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JFL Foid attempts to critique the blackpill



Le Hobbesien Calviniste
Dec 11, 2023
another britt cooper wanna be whore

they are so predictable
make a bait vid on a controversial topic and enjoy free views/subs
So she knows all the issues, but then wonders why foids have all the control? Kind of retarded logic if you ask me.

She doesnt realise that the world is run by the woman and the jew.
shut up you dumb whore
No amount of copes to solve this
So she knows all the issues, but then wonders why foids have all the control? Kind of retarded logic if you ask me.
she got brainwashed by jewish hugher education that tells them that patriarchy is at every corner and (((feminism))) is the only solution
she got brainwashed by jewish hugher education that tells them that patriarchy is at every corner and (((feminism))) is the only solution
Seems to me she thinks being a man is hard, however she thinks with enough perserverance or whatever the fuck and pulling yourself up by the bootstraps you can succeed at life.

It's fairly common for people to make it halfway and realise there are issues, but not many cross the gap fully and realise there is pulling yourself up by the bootstraps, life is just luck and bullshit.
Really stupid ... people don't check out of dating because they don't want to get married, but because they know they have no chance.
Seems to me she thinks being a man is hard, however she thinks with enough perserverance or whatever the fuck and pulling yourself up by the bootstraps you can succeed at life.

It's fairly common for people to make it halfway and realise there are issues, but not many cross the gap fully and realise there is pulling yourself up by the bootstraps, life is just luck and bullshit.
Foids probably think that movies/tv series about underdogs are a real life that if you try hard enough you could achieve anything JFL. Another reason is that in real life they only see Chads succeeding after 10 cold approaches and think anyone could do the same. Foids just can't grasp a concept of someone having less opportunities than them, they only see people of equal or much higher value then them, if it's lower then it doesn't exist or that they are in that situation because of their choice.
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Foids never have a valid counter argument. Never.
Foids probably think that movies/tv series about underdogs are a real life that if you try hard enough you could achieve anything JFL
They do, because they think its the job of men to work and grind and stuff, which I think in a healthy dosage is a good thing to place on men but its impossible to "just work hard" in 2024, work towards what?
Another reason is that in real life they only see Chads succeeding after 10 cold approaches and think anyone could do the same.
This too, just like the retarded foids that transition to males and realise they are not chad, because chad is life on easy mode.
Foids just can't grasp a concept of someone having less opportunities than them
Nope, they are brainwashed to think that if anything its a patriarchal world.
they only see people of equal or much higher value then them, if it's lower then it doesn't exist or that they are in that situation because of their choice.
Sub 5 men are dirt to them and they dont exist in their eyes.
She's mad men are going their own way (MGTOW), which isn't necessarily the blackpill because you can be a blackpiller and still want pussy, while a true MGTOW has completely resigned from dating and entering into romantic relationships with women.

Why are you letting women have this control over you?

This makes no sense. What do you want us to do? Start a revolution? The only way ALL men can free themselves is if they completely change the matriarchal system and upend the social order (gynocentric) that has existed for decades and continues to oppress men, which is impossible without radical action in my opinion.

I sort of get it if you're an older guy who's already felt the pain of divorce and trying to raise your kids from afar, but if you're young and single, this doesn't add up.

So you have to feel the pain of divorce and alimony and child support and shared custody in order to be able to check out of dating? Fuck that shit.

Checking out of dating basically means you either don't want a family, which if every man adopted your stance, the human race would go extinct

Not necessarily, some men do want families (I made a poll on this topic which was whether you would have a surrogate child with your sperm and a surrogate egg/mother, and a few people said yes), they just don't want the bullshit associated with it which is women cheating or divorcing them. This is also a false dilemma fallacy: "You either date and reproduce to help the human race not go extinct or be an evil bastard, check out of dating, and cause the extinction of all mankind!" You're basically conflating the choice of one man with the choice of every man and saying your free will doesn't matter because if other men did it...! You're also presenting this issue as black-and-white (you can not date and not have a family [MGTOW or volceldom]; you can date and not have a family [childfree]; you can not date and have a family [surrogate parent]; or you can date and have a family).

DatesDoesn't date
Has family (natalist)Ideal man in this woman's eyesSurrogate parent
Doesn't have family (antinatalist)ChildfreeMGTOW, volcels, incels

or you plan on having children with women you don't date and don't love and in that case, you'd be contributing to the fatherless daughter issue that I know you mock women for on these platforms, so staying single might bring some temporary peace, but is that really worth a life of loneliness and no children to leave behind?

Going back to that graph, it is possible to have a daughter or son without dating or loving the woman. She's also saying remaining single leads to a life of loneliness and having no children, both of which are false. You can have a ton of platonic relationships and never have a romantic one. Would that be loneliness? So you're calling asexuals who refuse to date, much less love, as all having "a life of loneliness"? This is an appeal to emotion as well because it's meant to evoke emotions rather than constructing a valid argument.

Also, notice how she said "fatherless daughter issue" and not "fatherless child" or "fatherless son"? Her lens is still gynocentric despite claiming to empathize with the plight of men and recognizing female biases. Arguably, fatherless sons are worse off because they don't have a male father figure to look up to and because, frankly, mothers are insane and terribly abusive. She also erroneously claims men mock women for being this archetype, making the issue about women once again! Female narcissism knows no bounds!

Fuck that "leaving behind children"-type of bullcrap platitude. What age do you think this is? The Middle Ages? The 1950s? Shill your natalist crap elsewhere please. You don't need children to have a meaningful legacy. A lot of people have died without offspring and they've been immortilized in the annals of history nonetheless.

Unrefutable v0 cnf7t5nqbanc1

"Temporary peace" my ass. Any time free of women is heaven.

@GeckoBus Rate my essay, senpai. :feelsaww:
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Shes one of the foids that come here and expect some hidden chad
This bitch is a retarded redpiller. She probably just says these so her simps keep giving her more money.
So she knows all the issues, but then wonders why foids have all the control? Kind of retarded logic if you ask me.

She doesnt realise that the world is run by the woman and the jew.
mogger scofield

clickbait by normies milking the incel problem for attention and views and giving short sighted retarded viewpoints. women don't want me women don't even look in my direction why would i want to create sub-5 children and give them a life of misery like mines because of my genetics?? she wants more simps in the rat race. how am i contributing to the 'fatherless epidemic' if i can't even get a woman to look at me without disgust? women have and always had control over men nothing can change that. if we try to control women we'll be labelled misogynists anyway. every move we play is demonised in this rigged game.
the only way to win is to not even play the game and move away but apparently normie retards hate that too
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Foids never have a valid counter argument. Never.
Foids are living echo chambers of their environment nothing original has come from them. Foids are masters of deception and when they get called out they get all pissy
She's mad men are going their own way (MGTOW), which isn't necessarily the blackpill because you can be a blackpiller and still want pussy, while a true MGTOW has completely resigned from dating and entering into romantic relationships with women.

This makes no sense. What do you want us to do? Start a revolution? The only way ALL men can free themselves is if they completely change the matriarchal system and upend the social order (gynocentric) that has existed for decades and continues to oppress men, which is impossible without radical action in my opinion.

So you have to feel the pain of divorce and alimony and child support and shared custody in order to be able to check out of dating? Fuck that shit.

Not necessarily, some men do want families (I made a poll on this topic which was whether you would have a surrogate child with your sperm and a surrogate egg/mother, and a few people said yes), they just don't want the bullshit associated with it which is women cheating or divorcing them. This is also a false dilemma fallacy: "You either date and reproduce to help the human race not go extinct or be an evil bastard, check out of dating, and cause the extinction of all mankind!" You're basically conflating the choice of one man with the choice of every man and saying your free will doesn't matter because if other men did it...! You're also presenting this issue as black-and-white (you can not date and not have a family [MGTOW or volceldom]; you can date and not have a family [childfree]; you can not date and have a family [surrogate parent]; or you can date and have a family).

DatesDoesn't date
Has family (natalist)Ideal man in this woman's eyesSurrogate parent
Doesn't have family (antinatalist)ChildfreeMGTOW, volcels, incels

Going back to that graph, it is possible to have a daughter or son without dating or loving the woman. She's also saying remaining single leads to a life of loneliness and having no children, both of which are false. You can have a ton of platonic relationships and never have a romantic one. Would that be loneliness? So you're calling asexuals who refuse to date, much less love, as all having "a life of loneliness"? This is an appeal to emotion as well because it's meant to evoke emotions rather than constructing a valid argument.

Also, notice how she said "fatherless daughter issue" and not "fatherless child" or "fatherless son"? Her lens is still gynocentric despite claiming to empathize with the plight of men and recognizing female biases. Arguably, fatherless sons are worse off because they don't have a male father figure to look up to and because, frankly, mothers are insane and terribly abusive. She also erroneously claims men mock women for being this archetype, making the issue about women once again! Female narcissism knows no bounds!

Fuck that "leaving behind children"-type of bullcrap platitude. What age do you think this is? The Middle Ages? The 1950s? Shill your natalist crap elsewhere please. You don't need children to have a meaningful legacy. A lot of people have died without offspring and they've been immortilized in the annals of history nonetheless.

View attachment 1093682

"Temporary peace" my ass. Any time free of women is heaven.

@GeckoBus Rate my essay, senpai. :feelsaww:
Based grAY
This is all easy for her to say when she's probably been railed by chads multiple times whereas incels don't have a crumb of pussy to their name. These whores need to humble themselves and keep their superiority and wise guy complex in check
English is basically my mother tongue but I didn’t understand what she was trying to say
Just go through her last few videos, every 2nd video is a paid promotion, she is a typical foid grifter who is trying to bluepill men
foid going out of her way to prove her pickme credentials jfl
"Checking out of dating", "Staying single"... JFL, she says these things as if they're a choice for us. We've been written off from day one. You can't "check out" of something that you were never a part of. That worthless toilet couldn't even begin to fathom the life of an incel, she would rope without a second thought.
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Fuck that "leaving behind children"-type of bullcrap platitude. What age do you think this is? The Middle Ages? The 1950s? Shill your natalist crap elsewhere please. You don't need children to have a meaningful legacy. A lot of people have died without offspring and they've been immortilized in the annals of history nonetheless.
even in the middle ages, not everyone had kids.
That was not even economically viable if you just think about it.
Most people did not own property, how the fuck would you raise children like that? In a hole in the ground? The fuck.


People always project modern day values on the past. These people lived in a completely different environment to us, yet tradcopers will project that everyone in the middle ages had a nuclear family with 29 kids. This utopian fantasy is built on the impressions left by the unparalleled period of prosperity that the west had from like 1900 to 1970, where the majority of women had the privilege of not having to work, due to rampant industrialization, and most people could afford having children.

However, that is a very small time window in human history and it is closing now. We are going back to how people had to live for 1000s of years - by sharing room with others, both genders having to work to make ends meet.
This is a very good and sourced read on the historical background to all this:​

Going back to that graph, it is possible to have a daughter or son without dating or loving the woman. She's also saying remaining single leads to a life of loneliness and having no children, both of which are false. You can have a ton of platonic relationships and never have a romantic one. Would that be loneliness? So you're calling asexuals who refuse to date, much less love, as all having "a life of loneliness"? This is an appeal to emotion as well because it's meant to evoke emotions rather than constructing a valid argument.

Good catch!
It is also implicitly saying that you can not be happy without female validation.
The suggestion is that you need to have children with a compliant woman in order to live a good life.
And yes, it is not an argument, she is just using fear mongering.

Also, notice how she said "fatherless daughter issue" and not "fatherless child" or "fatherless son"? Her lens is still gynocentric despite claiming to empathize with the plight of men and recognizing female biases. Arguably, fatherless sons are worse off because they don't have a male father figure to look up to and because, frankly, mothers are insane and terribly abusive. She also erroneously claims men mock women for being this archetype, making the issue about women once again! Female narcissism knows no bounds!
yes well spotted!
She is probably projecting about the mocking thing. The biggest threat to a woman is another woman, the biggest threat to a man is other men and women.

The fatherless daughter thing also is indicative of how women will threaten self harm, precisely because they know they have inherent value to people. As a man, this does not work. She is doing a similar thing here, consciously or unconsciously, by saying "daughter" instead of "son" because she knows that daughters are valued more than boys.

So you have to feel the pain of divorce and alimony and child support and shared custody in order to be able to check out of dating? Fuck that shit.
Exactly, weird non-argument she is making there. You have to suffer in order to gain the moral right of wanting to avoid pain? That is a complete non-sequitur. There is no obvious connection between suffering and moral laws, it is an is/ought fallacy. "Suffering exists" does not equal "you have the right to avoid suffering."

Checking out of dating basically means you either don't want a family, which if every man adopted your stance, the human race would go extinct
Not necessarily, some men do want families (I made a poll on this topic which was whether you would have a surrogate child with your sperm and a surrogate egg/mother, and a few people said yes), they just don't want the bullshit associated with it which is women cheating or divorcing them. This is also a false dilemma fallacy: "You either date and reproduce to help the human race not go extinct or be an evil bastard, check out of dating, and cause the extinction of all mankind!" You're basically conflating the choice of one man with the choice of every man and saying your free will doesn't matter because if other men did it...! You're also presenting this issue as black-and-white (you can not date and not have a family [MGTOW or volceldom]; you can date and not have a family [childfree]; you can not date and have a family [surrogate parent]; or you can date and have a family).
Dang you are good lol! :feelsaww::feelsaww::feelsaww:
yes very good

1. she puts it on men, saying if men decided to not have kids... -> male hyper agency, female hypoagency. It takes two to tango. Women initiate sex and relationships more than men. Women are socially dominant, not men. Women also control the family and children.

I have posted this a million times but here it goes:

“Women chat happily, send sexually explicit signals and encourage the man’s attention, even if
they have absolutely no interest in him. This gives a woman time to assess a man, says [Karl
Grammer of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Urban Ethology in Vienna, who studied 45
male-female pairs of strangers in their teens and early twenties]… Importantly, the women also
seemed to control the encounter – what the women did had a direct effect on what the men did
next. ‘You can predict male behaviour from female behaviour but not the other way around,’
says Grammer”
– New Scientist Magazine (London), February 14, 2001

2. As you point out, this is a false dilemma fallacy, or either/or fallacy.
Also a complete non-sequitur again, philosophically speaking. There is no obvious logical connection between "the human race exists" and "you have a moral obligation to protect the human race."

Like I mentioned earlier, these are very common is/ought fallacies. She is basically just chaining a bunch of "is" statements together, like that constitutes a valid argument. It does not.

@GeckoBus Rate my essay, senpai. :feelsaww:

meh meh meh

Ok, hmm it is very well written, yes yes :bigbrain::bigbrain::bigbrain: good writing skill yes.
Also very high IQ, pointing out the fallacies :feelsaww::feelsaww::feelsaww:

8/10 :feelsUgh::feelsUgh::feelsUgh:
Also, notice how she said "fatherless daughter issue" and not "fatherless child" or "fatherless son"? Her lens is still gynocentric despite claiming to empathize with the plight of men and recognizing female biases.
I think she was just drawing on a trope guys like us will bash on to say that you're a hypocrite to not raise a daughter, I dont think its proof in of itself she sees stuff through a biased lens, which she certainly does anyway.
This utopian fantasy is built on the impressions left by the unparalleled period of prosperity that the west had from like 1900 to 1970, where the majority of women had the privilege of not having to work, due to rampant industrialization, and most people could afford having children.

However, that is a very small time window in human history and it is closing now. We are going back to how people had to live for 1000s of years - by sharing room with others, both genders having to work to make ends meet.
Is that so? I don't think I really need a study or anything like that for it to be proven anyway it makes sense just saying it, it really goes to show how the older generation got to live at one of the peak times of man kind, my parents love acting like they had it hard and how life should be easier for me, and sure in some ways life is easier like searching for a job online, compared to having to make a physical paper resume walking around everywhere and sending it in, but at least back then you were rewarded with your efforts by getting a decent job, now you send in 100s of online applications and dont even get a response.
This fucking whores boyfriend is 6`3 btw
The major critical flaw in her arguement is assuming we are giving up because we don't want the women, We are giving up because we cannot get women. We aren't going to continue to put effort into to something that continues to yield 0 results.
E4E96816 BE22 4161 BD6E 22D68F9A2FE3

This is the whores BF by the way, I hope they both get hit by a semi trailer truck.

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