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TeeHee Feminists and SJWs wrongly think that everything about humans is learned behavior and that we feel bad about inceldom because of patriarchal culture



May 2, 2018
They seem to think that we "learn" to feel bad about our inceldom because we are culturally patriarchal and thus hold ourselves to patriarchal standards (that, as a man, you must be sexually successful, fuck lots of foids or whatever).

Not everything is cultural though. My desire to have sex is not cultural, it's biological. If it was cultural, I'd never ever prefer JBs over older women for instance, since the western culture I grew up in absolutely demonizes guys my age who want to have sex with teens. It's just that I find them more attractive (because my male straight brain is hardwired to find developed female body + neotenous face the most attractive combination, which has nothing to do with culture) and I also want my partner to be a virgin (which is biologically advantageous as a male; I want my foid to be just mine and to raise my own kids and not somebody else's).

I don't feel bad about my inceldom because of culture, I do because I have a BIOLOGICAL impulse towards sex and affection, which is not being fulfilled, all the while I SEE guys getting tons of sex and affection because they're good-looking, famous, atrocitymaxxed, etc. I honestly couldn't care less about comforming to what society or anyone expects of me. If I had a girlfriend and our relationship was discreet and I couldn't boast to anyone about her (another thing feminists and liberals seem to think; that we want foids in order to be able to brag about them to other men), I'd be perfectly fine with that as well. I honestly would even prefer a discreet relationship tbh. I'm sure most incels here agree.
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The problem ironically is that they don't think at all.

Everyone one of their opinions is shared by the general population. They aren't able to form their own opinions nor do they care to do the research themselves.

Society treats incels as they do any male problem, as a joke
They also think men can learn to be attracted to landwhales and trannies, but will freak out if you suggest that foids should lower their standards and have sex with their looksmatch.
They also think men can learn to be attracted to landwhales and trannies, but will freak out if you suggest that foids should lower their standards and have sex with their looksmatch.
They think everything is cultural, even attraction. It's not patriarchal culture hindering my attraction to landwhales and trannies, it's the fact being obese isn't healthy or attractive and having a male bone structure and a penis isn't attractive to me (as straight man). Let alone having an open wound where your genitals should be.
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They think everything is cultural, even attraction.
Unless it's about what foids are attracted to, whatever they're attracted to is automatically good to them.
It's not patriarchal cultural hindering my attraction to landwhales and trannies, it's the fact being obese isn't healthy or attractive and having a male bone structure and a penis isn't attractive to me (as straight man). Let alone having an open wound where your genitals should be.
High iq.
The problem ironically is that they don't think at all.

Everyone one of their opinions is shared by the general population. They aren't able to form their own opinions nor do they care to do the research themselves.

Society treats incels as they do any male problem, as a joke
male = chad who women want to fuck or slaves to them they will exploit
Foids only think everything is learned behavior because all they know is sitting in front of the tv screen or they phone getting indoctrinated with kikejew propoganda. Ironically they can't see themselves from outside the looking glass and fail to realize this.
They think everything is cultural, even attraction. It's not patriarchal culture hindering my attraction to landwhales and trannies, it's the fact being obese isn't healthy or attractive and having a male bone structure and a penis isn't attractive to me (as straight man). Let alone having an open wound where your genitals should be.
We can verify this by analyzing man's life in a state of nature (without any societal influence), and see that all this is true except for the part about same sex relationships. Bisexuality is actually the norm for humans that is undermined by societal influence, although it wasn't conceived of like it is today. Darwin writes:
some extremely remote progenitor of the whole vertebrate kingdom appears to have been hermaphrodite or androgynous
which Freud expands upon saying:
It is well known that at all times there have been, as there still are, human beings who can take as their sexual objects persons of either sex without the one trend interfering with the other. We call these people bisexual and accept the fact of their existence without wondering much at it … But we have come to know that all human beings are bisexual in this sense and their libido is distributed between objects of both sexes, either in a manifest or a latent form.
I'm tired of arguing with them on this point. They keep alluding to subjectivity, and they often tend to forget that the patriarchy is merely a scapegoat for their lazy asses. There's really no point in arguing with these types tbh.
If inceldom was a result of oppressive 'patriarchy' you would think being patriarchal males a part of the same very oppressive power structure in their eyes would be able to fix or cure our ailment with a snap of our fingers. But no, that's not it at all.

What they don't want to admit to or touch basis on is that inceldom is a direct result of feminism and the political matriarchal social structure they've created over the last several decades, but they don't want to ever admit that because by doing so their entire ideal of equality or social egalitarianism becomes exposed for the fraudulent scam that it always has been.

Eventually they're not going to be able to ignore it for much longer as there are consequences just like anything else, eventually when 75% of men identify as incels, society collapses, and they have full blown insurrection on their hands maybe then they might think to themselves, "Oh, I guess we really did fuck up on all of that after all, there's no more denying it now."

But until then, they'll double down on their failed social ideologies and political status quo because they really don't want to admit that their social experiment of the last century has been one huge gigantic failure.
I'm tired of arguing with them on this point. They keep alluding to subjectivity, and they often tend to forget that the patriarchy is merely a scapegoat for their lazy asses. There's really no point in arguing with these types tbh.
They've clearly never read the book, The Manipulated Man by Esther Vilar, that book is a huge blackpill as it is insightful.
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What they don't want to admit to or touch basis on is that inceldom is a direct result of feminism and the political matriarchal social structure they've created over the last several decades, but they don't want to ever admit that because by doing so their entire ideal of equality or social egalitarianism becomes exposed for the fraudulent scam that it always has been.
Infinite IQ. You summed up the whole thing very eloquently.

They hate us in particular because we are the living proof that their retarded feminist ideology and SJW oppression tiers are bullshit. They'll come up with anything to try to delegitimize everything about us.
Infinite IQ. You summed up the whole thing very eloquently.

They hate us in particular because we are the living proof that their retarded feminist ideology and SJW oppression tiers are bullshit. They'll come up with anything to try to delegitimize everything about us.
What's interesting about feminism is that it acts or behaves as if only women have been oppressed all throughout history, it completely ignores the many billions of lower rank males since the very historical beginning of civilization who have been far more oppressed or brutalized, the fact that it very blatantly ignores all of that is very quite telling of the whole entire con game of theirs they constantly play. That's really all one needs to know assessing them.
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Yea we are not blank slates. We are hardwired and social creatures by nature.

The genetic outcast loser will burn down the village to feel its warmth.

Western society is degenerate and immoral. Rofl. Digging their own grave. I love reading about anarchy and chaos. People deserve it.
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They've clearly never read the book, The Manipulated Man by Esther Vilar, that book is a huge blackpill as it is insightful.
They've never read anything that disagrees with their social justice agenda. The fact that a book entitled I Hate Men by some French whore went viral among feminists shows what feminism is really about. As Bret Weinstein said; "bad faith changes everything".

They always talk as if we have no societal problems other than the patriarchy, and female oppression (both of which are illusions as I have illustrated in previous threads). They claim to be all about rationality and logic, but their arguments reek of logical fallacies. Not to mention, they almost always allude to emotions, and get aggressive if you present anything that goes against their narrative. It's just a big waste of time to argue with these types of people. I could type essays about when feminists are only victimizing themselves to gain attention, or to feel like they're part of something bigger than them, but my efforts are futile. A camel does not see its hump; and just like camels feminists fail to see the problem with their logic.
The problem ironically is that they don't think at all.

Everyone one of their opinions is shared by the general population. They aren't able to form their own opinions nor do they care to do the research themselves.

Society treats incels as they do any male problem, as a joke
That's why when you present a counter argument they give you a 3 hour video to watch instead of summarizing what the video said, jfl.
Infinite IQ. You summed up the whole thing very eloquently.

They hate us in particular because we are the living proof that their retarded feminist ideology and SJW oppression tiers are bullshit. They'll come up with anything to try to delegitimize everything about us.
“But, whatever you want to call them, the people who extinguish revolutionary movements are the people who are drawn indiscriminately to causes: racism, sexism, gay rights, animal rights, the environment, poverty, sweatshops, neocolonialism…it’s all the same to them. These people constitute a subculture that has been labeled “the adversary culture.” Whenever a movement of resistance begins to emerge, these leftists (or whatever you want to call them) come swarming to it like flies to honey until they outnumber the original members of the movement, take it over, and turn it into just another leftist faction, thereby emasculating it. The history of “Earth First” provides a very elegant example of this process.” — Ted Kacyznski, Technological Slavery.

I think the reason SJWs are trying to link our behaviour to culture is because they want the incel community to be PC, which will essentially lead to the extermination of the resistance altogether, they want to make us NPCs. If the reasons we feel bad about inceldom are biological, their hands are basically tied. But if it’s cultural, then incels can, at least in principle, be conditioned to stop feeling bad about their inceldom. And they’re doing that by pushing normies and fakecels into our spaces until one day all the original incels are gone, and as a result the incel community will become a thing of the past — i.e. I won’t be a threat to SJWs anymore as it will be subsumed into their culture.
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They've never read anything that disagrees with their social justice agenda. The fact that a book entitled I Hate Men by some French whore went viral among feminists shows what feminism is really about. As Bret Weinstein said; "bad faith changes everything".

They always talk as if we have no societal problems other than the patriarchy, and female oppression (both of which are illusions as I have illustrated in previous threads). They claim to be all about rationality and logic, but their arguments reek of logical fallacies. Not to mention, they almost always allude to emotions, and get aggressive if you present anything that goes against their narrative. It's just a big waste of time to argue with these types of people. I could type essays about when feminists are only victimizing themselves to gain attention, or to feel like they're part of something bigger than them, but my efforts are futile. A camel does not see its hump; and just like camels feminists fail to see the problem with their logic.

That's why when you present a counter argument they give you a 3 hour video to watch instead of summarizing what the video said, jfl.

“But, whatever you want to call them, the people who extinguish revolutionary movements are the people who are drawn indiscriminately to causes: racism, sexism, gay rights, animal rights, the environment, poverty, sweatshops, neocolonialism…it’s all the same to them. These people constitute a subculture that has been labeled “the adversary culture.” Whenever a movement of resistance begins to emerge, these leftists (or whatever you want to call them) come swarming to it like flies to honey until they outnumber the original members of the movement, take it over, and turn it into just another leftist faction, thereby emasculating it. The history of “Earth First” provides a very elegant example of this process.” — Ted Kacyznski, Technological Slavery.

I think the reason SJWs are trying to link our behaviour to culture is because they want the incel community to be PC, which will essentially lead to the extermination of the resistance altogether, they want to make us NPCs. If the reasons we feel bad about inceldom are biological, their hands are basically tied. But if it’s cultural, then incels can, at least in principle, be conditioned to stop feeling bad about their inceldom. And they’re doing that by pushing normies and fakecels into our spaces until one day all the original incels are gone, and as a result the incel community will become a thing of the past — i.e. I won’t be a threat to SJWs anymore as it will be subsumed into their culture.
High I.Q. Agreed.

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