You do what you do, but these preferences are limiting you to find somebody who may truly love you and might be a partner for life.
So just plain dumb asking you because I am curious: so you'd prefer a dude who's like 6+' tall but has a tiny wiener compared to someone who's maybe <6' but is well hung?
All the dudes I have dated were below 6' except for two (and they were average to below average hung, quite meh), and those ones who were just maybe couple of inches taller than me were pretty much everything I was looking for. Nice personality, nice girth. The taller ones were overall meh, not exceptionally funny or whatever special. Just as everybody else.
Put yourself in the shoes of the shorter ones. Would you like it if somebody you really like dismisses you because of your boob size? You were born with it, can't be changed (unless with a ton of money but let's assume you don't want to do that). So because of your e.g. small titties, they're moving on. Feel shitty, right?