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Toxic Femininity Feminists are very open about their goal, and always have been.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 1252
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Deleted member 1252

Parody Account
Nov 9, 2017
If you read through feminist literature, you’ll find hundreds - thousands, maybe - of crystal clear quotes like the one below.

The proportion of men must be reduced to and maintained at approximately 10% of the human race.
- Sally Miller Gearhart, in The Future – If There Is One – Is Female

The fact that soyciety still pretends that feminism is about EqUaLiTy is a meme. It’s ridiculous. At no point was feminism about equality. It was always about one thing, and one thing only:


The quote above clearly states that feminism is about having only the top 10% of men exist (eg sub-9 law). The right to vote, working independently, modern marriage laws, family court, contraception, abortion, affirmative action, destroying religion, destroying marriage, virtually all left wing politics since 1920... it has ALL BEEN a means to an end - the end being a world population of 90% foids and 10% chads. A future for humanity where every foid is in chads harem, and sub-9 men do not exist.
Based detectivecel
Robot or alien women when?
Include me in the screenshot, IT :soy:

Inb4 "itS juST FIctIOn SWeaTY"
According to foid's ideology feminism men can stay alive as long as they are being milked for taxes.

But Chad only gets to have sex.
Based and bookmarked. It's important to note that women having rights is, at the face of it, matriarchal. Men always outproduce women. Men produce way more than women, sustain women, and the vast majority of actual society-sustaining work is done by them. Women need men to do this work, and therefore must offer them something in return. This really only has to be: Being willing to supersede hypergamy and marry sideways, not up, offering their husbands sex even though they are not attracted to 80% of them, and making babies. That's it. THAT'S LITERALLY IT. We will die in your wars, fight battles, autistically spend all night working on projects to sustain civilization, die of stress and in the workforce, etc., and all we demand is that. And maybe the occasional emotionally comforting snuggle from women. It's quite a good deal for women, all things considered. Feminism is basically men continue to offer everything they always have, except women offer like 20% more in the productivity field in terms of being in the workforce (unnecessary because of how advanced society is, but OK thanks I guess for working slightly harder than you used to 100 years ago in the workforce so that our GDP can be 20% higher, the stock market can do better, and the rich can get richer, LOL). Meanwhile, women have NO responsibility to offer ANYTHING in terms of childbirth, emotional comfort, sex, and marrying down/sideways, which was always the deal, and thus offer like 80% LESS of those things (if not more) to the vast majority of men.

The funny thing is, women are STILL giving those things, and by all measures working HARDER than they used to, but they have more "fun" and give it all to Chad. And even though they're working harder in the workforce slightly, it's not as if they're sharing any of that with us LVM in the same way men used to share their wealth with women, nope. They're spending it all on themselves, to CONSOOM more capitalist products. So LVMs have to work hard, sustain society, be expendable, have expectations put on them, work FOR the Chads as an underclass, but we CAN'T have emotional comfort, sex, babies, children, family, and women marrying sideways for us despite their urge not to. So, why do it at all? Why try? Why not drop out? You don't owe us shit, why do we owe YOU more than the bare minimum?

And of course women won't have babies, so they can be worked harder to maximize GDP, but don't worry! Corporations can import new young workers, via immigration, who will have their kids for them and keep labor costs down! So corporations can get new debt slaves, and maximize profits! Corporations can effectively use the world as their playing field, having different economic "zones" to do different tasks! They have the "baby-making zones" (Africa, India, MidEast), the "service" zones (the West, Japan), and the "industrial" zones (China, Russia)! It's the PERFECT ponzi scheme!

So don't worry about the stock market, boomers! Your McMansion home investment will be SAFE, stock market SECURE, and Wall Street's profits MAXIMIZED, as debt is borrowed infinitely to keep up this scheme, and everyone is trying to cover their ass so no one will ever challenge the house of cards, knowing it would COLLAPSE their economy immediately were they "excluded" (via sanctions) from this system!

After discovering that feminism is an indirect, if not direct, expression of a sexual strategy I will never see things the same way again. It is so obvious now - and other things, like how some women are strong supporters of 'traditionalism', can also be reduced to a female strategy of self-interest.

Gender equality is impossible. There has always existed an antagonism between the sexes, and always will be unless a great change happens, like Humanity transcending sexuality (but this is fantasy).
The Washington consensus represents nearly all cultural problems that made our life hell.
From neocons to libtards to their fucking "culture" represented by late night shows and sex and the city like early 2000's degenerate TV series i feel deep strong hatred toward them and everything they stand for
Gender equality is impossible. There has always existed an antagonism between the sexes, and always will be unless a great change happens, like Humanity transcending sexuality (but this is fantasy).
Monomorphism through forced selection or transhumanism. This Is something early fascism speculated on
After discovering that feminism is an indirect, if not direct, expression of a sexual strategy I will never see things the same way again. It is so obvious now - and other things, like how some women are strong supporters of 'traditionalism', can also be reduced to a female strategy of self-interest.
I developed a strong sense of hatred toward any biological NT foid
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After discovering that feminism is an indirect, if not direct, expression of a sexual strategy I will never see things the same way again. It is so obvious now - and other things, like how some women are strong supporters of 'traditionalism', can also be reduced to a female strategy of self-interest.

Gender equality is impossible. There has always existed an antagonism between the sexes, and always will be unless a great change happens, like Humanity transcending sexuality (but this is fantasy).

The female nature is to only allow the top 10-20% of male genes survive.
The male nature is to try to impregnate as many foids as possible to spread his seed.
This is seen in virtually all animal species. It’s called natural selection. Evolution.

Nothing will ever change this fundamental, scientific fact.
Imagine being a male feminist

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