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Foid youtuber tries to debunk the blackpill...yet happens to be

They can never actually argue against the blackpill, because you're arguing against a basic truth of reality; they either end up ironically proving it in one way or another, blatantly lie about statistically proven facts or simply prove they don't really anything about what it actually means. :feelsjuice:

They can never understand our perspective, or even come close to regarding our experiences for what they really are, a showcase of the discrimination towards subhumans; they have no reality-based "perspective", only their own delusion/purposeful gaslighting of their actions and their thoughts to shroud their contempt of sub 5 males and hypergamy. :feelsUgh:

As can be expected from the gender artificially elevated and given the utmost privilege to worship Chad and engage in the usual discriminatory treatment towards sub 5 males with virtually no consequences, and no need to really develop any sort of inhibition, self-awareness or critical thinking; ultimately, all they look out for is themselves and the hypergamy and moral degeneracy they wish to keep being enabled by the elites puppeteering our society... :feelsclown:
bot spewing random shit while checking which shit gets her donations
bot spewing random shit while checking which shit gets her donations
She's literally just trying to ape destiny by doubling down on stupid opinions and talking really fast

View: https://youtu.be/pc5oImuzpy8

You guessed it. Attractive and married. She gives the generic not all woman are bad and actually my husband doesn't care about my looks argument kek

"My husband doesn't care about my looks." Glad this brave woman is protecting all the teenage girls from going down the black pill. Thank God.
Great, now I know this dumb annoying cunt exists, thanks a lot
3mins in and she has yet to define the blackpill or explain what it means in her discussion, she should set the parameters at the start so we are all on the same page
Not going to watch that and you too shouldn't
3mins in and she has yet to define the blackpill or explain what it means in her discussion, she should set the parameters at the start so we are all on the same page
Lmao at expecting a toilet to make genuine arguments.

She benefits from the confusion and not making sense while saying the same basic bluepilled talking points that all her viewers want to hear.
She's not even debating in good faith, like every blackpiller knows that looks are FUNDAMENTAL- the activation energy for attraction to happen. And it's decided by holes subconsciously in a microsecond. Especially if there is no in-group to begin with. If you don't cross a minimum bar, you basically don't exist. Maybe SHE needs to re-read that GAY scout book she recommended-- which is a foolish book, a 2000 word common sense idea stretched waay too far.
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i've lost interest in the debate sphere; i mainly watched destiny haha... just feels oh so pointless... watching these millionaires and/or extroverted moggers talk about things as if it is accomplishing anything (at the very least, i am not benefitting)... youtube is becoming more and more pointless each passing day...
its all a web and you dont exist in it, you are literally a cuck watching people, while MERELY SITTING IN FRONT OF A COMPUTER, have better lives than you, but not even getting an orgasm from it
Zero self awareness
Not one second
Why do you torment yourself by watching this kinda shit OP?
Why do you torment yourself by watching this kinda shit OP?

Someone else initiated contact months ago without me knowing, leading to strangers laughing at me.
unironically, 34 milliseconds -- experimentally verified. That's the time it takes for a foid to classify a non-Chad male as someone whose sperm she'd rather avoid.

View: https://youtu.be/pc5oImuzpy8

You guessed it. Attractive and married. She gives the generic not all woman are bad and actually my husband doesn't care about my looks argument kek

TL;DW : just touch grass, go to church, volunteer at a summer camp, join coed sports such as rock-climbing, dancing etc., be charismatic and you'll find decent girls to have relationships with. According to her, any "normal guy" is swarmed by foids in these spaces.

Also, according to her: male attractiveness is merely a skill than can be copied, like baking bread. If ugly and short men are seriously underrepresented in the sex and dating scene, it is just a coincidence that these short and ugly guys decided not to learn this skill. The corollary I infer is that Chads by coincidence all decided to learn this skill.

I guess that's it, buddy boyos. The problem of inceldom is solved now. Time to slay pussy.
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Wow that is one annoying voice.
TL;DW : just touch grass, go to church, volunteer at a summer camp, join coed sports such as rock-climbing, dancing etc., be charismatic and you'll find decent girls to have relationships with. According to her, any "normal guy" is swarmed by foids in these spaces.

Also, according to her: male attractiveness is merely a skill than can be copied, like baking bread. If ugly and short men are seriously underrepresented in the sex and dating scene, it is just a coincidence that these short and ugly guys decided not to learn this skill. The corollary I infer is that Chads by coincidence all decided to learn this skill.

I guess that's it, buddy boyos. The problem of inceldom is solved now. Time to slay pussy.
this bitch is retarded. Does she not realize many of us have fucking jobs, can't volunteer at any of this shit, and maybe 80% of women who do coed hobbies are already married? To be an outlier is literally that, an outlier-- its far more likely for an ugly guy to get #MeTooed or get deeply ostracized and worse off in his attempted to socialcirclemaxx than for an ugly guy to end up successful at it.

She doesn't understand that most women are fundamentally extremely racist, and would NEVER consider dating a non-white, but also feel really creeped out at asserting their racist preferences, so they end up feeling harassed by ethnic men who hit on them. How it usually goes is, ethnic guy hits on woman (often not white by the way), the woman is polite at best, guy is autistic as fuck, generally nice and just pesters her all day, when in fact she's kinda annoyed and offended that this shitskin thinks he has a chance, bitch leads him on, till bitch feels overwhelmed by his 3 polite texts a day, and #MeToos his ass, and now he's unemployed for harassment.
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Why do you torment yourself by watching this kinda shit OP?
I like to see both sides of an argument always. I'm not just gonna watch only blackpill content. I wanna see if someone can actually make a good argument against the blackpill
1min 20sec in she literally confirms on the major components of black pill, the pre-selection pill "my husband was SLAYING women as a 5'6 guy"
I like to see both sides of an argument always. I'm not just gonna watch only blackpill content. I wanna see if someone can actually make a good argument against the blackpill
That's very admirable. It's just that I'm sure you (and I for that matter) have heard all of the common arguments normoids usually invoke to try and dispute the blackpill a million times already -- they are about as convincing as women saying height don't matter. I stopped watching videos where the blackpill supposedly gets debunked after coming to the conclusion that 99% of them are cesspits of flagrantly fallacious reasoning. If you can bring yourself to wade thru the aforementioned fen in order to uphold your noble standard of always wanting to hear both sides of the aisle, power to you.
imagine listening to a woman
this bitch is retarded. Does she not realize many of us have fucking jobs, can't volunteer at any of this shit, and maybe 80% of women who do coed hobbies are already married? To be an outlier is literally that, an outlier-- its far more likely for an ugly guy to get #MeTooed or get deeply ostracized and worse off in his attempted to socialcirclemaxx than for an ugly guy to end up successful at it.

She doesn't understand that most women are fundamentally extremely racist, and would NEVER consider dating a non-white, but also feel really creeped out at asserting their racist preferences, so they end up feeling harassed by ethnic men who hit on them. How it usually goes is, ethnic guy hits on woman (often not white by the way), the woman is polite at best, guy is autistic as fuck, generally nice and just pesters her all day, when in fact she's kinda annoyed and offended that this shitskin thinks he has a chance, bitch leads him on, till bitch feels overwhelmed by his 3 polite texts a day, and #MeToos his ass, and now he's unemployed for harassment.
Yes, it was funny when she said that merely being a "normal guy" gets one swarmed by young, attractive, nulliparous, marriage-material foids at summer camps. To be frank, everyone knows "normal guys" are invisible to women, who consider 80% of men below average. The experience of being swarmed by foids is one that only chads and gigachads have. Therefore I conclude that the "normal guy" she refers to over and over again is what we call a Chad or a gigaChad.

Her claims that a "normal guy" only has to touch grass in order get girlfriends and plenty sex is true for Chads, but not for normies, which solidifies even further my theory that Normal=Chad for this foid, as is usual for other foids to ignore the experiences of 90% (or more) of men and consider "normal" the experiences of Chad. My own mother thinks "middle class guy" = high-status multi-millionaire trust-fund baby who travels the world all year round, and lives for leisure.

My own mother once asked my sperg self why don't I behave more like a "normal guy" such as those, while pointing out to these NT-maxxed, statusmaxxed, pretty-boy-surgery-maxxed, motoryacht maxxed, lamborghinimaxxed, nuclear-family-maxxed, multi-millionaire trust-fund kids. She considers those merely "normal guys" nothing out of the ordinary.
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It's actually impossible to debunk the blackpill, because you can't really change facts. Not sure why people waste their time trying to debunk it.
you can't debunk the black pill if you haven't experienced the black pill.

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