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Experiment [for ethnics] What’s the point in living in a first world country as 2gen ethnics?



I self identify as an ethnic
Apr 6, 2018
Basically ethnics emigrated to get good salary for secure future, better living conditions, education, better infrastructure, and finally to let their offspring have a great life in a 1st world country.

But at the end, this beautiful ethnic dream ended where it started. Ethnic’s bastard ugly sons experience the real hell of being ethnics, living in a dumb racist society with slutty foids constantly rejecting them. For ethnics this experience may be even worse than living the streetshitter life in the shithole their parents come from.

The same blackpill applies for whitecels who manage to have sons with a sub-race. Their offspring usually end up being a subhuman himself (if male), if foid she has good chances of living a good life. Take ER as an example, he was the son of a genetic egoist, his sister hasn’t had any problem and had a decent sexual life, while he rotted in LDARing and suffered from great sexual deprivation.

So, I’m asking this to ethnics: What’s the point in living in this western cucked and racist society for you?
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first world countries are good for safety, income and comfort

they are NOT for dating or relationships

you trade off being safe and comfy for being completely isolated
first world countries are good for safety, income and comfort

they are NOT for dating or relationships

you trade off being safe and comfy for being completely isolated
For most of us, it wasn't our choice to come here. Our parents made that choice. Now that you grow up here, it's not so simple to just "go back to where you came from". Life would be just as bad or worse. We would stick out like a sore thumb and couldn't acclimate to that culture either.

We're just cursed to be the worst of all worlds.

You see them? In their country they can do this to women, and probably no one will find that behavior disrespectful towards foids.

What’s the point in being a “westernized” globalized ethnic guy who absorbed all the values of a “civilized” society?

Living in a place where its socially acceptable to grab foids that way would be awesome. One that is ethniccel in a western society is not in the native country of his parents (at least until feminists gain power in his native country).

I mean, as a misogynist myself I admire ethnics for being based and for using violence against foids.

But westernized cucky ethnics are not that different than the average cuckified white man, they’re even suffering more than whitecels.
What's stopping you from going there?

I don't like to use the "if niggers think Murica is so oppressive, go back to Africa" argument, but it's there.
What's stopping you from going there?

I don't like to use the "if niggers think Murica is so oppressive, go back to Africa" argument, but it's there.

honestly i'd rather live in a safe isolated place than a third world shithole with a busted looking wife
I'm a 3rd generation ethnic in a white Chad country, and yes it's a living hell getting mogged by highschool kids. The only ethnics who're enjoying their lives here are the tall and good-looking ethnics.
What's stopping you from going there?
I like the comfy life, LDARing for me is a concrete option, and I have the chance of not taking responsibilities.

I went to Morocco (Casablanca) and I liked the place as a tourist, but living there is another thing. And I don’t have experiences about living in a true shithole, I don’t know the dangers and my LDARmaxxing lifestyle is only good if I stay where I am.
Conquer white countries with the help of our jew friends
first world countries are good for safety, income and comfort

they are NOT for dating or relationships

you trade off being safe and comfy for being completely isolated
I'm not white so I count as ethnic and live in my own country. I guess it'd be like a hell for ethniccels in west.
My parents move around from country to country as part of their careers. I had no say. They put me in boarding school in the West. I had no say. The best college/uni that accepted me is also in the West and that's where I am now.

TBH, the non-Western cities I lived in (Hong Kong, Singapore, Taipei) are economically developed and somewhat westernized now. Many upper-middle-class Asian foids end up in international schools and some of them study in the US or UK. Culturally and behaviorally, the Asian foids I know aren't really different from white foids -- they speak fluent English, dress and party like Stacies every day, and some of them are feminist. There are also large expat communities in these cities. I've had one Asian foid (who never lived in the West) tell me that she's not into Asian guys, and that all the guys she's fucked so far are white Chads.

I know for a fact that I would still be incel no matter where I am in the world.
Ethnic parents never thought one second about the consequences for their kids. Their whole low iq attitude from the start was GO WEST MAKE MONIES, MAKE KIDS and KIDS WILL MAKE MONIES WHEN IM OLDER.

Thats it. Most 2nd gen ethnics are only in the west because their parents came here out of desperation and poverty
we dont know till we try, for me i'm planning to leave western society and see if i can do better somewhere else

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