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Theory Foids are the Harbingers of Consumerism



nevER lose your smile⚡︎⚡︎
Nov 20, 2022
Consumerism, a problem which plagues our society today & can be attributed to many of the ills within it. Personally, I consider consumerism to be akin to that of a cancer: It simply spreads & consumes the finite resources we have, and quite literally consumes normies & NPCs in just about every aspect possible since their brains are not equipped to recognize what they are doing.

It should be obvious to us all here, that consumerism has completely ruined many aspects of entertainment, marketing, and arguably even food on some metrics. We can all attribute it towards various ills, but the mere truth is that it is just another symptom of our behavioral sink & civilizational decline, mainly within the West.

Perhaps what we should consider, however, is how exactly have foids played into this: If consumerism, amongst both genders, is a symptom of a decaying society/civilization, how can we trace things back to the actual root-cause?

In order to understand how foids drive consumerism, we should first analyze their historical role within it:
In 1929, home economist and marketing expert Christine Frederick published Selling Mrs. Consumer, a popular book that schooled manufacturers and advertisers in the art of pitching products to American women. Seventy years later, consumer culture is part of the air we breathe, and women's role as consumer seems almost a natural one—a role captured in the phrase, "born to shop." Even in this age of market segmentation, when men are addressed as style-conscious buyers, the association of femininity and consumption remains nearly seamless. And these terms have been mutually reinforcing. Consumption is coded as a female pursuit, frivolous and even wasteful, a form of leisure rather than productive work.

Now, this of course is essentially a metaphor for foids overall sexual behavior: Foids, in general, exist in a state of "being" as opposed to doing or actually producing.

Men are human doings, women are human beings: Men build houses, women move into them.

In essence, this helps to explain as to why & how men & foids shop differently: Foids, due to their nature, want stuff for show in order to gratify their pure nature as foids.

Now, let's take a more solidified look at some examples of this statistically & financially speaking:
Women make up more than half of the U.S. population, and control or influence 85% of consumer spending
The purchasing power of women in the U.S. ranges from $5 trillion to $15 trillion annually.
Whilst this is a lot for just the United States, globally, it is this:
Women control over $31.8 trillion in worldwide spending.

Obviously, this kind of monetary control as a group is very significant. Essentially, foids de-facto control the spending market.

To further clarify as to how consumerism feeds into foids nature, we should address the fact that the only area men hold more purchasing-power, is on this:
The only sales channel in which men hold more spending power than women is in Gas/Convenience Store purchases (53% vs. 47%)

The literal only area we spend more in & have more monetary power, is on gas & food; aka essentials to survive & be a wageslave.

Now, but since it's well established by now that Kali Yuga is here to stay, I think we should also take a look at how this may worsen in the future.

Women will be the beneficiaries of the largest transference of wealth in U.S. history
Women will control 2/3 of the consumer wealth in the U.S. over the next decade

So as always, things won't get bettER boyos. :society:

Foids exist as the harbingers of consumerism, and of course deluded males will adhere to this since most males are cucks who merely want to please & satiate foids "needs"
High IQ thread will read later, my ADHD isn't allowing me to concentrate unfortunately. :feelsrope:. Add a tldr
@Regenerator @Near.Belgrade @LeFrenchCel @WorthlessSlavicShit @Chudpreet @wereq @Ron.Belgrade @RealSchizo @Stupid Clown @cvh1991 @Left4DeadDarkie @VideoGameCoper @Aquiline @BlackCel_from_ZA @KillNiggers @ElTruecel @Blackpill Monk

Thanks to @GeckoBus for the sources also.
This ties into how they're very materialistic too
They care way more about useless things than males do
Yeah women consume 75% of all materialistic goods. Thats why most stores actually have so much women stuff.

Tho most dudes nowadays also buy shit they didnt need 20 years ago. Like dudes are buying lots of beauty products (including myself) in order to groom and looksmaxx.

Protein powder and home gym gear is becoming more attractive for males in the western world.

For a guy whos been a lifelong minimalist i actually think to myself about what some Shops have to offer.

Like I went to Woolworth half a year ago and i kid you not 99.9% of all the stuff they had Was worthless shit.

Most of that crap can be replaced by a new Smartphone.
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Just goes to show the frivolous nature of foids. Since everything gets handed to them, it means nothing to them, and they have no concept of value. Men buy essentials and fun stuff for their hobbies. Although it has basically no practical purpose, my 1970s muscle car that burns 3-4 times the gas a normal car does, it’s fun as hell and not a waste. Foids just buy stuff like fancy purses and clothes that are not essential or fun. Just useless nonsense they buy to fit in and appear flashy. At least the non essential things I buy are fun
The literal only area we spend more in & have more monetary power, is on gas & food; aka essentials to survive & be a wageslave.
Even in the area where we spend more which is gas & food. The reasons are simple.

Gas - due to men owning more cars.

Food - men needing a larger amount of calories to survive.
Makes sense. Woman are conformists by nature, so when Stacy buys something Becky is compelled to follow.
foids are consumerist because they need fancy clothes and makeup to make up for their shitty appearance
Consumerism, a problem which plagues our society today & can be attributed to many of the ills within it. Personally, I consider consumerism to be akin to that of a cancer: It simply spreads & consumes the finite resources we have, and quite literally consumes normies & NPCs in just about every aspect possible since their brains are not equipped to recognize what they are doing.

It should be obvious to us all here, that consumerism has completely ruined many aspects of entertainment, marketing, and arguably even food on some metrics. We can all attribute it towards various ills, but the mere truth is that it is just another symptom of our behavioral sink & civilizational decline, mainly within the West.

Perhaps what we should consider, however, is how exactly have foids played into this: If consumerism, amongst both genders, is a symptom of a decaying society/civilization, how can we trace things back to the actual root-cause?

In order to understand how foids drive consumerism, we should first analyze their historical role within it:

Now, this of course is essentially a metaphor for foids overall sexual behavior: Foids, in general, exist in a state of "being" as opposed to doing or actually producing.

Men are human doings, women are human beings: Men build houses, women move into them.

In essence, this helps to explain as to why & how men & foids shop differently: Foids, due to their nature, want stuff for show in order to gratify their pure nature as foids.

Now, let's take a more solidified look at some examples of this statistically & financially speaking:

Whilst this is a lot for just the United States, globally, it is this:

Obviously, this kind of monetary control as a group is very significant. Essentially, foids de-facto control the spending market.

To further clarify as to how consumerism feeds into foids nature, we should address the fact that the only area men hold more purchasing-power, is on this:

The literal only area we spend more in & have more monetary power, is on gas & food; aka essentials to survive & be a wageslave.

Now, but since it's well established by now that Kali Yuga is here to stay, I think we should also take a look at how this may worsen in the future.

So as always, things won't get bettER boyos. :society:

Foids exist as the harbingers of consumerism, and of course deluded males will adhere to this since most males are cucks who merely want to please & satiate foids "needs"
Shabbat shalom
This is why there's barely any female billionaires. Men oftentimes think about how to build money. Women think about how to spend it. Very quality post
To add onto this, this is exactly why most men are poorly dressed nowadays unless you are decently wealthy, we have almost no decent options when every clothing outlet/website caters to women, it's all fast-fashion chinkshit with no consideration for longevity or materials. I've noticed that they spend money on food in general without much thought too (especially muttoid foids).
This makes sense of course seeing as females are the follower gender and men the leaders/innovators
You have to also account for how foids spend the money of their betabuxxers too. They spend their own money and waste the income of men as well.
Makes sense giving that femoids spend so much money to altar their appearance.
lol — it’s honestly incredible how people like them have so little self awareness and are obviously delusional about how things really are. Yet we’re expected to give them the same authority in this modern clown world.

Women want all of the authority men had historically but unlike men are not willing to self sacrifice for the greater good or work “icky” jobs. They won’t even have kids anymore and complain about the good jobs men have while completely ignoring the litany of dogshit jobs men do and have always done.

You read the works of our ancestors and it’s apparent all over the world they knew women were cut out for different things than men and vice versa. But today daring to acknowledge what we’ve seen with our eyes all our lives is “””””””evil”””””” and “””””””misogynistic”””””””” and by the way women should be given everything at your expense you bigot! What’s so funny to me is how women act like their traditional role was so hard when men were fucking dying in coal mines and tilling the soil with their hands and facing off against the worst parts of the wilderness. I guarantee those women would not have traded for their husbands job.

The welfare state was a terrible mistake that allowed women to provide nothing while in aggregate from men taking and letting them vote means they will continually vote themselves more while taking from others and minimizing their own responsibilities.
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Makes sense giving that femoids spend so much money to altar their appearance.
Make up shouldnt even be allowed outside already married women during special occasions in my view — all this falsification should make men angry because they are lying about what they actually look like. It’s fraud. Men do not do this and women shouldn’t either. Women laugh at men who wear lifts and toupees while having a face full of makeup, a push up bra, and “shape wear” it’s all so tiresome.
good thread
foids always need to have everything that the other foids have; they are like a hivemind, and since they buy the same things as other foids, they have more spending power since they are always buying something. for example, just look at tiktok trends and see how frequently the trending items change
Consumerism, a problem which plagues our society today & can be attributed to many of the ills within it. Personally, I consider consumerism to be akin to that of a cancer: It simply spreads & consumes the finite resources we have, and quite literally consumes normies & NPCs in just about every aspect possible since their brains are not equipped to recognize what they are doing.

It should be obvious to us all here, that consumerism has completely ruined many aspects of entertainment, marketing, and arguably even food on some metrics. We can all attribute it towards various ills, but the mere truth is that it is just another symptom of our behavioral sink & civilizational decline, mainly within the West.

Perhaps what we should consider, however, is how exactly have foids played into this: If consumerism, amongst both genders, is a symptom of a decaying society/civilization, how can we trace things back to the actual root-cause?

In order to understand how foids drive consumerism, we should first analyze their historical role within it:

Now, this of course is essentially a metaphor for foids overall sexual behavior: Foids, in general, exist in a state of "being" as opposed to doing or actually producing.

Men are human doings, women are human beings: Men build houses, women move into them.

In essence, this helps to explain as to why & how men & foids shop differently: Foids, due to their nature, want stuff for show in order to gratify their pure nature as foids.

Now, let's take a more solidified look at some examples of this statistically & financially speaking:

Whilst this is a lot for just the United States, globally, it is this:

Obviously, this kind of monetary control as a group is very significant. Essentially, foids de-facto control the spending market.

To further clarify as to how consumerism feeds into foids nature, we should address the fact that the only area men hold more purchasing-power, is on this:

The literal only area we spend more in & have more monetary power, is on gas & food; aka essentials to survive & be a wageslave.

Now, but since it's well established by now that Kali Yuga is here to stay, I think we should also take a look at how this may worsen in the future.

So as always, things won't get bettER boyos. :society:

Foids exist as the harbingers of consumerism, and of course deluded males will adhere to this since most males are cucks who merely want to please & satiate foids "needs"
A lot of women spend and spend and spend without a care in the world because at the end of the day for all of human history if they go bankrupt they always have a man 5 feet away to take care of them should it needed. Whether that’s daddy, husband, or a new boyfriend or even the state to help single mothers — women even have more shelters and community programs than we do. For men we have no real options should we fail and others depend on us should we have a family. Basically men are on their own and always have been so men are on average more conservative with their spending.

If women actually were forced to bare the same responsibilities (they aren’t yet they balk at this statement and stamp their feet like we aren’t telling it how it is) they might actually change their habits.

t. Lots of sisters/aunts/my mother are all like this and they’re terrible selfish deeply deluded people. Many such cases
good thread
foids always need to have everything that the other foids have; they are like a hivemind, and since they buy the same things as other foids, they have more spending power since they are always buying something. for example, just look at tiktok trends and see how frequently the trending items change
My mother always acts like it was “evil” how my father gave her a strict spending budget and blocked her direct access from some of their accounts. But he was absolutely right — she would’ve spent every dime the man had if she was permitted to. She doesn’t understand and never has the true value of money because all her life either daddy or her husband paid for things she wanted and in old age the government does. In her mind money just falls out of the sky, she’s retarded. One of my sisters especially is also like this. She gets married and then divorce rapes the guy then gets married again when she’s running out of money lol. She’s asking family for money all the time and if she didn’t spend like a retard she’d be just fine — but that’s exactly why she blows through it, because she wasn’t the one who had to suffer to earn it. Its meaningless to her. Women not being made to take responsibility with their new rights has been a disaster for the human race. If you want to be free then men should not ever ever help women and they should be made to carry themselves in full — the same way that men must. Frankly nobody gives a fuck about young men, why should they do anything to help such a rotten society that blames us regardless? And for women who are disgusted by and resent us? Let them deal with things themselves, it’s only fair.

I have this old lady I see at work who goes on and on about how bad women had it in her day — being a stay at home mom how terrible! The fact that they would gladly trade places with their husband (or they think they would due to propaganda or retardation) means they have no conception of what real world and an actual job is like. Most jobs are soul crushing but like with anything women yet again make the apex fallacy and think men just have a secret club where they make piles of money while doing hookers and blow or something, it’s ridiculous how retarded these women are when they get going on their feminist delusions.
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Men are human doings, women are human beings
Man Woman Myth really lives on through that quote.

Women laugh at men who wear lifts and toupees while having a face full of makeup, a push up bra, and “shape wear” it’s all so tiresome.
The brutal part is that those women wear the makeup optionally, as men's sex drive is so high that we find women attractive without their makeup.

no conception of what real world and an actual job is like
Yeah, like children. Very likened to children.

Nice summation of the fundamental state of things:bigbrain::bigbrain:.
That quote is old, like really old. It's from the 2000s, by the very early MGTOW community figure Man Woman Myth. He used to have a website and YouTube channel. You can watch his old videos that were reuploaded to YouTube, but keep in mind, this was before r/incels, braincels Lookism SlutHate PUAHate, so Man Woman Myth wasn't aware of the looks issue and believed it was the result of femminism.

Likely that quote will survive the ages and outlive us all for the truth it contains.
Nice summation of the fundamental state of things:bigbrain::bigbrain:.
Honestly what fuels my rage (among other things) is just the way we are all actively lied to from birth in this society.

Men and women are different— it’s plain as day, all you have to do is make basic observations and it is apparent. They’re not interested in the same things, they read different kinds of fiction, they respond to different sexual content, they’re entirely concerned with different aspects of life. Dating and sex are an entirely different game to them. It’s all obvious if you just use your eyes.

It’d obvious that modern leftist identity politics are entirely delusional — things like trannies and pronouns that we are forced to accept in the workplace and in school for example. Our society is rotten at its core because it has evil wrong ideas at it heart and we the people are made by force to accept these blatant lies under severe penalty. Even disagreeing on it within mainstream social media is forbidden (you get banned).

It is obvious that for thousands of years we had gender roles because they worked. And frankly the old verse from Ecclesiastes is one of the best in terms of ancient wisdom:
> While my soul was still searching but not finding, among a thousand I have found one upright man, but among all these I have not found one such woman.

You see many many such sentiments across cultures and time in completely different parts of the world. If you asked these people “what is a woman” they would laugh in your face. I don’t think women are “evil”, but they don’t have the same psychology men have and if you don’t acknowledge those differences and somewhat restrain their more pernicious tendencies (same as you would for men — same as society today does towards men) then you wind up with a toxic and bitter society where women and men are miserable and have poor relations (what women do you know who works full time that is actually happy with what she does? Unless she has a cushy bullshit office job many of them hate it and don’t respond to stress well).

It’s honestly just the overt retardation of the west that makes me hate it so much (among other things). Perhaps it’s the decadence and wealth of those at the top pulling strings that has allowed them to be so fucking retarded, what do I know. But it’s enraging in any case. And we’re powerless to do a thing. “Gee I guess I vote in the next election between these two hacks that’ll help”.

I think we are living in one of history’s “bad times”. All of this goes in cycles and when things get extremely bad historically war happens, suffering gets even worse, but then something better can come out of it — til that eventually becomes rotten and degenerate and fails and the cycle begins again :feelsbadman: Housing / cost of living so high too — the value of labor is in the gutter. Feels like what the Great Depression would be like living through but different due to technology and debt keeping the ball rolling along. Related:
View: https://youtu.be/MLl2D5VRL0o
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That quote is old, like really old. It's from the 2000s, by the very early MGTOW community figure Man Woman Myth. He used to have a website and YouTube channel. You can watch his old videos that were reuploaded to YouTube, but keep in mind, this was before r/incels, braincels Lookism SlutHate PUAHate, so Man Woman Myth wasn't aware of the looks issue and believed it was the result of femminism.

Likely that quote will survive the ages and outlive us all for the truth it contains.
Never heard of him, saved, I'll take a look at his content.

Seeing Rudyard's transformation from merely hinting but not openly saying anything into simply telling it like it is has been quite something:feelsahh:.
Women are more impressionable and can be manipulated by advertising much more easily than men. They are also more collectivist and hive mind like which enables advertisers to mobilize them as masses into colossal spending and revenue.
It's funny to just observe how much retail space (in America at least) is taken up by random bullshit stores that are run by foids, for foids. All these shitty "boutiques", dumb trinkets and gifts, luxury cupcakes that cost $10 each, etc. All these women are just looking for elaborate new methods for wasting their husbands' money. It also goes to show that when women start a business, it's just a hobby for them and if the business goes tits up, there's not really any consequence for them. But if a man tries to start a business, it's usually a life or death situation and if he fails he'll be neck deep in debt.

In other words, it's fucking over.
A lot of women spend and spend and spend without a care in the world because at the end of the day for all of human history if they go bankrupt they always have a man 5 feet away to take care of them should it needed. Whether that’s daddy, husband, or a new boyfriend or even the state to help single mothers — women even have more shelters and community programs than we do. For men we have no real options should we fail and others depend on us should we have a family. Basically men are on their own and always have been so men are on average more conservative with their spending.

If women actually were forced to bare the same responsibilities (they aren’t yet they balk at this statement and stamp their feet like we aren’t telling it how it is) they might actually change their habits.

t. Lots of sisters/aunts/my mother are all like this and they’re terrible selfish deeply deluded people. Many such cases
That's why makeup is so lucrative
Didn't read all of it tbh but I agree that consumerism is a plight of mankind and foids are an important enabler of it.
They’re also the ones who are about ‘muh save the planet’ but buy a new iPhone every year.
High IQ post.
This explains the feminization of society and the destruction of patriarchy.
Foids exist as the harbingers of consumerism, and of course deluded males will adhere to this since most males are cucks who merely want to please & satiate foids "needs"
I can't name a foid rn who I know in my family who is financially literate enough to know wants from needs, even the foids who were in my Financial Literacy class were too busy playing roblox or on their phone to even realize how much they spend on retarded shit, thats why I am surprised there is less homeless foids with how bad they are with money, they prolly just fuck for the money they lack anyway, especially with their negative dignity nowadays
My mother always acts like it was “evil” how my father gave her a strict spending budget and blocked her direct access from some of their accounts. But he was absolutely right — she would’ve spent every dime the man had if she was permitted to. She doesn’t understand and never has the true value of money because all her life either daddy or her husband paid for things she wanted and in old age the government does. In her mind money just falls out of the sky, she’s retarded. One of my sisters especially is also like this. She gets married and then divorce rapes the guy then gets married again when she’s running out of money lol. She’s asking family for money all the time and if she didn’t spend like a retard she’d be just fine — but that’s exactly why she blows through it, because she wasn’t the one who had to suffer to earn it. Its meaningless to her. Women not being made to take responsibility with their new rights has been a disaster for the human race. If you want to be free then men should not ever ever help women and they should be made to carry themselves in full — the same way that men must. Frankly nobody gives a fuck about young men, why should they do anything to help such a rotten society that blames us regardless? And for women who are disgusted by and resent us? Let them deal with things themselves, it’s only fair.

I have this old lady I see at work who goes on and on about how bad women had it in her day — being a stay at home mom how terrible! The fact that they would gladly trade places with their husband (or they think they would due to propaganda or retardation) means they have no conception of what real world and an actual job is like. Most jobs are soul crushing but like with anything women yet again make the apex fallacy and think men just have a secret club where they make piles of money while doing hookers and blow or something, it’s ridiculous how retarded these women are when they get going on their feminist delusions.
waaay too many words just to say npnw :feelsYall: :feelscomfy:
I just hate women so much. Its unbearable how selfish they are, so greedy and so materialistic
I just hate women so much. Its unbearable how selfish they are, so greedy and so materialistic

It's not just about me not being able to get laid or get a girlfriend anymore, I've come to realize the massive burden which foids are upon society.

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