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Hypocrisy Former IncelTears-Mod slowly swallows the black pill



Nov 13, 2019
(Preface: My current cope is to stalk IT-Members and other black pill deniers who themselves have trouble dating. If this is not to your linking you can stop reading.)

Certainly all of you are familiar with BrazilianSigma who, despite being a permavirgin himself, aggressively denies the black pill.

However, I would like to move your attention to another individual who might possibly exceeds Smegma in patheticness.

You see, before there was Sigma, there was another IT-Mod named absurdlivingghost. He is responsible for the Weekly Advice Thread which is, ironically, a powerful tool for black pilling.

He always was the token-“virgin but not incel” of the Mod-Team and tried/failed to remove blatant virgin-shaming of the “normal” users there. He resigned however because this was an unsurmountable task, since IT attracts the most disgusting kinds of bullies from all over the internet.

He now copes with politics and slowly realizes that maybe just maybe being funny, kind, genuine, smart, interesting, educated and all that other bullshit is not very helpful in attracting a romantic partner.

Here are a few excerpts that document his slow realization: (keep in mind that it is coming from a former IT-Mod)

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You cannot run from truth forever.
I'm sorry little bluepillers, reality is harsh.
It's just a matter of time when he swallows it completely
That's why I'm glad for existance of IncelTears. Even if people there dismiss our posts their brains will register the blackpill and it will stay with them forever. Even if only one cuck gets blackpilled I consider it a success.
That's why I'm glad for existance of IncelTears. Even if people there dismiss our posts their brains will register the blackpill and it will stay with them forever. Even if only one cuck gets blackpilled I consider it a success.
To be expected. Does this guy still post on IT?
That's why I'm glad for existance of IncelTears. Even if people there dismiss our posts their brains will register the blackpill and it will stay with them forever. Even if only one cuck gets blackpilled I consider it a success.

IT are a great ally because they are so irrationally hateful towards us that they deny all our talking points INCLUDING the kernel of truth that is always at the center of our arguments.

A good analogy would be people affected with Trump derangement syndrome who unwillingly discredit their own side of the Argument.
To be expected. Does this guy still post on IT?

No. He fled the shitshow that he helped creating.
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"But I've already been "stepping up," for years now, soaking up generic platitudes like his, and pursuing hobbies, going to the gym, meeting new people, and all that other shit. I don't have an issue putting in effort, it's just that the effort never pays off. "

This is the story of my life. Almost a decade of self improvement now. It has improved my life but it has done NOTHING for my non existent dating/sex/romantic life.

It's only a matter of time before this dude either ropes or embraces the blackpill.
That's why I'm glad for existance of IncelTears. Even if people there dismiss our posts their brains will register the blackpill and it will stay with them forever. Even if only one cuck gets blackpilled I consider it a success.

I loled
Even if people there dismiss our posts their brains will register the blackpill and it will stay with them forever. Even if only one cuck gets blackpilled I consider it a success.
He is already blackpilled tbh. It should be impossible to deny the truth when you make posts about it everyday.
I find it hard to believe BS isn't an undercover agent trying to expose as many people to the blackpill as possible under the thinly veiled disguise of "watchdogging" by this point, he spends his ENTIRE DAY obssessing over us, he does it from the morning to the midnight, it's literally his job, think of how many Meekspills, hybristophilliapills, Tinder statistics, cases of female privilege, etc. this man has witnessed before, he should by all accounts be the most blackpilled person on the planet.
That's cool. Be kinda weird to see him on this forum one day :feelskek::feelskek: IT niggas would be on sui watch
He is already blackpilled tbh. It should be impossible to deny the truth when you make posts about it everyday.
He probably has an alt where he complains about how zero women know him and how women are evil. :feelskek:

And holy, 34 incels and 95 :soy:. LOL
Thanks for spreading the blackpill, ITcucks. You guys are doing a job better than anyone here could do it.
He probably has an alt where he complains about how zero women know him and how women are evil. :feelskek:

And holy, 34 incels and 95 :soy:. LOL
We're really living in their heads rent free when there are 3 ITcels reeing and trying to "disprove" us from inside their echo chamber for every real user in the thread, JFL

Thanks for spreading the blackpill, ITcucks. You guys are doing a job better than anyone here could.
Thanks for the free advertisement ITcels, they do realize they aren't doing anything but increasing our numbers right? Literally no one is neutral on us, they either hate us or side with us, and they indirectly make a small portion amount of people who hate us slowly side with us, but they never make people who side with us start hating us.
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We're really living in their heads rent free when there are 3 ITcels reeing and trying to "disprove" us from inside their echo chamber for every real user in the thread, JFL


Thanks for the free advertisement ITcels, they do realize they aren't doing anything but increasing our numbers right? Literally no one is neutral on us, they either hate us or side with us, and they indirectly make a small portion amount of people who hate us slowly side with us, but they never make people who side with us start hating us.

Slow and steady is the name of the game
You can't pretend long to ignore reality if it slaps you everyday with no mercy.
That's why I'm glad for existance of IncelTears. Even if people there dismiss our posts their brains will register the blackpill and it will stay with them forever. Even if only one cuck gets blackpilled I consider it a success.
How does that guy have so much time? It seems like 70% of the content on IT is his.
I have respect for him in all honesty.

The wisest people are not the ones that know everything, but question reality.

Stepping outside of the cult known as IncelTears has allowed him to think for himself and question everything he's been led to belief.
Anyone that's able to blackpill themselves without direct blackpills being shoved down their throat, will reach great depths within the blackpill.

Hopefully he realises where he's meant to belong.

We'll be waiting.
What is "talk to women like they're people" supposed to mean? "Women" aren't a monolith and neither are "people." I interact with different people in different ways. The ways that I interact with women that I have sexual/romantic interest in are going to be different than the ways that I interact with people I don't have romantic/sexual interest in. It seems like a completely meaningless statement that's just used to fill the air.

:feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:

I'm impressed at how far he's come
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I have respect for him in all honesty.

The wisest people are not the ones that know everything, but question reality.

Yeah, most people would have a closed mind. But his seems open, and the blackpilling is slow and inevitable. Like male pattern baldness.
Use of the term "Incel" often puts me in a bind, because I try like hell to remind people that I don't associate with the subculture or the label, but I know that people also still use "Incel" to generally mean "lonely virgin guys," so when people make broad, sweeping assumptions about "Incels" I have to acknowledge that they're likely implicitly referring to me, even as I say "Well, I'm not an Incel."

He should come here and publicly apologize
I have respect for him in all honesty.

The wisest people are not the ones that know everything, but question reality.

Stepping outside of the cult known as IncelTears has allowed him to think for himself and question everything he's been led to belief.
Anyone that's able to blackpill themselves without direct blackpills being shoved down their throat, will reach great depths within the blackpill.

Hopefully he realises where he's meant to belong.

We'll be waiting.

:feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:

I'm impressed at how far he's come
Damn, that is really deserve quoting.
Ironic. He could deceive others from the Blackpill, but not himself.
Doesnt seem like he's swallowing it at all
It's just a matter of time when he swallows it completely
That's why I'm glad for existance of IncelTears. Even if people there dismiss our posts their brains will register the blackpill and it will stay with them forever. Even if only one cuck gets blackpilled I consider it a success.
They'll laugh at it when they see it online, but then realise the horrible truth that we were right all along once they start seeing it in real life. Chads and women are obviously immune to this, but incels in denial can only ignore it for so long.
Doesnt seem like he's swallowing it at all
He's getting there.

I've gone through his posts and he's currently experessing anger: Wondering why, people constantly spout the same useless advice (showers, haircut etc).
He himself stated, why can't people acknowledge the importance of looks?

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He's getting there.

I've gone through his posts and he's currently experessing anger: Wondering why, people constantly spout the same useless advice (showers, haircut etc).
He himself stated, why can't people acknowledge the importance of looks?

View attachment 168299
We need to start converting peeps en masse

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