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Serious Foids will serve no purpose in the future



subhuman genetic dead end
Jun 29, 2024
In this century men will probably create artificial wombs, so foids will be completely useless for anything whatsoever. Would you like to euthanize them when this happens?
yes they will

Neither will autistic men, NEETcels, disabled people, the genetic underclass etc.
yes they will

Guys like in OP are still in denial about the blackpill and now try to convince themselves that muh foids will be worthless because artifical womb
It is foids who has the upper hand of reproducing without a partner right now, and more will do it because of feminism and "muh independent woman"
Guys like in OP are still in denial about the blackpill and now try to convince themselves that muh foids will be worthless because artifical womb
Joe Biden Oops GIF by The Democrats
It is foids who has the upper hand of reproducing without a partner right now, and more will do it because of feminism and "muh independent woman"
We would be lucky if they don't decide to go on a rampage and wipe us all out
if foid cant get chad to commit she'll just take chads sperm from a bank. dont try cope, youve already lost
foids are worthless tfd now
Guys like in OP are still in denial about the blackpill and now try to convince themselves that muh foids will be worthless because artifical womb
Foids rule society. Men built it, but foids rule it easily.
It is foids who has the upper hand of reproducing without a partner right now, and more will do it because of feminism and "muh independent woman"
Destroy Sperm Banks, NOW.
Men seriously need to exert their physical advantage, otherwise, no next gen of men, just slaves.
Foids rule society. Men built it, but foids rule it easily.
Yup! There's no going back.
Either men castrate themselves and serve these fascists' whims or monetize the fuck out of every luxury men have achieved for foids the way they monetize their sexuality.
Men gotta pick one extreme.
men castrate themselves
masculinity has been pacified and defanged by feminists. Men are increasingly more desperate and feel the need to be cucks, simps and orbiters to get women.

Ban feminism, ban abortion, ban contraceptives, ban women from the workplace, ban feminism, ban divorce. Make the state give each man a guaranteed wife and simp rates will plummet overnight.
Guys like in OP are still in denial about the blackpill and now try to convince themselves that muh foids will be worthless because artifical womb
I think your iq is on par with that of somalis'. I said: if you had the chance to exterminate all foids, knowing that we would still be able to reproduce (which makes foids useless), would you do it or not. Is it so difficult for your somali brain to understand?
We would be lucky if they don't decide to go on a rampage and wipe us all out
yeah right. That would result in the utter destruction of the female gender. Men make up virtually the entire military. All women would either die, be tortured to death or turn back into the raped dolls they are
I think your iq is on par with that of somalis'. I said: if you had the chance to exterminate all foids, knowing that we would still be able to reproduce (which makes foids useless), would you do it or not. Is it so difficult for your somali brain to understand?
A lot of guys are here, not because they hate hypergamy and fascism of foids, but because they aren't chads in the gynocentric hellhole.
yeah right. That would result in the utter destruction of the female gender. Men make up virtually the entire military. All women would either die, be tortured to death or turn back into the raped dolls they are
The typical response to that you'd get is, "bro, cope harder, bro, everything is automated, bro." The knowledge gap left by men would fuck them over pretty quick, not even factoring in the absurd difference in efficiency when it comes to physical labour. Like, even when I think about a hypothetical future scenario of men banning foids from workplace, even though it'd not be nearly as catastrophic, I always wonder how guys would first replace the foids in secret, who are key to maintaining our modern infras, as well as nurses and shits.
That's a bit naive thinking. Don't worry, Jews take care of their new oppressed proletariate. Foids will still be elevated to a parasitic upperclass giga-protected by legislation pushed by commies, now without even the need to give birth to any children at all, and men will be slaves working for their queens.

That's a bit naive thinking. Don't worry, Jews take care of their new oppressed proletariate. Foids will still be elevated to a parasitic upperclass giga-protected by legislation pushed by commies, now without even the need to give birth to any children at all, and men will be slaves working for their queens.

I think your iq is on par with that of somalis'. I said: if you had the chance to exterminate all foids, knowing that we would still be able to reproduce (which makes foids useless), would you do it or not. Is it so difficult for your somali brain to understand?
okay GrAY
yeah right. That would result in the utter destruction of the female gender. Men make up virtually the entire military. All women would either die, be tortured to death or turn back into the raped dolls they are
military is full of normie men who are controlled by their wives who are controlled by the government and mass media
military is full of normie men who are controlled by their wives who are controlled by the government and mass media
In the scenario I was replying to, we are talking about a situation where women are actively trying to kill men. Men would stop giving a shit and fight back
military is full of normie men who are controlled by their wives who are controlled by the government and mass media
NumbER of men in relationships lowERs evERy year, in near future it will be less than 20%.
legit. if anything sub5 men will be the first to go
Sure, buddy. And what would a foid with a used up womb be useful for?
And no, muh foids aren't more valuable. It's your inner simp talking. Curry and China have billions with their history of selective abortions.
And no, there'd not be violence with sausage fests even if sex-dolls don't happen. Most men are already sexless.

Modern society infras would be much much much more sustainable with a majority of male population than a population of few chads (dumbfuck guys) and foids.

Let your misandry mask slip there. Fucking moron.
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Man still want to fuck Woman , Duh .
I don't think that technology is going to solve our problems, I am a tech realist so my faith definitely isn't in artificial wombs (which don't even exist nowadays).
Anyhow it would be cucked to just replace womens jobs with technology. This just further enables them to be whores in their free time...
Just look at what they did with vacuum cleaners and washing machines. Foids used their free time to become more degenerate.

I don't know about you but I'd like to halt the regression of food degeneracy.

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