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Fuck the jealous faggots



Nov 13, 2017
I'm going to speak out now what some probably have on their mind. It has come to my attention there are so many jealous little fags here, so mad at either incels who look higher than 5/10 but are autists/mentalcels or those who have been hit on by stacy in elementary school or something but were too autistic to understand what was going on/she wanted their dick.

They throw around the words fakecel/volcel or troll but in reality are just super fucking jealous that these guys weren't born hideous vermin and actually look better than them. Also kek at the "ban him ban him for not being fugly petition" threads.

Feels so good not having to look at a mangled face every time I look in the mirror. Tell me how does it feel like to have a face that looks like it's been hit with a wrench when you were a baby? You may call me a horrible person for laughing at you for being so unfortunate. Well maybe I am such a horrible person. I like making fun of less fortunate people than me, it helps with my insecurities and makes me feel better overall.

Also PSA: just having over 5/10 looks won't mean femoids will jump at you in a heat and start fucking you
Ban this fucking faggot.

"incels" who are higher than 5/10 are attention seeking fakecel faggots aka Lookism user aka YOU.
anincelforlifelol said:
Ban this fucking faggot.

"incels" who are higher than 5/10 are attention seeking fakecel faggots aka Lookism user aka YOU.

Hahah maybe if I hit you with this wrench again your face will correct itself what do you think? Should we try it?
No shit everyone is jealous

They won the genetic lottery(kinda) and still fucked it up
I guess your life must be really shit if you feel like bragging to incels of all people that you look better than them.
anoncel said:
Hahah maybe if I hit you with this wrench again your face will correct itself what do you think? Should we try it?

Ban this faggot already.
Another lookism troll retard exposing himself Tbt.

Back to your fucking shithole dude, "mentalcel" don`t fucking exist and if you are not ugly you are not an incel, period.
While I agree with you that the small group of posters who go around going FAKECELL RRRREEEE are annoying and closed-minded, this was not the best way to go about starting a discussion on the matter. You've actually become worse than them for judging them on things they can't control. Should have stuck to criticizing what is in their power, like their dogma. You've basically just become worse than Stacy/Chad.
anoncel said:
I'm going to speak out now what some probably have on their mind. It has come to my attention there are so many jealous little fags here, so mad at either incels who look higher than 5/10 but are autists/mentalcels or those who have been hit on by stacy in elementary school or something but were too autistic to understand what was going on/she wanted their dick.
They throw around the words fakecel/volcel or troll but in reality are just super fucking jealous that these guys weren't born hideous vermin and actually look better than them. Also kek at the "ban him ban him for not being fugly petition" threads.
Feels so good not having to look at a mangled face every time I look in the mirror. Tell me how does it feel like to have a face that looks like it's been hit with a wrench when you were a baby? You may call me a horrible person for laughing at you for being so unfortunate. Well maybe I am such a horrible person. I like making fun of less fortunate people than me, it helps with my insecurities and makes me feel better overall.
Also PSA: just having over 5/10 looks won't mean femoids will jump at you in a heat and start fucking you
Typical edgy Lookism bully.
Fuck off autist.
Unbearable2woman said:
Back to your fucking shithole dude, "mentalcel" don`t fucking exist and if you are not ugly you are not an incel, period.

This is one of the dumbest things I see spread around this site. It can be disproven with one word: autism.
Throw acid on this faggots face. Get some love from hydrogen ions
Sparky said:
I personally think the 5-6s are just about as fucked as the rest of us, yes they can get laid but it’s with femoids that are quite significantly below their looksmatch.
NO NO NO NO NO ABSOLUTELY NO, the life of an 5-6 compared to an sub 5 is still heaven vs hell, don`t fucking dare to compare Incels with failed normies ever again, declarations like this will are the reason of why r9k is an fucking shithole today.

Letting failing normies("mentalcels") in Incel Forums---->Those fags ended being the majority and then they open the door to femoids, NEVER AGAIN
I don't believe in banning people for being better looking than others. I am mentalcel myself. 
But you are honestly a cunt, OP.
blickpall said:
Unbearable2woman said:
Back to your fucking shithole dude, "mentalcel" don`t fucking exist and if you are not ugly you are not an incel, period.
This is one of the dumbest things I see spread around this site. It can be disproven with one word: autism.
Anything is possible with an face that is pretty enough, unless you attemp to continue to be a virgin, someday a girl will like your looks enough to like you don`t matter if you are an turbo-retard, see Chris Chan as an example.

Nothing like this will happen to truecels.
mental_out said:


Unbearable2woman said:
Anything is possible with an face that is pretty enough, unless you attemp to continue to be a virgin, someday a girl will like your looks enough to like you don`t matter if you are an turbo-retard, see Chris Chan as an example.

Nothing like this will happen to truecels.

This whole story that you're painting here still doesn't disprove the existence of mentalcels. Sure, a Chad who is on the spectrum might get laid, but people who are just average or slightly above average in looks but can't tie their shoes or speak English are not going to get laid unless someone buys them a hooker (because they don't understand the concept of money). Stop trying to diminish the struggles of others simply because you've had it tough (or tougher, who the fuck knows). That shit is petty and it's not like you can prove that you suffer more or less than anyone on the internet anyway.
Unbearable2woman said:
Letting failing normies("mentalcels") in Incel Forums---->Those fags ended being the majority and then they open the door to femoids, NEVER AGAIN
What? Some truecels would stab us to death for a female foot pics, what are you on about?
Bushladen008 said:
Unbearable2woman said:
Letting failing normies("mentalcels") in Incel Forums---->Those fags ended being the majority and then they open the door to femoids, NEVER AGAIN
What? Some truecels would stab us to death for a female foot pics, what are you on about?
Not if they are blackpilled, like me

Sparky said:
Unbearable2woman said:
Sparky said:
I personally think the 5-6s are just about as fucked as the rest of us, yes they can get laid but it’s with femoids that are quite significantly below their looksmatch.
NO NO NO NO NO ABSOLUTELY NO, the life of an 5-6 compared to an sub 5 is still heaven vs hell, don`t fucking dare to compare Incels with failed normies ever again, declarations like this will are the reason of why r9k is an fucking shithole today.
Letting failing normies("mentalcels") in Incel Forums---->Those fags ended being the majority and then they open the door to femoids, NEVER AGAIN
I meant fucked as in not getting 4+ girls, sorry I didn’t elucidate that. Obviously a 5-6/10 will have a better social life and not be subjected to the relentless bullying that a sub 5 would.
Also even letting in a Chad would be 10x better than letting a femoid in. If femoids were ever allowed here I’d quit the forum.
This is an Incel forum, and only sub 5 males are incels, period everyone else needs to be purged.

blickpall said:
mental_out said:

Unbearable2woman said:
Anything is possible with an face that is pretty enough, unless you attemp to continue to be a virgin, someday a girl will like your looks enough to like you don`t matter if you are an turbo-retard, see Chris Chan as an example.
Nothing like this will happen to truecels.
This whole story that you're painting here still doesn't disprove the existence of mentalcels. Sure, a Chad who is on the spectrum might get laid, but people who are just average or slightly above average in looks but can't tie their shoes or speak English are not going to get laid unless someone buys them a hooker (because they don't understand the concept of money). Stop trying to diminish the struggles of others simply because you've had it tough (or tougher, who the fuck knows). That shit is petty and it's not like you can prove that you suffer more or less than anyone on the internet anyway.

Go to an autist care house or something and you will found your future wife if you are not sub 5, there no such time as "ugly care houses"
Unbearable2woman said:
This is an Incel forum, and only sub 5 males are incels, period everyone else needs to be purged.

I would say 5 and below. Being average is no longer enough
fukmylyf said:
Unbearable2woman said:
This is an Incel forum, and only sub 5 males are incels, period everyone else needs to be purged.
I would say 5 and below. Being average is no longer enough
I strongly disagree, if you are 5 you are just an subhuman normie, but still a normie, and Normies will never be incels.

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