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JFL for all the autists

  • Thread starter AutistSupremacist
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Autistic women cannot tell if chad loves them or is friends with them
Looked through her reddit account and found this lmao

I'm essentially his secondary partner, but I consider him my primary. We didn't explicitly state that this was gonna be hierarchical, but it's functionally acting like one due to his spouse being less and less into poly/ENM even though they've been like that since their relationship began. (It's a whole thing. Lot of tension lately.) Like some people would call this a lifestyle choice, while for others it's an identity complete with a pride flag. My partner is definitely in the later camp.

Literally a part of chads harem you can't make this shit up :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
It matters little if I "misinterpret" normies' attitudes, my issues are mostly due to normies going out of their way to create trouble for me just because they "didn't like my attitude" or some other inane excuse.

Being autistic and male is like wearing a big "kick me" tattoo on my forehead. Normies will make time to bully me and make things harder for me for no reason, pure hatred.
These bitches are NT only.
No suck thing as a autist girls.
Autistic girls?
I mean, that's how now we call stupid average foids?
Your "autist" foidlet is being banged by multiple chads and she says she doesn't understand social interactions

First of all, this. This is a standford medical journal. I'll spare you the boring parts. “We detected significant differences between the brains of boys and girls with autism, and obtained individualized predictions of clinical symptoms in girls,”. Okay. "Significant difference between the brains". Okay so there is, quite literally a difference of the brain between the two genders when it comes to autism. How could that, in any capacity, be called the same mental illness. As I will say again, ADHD is the same in Men and Women, that's why its called the same thing and not two different things. "suggesting gender-specific diagnostics are needed" I agree.
Polyamory is not unusual in autistic women ,the autism word is getting super insane .I left wrongplanet and aspie central long ago and even my inperson support group .Incel is far better for sure and the autistic men who are good with women utterly belittle us that are not
i dont understand what this means
>autistic girls
It's biologically impossible for this to exist. Females cannot have autism.
Polyamory is not unusual in autistic women ,the autism word is getting super insane .I left wrongplanet and aspie central long ago and even my inperson support group .Incel is far better for sure and the autistic men who are good with women utterly belittle us that are not
Are there any asd friendly spaces besides here that are not cucked as fuck or women worshipping? I swear trying to find anywhere that's based & won't result in a ban or everyone wanting you dead for expressing the truth is nigh impossible.
Are there any asd friendly spaces besides here that are not cucked as fuck or women worshipping? I swear trying to find anywhere that's based & won't result in a ban or everyone wanting you dead for expressing the truth is nigh impossible.
Wrongplanet.net is woman worshipping mainly and you cannot even say to refer to all things incel ,the word incel itself is banned.
Autism Forums (formerly Aspie central) is not as bad but still only for elite successful autistics

There is nothing I know of that is better than here really
Wrongplanet.net is woman worshipping mainly and you cannot even say to refer to all things incel ,the word incel itself is banned.
Autism Forums (formerly Aspie central) is not as bad but still only for elite successful autistics

There is nothing I know of that is better than here really
So much for freedom of the internet, instead it's a bunch of control freaks, clowns simping for attention & the usual suspects that enjoy life to the fullest winning the online popularity contest too. What a rigged game this is. No company for odd losers.
Shut up.

Even as a massive autist, it's obvious when people are attracted to you.
So much for freedom of the internet, instead it's a bunch of control freaks, clowns simping for attention & the usual suspects that enjoy life to the fullest winning the online popularity contest too. What a rigged game this is. No company for odd losers.
I spend some time here but also in Christian communities ,Jesus is the best friend you can ever have for sure!
Thank you for quoting my post, it is indeed all there is to be said about this reddit post. Females cannot have autism, end of discussion.
It's biologically impossible for this to exist. Females cannot have autism.
I recommend reading my insanely high iq post about it if you haven't already

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