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Blackpill first time u got ghosted on Tinder



Jan 15, 2019
hey trucels, what did you make of it the first time you.got ghosted on tinder (as in the girl u matched with suddenly stopped talking to you)?

NGL first time I thought it was a bug or some shit hahaha.

what about the first time you took a foid from tinder to text/whatsapp and she ghosted you? first time that happened to me I was heart broken like a cuck, can say that here cos it's a safe space, and also really angry and hating the foid lol.

it was only later when I got blackpilled and a noodle told me it was my melanin x height x bf% that I realised about hypergamy and that's why I got ghosted lol.

what are other peoples experiences?
Never made a Tinder. I don't have any hope in my heart
Never used tinder cause I can just imagine girls showing my ugly face to their friends and laughing, then matching with me as a prank
Volcel if you’ve never tried tinder. At least give it an attempt to escape this hell. Luck is legit.
Never used tinder cause I can just imagine girls showing my ugly face to their friends and laughing, then matching with me as a prank
That would be brutal. Fortunately or unfortunately I'm pretty good at dealing with these kind of brutal things and they have genuinely made me stronger, and that's why I'm able to MGTOW
Fuck this place really is chads.co, seriously no one here has been ghosted????
elab on the bf% part? Also aren't you 178cm that's taller than 99% noodles and 80% ricecels how come?
I got like 5 maches in my tinder experience and no responses to my messages :feelsrope:
i got no matches (i don't count trolls as matches because i got some accounts adding me and telling me to fuck off)
I rarely get matches tbh. And when I go, cunts don't respond.
I don't know. I've never got matches in Tinder.
I avoid tinder at all costs to preserve my sanity
Yeah, i've been ghosted 2 or 3 times when i was on tinder, and keep in mind that those 2 or 3 girls that ghosted me were the only ones that even answered my messages, my other matches either never responded me, unmatcherd me, or were bots. All ghostings were pretty similar, i would trade 4 or 5 messages with the girl and that was it, i would be left on hold forever.
Matched with a Stacy, she was probably collecting orbiters. I texted her “What’s something you would never do?” as a conversation starter, she replied “text you back” and “lol jk”, then shortly after she just disappeared from my matches.
Never made a Tinder.

Also, how do you get the confidence to create a Tinder profile (with your real pic)?
I would be deeply ashamed if i would upload a pic of my ugly face somewhere.
Especially when imaging that people who know me could see me there.
My first experience with online dating was OkCupid, back in 2015. I made an account, set up some pictures, put my height in, and decided to give it a try.

Had a couple girls reply very harshly and call me a "Little boy" when I reached out to them, I had zero idea what that was about. Most girls I send a message to either didn't respond or blocked.

I did manage to find one girl who replied back, but when she viewed my profile and saw my height, she texted me saying that, "She was double-booked and wouldn't be able to see me on a date." I said no problem. At the time I had no idea about how important looks and height mattered.

I tried Tinder not too long after, and after two months I ended up with two matches. One was a bot, and one unmatched me when I said hi. I thought that the app was bugged so I deleted it.

It was only sometime in 2016 when I discovered the r/short subreddit and later the r/incels subreddit that I discovered why I was being ghosted and rejected. When I connected the dots with online dating and also in-person experience of trying to get a date, that's when it hit me at once.

I almost roped myself at that time, it's surprising that I'm still alive today.
I Chadfish sometimes but don’t actually use myself on tinder
I got ghosted a few times, I have no expectations on Tinder. Every female has been fucked by some old ass crack head.
Can't get ghosted when you can't get any matches :feelsthink:

Never used tinder, but could not get any responses on other sites before 2012 so I knew it would be a waste.
elab on the bf% part? Also aren't you 178cm that's taller than 99% noodles and 80% ricecels how come?
No man I'm 176-177cm depending on time of day (also have crossed shoulders).

Noodle just said that I was unattractive because of high bf% (was around 19%) and cos I have dark skin, TBF to the noodle she said she didn't have a problem with people having dark skin, but that noodles in general found it disgusting and that's why they worshipped JBW.

Bf% pill is defo brutal, but that's just cos of twisted perception of what can be achieved natty lol
I've never gotten a match unfortunately
I've never even tried Tinder. There's no point.
Matched with a Stacy, she was probably collecting orbiters. I texted her “What’s something you would never do?” as a conversation starter, she replied “text you back” and “lol jk”, then shortly after she just disappeared from my matches.
dat conflict avoidance
Mogs me at having matches to begin with
No man I'm 176-177cm depending on time of day (also have crossed shoulders).

Noodle just said that I was unattractive because of high bf% (was around 19%) and cos I have dark skin, TBF to the noodle she said she didn't have a problem with people having dark skin, but that noodles in general found it disgusting and that's why they worshipped JBW.

Bf% pill is defo brutal, but that's just cos of twisted perception of what can be achieved natty lol
i am 5'8.brutal.

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