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Story Fuck Mcdonald's. Quit during my shift today



Natsuki obsessed
Nov 8, 2017
This will be a story/rant, so leave now if you don't want read it all. Anyway, I wanted to share my experience working at mcdonalds as well as what happened today. I started working exactly a month ago, and today I finally stood up for myself against all the asshole managers who treated me like shit. Since I started working, I've done front counter, running for both front counter and drive through, back cash, headset, cafe corner, presenting, and cleaning. Basically every single thing available except for grill, which is why I joined and all i ever wanted to do in the first place. I'm not great at anything I did, but I wasn't awful at it either and they are understaffed so I think that's why they didn't fire me. Deciding to work there was the worst decision I ever made in my life. Almost all the managers and crew trainers treated me horribly, and got all pissy when I asked for help. I got cussed out 5 times by customers since I started working, and none of it was for my fault. You know how hard it is to not say anything back to some disrespectful fatass talking shit to your face? God I almost snapped at customers more times than I can count. They forced me into headset when I wasn't ready and made me take both lanes super early on when I wasn't prepared for it. Most of the managers are 30+ year old chicks who have failed in life and take out their anger at the teenagers who are below them in position. Today was the straw that broke my back. After being yelled at by one of the managers because she didn't get my voicemail when I called out of work yesterday, I was thrown into headset again and had to deal with a bunch of old people and their stupidly specific coffee requirements. So during my break, which was given to me an hour later than it usually is, I just took off my working shirt and left to the grocery store in just a white undershirt and my black pants and waited for my dad to pick me up. Unfortunately I couldn't drive to work because I'm grounded for the month. I then blocked all their numbers. I have no sympathy for leaving them even more understaffed because they need to face the consequences of treated people like utter shit. Worst job ever. Will never even eat there again.
Tried to post this on r/mcdonalds and the faggots auto-banned it LMFAO
yah man i worked there for a year and honestly it was the worst year of my life. Everyone treated me like shit. I got bullied on daily basis. I fucking hated most of the people there. There were a few genuinely stand up kind of a guys but 95% of people were complete degenerate scum.
where you gonna work now?

I worked at Sonic during my Junior year in HS and it was the worst job I've ever had as well, and that is coming from someone who worked as a janitor.
where you gonna work now?

I worked at Sonic during my Junior year in HS and it was the worst job I've ever had as well, and that is coming from someone who worked as a janitor.
Not gonna get one. Fuck having a job. NEETdom or death
Word was that the store manager was a complete cokehead and I wouldn't doubt that tbh lol. Do you know how you could become a crew trainer or a shift manager in that place? You had to be friends with managers and that's it. Nobody cared how hard you worked. This one bitch became a shift manager after a couple of months of being there. Its a fucking joke. its completely against companies policy because to become a shift manager you had to be employed there for a half a year but because she was friends with managers it didn't matter. jfl.
i would only expect this working at mcdicks / i would rather kill my self than work for them... especially in my area / ive quit all of my shit jobs because of coworkers and managers / i would have left first day the management was acting stupid talking down to you.
Working customer service is suicide fuel. It makes you lose faith in humanity. People yell at you for the dumbest shit, ask you dumb ass questions, and get pissy for no reason.
I'm glad you left. It's a complete torture to work there if your're not a normie.
Working customer service is suicide fuel. It makes you lose faith in humanity. People yell at you for the dumbest shit, ask you dumb ass questions, and get pissy for no reason.

I'm going to have to agree. If you are working any customer facing industry and your social skills and social intuition are underdeveloped it is living hell. Get a job where they stick you in a back corner doing some tedium all day and at least you can get lost in your thoughts.
Tried to post this on r/mcdonalds and the faggots auto-banned it LMFAO

Fuck cuckit. You've joined the dark side my young apprentice.

You should have taken a giant shit in the fryer or the McFlurry machine before you left bloke. Much respect to McDonaldfags. I don't know how you people put up with it.
I worked at KFC when I was 16 and quit after a week LMAO. Fast food is fucking horrible
cant work in food plces, id get too hungry, too cramped, and i dont want fat people getting mad their order for 3 families isnt ready
I feel like thats what wouldve happened to me if i had to do cashier and drive thru. Thank god the fast food resturaunt I worked for let me do grill. I just stood back there eating food, washing dishses, marinating chicken, and frying food in peace, away from asshole customers.
cant work in food plces, id get too hungry, too cramped, and i dont want fat people getting mad their order for 3 families isnt ready
If you work grill its pretty decent and that covers your hunger problem. I would sneak food into the back depending on whether the cool or bitch managers were in, but standing on your feet for 10-12hrs a day can really fuck up your legs.
Lol this why I never apply to fast foods
Good. Fuck asshole mangers, you should have made a scene and yell at them before you quit kek. I would reconsider the plan to go NEET though, it makes your mental state get worse and worse and isolates you. There are decent wageslave jobs, don't let your life decisions be influenced by some assholes at McDonalds.
why you work at mcdonalds incels are not suitable for customer oriented jobs
I was warehouse keeper now im littwraly neet,got a pal he learned machinemainteance and now is.jobless.too is into.anime but not the deeper shit, refuaea to admit hes incel i myself cope
where you gonna work now?

I worked at Sonic during my Junior year in HS and it was the worst job I've ever had as well, and that is coming from someone who worked as a janitor.
Sucks. I had some low tier jobs and experienced poor treatment but not as bad as you. What's the fucking purpose of yelling at an employee? I can understand why you gtfo. Fuck these clowns.
fuck working at a fast food place. go work at one of those big hardware stores all they do is walk around or stand around doing mostly nothing from what ive seen.
id rather be homeless than work for mcdonalds.
This will be OP in a few weeks

Well done man. Im currently taking a sickie from work. Gonna drag it out for as long as i can. Then leave that dump forever.
Working at government owned business are usually the best is you like to take it easy, everyone is pretty relaxed too. I have seen people taking 3-4 hour breaks when they are only meant to have one hour which makes me want one even more.
Working at government owned business are usually the best is you like to take it easy, everyone is pretty relaxed too. I have seen people taking 3-4 hour breaks when they are only meant to have one hour which makes me want one even more.
can confirm, work in government
Sound awful, was it in America? In Denmark McDonalds is actually a pretty good place to work. A person my family knows who owns a big gas station once worked at McDonalds and says she loved it there "she is in her 50´s now" and another person I knew also loved it there. The pay is good too in Denmark the minimum wage is around 17.8 USD an hour for adults and you get an additional fee if it´s over 6pm and holidays too.

But awesome you quit while on a shift, then they at least was understaffed and suffered a little that day. And it sounded like you did your best so it really sucks they were so rough on you especially when they´re 30 year old adult who screams at a teenager WTF is wrong with them.
To all the responders, sorry. I fell asleep soon after I posted this and had school today. I'll never work customer service again, I'd rather be unemployed than go through this shit again. Only bad thing that might come out of it was that now I will have no future references, but I plan on An Hero'ing in a few years anyway.
If you work grill its pretty decent and that covers your hunger problem. I would sneak food into the back depending on whether the cool or bitch managers were in, but standing on your feet for 10-12hrs a day can really fuck up your legs.

Yeah. I did jobs for years where i was on my feet for 8-10-12 hours a day and i never really got used to it. I much preferred working on building sites where i spent all day moving around and making my back and arms ache.
IF you're gonna work a shitty food-service job, deliver pizza or wait tables (if you're NT enough for that anyways). You'll make a lot more.
"Anyone can work at McDonalds, its easy bro"
Tried to post this on r/mcdonalds and the faggots auto-banned it LMFAO

Reddit is awful (even though i still visit it sometimes) - reddit gives this idea of open dialogue but all the large subs filter posts and only allow specific posters to make posts so you're basically limited to replying to posts not starting any new dialogue there.

/r/mma for example, good luck posting about anything other than UFC, Bellator, and maybe some of the Asian MMA organizations......you'll have one sneak in sometimes but rare.

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