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Blackpill Fuck you femoids, if i ever die early from my drinking, it will be blood on your hands



Nov 8, 2017
You cause me suffering, you cause me to cope with living this shitty life by consuming alcohol. Fuck you.

All of your insults and bullying back in high school, the rejections, to now = the no responses, the no matches, it has all contributed to it.

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alcohol = facial bloat
They wouldnt care either way.
Why not but thEir blood on youR hands?
i had forgotten how great alcohol was, im into 4th glass of wine in the last hour
i had forgotten how great alcohol was, im into 4th glass of wine in the last hour
it really is a great cope, temporary happiness/ euphoria. Thats why i dont like getting mega drunk and having a shit hangover the next day. I prefer to drink quite a bit to get a good buzz ( with limited next day after effects) to deal with this shitty life.
why not weedmaxx? weed has no hangover stuff and great cope for 4 hours
why not weedmaxx? weed has no hangover stuff and great cope for 4 hours
1. illegal
2. australia has cucked laws....2.1 if you get caught with weed in your system while driving (saliva test - like say if you smoked a joint like 1 day ago and its still in your system, the cucky charges you can receive are heavy, usually a big fine and loss of license for like at least 6 months.)

2.2 i dont really wanna risk it, even though its rare to get caught ( theres more alcohol "checkpoints" than "drug checkpoints" in australia) id really rather not ( knowing my luck) be driving and get waved down to do a drug test, test positive and get an earful from my parents and also possible job loss/ no transport to job.

3. i dont rly know anyone who sells, so i dont bother, and i stick to being an alcoholcel

4. Its easier to drink a shitload of alcohol and know when you are good to drive than smoke a joint and know when you are fine to drive and not get caught
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no the only person to blame for your drinking is you.

no sympathy for those who do drugs and drink.

1. illegal
2. australia has cucked laws....2.1 if you get caught with weed in your system while driving (saliva test - like say if you smoked a joint like 1 day ago and its still in your system, the cucky charges you can receive are heavy, usually a big fine and loss of license for like at least 6 months.)
4. Its easier to drink a shitload of alcohol and know when you are good to drive than smoke a joint and know when you are fine to drive and not get caught
That's the same thing where I used to live. Fuck the laws made by normies, you should do what you want with your body. As long as you use mouth wash and wash your face there's no way they can tell you're high unless you confess to them you smoked. Another thing is the mouth swab tests are voluntary, and you don't have to comply with those road side tests.
That's the same thing where I used to live. Fuck the laws made by normies, you should do what you want with your body. As long as you use mouth wash and wash your face there's no way they can tell you're high unless you confess to them you smoked. Another thing is the mouth swab tests are voluntary, and you don't have to comply with those road side tests.
wtf where do you live?

in australia you have to comply to random alcohol or drug driving tests and if you dont its even harsher penalties than the outcome you would most likely get from that charge.
they couldnt give less of a fuck, figuratively and literally.
wtf where do you live?

in australia you have to comply to random alcohol or drug driving tests and if you dont its even harsher penalties than the outcome you would most likely get from that charge.
This guy refused a breath test in australia
alcohol = facial bloat

I was an actual alcoholic and I can confirm that ACTUAL alcoholism knocks about 3 psl off you after around 3 years of drinking a litre of whiskey every night. Also fucking your liver will in turn fuck your skin
I was an actual alcoholic and I can confirm that ACTUAL alcoholism knocks about 3 psl off you after around 3 years of drinking a litre of whiskey every night. Also fucking your liver will in turn fuck your skin
jesus christ i dont drink that much, man some ppl are on like another level with the ol alcohol it seems
jesus christ i dont drink that much, man some ppl are on like another level with the ol alcohol it seems
I was doing that for years, I had frequent seizures when I tried detoxing. Find another vice man, I can't handle weed but if you can switch it up
1. illegal
2. australia has cucked laws....2.1 if you get caught with weed in your system while driving (saliva test - like say if you smoked a joint like 1 day ago and its still in your system, the cucky charges you can receive are heavy, usually a big fine and loss of license for like at least 6 months.)

2.2 i dont really wanna risk it, even though its rare to get caught ( theres more alcohol "checkpoints" than "drug checkpoints" in australia) id really rather not ( knowing my luck) be driving and get waved down to do a drug test, test positive and get an earful from my parents and also possible job loss/ no transport to job.

3. i dont rly know anyone who sells, so i dont bother, and i stick to being an alcoholcel

4. Its easier to drink a shitload of alcohol and know when you are good to drive than smoke a joint and know when you are fine to drive and not get caught

Why not just smoke and not drive afterwards? It's a bad idea to drive stoned anyways, even if there were 0 checkpoints. It slows your reaction time iirc. What I do is find somewhere to smoke outside (or just out my window if it's cold, but I don't want my neighbors to smell it). It's fairly easy to find a good smoke spot, no matter where you live.
why not weedmaxx? weed has no hangover stuff and great cope for 4 hours
Weed is pretty awesome for the first couple years. Like life-changing. But after you do it long enough and you are doing it every day you kind of just smoke to feel normal then. Alcohol is pretty great but I haven't been on that as long and really, if I overdrink its like Mr Hyde. With weed you'll never have to worry about blacking out for 7-8 hours with no recollection of what was going on; or choking to death on your own vomit (you can induce vomiting with a big enough overdose of THC of course)
I am not feeling well too.I want to draw extreme misogynist toon so badly.

I feel you @PM_ME_STRIPPERS . I try to keep it to weekends, so I end up counting down the hours until Friday then drink and play videogames. That's how I cope with life. Whisky and FarCry4/SolderOfFortune/BrothersInArms/driving game. It's legit ESCAPISM. A moment of euphoria (before I then conk out).

But at the same time, I know the alcohol is fucking me over, dehydrating me (I drink water after my binge), bloating me and ruining my looks, but it's a chicken-egg thing. I drink cuz I'm incel (ugly), which makes me uglier, which makes me drink. I wish I could quit.
it really is a great cope, temporary happiness/ euphoria. Thats why i dont like getting mega drunk and having a shit hangover the next day. I prefer to drink quite a bit to get a good buzz ( with limited next day after effects) to deal with this shitty life.
i like being numbed to everythng
everything should be a dream, im sick of reality's nightmare
Alcohol's not that good of a drug tbh. At least it's easily available.
The reality is that it's not their fault at all, we are the ones responsible for our own misery.
The reality is that it's not their fault at all, we are the ones responsible for our own misery.
Is that so? do you also blame your own virginity and lack of relationships simply because you think its your fault for being born ugly?

News flash boyo, its not our fault for being born ugly, we didnt ask to be born ugly, and we didnt ask for femoids to have disgustingly high standards and compete in hypergamy
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It's society's fault for treating low status men like shit.
The reality is that it's not their fault at all, we are the ones responsible for our own misery.

Is that so? do you also blame your own virginity and lack of relationships simply because you think its your fault for being born ugly?

News flash boyo, its not our fault for being born ugly, we didnt ask to be born ugly, and we didnt ask for femoids to have disgustingly high standards and compete in hypergamy

It's not my fault being ugly but it's my fault the lack of social skills i have, it's also my fault my lack of ability to trust people and keep relationships.

We don't choose what we are attracted to i dont, you don't and women don't either, it's not their fault that they don't like us.

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