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Venting Fuck this existence. Why i am still breathing? I want to die now



Nov 13, 2018
It's getting too much. Too tired of life and everything. Nothing but suffering left. And it's exhausting to be honest. It really get's under your skin. You can't run away from it, it only keeps following you no matter what. I view my own existence as a burden to this world. I have no reason to exist and neither do i have any reason to keep breathing. I will plan a future suicide. When and how? It depends offcourse. But i had it. I truly had. Everything seems so meaningless. Everything keeps repeating over and over again. Groundhog day style. Pretty tiresome and exhausting. It drains all my will and energy. I simply don't want to do anything anymore.
I still try to figure out why i am still alive. can't find it..
Bro if u need to rope just do it. Constantly making threads like this wont solve anything ngl.
"As an old man more than twice your age, one foot in the shadows of the Garden and the other firmly planted in the Grave, I would love to assure you that it gets better. I wish I could promise that the looks of disgust become ones of appreciation, that as women grow older they become more discerning and, with wisdom, will be able to see the virtues you've been blessed with rather than the curses you've been afflicted with. After all, when I was your age, I was offered similar sentiments by parents and friends. "When those girls at long last become women, all of those nasty snickers will become sighs of appreciation. Time will sharpen their perception and, after years of having ridiculed and hated you because of the ugliness of your flesh, they'll at long last be able to see the beauty of your soul."

But if I were to tell you these things, I would be the most egregious of liars. Now, rest assured, women will become too sophisticated to giggle in your presence, call you ugly to your face or cheer as the handsome boys they're so enamored of beat you for their amusement. They'll treat you with apparent respect, condemn bullies for their vicious behavior and swear before God, Man and Devil that a beautiful spirit is infinitely more valuable than a pretty face. You would almost be tempted to believe that advanced age had made Gnostics of them all.

Sadly, at least for the unlovely, all of those pretty words are never anything more than pretty fables uttered by pretty people. The girl who dreamed of the handsome man, more than willing to endure the worst of his abuse for the sake of his most casual embrace, is still harboring the same fantasies as her hair fades to gray and wrinkles begin to line her once porcelain face. Being a human being, our woman of a certain age still despises the ugly even though she knows she is morally obligated to do otherwise. So she won't laugh and point and insult. Older now, she'll merely turn away in the presence of an ugly man and maintain a dignified silence. Instead of returning his friendliness with a look of blatant disgust and harsh laughter, she'll manage a grim smile: the closest thing Nature will permit Her daughter to express by way of the civility expected of adults. Her hatred of the repulsive becomes more subtle as the sands trickle from the top of the hour glass to the bottom.

Lamentably, so too does the ability of the men she reviles to discern her loathing. The woman and the monster, the former despising the latter and the latter pining for the former, grow older in lockstep, learning each other's tricks as the lady marches toward her burial plot in God's Grand Garden and the unlovable ghoul to his proper place burning in one of Pandemonium's many ghettos.

When it comes to what is most essential, most significant and real, there is no difference between the nursery, playground, geriatric ward and tomb. So what if the language spoken in each sounds just a little bit different? These are regional dialects, nothing more. The distinction is nothing more than variations on a single theme that will repeat again and again and again until the day when the nursery, playground, geriatric ward and tomb exist no longer." -
Consider anothER option besides roping.
you know it is over when you start to think why you are exist
I still try to figure out why i am still alive. can't find it..
microbes nigga microbes your microbes decides what move you will do next this is why free will is a joke .
Metabolism, osmosis, electrical signals, etc. is why I'm alive. I feel like life is something that just happens despite everything and I'm only caught up in it.
microbes nigga microbes your microbes decides what move you will do next this is why free will is a joke .
thats true. we are born to breed and make children. but we ugly men are doomed,trapped.
We’re too scared to killl ourselves tbh.

It takes balls to kill yourself, people that say suicide is a cowardly act are retarded.
It seems like everyday’s the same and I’m left to discover my own.
It seems like everything is gray and there’s no color to behold.

They say “it’s over” and I’m fine again, yeah
Try to stay sober feels like I'm dying, yeah
We’re too scared to killl ourselves tbh.

It takes balls to kill yourself, people that say suicide is a cowardly act are retarded.
I think if you want to successfully kill yourself, you have to believe that there are no better options. So there are a couple ways to approach this, ether you need to make more preferable options unavailable, or you need to actually believe that nonexistence is the best thing for you.

These are easier said than done.
Wanna play some steam games or can I have your account if you end it?
If only assisted suicide was offered to us.

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