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foid freaks out after a guy asks to go into the bathroom with her



Aug 1, 2021
Drumroll please…. and eventually the white knight rolls in outta nowhere too. And the dude kinda reminds me of the bagel guy

Should've shot the wild monkey.
plebs are so noisy when they get excited
scat manletcel gets mopped by a soy warrior defending a hysterical bitch
Fuck that guy is short. Never began for him.
All manlets should conceal carry. It's not safe in these streets. All he did was cold approach a foid. How is it a crime to ask if you can follow someone into the bathroom? She was just upset that a manlet asked her. If it was Chad she wouldn't have minded, or she would have just politely said no. It was all about humiliating the manlet, and the manlet was correct in calling the nigga a bully.
Little nigger bitch is all ‘ fuck da police’ until a filthy inkwells grosses here out then she cry’s for the. To protect her foid privilege from having to interact with them like the coward hypocrite foid she is. I hope a blackcel shits down her throat
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That's why incels should arm themselves with firearms. Its just power fantasy thinking you can beat a normie who's twice your size , weight and height. Even if MMA trained you can still lose to a wild punch by an ogre normie. There's a reason why weight classes exists in combat sports.
Based fire arms
That's why incels should arm themselves with firearms. Its just power fantasy thinking you can beat a normie who's twice your size , weight and height. Even if MMA trained you can still lose to a wild punch by an ogre normie. There's a reason why weight classes exists in combat sports.
Worst if you end up being knocked out onto a concrete floor and being head stomped into a seizure and having to live with brain damage and be paralyzed for the rest of your miserable life as an incel.
That's why its important as an actual incel/truecel you need to take note of the reality we live in. Sadly,its extremely easy to bait a normie into a fight if you annoy them with your ugly face and non-nt traits.
Though, you can't live your life in fear fellow actual incels/truecels. You may die one day from a suckerpunch from a normie for pissing his friends off for looking at their direction. You may get killed for a lot of reasons as an ugly man when in public. But don't be afraid , fear is a mind killer and you mustn't submit to normie scums no matter how soy you feel you are.
Be prepared for warfare, our lives aren't easy.
You’re a dumb faggot most people aren’t like this and are too busy wrapped up in their own lives to give a damn about you. They don’t want to hurt or kill you and there are laws in place preventing people from hurting anyone regardless of how they look. But what can I say you’re a stupid autist moral faggot (which is a normie trait) that is infinitely below me. Hell I doubt you’d have the guts to hold a fire arm anyway. Didn’t they send you away from using a firearm when they asked for your backstory in school or something and you started crying? Stupid whicry baby bitch. I mean I don’t think you’re allowed to own a gun in your country Singapore anyway. It’s over for your dumbass just rope. It’d be a mercy to yourself.
You know, with his accent/speech impediment I can see him asking her if she could show him where the bathrooms are. And she misunderstood, spiraling into a classic lookism incident.
You should join this forum.
Yes you are so badass that you have to openly brag about enjoying seeing footage of children being sexually abused in CP. Only a pedophile would say that.
Aren't you failing in Canada and planning to moving to your low caste village in India?
Imagine being such a whiny baby bitch that you talk about trying to skip gym classes out of fear.
Bragging about being a normie and living a safe lifestyle. Saying you've been abused yet saying 'most people aren't like this.'
Your not tough. You don't know the life of an actual incel. Your going to mentally break the moment something hard hits you in life. Your going to cry out in pain because you have zero clue as a highschool delusional curry kid.
Imagine posting your grades online as if you hold importance. You already peaked its over . Enjoy being a low tier normie who's going to get cucked HARD by higher tier normies.
Saying you got abused while not providing any actual Blackpilled experiences. The worst abuse you got is a cakewalk for an actual incel.
Its over for you , you should drown yourself in a pot of curry masala.
Seethe fakecel.
When did I ever say that you sick fuck I said the CP incelrito posted was disgusting and he should be banned I even deleted a few of my replies in that thread to you and other users because I did not want to be associated with that thread. Also when did I say I’m going to go to India? I’m never going back to that shit hole dumb low IQ gook. The only reason why I try to skip gym class is because I don’t want to get injured and trust me your weak ass would’ve had your bones broken if you went lol. Also I’ve been physically abused by my parents and bullies until I was actually bleeding I doubt you or any other “truecels” you simp for had to go through that. And no the most you’ve gone through is not having friends for acting retarded that’s not being an incel thats being an insufferable moron. I’m not a normie Im an Incel tons of people agree with that. I’m not even close to peaking anyway I will succeed while you continue to rot and complain. Also Reddit? Really??
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Free the slaves hey, also hearing a sheboon talk/ and shout has to be one of the most awful noises on the planet. Just lynch them all.
i wouldve killed them both
All manlets should conceal carry. It's not safe in these streets. All he did was cold approach a foid. How is it a crime to ask if you can follow someone into the bathroom? She was just upset that a manlet asked her. If it was Chad she wouldn't have minded, or she would have just politely said no. It was all about humiliating the manlet, and the manlet was correct in calling the nigga a bully.
Exactly this guy even if it's true he asked that did nothing illegal. That white knight just went by her word and she easily could have made it up or misheard what he said. Hope they call the police and the white knight gets arrested for assault and battery.
why tf is that whore foid screeching like a banshee he didn't even touch her ,if he was a chad she would have been flattered ,sluts like her deserve to be raped
can't believe those 2 disrespected that trans man simply trying to use the woman's bathroom.

they need to be cancelled ASAP
So when are the police going to arrest that whiteknight faggot for assault? I noticed too with the bagel boss there was a blatant assault on camera and no arrest? So are you just allowed to assault people if they are the “bad guy” in shitty public freak out videos? I’m not a tough person at all but I always carry my knife and pepperspray. I would have pepper sprayed that guy as soon as he started charging at me. If he was punching me I would stab him.

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