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It's Over for Whitecels: White Males have the Highest Suicide Rate in America



Incelius Savage is The Godfather of Inceldom
Jul 23, 2021

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdBRBmXlkrg

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KG4USJgZhoc

brutally over for mayocels
whites use guns for suicide,
while blacks for homicide
I’m not even sure low tier Chads are that happy in America.
High IQ huwhites killing themselves?


Surely they could have used their big brains to come up with a non lethal solution??
I dont get their problems jbwmaxxing in Japan could have saved these idiots
I thought rice was the highest
[UWSL]Surely they could have used their big brains to come up with a non lethal solution??[/UWSL]
The proper solution be for them would be to repeat Brendon Tarrant or Payton Gendron on shitskins like you :feelshaha:
This phenomenon is well understood. White men are the pioneers of modern civilization, and its fundamental structure is based on the principle of productivity versus improductivity. Older White men can't handle the pressure of losing their mental faculties and physical strength and becoming improductive, so they decide not to be a burden to their families and sadly off themselves.
meanwhile mayocels here continue to cope with racism and stormfronting XD.
I'm sure White men wouldn't be so depressed nowadays were non-Whites far away from us, but they keep shouting "racism!" while leeching off the greatest civilization ever built. If that doesn't prove which race is superior, I don't know what does.
non whites got invaded and colonized by whites all the time. what was their response? to resist or at least endure.
Tops grocery store was a resistance. And what did all of you niggers on this forum do? Cry about it. But you’re a Greycel so you don’t remember that :feelsclown:
non whites got invaded and colonized by whites all the time.
Why do you think that is? You were quick to remind us about colonialism, but failed to acknowledge that White colonialism was only possible due to our superior technology, which was only possible due to our superior intelligence.

I believe you'll never do a research on this since you clearly don't have any adherence to truth, but I'll mention it anyways: most countries were better off under White colonialism than after White colonialism. Haiti comes to mind. That island was so resourceful and civilized before Whites were slaughtered and sent their way by the savage Blacks. Blacks always condemn themselves to a third world existence because they are an inferior race.

what was their response? to resist or at least endure. if whites respond to some immigration with offing themselves i cant seem to care.
No, they off themselves because they can't handle the pressure of becoming a burden to their families. Young Whites can't afford houses because the prices have skyrocketed since millions of immigrants entered the West. Young Whites are discriminated against by affirmative actions that prioritize incompetent non-Whites. Young Whites don't have organizations to represent their interests, while all non-Whites have organizations to represent theirs. No wonder they are so depressed.
not even gonna finish that paragraph literally stopped after reading the first 3 sentences. oh boy it's cringe as hell. the last ppl in the world who should be racist are incels. 99% of the proud white race u so speak of wants nothing to do with u. i cant help but to laugh when i see an oppressed group go after group to convince themselves that they aren't at the bottom of the social ladder. but whatever helps u cope i guess.
Your entire reply and presence on this forum summarized. Nothing of value to say. Just niggerbabble.

not even gonna finish that paragraph literally stopped after reading the first 3 sentences. oh boy it's cringe as hell. the last ppl in the world who should be racist are incels. 99% of the proud white race u so speak of wants nothing to do with u. i cant help but to laugh when i see an oppressed group go after group to convince themselves that they aren't at the bottom of the social ladder. but whatever helps u cope i guess.
You love the word "racist", don't you? I sorry to break it to you, but you are a racist yourself since you hold Whites in a different regard than you do with non-Whites. You are prioritizing other races above mine, therefore you are a racist.

It's an objective observation of reality that Whites are superior, isn't it? Whites are superior to other races. Do you not believe it? Let's see:

Which race is taller: Whites.
Which race is more attractive: Whites.
Which race is more innovative: Whites.
Which race is better at sports: Whites.
Which race builds the best civilizations: Whites.
Which race is the most compassionate: Whites.
Which race has created the most enduring art in all forms: Whites.
Which race is the strongest: Whites.

Right now you are typing on a cellphone or on a computer using the internet, writing in English, and still confused about which race is the best. Talk about a fish denying the existence of water!
compelling response. racism is cope the fact that u couldn't come up with a moderate IQ response just proves my point.
Your simple homo-erectus mind cannot understand or comprehend even a moderate IQ response, which is why you responded to @The Hanged Man with the tar baby equivalent of “didn’t read” :feelsugh: So why should I?
Your simple homo-erectus mind cannot understand or comprehend even a moderate IQ response, which is why you responded to @The Hanged Man with the tar baby equivalent of “didn’t read” :feelsugh: So why should I?
They expect me to turn a blind eye to people pissing on my race, and then when I try to argue with reason and evidence they go away chanting "la, la, la, I can't hear you". How can we even take these people seriously?
im glad i dont need this sort of cope strat.
Yes. Your low IQ provides all of the cope necessary.
They expect me to turn a blind eye to people pissing on my race, and then when I try to argue with reason and evidence they go away chanting "la, la, la, I can't hear you". How can we even take these people seriously?
For the first time in their lives, these negroes have come across a space that does not constantly put down whites and elevate them. They can’t handle it so they experience extreme cognitive dissonance and engage in these idiotic “debates”.
i dont think any race is inherently better than the other.
Why not? Is it because your race happens to be inferior to mine? Men are superior to women in every meaningful sense. We are taller, stronger, quicker, smarter, better at sports, and a list of other tasks at which we outperform women.

But for some odd reason, we are supposed to believe nature has produced no differences between the races. Isn't it strange how Whites have all the characteristics I've mentioned above and people like you won't be honest about it and recognize that those characteristics make my race inherently superior to yours?

idk why cope with this since again what does any of this have to do with YOU. ur white saviors do not care for u in the least so why is it ur priority to try to show that they're in a better light than other races. is it perhaps just copium to convince urself that u mog others genetically when here u r on .is?
It has to do with me because I am being targeted by the same enemies who contributed to my inceldom in the first place. I believe I would have been able to start a family and have a nice job five decades ago when egalitarianism pushed by Jews wasn't so predominant in Western culture. I am resisting the status quo, and the status quo hate Whites.
not a surprise they have only been telling us for the last few years that we are nothing but privileged oppressors.
u think i've never played an FPS before? or browsed the comment section of a political video? racists like urself exist everywhere
You think an FPS or comment section is anything like what I said? :feelshaha:


Toooo infinity… and BEYOND!
it's just fun to ridicule on an incel forum in particular since as incels we are some of the most low value forgettable people to exist. so acting like we were dealt better genetic inheritance cards by being born in a specific race or essentially trying to ride on the successes of others that belong to the same race is an extremely obvious and laughable cope.
We are NOT the same. We are NOT equal. This is something that only bluepilled people believe.
assuming ur correct how would bringing this up and putting down other races benefit YOU? afterall as i said before many of the successful whites u like to piggyback off of wouldn't even spit in ur direction.
Why does a shit skinned monkey like you CARE what I’m doing? I put other races down because this is a free speech space and I LIKE DOING IT. That’s the benefit that it provides to me. I don’t owe you an explanation.

And Ashkenazi Jews aren’t white you idiot anything you said became delegitimized after that :feelsclown:
also FPS games and comment sections of political videos have the same racist content as .is hell i've seen way worse said in overwatch lobbies than here XD
Yes and I have played GTA online and heard a nigger go on a completely deranged 10 minute rant against whites.

We keep FPS
You keep GTA :feelsokman:
Case and point. it's a cope. an embarrassing one at that given u laughing at blacks would be no different than chad laughing at incels (assuming ur take on whites being genetically superior is even accurate that is XD). but if riding off of the efforts of others of the same in group helps u sleep at night....
NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER. It feels great to be able to just to do that without getting instantly banned unlike any other website :smonk:
they're of European descent and they larp as semites. ironic really, given that they call arabs (actual semites) who criticize them anti-semites.
They are semites that migrated into Europe and gained admixture. They are like gypsies really, just with more DNA.

But as I have proven many times on this forum, niggers are completely ignorant and brain dead when it comes to understanding race.

Most of you in the west aren’t even black. You have significant White, Amerindian and other admixture but you still think that you are real niggaz n sheit even with caramel colored skin :feelsclown:

it would have to do with my definition of success differing from yours (also i didn't agree with ur list since a lot of it was subjective or just made up like whites being more attractive/innovative also jfl at thinking whites are the most compassionate XD).
You are disputing the fact that Whites are the most innovative race?

Open this list and tell me which race is predominant there.

Open this list and tell me which race is predominant there.

Open this list and tell me which race is considered the most attractive according to the studies.

Whites are the most compassionate race by far. Even though all races practiced slavery, Whites were the first race to abolish it. No other race would welcome millions of foreigners into their lands as Whites do. No other race placed a high value on nature and animals as Whites did. We developed high empathy during the last Ice Age when being compassionate was seen as an evolutionary advantage.

If you don't cooperate in a harsh environment like Europe, you die. For this reason, we became more and more compassionate with time.

i value work ethic
Black work ethic caught on camera:

View: https://youtu.be/6woYDJxuSYE

compassion (not a white exclusive trait btw XD)
Compassion is predominant among Whites. I just showed you why that is.

not a very blackpilled argument. and jews will reign as long as whites continue to provide them power. as a white (if i were white) i wouldn't blame jews for dominating with the resources that my PEOPLE were giving them. so u can blame ur white saviors and ur ugliness for ur looks no need to cope with putting down other races. P.S many of the jews u are blaming are whites (ashkenazi jews) that were transported to israel by other whites.
Will you stop embarrasing yourself? Jews are not White, and even they acknowledge it:

Jews cluster differently from Whites:
Th 2873035438

Th 2994033902

Th 2470586224

Would you like to review your horsecrap?
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jfl at using a jew source to argue that jews aren't white. obviously they want to keep the semite LARP going on for as long as possible. rest of ur post is a waste of time since you'd have to genetically prove that whites are inherently more innovative and compassionate.
Those graphs are accurate. But those groups in those graphs are all West Eurasian, meaning they came from a common ancestor. They're closely related if having their own clusters.
Ashkenazi's literally plot near Greeks and South Italians. If Greeks and Italians are White, so are they.
Greeks and Italians aren’t white but nice try.
im not african american but if i see a caramel skinned person in the west with african features obv i'll know they're mixed. dont exactly know what kinda point ur trying to put out here.
He literally generalizes take something stupid that Black person said and they say all black people think like that.
He literally generalizes take something stupid that Black person said and they say all black people think like that.
And you people do the same thing calling every white person on here “stormfront” or something equally as stupid.
They share the same genetic component as a Pole or French, just in different proportions.
“They are a glass of milk, just with some dirt dropped in.”

Also polish slavniggers aren’t white neither are most French.
“They are a glass of milk, just with some dirt dropped in.”

Also polish slavniggers aren’t white neither are most French.
What's your definition of "white"? I go by PCA charts and genetic distances, your definition of White seems to be subjective.
What's your definition of "white"? I go by PCA charts and genetic distances, your definition of White seems to be subjective.
I go by not having Mongol and Arab rape ancestry.
jfl at using a jew source to argue that jews aren't white. obviously they want to keep the semite LARP going on for as long as possible. rest of ur post is a waste of time since you'd have to genetically prove that whites are inherently more innovative and compassionate.
Physical attractiveness, mental disorders, and even personality are mostly genetic. Why on earth would you dispute the fact that innovation and compassion are not?

Anyway, non-Whites are stupid and thus arguing with them is a waste of time. You have no respect for truth. You make no attempt to review your statements and see if they are true. Your very approach to all of this is enough for any reasonable person to conclude that you are a slimy inferior creature.

If non-Whites are equal to us or superior to us, White countries should be getting better as more non-Whites flock to them, but it's exactly the opposite: you bring rape, murder, robbery, diseases, and poverty everywhere you go. That's why your countries are hellholes, for God's sake. Nobody wants to go there; everybody wants to go to White countries. I wonder why.

Here is a genetic study telling you Jews are not White:

Here are several PCAs telling you Jews are not White:
Th 2873035438

Th 2994033902

Th 3978666116

Th 1925201598

Th 3799513410

Jesus, can't you be honest for once? What is it about non-Whites that you can never argue with reason and evidence? You always resort to appeals to emotion and strawman arguments. I guess intellectual honesty is a White trait. One more explanation as to why mine is the superior race.
i said you'd have to prove that whites are more compassionate/innovative on a genetic level. not that these traits cannot have a genetic link. u wont be able to do this however since it isn't true.
You ignored the studies telling you Jews are not White. I wonder why you did this. Is it because you are too afraid to admit that you were wrong? Don't need to admit it, though; everyone could see it by the PCAs I posted.

Now back to your other lies: intelligence is highly genetic. Innovation is a product of higher intelligence. No disputable argument. This has been proven. I'm tired of linking to studies that you won't read.

Compassion is highly genetic. It is a product of empathy, which is predominant among Whites. Empathy is a personality trait and personality is highly genetic just like almost all traits.

I repeat: you have no respect for truth. You won't spend even a minute performing research on the topics you are wrongly talking about. Why should anyone on this forum take you seriously? You are no different than women when it comes to debating.
[UWSL]I repeat: you have no respect for truth. You won't spend even a minute performing research on the topics you are wrongly talking about. Why should anyone on this forum take you seriously? You are no different than women when it comes to debating.[/UWSL]
Yeah that’s why I stopped replying to this clown and instead opted to troll him :bigbrain:
our argument pretty much ended here:

Why does a shit skinned monkey like you CARE what I’m doing? I put other races down because this is a free speech space and I LIKE DOING IT. That’s the benefit that it provides to me. I don’t owe you an explanation.

ur racism was established as cope here. which it always is for an incel. we essentially agreed so there was nothing more to discuss other than a bit of jew stuff i guess but then u started using a very odd subjective definition for white (like one considering Italians to not be white jfl) which made me lose interest in discussing that part anymore.
Didn’t read nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
10% race bait
In on
You love the word "racist", don't you? I sorry to break it to you, but you are a racist yourself since you hold Whites in a different regard than you do with non-Whites. You are prioritizing other races above mine, therefore you are a racist.

It's an objective observation of reality that Whites are superior, isn't it? Whites are superior to other races. Do you not believe it? Let's see:

Which race is taller: Whites.
Which race is more attractive: Whites.
Which race is more innovative: Whites.
Which race is better at sports: Whites.
Which race builds the best civilizations: Whites.
Which race is the most compassionate: Whites.
Which race has created the most enduring art in all forms: Whites.
Which race is the strongest: Whites.

Right now you are typing on a cellphone or on a computer using the internet, writing in English, and still confused about which race is the best. Talk about a fish denying the existence of water!

If only those pathetic white suicide victims knew this maybe they would've took another route lol

In conclusion the OP graph shows promising stuff, and its a good trend that needs to continue

We already know 6/10 Whites are on some type of anti depressant (being superior is mentally draining of course:feelskek:
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