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It's Over Femborgs make it illegal to approach women in France



May 6, 2018
US$1,000 Fine for approaching women (femborgs and Stacys) in France.

"Ms Schiappa last year said the government was not looking to stamp out flirtatious behaviour and 'kill the culture of the French lover', but simply looking to establish that consent was key

Ms Schiappa last year said the government was not looking to stamp out flirtatious behaviour and 'kill the culture of the French lover', but simply looking to establish that consent was key.

However, a proposal to change age of consent laws to protect minors in rape cases was diluted after the highest legal authority, the Council of State, weighed in to warn it could be ruled unconstitutional.

Ms Schiappa wanted to change age of consent laws so that minors under 15 who have sex with adults over 18 would be presumed not to have given consent.

The measure was aimed at facilitating convictions, after a case where a man in his 20s was cleared of rape for having sex with an 11-year-old girl because there was no evidence she was coerced.

However, the court said the bill's automatic assumption of coercion might be unconstitutional."
i thought the french were all about romance?
This is targeted at White men. They will be the only ones who will care about this law.
Women are oppressed in the 21st century yet they can legally get someone (sub7 male) in trouble for trying to hit on them. It never began for WesternEuropecels.
how the fuck are they even going to get a ticket for this unless they catcall right in front of a cop? citizens arrest until the cops come?
JFL @ Feminists in 2018. Your nonsense has got out of control. There is going to be one hell of a backlash and it won't be pretty. Even the majority of normcunts have had enough of you.
i thought the french were all about romance?
Its a very feminine culture. The romance was part of their feminity and now the same feminity is tired of it so out with old and in with the new.
this is only going to apply to ugly males
Women are oppressed in the 21st century yet they can legally get someone (sub7 male) in trouble for trying to hit on them. It never began for WesternEuropecels.
They can have police, aka private body guards, to rush to their safety for any little thing, but incels can't have tax funded escorts. Wtf?
Chad can gangbang a row of harlots in public and no one bats an eye, incel cat calls a skank and gets the cops called on him. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!!!!!
I've heard that maternity tests are not required to call for child support in France.
how the fuck are they even going to get a ticket for this unless they catcall right in front of a cop? citizens arrest until the cops come?

The cops here in Canada use "believe all women" in their investigations, so likely 15 to 50 years later after the alleged incient, she can go to the cops and pull a "Bill Cosby raped me in the times of Noah on the planet Jupiter" complaint, and the police will believe her.
JFL @ Feminists in 2018. Your nonsense has got out of control. There is going to be one hell of a backlash and it won't be pretty. Even the majority of normcunts have had enough of you.

Femcunts making it illegal for men 18+ to approach women.
Femcunts making it illegal for under 18 adolescent boys to engage in consensual affairs with Stacys.
Femcunts banning p4p for all men.


Femcunts making it legal for women 18+ to walk nude on the street.
Femcunts making it legal for girls under 18 to blackmail innocent boys and men on false charges of sexual misconduct.
Femcunts legalizing female teachers to have sex with underage Chad, while calling the police on male students for looking at her naked body in class.
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JFL @ Feminists in 2018. Your nonsense has got out of control. There is going to be one hell of a backlash and it won't be pretty. Even the majority of normcunts have had enough of you.
This thought alone keeps me going. I hope it happens sooner rather than later.. I have a fetish for femshits in chains. :feelsokman:
rapes will go up/kidnapping
This thought alone keeps me going. I hope it happens sooner rather than later.. I have a fetish for femshits in chains. :feelsokman:

Many men are waiting for an opportunity such as an economic depression, or civil war before getting even on those feminist stooges who have caused millions of men worldwide to suffer as incels, or suffer anal prolapse because of jail rapes that a feminist caused because of her trivial and false complaint, usually of a sexual nature.
This is gonna be the U.S in the few years.

Femoids are making it increasingly hard to approach them because they shamlessly only want Chad and will go after him when they see one.
rapes will go up/kidnapping
Many men are waiting for an opportunity such as an economic depression, or civil war before getting even on those feminist stooges who have caused millions of men worldwide to suffer as incels, or suffer anal prolapse because of jail rapes that a feminist caused because of her trivial and false complaint, usually of a sexual nature.
Wew buddy boyos, just witnessing that kind of mass violation would make me maximus erectus and immediately join in haha. It would be fucking nice to see their stupid sobbing faces, up close and high definition. Such is life tbh, they have created that situation so they can lie on the bed they made and get shat on for all I care. No mercy was spared for us, none shall be spared for them. You reap what you sow and such.
Femtwats, as I know in Toronto, only want the majority of us either in prison, locked away in a psychiatric institution or in a coffin at a burial site, except for the millionaire elite that they support. You will never see a feminist complain if Trudeau hugs them inappropriately, or if Morneau's company is involved in blood diamonds or human rights violations. No---femtwats complain of incels.
This is targeted at White men. They will be the only ones who will care about this law.

This is targeted at UGLY white men. Because Chad will never get a fine for catcalling. Its just a new way to isolate and promote suicide amongst ugly males, specially incels. France hates white ugly males, i can assure you.
The cops here in Canada use "believe all women" in their investigations, so likely 15 to 50 years later after the alleged incient, she can go to the cops and pull a "Bill Cosby raped me in the times of Noah on the planet Jupiter" complaint, and the police will believe her.

Femcunts making it illegal for men 18+ to approach women.
Femcunts making it illegal for under 18 adolescent boys to engage in consensual affairs with Stacys.
Femcunts banning p4p for all men.


Femcunts making it legal for women 18+ to walk nude on the street.
Femcunts making it legal for girls under 18 to blackmail innocent boys and men on false charges of sexual misconduct.
Femcunts legalizing female teachers to have sex with underage Chad, while calling the police on male students for looking at her naked body in class.

High IQ.
Also, the same happens in Spain. Every woman can land you in jail for no reason, and even if you manage to prove ur innocent, she litteraly did nothing illegal by lying. So, yeah... Im actually scared of women.
5 guys are going to jail because a stacy fucked them all at the same time and was so drunk that didnt notice she was being recorded. The next day , when she notized that everyone knew she had sex with 5 guys at the same time, she accused them of rape. The judge let the 5 guys to rot in jail for 2 FUCKING YEARS before he determined that there was no rape at all in the videos that were recorded.... BUUUUUT they still are going to go to jail for "abuse" and other stuff that makes no sense. This happened because there were massive only-female demonstrations against them, and calling ffor the judge to be fired, etc...
Its a very well known case here in Spain: https://elpais.com/elpais/2018/04/27/inenglish/1524824382_557525.html
Since then, every male that is not a fucking chad knows tthat he can go to jail for no reason if the girl regrets after sex, and also, that the entire spanish female population will want you dead (litteraly) even if there is no proof of you being guilty.
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European women have sex with refugee Tyrones on top of trash heaps in Italy!
made a post about this few weeks back. Its once again women enforcing the 80/20 rule

They want nothing more than to see these men killed and removed from the planet merely because they are not seen as breeding stock in the hypergamous eyes of the woman. They want to control the sexuality of UNWANTED men. They just passed a policy to "protect" women from unwanted advances, which means UNATTRACTIVE advances.

-If Chad asks for the number, there won't be a fine.

-If Bernard asks for a number awkwardly, he'll pay.

Mark my words, this won't be enough. Soon eye contact will be punishable aswell.
In Toronto, the transit operations have rolled out a campaign "This is Where" to criminalize unwanted attention and harassment of women. My question to these morons is if women are feeling discomfort being around men in public transit, then why the fuck are the newer buses and streetcars equipped with those four square diner seats where one is seated directly opposite another? Fuck the femicunts for not preventing innocent men from being falsely accused of stare rape of harpies in Canada.
Sub8 is becoming a reality. Coming soon to everywhere except mudslime world.
france is getting up their with sweden in terms of retardism.
Modern Bachelor Taxes come in the form of higher tax brackets and lesser tax credits compared to women. A female who sucked someone's dick to be hired for a Management job earning at least $70,000 a year will pay less tax than a single man working in a factory for $15,000 a year.
Femoids just don't hold control over their own pussies, lol. Femoid is automatically attracted to chad so badly, that no any approach from him is needed. All these laws is against beta-cucks numales, and us, incels, but for us it's over, so this changes nothing. Normies are so weak and stupid, they support laws made to cuck them ever more.

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