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LifeFuel (For Christiancels) Book of Revelation predictions



Incel revolution
Aug 8, 2018
Reminder of what we stand for and our duty to fight sin and overcome evil.

Sooner or latter, this civilization will fall down and all her abominations will be remembered and punished by God.

I am quoting here some verses I have selected to meditate with:

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
Proverbs 31:30 (NIV)

Do Not Worry
22 Then Jesus said to his disciples: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. 23 For life is more than food, and the body more than clothes.
Luke 12:22-23 (NIV)

3 Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. 4 Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.
1 Peter 3:3-4 (NIV)

The Fall of Babylon
18 After this I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority, and the earth was made bright with his glory. 2 And he called out with a mighty voice,
“Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great!
She has become a dwelling place for demons,
a haunt for every unclean spirit,
a haunt for every unclean bird,
a haunt for every unclean and detestable beast.
3 For all nations have drunk[a]
the wine of the passion of her sexual immorality,
and the kings of the earth have committed immorality with her,
and the merchants of the earth have grown rich from the power of her luxurious living.”

4 Then I heard another voice from heaven saying,
“Come out of her, my people,
lest you take part in her sins,
lest you share in her plagues;
5 for her sins are heaped high as heaven,
and God has remembered her iniquities.
6 Pay her back as she herself has paid back others,
and repay her double for her deeds;
mix a double portion for her in the cup she mixed.
7 As she glorified herself and lived in luxury,
so give her a like measure of torment and mourning,
since in her heart she says,
‘I sit as a queen,
I am no widow,
and mourning I shall never see.’
8 For this reason her plagues will come in a single day,
death and mourning and famine,
and she will be burned up with fire;
for mighty is the Lord God who has judged her.”

9 And the kings of the earth, who committed sexual immorality and lived in luxury with her, will weep and wail over her when they see the smoke of her burning. 10 They will stand far off, in fear of her torment, and say,
“Alas! Alas! You great city,
you mighty city, Babylon!
For in a single hour your judgment has come.”
Revelation 18:1-9 (ESV)

6 He said to me: “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life. 7 Those who are victorious will inherit all this, and I will be their God and they will be my children. 8 But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”
Revelation 21:6-8 (NIV)
14 “Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city. 15 Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.
Revelation 22:14-15 (NIV)
P.S.: As Christians, we have to fight this sinful civilization, and resist her determination to destroy us. No more Jeremy Meeks, no more worshipping of money, appearance and beauty, no more sexual immorality, no more idolatry, etc.!
Go John Earnest
Hopefully, a change will occur.
Reminder of what we stand for and our duty to fight sin and overcome evil.

Sooner or latter, this civilization will fall down and all her abominations will be remembered and punished by God.

I am quoting here some verses I have selected to meditate with:

P.S.: As Christians, we have to fight this sinful civilization, and resist her determination to destroy us. No more Jeremy Meeks, no more worshipping of money, appearance and beauty, no more sexual immorality, no more idolatry, etc.!

Thank you John, these are great.

Reminder of what we stand for and our duty to fight sin and overcome evil.

Sooner or latter, this civilization will fall down and all her abominations will be remembered and punished by God.

I am quoting here some verses I have selected to meditate with:

P.S.: As Christians, we have to fight this sinful civilization, and resist her determination to destroy us. No more Jeremy Meeks, no more worshipping of money, appearance and beauty, no more sexual immorality, no more idolatry, etc.!
Reminder of what we stand for

I think you are confusing yourself with a Christian chad, or a man "chosen by God", which are often good looking men (maybe that's just a coincidence)

Us getting laid isn't at the top of God's list, he doesn't care if all of us die sad suicidal virgins, that's why I'll never get the attachment to religion

God isn't on our side, please stop coping, incels should choose religions, groups, allegiances, etc based on a cost vs benefit analysis, we need to operate on logic, logic as straight forward, cold and harsh as the reality of the black pill.

That's why Islam is the ONLY religion incels should be subscribing too, its the only one that puts women in their place, the only one that punishes degeneracy and hypergamy with violence and even death. Christianity has lost its backbone, its absolutely useless to low tier men, only men who are attractive enough to get and keep a woman will benefit from Christianity, the rest of us will just be told "you're not doing it right, just pray harder and God will send someone into your life"

That's another aspect of Christianity that is complete BS, how so many of its members get to unfairly be blissfully ignorant, that shit is not fucking fair, and is the most angering part about Christianity, these people get to delude themselves into thinking that everything they have is because God loves them and they are such a God person, never having to admit to themselves about aspects of the black pill, its complete bliss, without any of the SELF-AWARENESS OR GUILT of just being born with an easier life.

Compare that to Islam which is in a sense black pilled, it actively reminds its members that we are crude animals driven by urges, especially lust, which is why women are requested to cover themselves, and men are requested to show restraint, and violence is threatened against those who would disrupt these rules that ensure social order.

All this prophecy BS just sounds like cope - "don't worry one day all these people enjoying themselves will suffer"

Ok, and Chad getting reamed in the ass for eternity by demons doesn't actually benefit me, nor would I want someone to be eternally tortured for mortal sins, that's a ridiculously unequal punishment, and even I would be fucked under such judgement, so I would not wish it upon anyone else

If Chad's house burns down and he's homeless, that doesn't magically mean I have a mansion now, I'm still living in a shack, its better than being homeless, but he got to experience living in a house, he's vacationed in mansions, all i've known is my tiny crappy shack, and if I have to choose between Chad being homeless, and me being able to have a house, what would you think is the logical choice?
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Revelation is really weird and scary, I prefer the gospels.
P.S.: As Christians, we have to fight this sinful civilization, and resist her determination to destroy us. No more Jeremy Meeks, no more worshipping of money, appearance and beauty, no more sexual immorality, no more idolatry, etc.!
Based tbh.
I think you are confusing yourself with a Christian chad, or a man "chosen by God", which are often good looking men (maybe that's just a coincidence)

Us getting laid isn't at the top of God's list, he doesn't care if all of us die sad suicidal virgins, that's why I'll never get the attachment to religion

God isn't on our side, please stop coping, incels should choose religions, groups, allegiances, etc based on a cost vs benefit analysis, we need to operate on logic, logic as straight forward, cold and harsh as the reality of the black pill.

That's why Islam is the ONLY religion incels should be subscribing too, its the only one that puts women in their place, the only one that punishes degeneracy and hypergamy with violence and even death. Christianity has lost its backbone, its absolutely useless to low tier men, only men who are attractive enough to get and keep a woman will benefit from Christianity, the rest of us will just be told "you're not doing it right, just pray harder and God will send someone into your life"

That's another aspect of Christianity that is complete BS, how so many of its members get to unfairly be blissfully ignorant, that shit is not fucking fair, and is the most angering part about Christianity, these people get to delude themselves into thinking that everything they have is because God loves them and they are such a God person, never having to admit to themselves about aspects of the black pill, its complete bliss, without any of the SELF-AWARENESS OR GUILT of just being born with an easier life.

Compare that to Islam which is in a sense black pilled, it actively reminds its members that we are crude animals driven by urges, especially lust, which is why women are requested to cover themselves, and men are requested to show restraint, and violence is threatened against those who would disrupt these rules that ensure social order.

All this prophecy BS just sounds like cope - "don't worry one day all these people enjoying themselves will suffer"

Ok, and Chad getting reamed in the ass for eternity by demons doesn't actually benefit me, nor would I want someone to be eternally tortured for mortal sins, that's a ridiculously unequal punishment, and even I would be fucked under such judgement, so I would not wish it upon anyone else

If Chad's house burns down and he's homeless, that doesn't magically mean I have a mansion now, I'm still living in a shack, its better than being homeless, but he got to experience living in a house, he's vacationed in mansions, all i've known is my tiny crappy shack, and if I have to choose between Chad being homeless, and me being able to have a house, what would you think is the logical choice?
Personally, I don't see so much "good looking" people going to Church, there are many good looking priests or clergy, though.

Islam is weaker than Christianity, since it doesn't have any higher authority like Catholicism have and is therefore easier to become cucked than Catholicism. And it is, I want to remind you that a country like Iran where 50 years ago women birth rate would be 7-8 babies, is now at 1.6, similar or even lower than the West, and degeneracy is everywhere to be seen, especially in Gulf countries. The only difference is that Christianity is being very hardly attacked for more than 200 years, while Islam is not even attacked and shows already signs of weakness.

As a matter of fact, I was not only thinking about chads and stacies, but civilizations and their construct, in general.
I like the part where John saw vision of an INCEL ARMY of 200 million RiceCels and CurryCels marching to surround Jerusalem.
The only difference is that Christianity is being very hardly attacked for more than 200 years, while Islam is not even attacked and shows already signs of weakness.

Islam is weaker than Christianity, since it doesn't have any higher authority like Catholicism have and is therefore easier to become cucked than Catholicism.


Dude come on now, you have to be joking right now

I mean the last pope that was chosen was one of the most liberal popes in history, all the upper echelon of Christianity do is fuck little boys, you are acting as if their existence has stopped Christianity from failing, it hasn't you are watching Christian society fall dead on its face and are still acting as if its "stronger" than Islam

Gays still get killed under Islam
Women still get beaten under Islam
Women are still covering themselves under Islam
Men are still marrying virgin brides under Islam
Men can still purchase a wife under Islam
Degeneracy is punishable by death under Islam

None of these things really happen these days under christianity, i'll give you a maybe on virgin brides, but that's extremely extremely extremely rare these days.

Please be specific:

1. In what way is Islam weaker than Christianity, give a specific example

2. What do you mean by "higher authority" in your argument, what has this higher authority of christianty actually done? (the religion is in shambles)

Dude come on now, you have to be joking right now

I mean the last pope that was chosen was one of the most liberal popes in history, all the upper echelon of Christianity do is fuck little boys, you are acting as if their existence has stopped Christianity from failing, it hasn't you are watching Christian society fall dead on its face and are still acting as if its "stronger" than Islam

Gays still get killed under Islam
Women still get beaten under Islam
Women are still covering themselves under Islam
Men are still marrying virgin brides under Islam
Men can still purchase a wife under Islam
Degeneracy is punishable by death under Islam

None of these things really happen these days under christianity, i'll give you a maybe on virgin brides, but that's extremely extremely extremely rare these days.

Please be specific:

1. In what way is Islam weaker than Christianity, give a specific example

2. What do you mean by "higher authority" in your argument, what has this higher authority of christianty actually done? (the religion is in shambles)
You must be kidding, you start threads after threads, on this site and elsewhere, attacking Christianity and promoting your way you see Islam.

Just about the Pope (it's the higher authority I was referring), it's good that the Catholic Religion is extremely regulated so that you can not see women or transsexuals priests, in example, no matter how hard you try, especially, as you have been answered on the other thread. Keep going repeating what the mainstream media gibberish all day long, just because there were very few clergy members that were "pedophiles" doesn't mean that the whole Church is, that's extremely low IQ. It's only to shows us how the media are constantly attacking the Church, while they say nothing wrong about Islam, currently going on. Hence, Christianity is weak nowadays in the West. Despite this, Christianity, and also Catholicism is on the rise worldwide.

Islam is a Religion full of hypocrites. Firstly, about 80% of Muslim that is living in Europe are non-practicing at all, or half practicing. Most of them fornicate and drink alcohol, two serious sins under Islam. Some eat pork and non-halal food, as well. And there were traces of pork found in kebabs meat, from Muslim companies. Secondly, while many of the Muslim nobility have more than 4 wives or "concubines", which is forbidden, others die committing terror attacks, being promised 72 virgins in paradise, and most of these attacks are taking place in Muslim countries, not in the West. As a matter of fact, there are "conservative" Muslim rulers that are homosexual themselves, while in their country's laws it's punishable by death.

Finally, the vast majority of Muslim countries doesn't apply Sharia Law, "they have found a modern explanation", so it's pointless anyway; just like Islamic banks have found a way to contour Riba (usury and interest on loans), which is totally forbidden under Islam, getting, therefore, benefits from the money. All the other examples you have given are not enforced in almost all Muslim countries, therefore they are irrevelant. Buying a wife? LOL, you'll find yourself in a Muslim prison in most cases. I can give countless examples.
I wish I didn't have to watch what I eat, but health problems prevent me from doing so.
You must be kidding, you start threads after threads, on this site and elsewhere, attacking Christianity and promoting your way you see Islam.

That 4chan post wasn't me, it was someone here who saw my thread.

Just about the Pope (it's the higher authority I was referring), it's good that the Catholic Religion is extremely regulated so that you can not see women or transsexuals priests, in example, no matter how hard you try

Okay, and its the same with Islam, you'll never see a transsexual or female in head positions either

Here's the thing though, how is that to your benefit, does that fact alone make your existence better, you are still being cucked by the lack of enforcing your religion does so what difference does that make, there's no need to change the customs and rules of a group WHEN YOU NO LONGER HAVE TO OBEY THE RULES LOL.

Why don't you understand something that simple

Your argument - "We won't have to worry about any rules being changed or the religion being subverted because only men are allowed in these positions"

My argument - "Barely anybody is following the rules to begin with, so there's no need to change/subvert them"

So your entire argument about the religion being more "secure" from change is pointless, because there is literally no reason to change laws that you aren't forced to obey. So that point you made is a non-point. What difference does it make if a priest is male or female when female promiscuity is no longer being policed by the religion anyways lol, they might as well just let women take over if they aren't controlling them.

Islam is a Religion full of hypocrites.

Like any religion, I could care less though, are you forgetting what I said at the beginning:
incels should choose religions, groups, allegiances, etc based on a cost vs benefit analysis, we need to operate on logic, logic as straight forward, cold and harsh as the reality of the black pill.

We should choose our faiths based on whats beneficial to us, morality is subjective, I choose to make choices based on objective criteria

Firstly, about 80% of Muslim that is living in Europe are non-practicing at all, or half practicing. Most of them fornicate and drink alcohol, two serious sins under Islam.

Based on what stats or observations, seems like you are just saying shit tbh, that's not what I nor anyone I've ever spoken to has observed about the muslim community in general, in any country.

Some eat pork and non-halal food

What was your point with this, I never claimed all muslims were strict, I claimed most, and that's an indisputable fact, while with Christianity its the reverse, very few are strict and most just do whatever the hell they want and use christianity as a virtue signalling label.

there were traces of pork found in kebabs meat, from Muslim companies.

Man you are really grasping for straws to find some bad stuff about Islam, because a lot of what you are mentioning, doesn't pertain to Islam, nor would I bother using equivalent examples as my own against Christianity. America is a christian nation where most members are christian, there are many companies that dispose of waste products in the wrong way to save money, imagine how ridiculous of an argument it would be if I said - "Look at how bad these christians are, these damn christian companies poisoning the environment, see Islam is better, Christians are hypocrites"

Lol like come on dude, this line right here is proof there isn't much you can say, if I argued using your strategy we'd be here all day, those things don't pertain specifically to Christianity, the things I argued about do, the religion is supposed to police morality and degeneracy, and it no longer does that effectively, while Islam does, that's been my entire point, and you can't argue against that and you know it.

Buying a wife? LOL, you'll find yourself in a Muslim prison in most cases. I can give countless examples.

I hope you don't think I mean some black market shit, you can basically just buy a guys daughter from him for marriage, the more stricter the country is relative to islamic law, the more likely you can do it, I don't expect to be able to do something like this within european muslim communities.
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That 4chan post wasn't me, it was someone here who saw my thread.

Okay, and its the same with Islam, you'll never see a transsexual or female in head positions either

Here's the thing though, how is that to your benefit, does that fact alone make your existence better, you are still being cucked by the lack of enforcing your religion does so what difference does that make, there's no need to change the customs and rules of a group WHEN YOU NO LONGER HAVE TO OBEY THE RULES LOL.

Why don't you understand something that simple

Your argument - "We won't have to worry about any rules being changed or the religion being subverted because only men are allowed in these positions"

My argument - "Barely anybody is following the rules to begin with, so there's no need to change/subvert them"

So your entire argument about the religion being more "secure" from change is pointless, because there is literally no reason to change laws that you aren't forced to obey. So that point you made is a non-point. What difference does it make if a priest is male or female when female promiscuity is no longer being policed by the religion anyways lol, they might as well just let women take over if they aren't controlling them.

Like any religion, I could care less though, are you forgetting what I said at the beginning:

We should choose our faiths based on whats beneficial to us, morality is subjective, I choose to make choices based on objective criteria

Based on what stats or observations, seems like you are just saying shit tbh, that's not what I nor anyone I've ever spoken to has observed about the muslim community in general, in any country.

What was your point with this, I never claimed all muslims were strict, I claimed most, and that's an indisputable fact, while with Christianity its the reverse, very few are strict and most just do whatever the hell they want and use christianity as a virtue signalling label.

Man you are really grasping for straws to find some bad stuff about Islam, because a lot of what you are mentioning, doesn't pertain to Islam, nor would I bother using equivalent examples as my own against Christianity. America is a christian nation where most members are christian, there are many companies that dispose of waste products in the wrong way to save money, imagine how ridiculous of an argument it would be if I said - "Look at how bad these christians are, these damn christian companies poisoning the environment, see Islam is better, Christians are hypocrites"

Lol like come on dude, this line right here is proof there isn't much you can say, if I argued using your strategy we'd be here all day, those things don't pertain specifically to Christianity, the things I argued about do, the religion is supposed to police morality and degeneracy, and it no longer does that effectively, while Islam does, that's been my entire point, and you can't argue against that and you know it.

I hope you don't think I mean some black market shit, you can basically just buy a guys daughter from him for marriage, the more stricter the country is relative to islamic law, the more likely you can do it, I don't expect to be able to do something like this within european muslim communities.
You didn’t make any point, in fact.

You asked me to give you some example, which I gave you, as others in your other thread did, and you didn’t took them into consideration at all. You're totally stuck on your vision of Islam and don’t face reality.

The example I gave about kebab meat was a test conducted a few years ago, and it was a German non-Muslim which respected the halal. On the other hand, Muslim owned companies mixed it with pork, as it is cheaper, making profits from it. Just to say.

Liberal and progressive Islam is real, and it’s growing in Europe. It’s dangerous, well less than Liberal-Marxism, for sure, since it’s more conservative, but nonetheless, it’s making Islam becoming more secular, a lot less strict, loose, there is less and less control, there is no "punition", and is foremost subject to personal interpretation. Vast majority of Muslims do not follow the five pillars of Islam in EU, such as Salah (five daily prayers), minority do go to the mosque regularly on each Friday. Let alone the Zakat (compulsory giving for the poor). Less than 3% do the Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca), despite they have money and easy transport connections. Many do not follow the fasting in the month of the Ramadan. That’s what I meant by « half practicing ».
Consequence, we see more and more Arabic sluts, or « false virgins ». Islam simply cannot protect itself from degeneracy anymore, since it’s also become subject to « Barely anybody is following the rules to begin with, so there's no need to change/subvert them ».
You find news like this nowadays in WE: 'My LGBT-friendly mosque saved me from being radicalised'

As for Catholicism, it depends where do you live. In Poland, with the exception of the bigger cities, Catholicism is practiced in big numbers, and its rules are generally respected. WE though is totally cucked, in this aspect. But, Muslims living there are also. That was my point.

You are right, about Hypocrisy, related to Christianity vs Judalism/Islam. Europe is ruled by Hypocrites, mostly by Liberals and Alt-Communists (I choose this name, by purpose, it is better name for Marxists), who de facto, rule Europe.

But I am calm. Hypocrites are always loosing, when people realize, where their Hypocrisy, stands. European Alt- Communists and Liberals shall loose, I have no doubt about it.

In my opinion, Islamization of Western Europe, especially such countries like Sweden, Netherlands has positive effects. Ultra-Liberal, nearly Communist societies have been turned more Conservative. And what is the most laughable, LGBTs are acting like suicides. Most of LGBTs are or were supporting "refugees welcome". I can only imagine, how many homophobes and xenophobes were among these, who came to Germany, Sweden. But, LGBTs prefer Marxism, then Nationalism, so it is their problem, not mine.

Muslims are already living in Poland in big numbers. There is little problem with them. Why? Because majority of Poles are Christians or Conservatives. There is no "Marxist experiments", like gay "marriages" and abortion is strictly controlled. We are normal country, just like secular Muslim countries, Tunisia, Turkey. Polish people do not have problem with Islam and Muslims, due to historical reasons. We have defended ourselves against Turks and Turks feel respect towards us. Relations with every single Muslim country, in the Middle East, including Iran, Syria are in mint condition.

So, Islam won't become a problem in Poland, ever. However, if our society, becomes more and more degenerated and comparable to these full of Nihilism, cultural Marxism, Atheism, Western societies, problems will arise. 
So, my point of very clear – deadly combination of Marxism+Liberalism+Nihilism are the existential threat for Europe, not Islam or even massive immigration. People who cannot understand these basics, should simply stay quiet. They are worse than our Marxist-Liberal enemies.
People who cannot understand these basics, should simply stay quiet.

JFL you sound "triggered", all Christian nations are going to fall and become secular (or muslim), and the reverse likely won't happen to Islam, here's why.

The core tenant of christianity is pacifism, and that's why all these forces you are using as an excuse (Marxism+Liberalism+Nihilism) even have the great effect they are having now on the religion, its because christianity has one big gaping hole of weakness in its doctrine, Jesus "turn the other cheek" Christ, notice today Christianity is more about being accepted, liked and being seen as a "good person" than obeying God, Christians shy away from appearing "judgemental", etc, because the core tenant of the religion is about "making peace" and "avoiding violence".

Now that's useful for spreading your religion, but when it comes to keeping your religion as it was, that's a huge weakness, because over time as more members join, you have to keep broadening the scope of whats acceptable.

Now take Islam, which ironically calls itself the religion of peace, its core tenant is violence, the exact opposite of christianity, and that's why its still relatively intact, and likely will remain so.

Christianity is a religion that celebrates and pedestalizes pacifism and weakness, their prophet is a guy who let himself be killed
Islam is a religion that celebrates and pedestalizes violence and force, their prophet was a war lord

Its no wonder Christianity is as corrupted as it is today, and continues to become less and less of a religion worth following, it has a huge gaping weakness............ ITS CORE TENANT, one that makes you an easy target for being forced to change.

Well enough with this back and forth, all I can tell you is time will tell, we'll see which religion is in better shape 10 years from now, over time it will sink in for you.
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Jesus was incel. The entire religion of Christianity is a product of his coping here on earth.
JFL you sound "triggered", all Christian nations are going to fall and become secular (or muslim), and the reverse likely won't happen to Islam, here's why.

The core tenant of christianity is pacifism, and that's why all these forces you are using as an excuse (Marxism+Liberalism+Nihilism) even have the great effect they are having now on the religion, its because christianity has one big gaping hole of weakness in its doctrine, Jesus "turn the other cheek" Christ, notice today Christianity is more about being accepted, liked and being seen as a "good person" than obeying God, Christians shy away from appearing "judgemental", etc, because the core tenant of the religion is about "making peace" and "avoiding violence".

Now that's useful for spreading your religion, but when it comes to keeping your religion as it was, that's a huge weakness, because over time as more members join, you have to keep broadening the scope of whats acceptable.

Now take Islam, which ironically calls itself the religion of peace, its core tenant is violence, the exact opposite of christianity, and that's why its still relatively intact, and likely will remain so.

Christianity is a religion that celebrates and pedestalizes pacifism and weakness, their prophet is a guy who let himself be killed
Islam is a religion that celebrates and pedestalizes violence and force, their prophet was a war lord

Its no wonder Christianity is as corrupted as it is today, and continues to become less and less of a religion worth following, it has a huge gaping weakness............ ITS CORE TENANT, one that makes you an easy target for being forced to change.

Well enough with this back and forth, all I can tell you is time will tell, we'll see which religion is in better shape 10 years from now, over time it will sink in for you.
Dude, you’re really coping very hard right now.

All this anti-Christian rhetorics of yours is nothing more than coping to accept your true reality as a Muslim.

I have given you countless examples of how cucked you are, and your answer is just making me LOL.

Of course, Western « elites » want you to have this illusion of power, just like you were cucked by your own aristocracy for hundreds of years as you are so easy to get manipulated, and so stubborn to even interrogate yourselves. One thing Christians, and especially Catholics are not so easy to get a play by. That’s why they « imported » you in the first place to the West (and in a non-democratic way). They wish they could eliminate the last remnant of Christianity by doing so, and turn you in their favor. Where do you thing Balkanic Islam came from, and why Euro-Islam or liberal progressive Islam is so pushed forward?

Just look at yourself, you don’t even question a single word from what I’ve said.

As for your Islamic world, all of your nations are nothing more than marionettes of the West. You can’t even stand for yourselves, and if you do, you’re directly eliminated, or "controlled by them".
All this anti-Christian rhetorics of yours is nothing more than coping to accept your true reality as a Muslim.

Lol I'm not even muslim, I'm just objectively assessing the two religions, comparing the costs against the benefits, and coming to the conclusion, that Islam would be a more logical choice of a religion for a man today. Ironically I would call myself a Christian, I was raised in a Christian family, its what I sign on all records as a formality, etc.

Don't try to depict me as the one arguing with blinders on and being closed minded due to bias, that's you, I have no allegiances either way, for me its like comparing the offers of two employers and looking at the pay, work hours, health benefits, distance from home, etc to decide which job i'll take.

Please try and remember what I said at the start, this is the second time I've had to repeat this line to you, are dense or something:
incels should choose religions, groups, allegiances, etc based on a cost vs benefit analysis, we need to operate on logic, logic as straight forward, cold and harsh as the reality of the black pill.

You have an emotional attachment to your religion, because there is currently no logical reason for you to be so fervent about it, when it has failed you this much, you would not be incel if your religion was worth a damn.
Lol I'm not even muslim, I'm just objectively assessing the two religions, comparing the costs against the benefits, and coming to the conclusion, that Islam would be a more logical choice of a religion for a man today. Ironically I would call myself a Christian, I was raised in a Christian family, its what I sign on all records as a formality, etc.

Don't try to depict me as the one arguing with blinders on and being closed minded due to bias, that's you, I have no allegiances either way, for me its like comparing the offers of two employers and looking at the pay, work hours, health benefits, distance from home, etc to decide which job i'll take.
You seem to be very sure for what you're praising (even as a non-allegiant). However, Islam and especially in Europe as a White is not a very good idea, here I will explain why. First, Islam here is not very rigorous, in general. Second, if you begin to preach "non-moderate" views as a white you're most of the case will be ostracized from the community, or be considered a hypocrite, and rightfully so. Third, in many European places, especially in EE, if you say you're a Muslim it's worse for you, in almost any way, it's over anyway since the "flooding" from 2015. Not saying, that people will either laugh or think you're talking BS. As a white, you're far from the stereotypical Arab, who is often considered by foids as more manly/virile because he's aggressive and/or is a rich Gulf-Arab, with some ties to power in his country. And seeing all these Incels from MENA, JFL. It's already messed-up when you allow someone to have up to 4 wives, it should be a clear indicator that something is wrong - there would never be enough women for it, the male-female ratio being closer to 50/50. Somebody loses, somebody wins, nothing more. See, I try to take the big picture, not only the scriptures, even the Bible is strict, to begin with.
Please try and remember what I said at the start, this is the second time I've had to repeat this line to you, are dense or something:

You have an emotional attachment to your religion, because there is currently no logical reason for you to be so fervent about it, when it has failed you this much, you would not be incel if your religion was worth a damn.
Thank you for paying that much attention to my religion :feelsohh:.

So, pretending I was a Muslim, I would be more attractive to foids, JFL.
What you do not seem to see is that it is not a problem of religion, but of society in general.
Islam is a Religion full of hypocrites. Firstly, about 80% of Muslim that is living in Europe are non-practicing at all, or half practicing.
That’s precisely why we incels should be pro-islam.

Religion is all about enslavement, and social control, so it must be chosen only thinking about what benefit you the most.
That’s precisely why we incels should be pro-islam.

Religion is all about enslavement, and social control, so it must be chosen only thinking about what benefit you the most.
So, pretending I was a Muslim, I would be more attractive to foids, JFL.

I can't tell if you are retarded, or this is an attempt at a strawman, because I don't know anyone with regular intelligence who would say this is what I argued.
I can't tell if you are retarded, or this is an attempt at a strawman, because I don't know anyone with regular intelligence who would say this is what I argued.
Now, I'm a retard - that's all that you have to say being out of arguments :feelsohh:.
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If the Christian God is real he is most certainly our enemy. He seems to reward those who break his rules and punish those who follow them i.e. his rules have little to do with reality and everything to do with powerful people controlling the plebs and making them subservient.
Now, I'm a retard - that's all what you have to say being out of arguments :feelsohh:.

There's really nothing left to argue, like I said:
all I can tell you is time will tell, we'll see which religion is in better shape 10 years from now, over time it will sink in for you.

Nothing I can say can convince a religious zealot, one of the wisest quotes I've ever heard is - "You can't reason someone out of something they weren't reasoned into"

I have an extremely religious normie friend, and no logical argument works on him, almost like the self defense mechanism of an antivirus he starts deflecting and quoting versus even when asked simple yes or no questions

No point arguing something that has a time constraint, in time even you will have no choice to admit that Christianity is worthless to incels, and men period.

If the Christian God is real he is most certainly our enemy. He seems to reward those who break his rules and punish those who follow them i.e. his rules have little to do with reality and everything to do with powerful people controlling the plebs and making them subservient.

I keep telling people, if God is real, what happened to Job was just a microcosm of the game that the devil and god are playing against each other, were all fucking job lol. We all think this battle for souls is serious, but its only serious to us because were the pieces on the board, to higher beings like god and satan, this is probably nothing but a fun board game.
He seems to reward those who break his rules and punish those who follow them
I think it gets rewarded/punished after death bro. It wouldnt make sense if good ppl would be rewarded and wicked ones punished on this earth. Everyone could easilly figure it out and cheat the system that way
Everyone could easilly figure it out and cheat the system that way

Translation: God can't create straight forward logical rules, I mean how else will he get the chance to torture people for eternity for a rule set they were tricked into because its setup for you to doubt his existence
I think it gets rewarded/punished after death bro. It wouldnt make sense if good ppl would be rewarded and wicked ones punished on this earth. Everyone could easilly figure it out and cheat the system that way
The idea of life after death is the biggest cope of all imo. Heavan and hell are on Earth in our own states of being.
Most of us have spent some time in hell no doubt.
"You can't reason someone out of something they weren't reasoned into"
It's certainly valid for you.

No point arguing something that has a time constraint, in time even you will have no choice to admit that Christianity is worthless to incels, and men period.
That's your point of view, which I don't share. Period.

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