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LifeFuel Foid kills herself because she didn't get enough likes on facebook. JFL!!!

Blackpill Rage

Blackpill Rage

Ethnic sfcel
Feb 10, 2019
Social media obsessed teen who ‘killed herself’ thought she ‘wasn’t good enough unless she was getting likes’

 Chloe was found dead at her family home in Lanchester , County Durham , on December 20 aged just 19

 Chloe's sister said she did not feel accepted if she hadn't got enough 'likes' on Facebook photos

A HEARTBROKEN sister has told how her social media obsessed teen sibling who took her own life thought she "wasn't good enough unless she was getting likes".
"When Chloe started using social media, all she would talk about was how many likes she got. She was too concerned about what other people thought about her."

Holy shit!!! Imagine taking your own life because you didn't get enough fucking likes on social media. Good riddance! Another useless whore flushed down the toilet.
fucking meme gender
Put her in a trucel's body and I can bet she would rope in less than a week
She wasn’t good enough, not with that chin anyway.
Bitch got a game over even on tutorial mode
What a waste. She could have stuck around to to shake her ass in rap music videos or do porn for pornhub and do twitch and Instagram modeling.
What a waste. She could have stuck around to to shake her ass in rap music videos or do porn for pornhub and do twitch and Instagram modeling.

And earn 1 million a year wit no tax.

So send in the IRS.
Looks like a tranny tbh
I can't comprehend how women kill themselves over BS like this. They don't understand how privileged you are to be a woman in 2020.
What the fu.....
Her body was tight but her brain was broken. She had a million times the validation anyone on this board has and she still felt inadequate, insane.
there's definitely some other underlying mental issues here but wow. she undoubtedly received more attention and positive reinforcement than this entire forum combined and straight up committed suicide because she felt like it wasn't enough. suicide is always a tragic thing but there's some irony in the fact that this is only a news story because she's an attractive girl
She doesn't even look real. I could paint every wall in my room with the amount of fakery battered on her face. Stupid obvious fake lashes too.
Holy fuck...tutorial mode...with cheats enabled...and stills ropes.She is better dead than on onlyfans :lul:

let me bring out my tiny violin
who the fuck uses facebook no wonder she got no likes
Natural selection at its finest. I am certain that nothing of value was lost to the world. The foid already lives a comfortable life by virtue of her gender and the country she lives in and yet, despite this, she kills herself over such a ridiculous thing. I will truly never understand them.
I would have done the same thing. fuck being a toilet.
Should've at least let us hit before killing herself over non sense.
Imagine rage quitting tutorial mode. When your skittles overdose accidentally works.
Social media is a drug, and every foid is addicted.
Not one bit of empathy.
That's what it means to be a woman.
You get attention 24/7 and when you have to be 2 minutes without fame, you finally get a small piece of what it's like to be an ugly male
What a waste. She could have stuck around to to shake her ass in rap music videos or do porn for pornhub and do twitch and Instagram modeling.
Her yellow STD's is now the enemy, looks at her average life
A nothing, has-been, alright

The Beach Boys, and Doo-Wop, way before hip-hop
There was Elvis and girl groups
Drive ins and little deuce coupes
The zoomers in high school they tell me that I'm uncool
'Cus I'm still pre-occupied with 19, 19, 1965
Fuck yeah. Nothing of value lost
First World Problems!
Good riddance, even tho she liberated herself from this meaningless existence, it's still better because her suicide has lessened the burden of incels, one more thot is gone.
Look at her photos JFL. She was a generic roastie, you could find one just like her anywhere. Why do these holes think they deserve so much recognition when they bring nothing new to the table?
brb contributing to foid suicide rates by not liking their photos
This is how fragile the average woman is. I guess what can you expect when they've been coddled every hour of every day since they were born. Not getting likes on Facebook is such a hardship for them that they kill themselves. Pathetic.
This is how fragile the average woman is. I guess what can you expect when they've been coddled every hour of every day since they were born. Not getting likes on Facebook is such a hardship for them that they kill themselves. Pathetic.

based post from a graycel
Good riddance. Nothing of value was lost.

She was probably getting many likes from Normies and Soys! But no chads, hence the suicide.
Like I have always said, if foids get zero validation, they wither.

It's the only reason why pussy is valued so damn high. Curb the thirst.
Y'all got anymore of that sweet oxytocin boost? :feelstastyman:
Good riddance, one less psycho that would have had deranged children.
lmao threads like this is why I keep coming here
A week? More like 1 minute
The moment she looked at her new truecel face in the mirror, she would bash her head into it unitl her skull cracked tbh
Why is this "LifeFuel"?!

Beautiful young lady killed herself. Bad news for men. One woman less. Always bad. Male suicide? Always good. One competitor less.

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