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RageFuel Foids are capable of doing almost anything and having it be socially acceptable (grown foid with teddy bear)

jerrycan dan

jerrycan dan

autistic retard
Jul 22, 2018
Men can get accused of sexual harassment by crazy or evil foids for accidentally bumping into them or looking at them funny, especially if the man is ugly. If an unattractive man goes out of his way to be confident he is compensating and has toxic masculinity, if he's open about his feelings and emotional he's a fucking pussy loser. Men are expected to do this and that thing (man up! contribute! provide! be responsible! don't hit a girl! don't be a loser!) while having their behaviour tightly controlled by social norms. Even Chads are pressured to act in a certain way by our culture.

Women meanwhile get free reign over their own behaviour, no matter how fucking retarded it is. Why do you think, even though many forms of autism (even mild autism) are linked to abnormalities on the X chromosome, that psychological organisations the world over are screaming not enough women are getting diagnosed with autism because "nobody is spotting the signs"? It is socially acceptable for women to be retarded lmao, meanwhile men get the shit beaten out of them (you aren't allowed to do this to womyn though) for seeming mildly off before they turn ten. Womens' pussies not only make them the most valuable resource on Earth to men (who are competent and run the planet unlike foids), but it also makes them immune to all forms of criticism, male-style shaming and restrictions on their actions in this day and age.

Completely normal in britain

Women can be the most rancid retarded shits ever, not just in looks but also in behaviour, and get endless sympathy, protection and gibs from white-knighting men the world over. Average men are expected to not do anything when a woman is acting like a disgrace.

I saw a woman walking through my uni campus today with a teddy bear in her arms JFL, it wasn't for anyone she was legit carrying it around. How fucking infantile and unpressured by those around you do you have to be to think that carrying a stuffed toy bear around and hugging it is normal? What the fuck? Is she mentally disabled? No, just a femoid who is allowed to do anything and everything. She started going off at a guy for bumping into her teddy bear as well saying it "hurts him". Ethnic foid as well, not sure if that contributes to her retardation. Wtf? You couldn't make this circus of a reality up even if you wanted to. The vast, vast majority of incels are quiet, withdrawn people minding their own business and yet we get more scorn, ire and mockery from those around us than foids behaving like children. I have been called a sperglord by 18 year old girls this year just for walking to the supermarket on the footpath, this woman was completely normal.

Women could walk around in fursuits and diapers, and if enough of them did it it would become socially acceptable for foids to do. There would be buzzfeed articles on whether you're on team fursuit or team diaper. These cunts are out of control.
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You've been on a roll with these high IQ posts lately.
Life on auto-play mode.
I propose we call it the 3rd hole privilege.

Or the 3rd hold canonization.
I propose we call it the 3rd hole privilege.

Or the 3rd hold canonization.

you don't even need a third hole for foid privelege in 2018, look at her Chad bf and crowdfunding for surgery
why do you think trannies started smelling blood in the water?
Absolutely true.
Exactly, if a beautiful women advocates for it anything will be acceptable, all the cucked men will just go along with it because "Muh wymenz" said so.
Judging by the army of white knights and soy boy cucks at the university campuses they will enforce that teddy bears rights if someone questions the teddy can be hurt. I fucking hate white knights soys.
They get white knighted so hard because the cucks assume mental issues mean they need a shoulder to cry on aka their shoulder which means they have better chances to fuck with less effort in their minds. Even though every other white knight is thinking the same thing and the foids are likely aware of this on some level.
Good thread OP :feelsokman:
Judging by the army of white knights and soy boy cucks at the university campuses they will enforce that teddy bears rights if someone questions the teddy can be hurt. I fucking hate white knights soys.
Because pussy feels good and advocating for ugly virgins doesnt
I didn't even realize it, but you're right. Women can do more things that are socially unacceptable and still not get shit for it.
Dont worry things will change, they always do.
I didn't even realize it, but you're right. Women can do more things that are socially unacceptable and still not get shit for it.
Technically if society accepts it it's not socially unacceptable.

Foids behave this way because they are allowed to. They are protected by the law, and anything they do the blame gets shifted to something or someone else. This is basically a recipe for creating degenerates.

I'm pretty sure that if I couldn't be prosecuted by the law and nobody was allowed to fight back or injure me in any situation, I would also become extremely degenerate eventually. I would stop working, I would act like I deserve all the good things, I would attack people who I didn't like for mundane reasons, I would chase after gratification of any kind and never worry about the consequences because I don't have consequences.

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