite amount of information, as suggesting that they could, well it would seem to be entirely divorced from reality.

While nobody knows what might happen if we reached some sort of storage capacity, I think there are some reasonable guesses which could be made. For one, you'd likely forget your oldest and least relevant memories first. As the process continued, more and more could be lost. Without your past experiences, could you really say that your existence would continue? Once you realize that words like "I" or "you" are referring to the current perceptions and past experiences that make up an individual, it becomes clear that losing these(or drastically changing them) will more or less replace the current individual with a new one.

Keep in mind that this is only one potential problem, and it's a big one.
Technology has already been a game changer for us, it's just made it worse.
I mostly agree, even if we got a disease or something, in the past that would be it. You can't suffer from nonexistence, yet modern medicine makes it possible to experience the pain of death multiple times throughout life, and for what? So we can continue to live lives as incels?
I think you're ignoring the fact that there is a lot of room for improvement with this technology. Just because the technology isn't exactly that good now, doesn't mean it can't be better in the future.

Also, despite what this article that you ripped from rationalwiki™ says, losing brain matter doesn't equate to losing an individual. With technology in the future that is able to repair the brain, this point is pretty moot. Sure, maybe the technology is shit at preserving the brain now, but the same cannot be said in, say, 10, 20, 50, or even a 100 years later. And even if the neurites are all severed, it is possible technology will be able to re-connect all of them in the future and effectively reverse almost all damage.

you said try getting frozen now

they can't even cryo freeze fruit without damage

they've never even successfully cryogenic ally frozen a single organ

go stick your finger in some liquid nitrogen and see what happens

lay off the shitty science fiction movies
I think you're ignoring the fact that there is a lot of room for improvement with this technology. Just because the technology isn't exactly that good now, doesn't mean it can't be better in the future.

Also, despite what this article that you ripped from rationalwiki™ says, losing brain matter doesn't equate to losing an individual. With technology in the future that is able to repair the brain, this point is pretty moot. Sure, maybe the technology is shit at preserving the brain now, but the same cannot be said in, say, 10, 20, 50, or even a 100 years later. And even if the neurites are all severed, it is possible technology will be able to re-connect all of them in the future and effectively reverse almost all damage.
okay, technology may continue to make great and unpredictable leaps. that's fine. it just seems ridiculous though to think about these two points:
a) that the increasing flood of pajeets, cheaters and rentseekers just trying to make a buck in academia will invent or at least stumble into these technologies anytime in this millenium
b) that future society has absolutely nothing better to do than to spend money and (ever more limited?) resources on resurrecting ancient humans from the ground up. when they will most likely be dealing with resource shortages and manpower shortages and overwhelming pollution and all sorts of bullshit

better hope that people are mining asteroids and colonizing dozens of planets in the near future, all while participating in an incredible political system that handles that scale of human activity without turmoil and war. because you need nothing less than that for widespread cryonics to be realistic.
okay, technology may continue to make great and unpredictable leaps. that's fine. it just seems ridiculous though to think about these two points:
a) that the increasing flood of pajeets, cheaters and rentseekers just trying to make a buck in academia will invent or at least stumble into these technologies anytime in this millenium
b) that future society has absolutely nothing better to do than to spend money and (ever more limited?) resources on resurrecting ancient humans from the ground up. when they will most likely be dealing with resource shortages and manpower shortages and overwhelming pollution and all sorts of bullshit

better hope that people are mining asteroids and colonizing dozens of planets in the near future, all while participating in an incredible political system that handles that scale of human activity without turmoil and war. because you need nothing less than that for widespread cryonics to be realistic.

peter thiel and some google faggots put a lot of money into anti aging
i've been following it for years and no one has discovered jack shit. not a single god damn thing

Only the rich could get that technology most likely

Which is why wealthmaxxing is always a good path, If possible I would like to have myself cryogenically frozen, by the time I'm 60 the technology for that would have made decent headway, maybe I'll survive the freezing and thawing process
peter thiel and some google faggots put a lot of money into anti aging
i've been following it for years and no one has discovered jack shit. not a single god damn thing

people are just dumb or posers or dumb posers these days. it's no surprise that there isn't a single smart heroic figure to make revolutionary discoveries.
discoveries have always been 80/20 as fuck and that 20 is long gone, people only move a muscle nowadays if someone gives them money for it or direct approval and a pat on the head. absent those things they will just jack off and eat sugar until they die.
Technology is the most likely candidate to destroy humanity.
As for defeating aging, we have evolved to grow old and die. It's not a bug, it's a feature. Would be nice if we found a way to stop/reverse aging, but with our luck we'll probably be the last generation to die and be laughed at by those first to benefit from anti-aging treatments.
what i'm trying to say is, you need to go against the grain and suffer to make a real discovery.
people won't give you money or pats on the head when you do that. they want you to do what they want to do and follow in their footsteps. then you'll get all the money and head pats you need.

combined with the fact that research and development is now more expensive than it's ever been and usually carried out by giant groupthink government funded groups, becoming a classical brilliant iconoclastic scientist figure might actually be impossible.
people are just dumb or posers or dumb posers these days. it's no surprise that there isn't a single smart heroic figure to make revolutionary discoveries.
discoveries have always been 80/20 as fuck and that 20 is long gone, people only move a muscle nowadays if someone gives them money for it or direct approval and a pat on the head. absent those things they will just jack off and eat sugar until they die.

if you want some good doom porn, google how global IQ is decreasing
if you want some good doom porn, google how global IQ is decreasing
it was decided on 1945 what we'll be doing until the end of time, avoid anything to do with eugenics and be altruistic, helpful and focused on sob stories to the point of openly and aggressively encouraging dysgenics. them's the breaks.
Thing is, even if there might be a way to entirely prevent or at least reverse cellular aging, there are still other problems. For one, I think it's not an unreasonable claim to state that our brains probably can't hold an infinite amount of information, as suggesting that they could, well it would seem to be entirely divorced from reality.

While nobody knows what might happen if we reached some sort of storage capacity, I think there are some reasonable guesses which could be made. For one, you'd likely forget your oldest and least relevant memories first. As the process continued, more and more could be lost. Without your past experiences, could you really say that your existence would continue? Once you realize that words like "I" or "you" are referring to the current perceptions and past experiences that make up an individual, it becomes clear that losing these(or drastically changing them) will more or less replace the current individual with a new one.

Keep in mind that this is only one potential problem, and it's a big one.

I mostly agree, even if we got a disease or something, in the past that would be it. You can't suffer from nonexistence, yet modern medicine makes it possible to experience the pain of death multiple times throughout life, and for what? So we can continue to live lives as incels?
Good lord. Can we have a discussion like this without it devolving into everyone having an existential crisis? We've been over this many times.
It's a chance, and that's all that matters. A chance to make things right, and a chance to experience what we never experienced. You guys are demoralized as hell, and it's sad to see how badly this asshole society got to your heads.

you said try getting frozen now

they can't even cryo freeze fruit without damage

they've never even successfully cryogenic ally frozen a single organ

go stick your finger in some liquid nitrogen and see what happens

lay off the shitty science fiction movies
Not really, but whatever. I'll let you have this one though.
I really meant that if you don't think you'll be around when these advances happen, at least wait until cryo technology improves and then give that a try.

okay, technology may continue to make great and unpredictable leaps. that's fine. it just seems ridiculous though to think about these two points:
a) that the increasing flood of pajeets, cheaters and rentseekers just trying to make a buck in academia will invent or at least stumble into these technologies anytime in this millenium
b) that future society has absolutely nothing better to do than to spend money and (ever more limited?) resources on resurrecting ancient humans from the ground up. when they will most likely be dealing with resource shortages and manpower shortages and overwhelming pollution and all sorts of bullshit

better hope that people are mining asteroids and colonizing dozens of planets in the near future, all while participating in an incredible political system that handles that scale of human activity without turmoil and war. because you need nothing less than that for widespread cryonics to be realistic.
True. These are valid points. However:
a) There are some promising technologies today that will (hopefully) buy us enough time to see such advances in our lifetimes to allow us to be around when it is possible to live forever. If we can get our shit sorted out and stop society from collapsing, it would be very much a possibility that these advances would take place.
b) I don't think it will require hardly any resources to resurrect us. And by then, if they were an intelligent and advanced society, they should have either expanded outwards into space or have found far more efficient ways to utilize resources, effectively giving them a surplus of resources and making everyone really wealthy. I would hope that society would ideally improve with technology like this, but of course, things don't always work out perfectly. It would still be worth giving cryo freezing a try though.
Whenever I feel down about the agepill, I just remind myself that eventually, everyone will be able to look like highschoolers forever if they choose to do so. Eventually, science may be able to eliminate the agepill once and for all.

Not only would this give us a chance to experience what we never got to experience again, this would satisfy the guys here that want to experience JB love (since everyone can be young for as long as they want, a 150 year old girl who still looks like a cute highschool girl would absolutely be legal).
My aging genetics arent too bad
Good lord. Can we have a discussion like this without it devolving into everyone having an existential crisis? We've been over this many times.
It's a chance, and that's all that matters. A chance to make things right, and a chance to experience what we never experienced. You guys are demoralized as hell, and it's sad to see how badly this asshole society got to your heads.
It's not an existential crisis, or rather, at least it isn't for me. This type of thinking doesn't bother me, I actually find it comforting. However the point I'm trying to make here is that infinitely prolonging your existence is impossible, and the primary reason for this that the proposition itself relies on a false premise. As far as I can ascertain, the notion entirely misses the point.
Good lord. Can we have a discussion like this without it devolving into everyone having an existential crisis? We've been over this many times.
It's a chance, and that's all that matters. A chance to make things right, and a chance to experience what we never experienced. You guys are demoralized as hell, and it's sad to see how badly this asshole society got to your heads.

Not really, but whatever. I'll let you have this one though.
I really meant that if you don't think you'll be around when these advances happen, at least wait until cryo technology improves and then give that a try.

True. These are valid points. However:
a) There are some promising technologies today that will (hopefully) buy us enough time to see such advances in our lifetimes to allow us to be around when it is possible to live forever. If we can get our shit sorted out and stop society from collapsing, it would be very much a possibility that these advances would take place.
b) I don't think it will require hardly any resources to resurrect us. And by then, if they were an intelligent and advanced society, they should have either expanded outwards into space or have found far more efficient ways to utilize resources, effectively giving them a surplus of resources and making everyone really wealthy. I would hope that society would ideally improve with technology like this, but of course, things don't always work out perfectly. It would still be worth giving cryo freezing a try though.

IMO the only thing proven to work is HGH, maybe TRT and a lot of cardiovascular exercise. And HGH is expensive as fuck
Gigacope. Even if this were to happen(it won't within our lifetimes), and for the technology to become widely available, it would just mean that the planet would quickly lose the capacity to support our population. The elite wouldn't allow it to happen tbh.
Maybe this technology already exist and only elite benefits from it
DHEA is said to be a great anti-aging steroid produced in the adrenal glands. There’s conspiracies about the global elite torturing children so that they produce large amounts of it which then dissolve in their blood. They then smear children’s blood on their bodies and drink it.
Easy methods of anti-aging:

  1. take 2ui of pharma grade HGH everyday to supplement your body's own production.
  2. Lift heavy weight. Heavy lifting helps to maintain and increase bone density, releases T, and HGH.
  3. Sauna.
  4. Intermittent fasting.
  5. C60
  6. Get facial bone implants to compensate for facial bone loss.
  7. Get face lift and collagen treatments.
  8. Keep out of the sun.
it's a nice list, but these won't even guarantee you will be a centenary, it's just basic health practices to keep you out of doctor offices and delay looking like shit until you're 40 or so.
not gonna lie, avoiding too much sun, no smoking, minimal alcohol, healthy eating and intermittent fasting has kept my face looking almost the same in my 30s as it was in my late teens.
but i don't expect it to make me a centenary or anything, especially with the awful stress i'm under just from taking in the world around me, it's literally enough to give me heart troubles.

maybe add a few more years if you are absolutely obsessed with supposed life extension supplements like curcumin, resveratrol and rapamycin, if they even do anything at all when you're already fasting and watching what you eat.

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