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TeeHee Foids think they are superior



Nov 8, 2018

Anon is retarded for stating obvious facts that most men are stronger when rather he should have mentioned that men have single handily built society that women live in. Everything foids take for granted that they use against us was created by men. I dont think it should be a competition but foids want supremacy these days.
I like how they say they have humanity.

Humanity is for chad only teehee
Promote peace by not letting 80% of men get laid so they kill themselves
Yes, men lack humanity and holes are true humans that's why they slaughter millions of unborn babies every year.
Literally every significant scientist has been a male

Newton and Leibniz invented calculus which is used in every field of science, architecture, and engineering

Louis Pasteur helped make food safer to eat, and helped make vaccines

Edwin Hubble increases our understanding of space and the things outside our solar system

Gregor Mendel increases our understanding of genetic traits

Einstein and Schrodinger advanced quantum mechanics that allowed for the creation of every piece of wireless technology we have today including phones and computers.

Notice that there are no women on this list

Tl;dr, on average, men are superior to women in literally every way imagineable
She just disproved herself. Men are the ones that improve others lives, men are the ones that promote world peace. She reduced herself to a hole.
if foids are so peaceful how come there are no female monks
Literally every significant scientist has been a male

Newton and Leibniz invented calculus which is used in every field of science, architecture, and engineering

Louis Pasteur helped make food safer to eat, and helped make vaccines

Edwin Hubble increases our understanding of space and the things outside our solar system

Gregor Mendel increases our understanding of genetic traits

Einstein and Schrodinger advanced quantum mechanics that allowed for the creation of every piece of wireless technology we have today including phones and computers.

Notice that there are no women on this list

Tl;dr, on average, men are superior to women in literally every way imagineable
there are/have been many foid scientists tbhngl, foids have iqmogged me my whole life and it is a very potent ropefuel
women are low iq argument is a major cope
there are/have been many foid scientists tbhngl, foids have iqmogged me my whole life and it is a very potent ropefuel
women are low iq argument is a major cope
name one female scientist who is equally as important as the ones on my list that wasn’t Marie Curie(overrated as fuck too, imagine thinking radiation is more important than literally saving millions of lives like Pasteur did.)
Yes you promote peace by making an aggressive statement towards half the population and make everyone’s lives better by saying retarded shit. You go kween
Guy they were responding to is low IQ.
Their argument is invalid since foids want to fuck violent chads
name one female scientist who is equally as important as the ones on my list that wasn’t Marie Curie(overrated as fuck too, imagine thinking radiation is more important than literally saving millions of lives like Pasteur did.)
Only Grace Hopper and Rosalin Franklin comes to my mind that can be considered somewhat important, but you can't expect them to be on the same level as men immediately after being seen as mentally inferior for hundreds of years tbh, obviously 99% of the progress leading to current era has been made by white men, but I was talking about our times, I based what I said off the articles I read
I see just as many female authors as male ones, and in fields like biology and medicine I'd say female authors are more common tbh
But no matter how smart they are once the estrogen kicks in they are all the same and predictable
But I'd say that men have a much higher level of consciousness, and that's why there are no significant female philosophers, and there will never be
But that doesn't mean they are low IQ, thats a cope
there are/have been many foid scientists tbhngl, foids have iqmogged me my whole life and it is a very potent ropefuel
women are low iq argument is a major cope
Lindsay Lohan Spits Out Drink
Only Grace Hopper and Rosalin Franklin comes to my mind that can be considered somewhat important, but you can't expect them to be on the same level as men immediately after being seen as mentally inferior for hundreds of years tbh, obviously 99% of the progress leading to current era has been made by white men, but I was talking about our times, I based what I said off the articles I read
I see just as many female authors as male ones, and in fields like biology and medicine I'd say female authors are more common tbh
But no matter how smart they are once the estrogen kicks in they are all the same and predictable
But I'd say that men have a much higher level of consciousness, and that's why there are no significant female philosophers, and there will never be
But that doesn't mean they are low IQ, thats a cope
Still, it speaks volumes that you can think of two important female scientists when there are dozens of male scientists that have been massively influential. Also, George Washington Carver was black in the 19th and 20th century and still had a significant impact on the world by improving agriculture. Discrimination isn’t an excuse.
You kill millions of innocent children inside your wombs every year and want the tax payer to pay for the procedure.
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cope if you think women are low iq, they lack creativity and self awareness, not iq
which are not needed in majority of the fields
thats why I get iqmogged every day by foids as a man with average iq
Still, it speaks volumes that you can think of two important female scientists when there are dozens of male scientists that have been massively influential. Also, George Washington Carver was black in the 19th and 20th century and still had a significant impact on the world by improving agriculture. Discrimination isn’t an excuse.
I wouldn't say the cause is mental inferiority, but the amount of value women have always held simply by existing
Men always had to work to gain status and power, including scientists, but why would a high IQ women even bother?
the power she has thanks to having a vagina mogs 99% of scientists anyways
I just cant help but see it as a cope, how we try to say, they might have a greater power in the social field but we are mentally superior
We are just fucked man, we cant win. It is over
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cope if you think women are low iq, they lack creativity and self awareness, not iq
which are not needed in majority of the fields
thats why I get iqmogged every day by foids as a man with average iq
Yes that's why they get outperformed by males in almost every industry / field of academics, even those that are female dominated i.e. nursing.
Lindsay Lohan Spits Out Drink
Yes that's why they get outperformed by males in almost every industry / field of academics, even those that are female dominated i.e. nursing.
View attachment 181943
as I said they don't even have to work or study to have shitton of power
what motivates the average man to work? surely it isnt passion for the majority, it is money, thus power
if you had that much validation and attention given to you, you wouldn't have the motivation to work excessive amounts either
even after years of wageslaving, vast majority of men will not have the socioeconomic power of a young foid
unlike most men (non chad) foids start at the top
stop with this cope ffs
as I said they don't even have to work or study to have shitton of power
what motivates the average man to work? surely it isnt passion for the majority, it is money, thus power
if you had that much validation and attention given to you, you wouldn't have the motivation to work excessive amounts either
even after years of wageslaving, vast majority of men will not have the socioeconomic power of a young foid
unlike most men (non chad) foids start at the top
stop with this cope ffs
You can delete this post cuz it's entirely unrelated to your initial point, which was foids not being low IQ.
Lurk some more and get back later LOL

Lindsay Lohan Spits Out Drink
You can delete this post cuz it's entirely unrelated to your initial point, which was foids not being low IQ.
Lurk some more and get back later LOL

View attachment 181946
I am low IQ, so please explain to me where I am wrong
I believe foids and men have the same IQ on average, but since foids already have an incredible amount of power from birth, they simply lack the ambition to studymaxx or professionmaxx, compared to the average man at least
For us, non chad males, not having a status, a high end job, it is guaranteed to be over for us, we are treated like trash if we don't have status and we are ugly, isn't this why most men STEMmaxx or professionmaxx?
so that's the motivation, to exist in society, doesn't this explain why men dominate most fields?
if men had the same amount of attention and validation given to them, would they still dominate the fields? I doubt it
what is the percentage of chad tier men in intelligence based jobs, to my observation not a lot, just like foids they lack the motivation to waste their years studymaxxing
where am I making a mistake?
Women don't think anything. They believe, they base their "opinions" on not objective reality.
I am low IQ, so please explain to me where I am wrong
I believe foids and men have the same IQ on average, but since foids already have an incredible amount of power from birth, they simply lack the ambition to studymaxx or professionmaxx, compared to the average man at least
For us, non chad males, not having a status, a high end job, it is guaranteed to be over for us, we are treated like trash if we don't have status and we are ugly, isn't this why most men STEMmaxx or professionmaxx?
so that's the motivation, to exist in society, doesn't this explain why men dominate most fields?
if men had the same amount of attention and validation given to them, would they still dominate the fields? I doubt it
what is the percentage of chad tier men in intelligence based jobs, to my observation not a lot, just like foids they lack the motivation to waste their years studymaxxing
where am I making a mistake?
I simply don't believe this vast discrepancy we've had for basically the entirety of human history can be explained by virtually all women just being raised to be lazy / being handed everything. Even though women have gotten the better end of the stick for basically forever it's only now that they live on complete god mode. Yet their achievements as a collective have ALWAYS been lackluster.

For us, non chad males, not having a status, a high end job, it is guaranteed to be over for us, we are treated like trash if we don't have status and we are ugly, isn't this why most men STEMmaxx or professionmaxx?
Yet men not only dominate hard sciences but the arts as well, think famous sculpters, musicians, poets etc. Also other fields which are even LESS correlated with fame and money, most niche hobbies are also led by men, think blacksmithing, obscure sports basically anything you can think of.

so that's the motivation, to exist in society, doesn't this explain why men dominate most fields?
Or maybe because they have a natural haptitude and interest for stuff, people generally pursue what they are good at.

what is the percentage of chad tier men in intelligence based jobs, to my observation not a lot,
I don't know and neither do you, I've seen handsome mathematicians but what does that prove?

believe foids and men have the same IQ on average
They have lower IQ on average, statistics telling you otherwise are usually rigged in some way.

Maybe unrelated but I'd recommend watching this video, it also features the stuff i said about average IQ, but I don't want to go through the whole thing looking for it.
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I simply don't believe this vast discrepancy we've had for basically the entirety of human history can be explained by virtually all women just being raised to be lazy / being handed everything. Even though women have gotten the better end of the stick for basically forever it's only now that they live on complete god mode. Yet their achievements as a collective have ALWAYS been lackluster.

Yet men not only dominate hard sciences but the arts as well, think famous sculpters, musicians, poets etc. Also other fields which are even LESS correlated with fame and money, most niche hobbies are also led by men, think blacksmithing, obscure sports basically anything you can think of.

Or maybe because they have a natural haptitude and interest for stuff, people generally pursue what they are good at.

I don't know and neither do you, I've seen handsome mathematicians but what dies that prove?

They have lower IQ on average, statistics telling you otherwise are usually rigged in some way.

Maybe unrelated but I'd recommend watching this video, it also features the stuff i said about average IQ, but I don't want to go through the whole thing looking for it.

you made some really good points brocel, thanks for the detailed response
I will reevaluate my thoughts on this, but I want to ask one more thing
do you think mental capacities can be properly measured with IQ alone? It is quite obvious that men are much superior at art and philosophy, but I believe this is due to features other than IQ. When it comes to literature or music, the gap between men and women is too great to compare, but I feel like that gap isn't that great in scientifical fields, obviously I am talking about the current era
I think of IQ as raw mental capacity, I might be wrong though,
I wish women actually upheld that "make love not war" motto.
do you think mental capacities can be properly measured with IQ alone?
Well don't quote me on this but AFAIK higher IQ just means the ability to process stuff / grasp concepts quicker than with lower IQ.
I don't know much about IQ, just what the science says about IQ being related to other stuff.
I just think it's the best indicator we have.
but I believe this is due to features other than IQ.
Maybe has to do with other personality traits that generally differ between men and women, mainly speaking of The Big Five

you made some really good points brocel, thanks for the detailed response
U too tbh
63297 full
Humanity is masculinity.
If there was alien species studying human civilization, they would essentially be studying masculinity. Laws are projection of masculine judgement, female laws would be very different and most likely not codified as concretely.
Combat is pure masculinity, female combat would be much less confrontational and more based on social exclusion most likely.
Science is masculine way of assessing the world and measuring it, most women are not interested in immeterial and mechanical, there's a reason male babies play with cars and female babies play with dolls.
Women lose to the world but win against men, and that's their only trump card.
I sound like a redpiller but goddamn.
Well don't quote me on this but AFAIK higher IQ just means the ability to process stuff / grasp concepts quicker than with lower IQ.
I agree with this, I believe it to be innate
There were a lot of high IQ foids in my high school, but if you were to talk to them, you would think that they are quite average, nothing would stand out
Only to find out that they speak 5+ languages, play various instruments, have incredible grades and mog 99% of human population in terms of mental capacity
If they did not have upper class parents, they wouldn't have any of these features, they always have to be guided to achieve something, and yes they will never make any significant progress for humanity, they still IQmogged me
Unlike high IQ foids, high IQ males were very nerdy, they were obsessed about certain topics and those topics would be the central part of their lives, and I would expect the progress from them, not from the foids, which once again makes me think that the other traits could be as signficant as IQ
Women promote peace? :feelshaha:
They cause all of our problems.
Promote peace by not letting 80% of men get laid so they kill themselves
Or go ER

Yeah,Nature promotes peace and humanity,not fighting or building a society to survive.
I bet that humans didn't go extinct because females promoted peace and shitted humanity all around places,and then BOOM society appeared out of nowhere.
Its not like males killed predators trying to eat their children and females,not like they've explored,invented,built against nature trying to fucking kill them.
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soulless creature claims it has humanity JFL
Brutal gorillapill in there too. The age of the dogpill is over
You kill millions of innocent children inside your wombs every year and want the tax payer to pay for the procedure.
Women have killed more people through abortions so far than the entire WW2 death toll. Serious
"Improve lives" by what, giving up your twat to chad?
That' why are attracted to low inhib high t tyrone/chad and don't give a shit about intelectual men.

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