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JFL Females emotions are not to be taken seriously.



plz don't mock me
Mar 7, 2018
Emotions of women aren't deep and they bounce from one end of the spectrum to the other with so much ease that it's obvious you can't take their feelings seriously.
After a breakup, they are back to partying and fucking within days, and there's no evidence they feel trauma.
And it's obvious they enjoy wild swings of emotion, such as how they like to cause negative drama and treat funerals of their family members and friends (and enemies) as virtue signaling opportunities.

I have a RTF file of about 250,000 words on post-war Japanese writers writing about women. Mostly from Mishima but also Tanizaki, Dazai, and some others. Anything they write about women i put in this file. It is all very negative and most of what I know about women not really having negative emotions comes from there. I also have files on other subjects like death, superstition, etc, mostly from post-war Japanese writers but also from philosophy and poetry.

Here are some quotes from "No Longer Human," a novel I dislike overall but is perceptive about women.

Women do not bring to bear so much as a particle of connection between what they do after going to bed and what they do on rising in the morning; they go on living with their world successfully divided in two, as if total oblivion had intervened.
This is talking about how women wake up with a "blank slate" every day. emotions are like food and they feel "hungry" again after a time. Maybe feeling sad is like taking a shit and feeling happy is like taking a piss and validation is like eating food. they require all of it and all of it brings satisfaction.

Nevertheless, it was with very much the sensation of treading on thin ice that I associated with these girls. I could almost never guess their motives. I was in the dark; at times I made indiscreet mistakes which brought me painful wounds. These wounds, unlike the scars from the lashing a man might give, cut inwards very deep, like an internal hemorrhage, bringing intense discomfort. Once inflicted it was extremely hard to recover from such wounds. Women led me on only to throw me aside; they mocked and tortured me when others were around, only to embrace me with passion as soon as everyone had left.
This is about how their emotions swing about and they take out their bad feelings on random people and then turn around and treat them well, showing they don't act on their emotional convictions, because they are so swingy. But, of course, this behavior causes lasting pain to men. (Only men feel lasting emotional pain.)

Women were also less demanding than men when it came to my clowning. When I played the jester men did not go on laughing indefinitely. I knew that if I got carried away by my success in entertaining a man and overdid the role, my comedy would fall flat, and I was always careful to quit at a suitable place. Women, on the other hand, have no sense of moderation. No matter how long I went on with my antics they would ask for more, and I would become exhausted responding to their insatiable demands for encores. They really laugh an amazing amount of the time. I suppose one can say that women stuff themselves with far more pleasures than men.
This is a quote about how they enjoy everything in life, even negative things, and are never satisfied. (applies to food and landwhales)

One autumn evening as I was lying in bed reading a book, the older of my cousins - I always called her Sister - suddenly darted into my room quick as a bird, and collapsed over my bed. She whispered through her tears, ‘Yozo, you’ll help me, I know. I know you will. Let’s run away from this terrible house together. Oh, help me, please.’ She continued in this hysterical vein for a while only to burst into tears again. This was not the first time a woman had put on such a scene before me, and Sister’s excessively emotional words did not surprise me much. I felt instead a certain boredom at their banality and emptiness. I slipped out of bed, went to my desk and picked up a persimmon. I peeled it and offered Sister a section. She ate it, still sobbing, and said, ‘Have you any interesting books? Lend me something.’ I chose Soseki’s ‘I am a Cat’ from my bookshelf and handed it to her. ‘Thanks for the persimmon,’ Sister said as she left the room, an embarrassed smile on her face. Sister was not the only one - I have often felt that I would find it more complicated, troublesome, and unpleasant to ascertain the feelings by which a woman lives than to plumb the innermost thoughts of an earthworm. Long personal experience has taught me that when a woman suddenly bursts into hysterics, the only way to restore her spirits is to give her something sweet.
And a story of how grief means nothing to a woman and how short lasting it is. This is an autobiographical novel and Dazai took this from experience.

I've already explained in my other thread that women enjoy feeling physical pain. This is a companion piece about how their emotional pain is meaningless as well. Even though we base laws and policies on women's feelings.

I also have a collection of quotes about women from Yukio Mishima, a MUCH better writer than Osamu Dazai. TBH, Dazai was a bit of a cuck and I don't endorse reading his work. So I put everything valuable of his here for you to read.
These men weren't afraid to tell it how it really is.

This post has some really good examples of how women go throughout their entire lives, and the men of the past were right on the money about them.

One thing you need to understand, Is that just like male NPCs, women don't have souls, therefore they have no inner dialog or thoughts outside of things that affect them emotionally.

Eating and sex makes them feel happy, so they talk about these things the most. It is their soul purpose after all.

They're essentially robots that exist with the sole purpose of obtaining resources from others without wasting their own. They are comparable to black holes, sucking all the energy around them, and remaining dissatisfied until there is nothing left to take.

They live only to satisfy their own happiness, and have no thoughts outside of gaining validation.

They are very manipulative too
These men weren't afraid to tell it how it really is.

This post has some really good examples of how women go throughout their entire lives, and the men of the past were right on the money about them.

One thing you need to understand, Is that just like male NPCs, women don't have souls, therefore they have no inner dialog or thoughts outside of things that affect them emotionally.

Eating and sex makes them feel happy, so they talk about these things the most. It is their soul purpose after all.

They're essentially robots that exist with the sole purpose of obtaining resources from others without wasting their own. They are comparable to black holes, sucking all the energy around them, and remaining dissatisfied until there is nothing left to take.

They live only to satisfy their own happiness, and have no thoughts outside of gaining validation.

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What percentage of men are NPC ?
they are worshiped and treated like some form of god

of course their pain is miniscule , compared to ours.
These men weren't afraid to tell it how it really is.

This post has some really good examples of how women go throughout their entire lives, and the men of the past were right on the money about them.

One thing you need to understand, Is that just like male NPCs, women don't have souls, therefore they have no inner dialog or thoughts outside of things that affect them emotionally.

Eating and sex makes them feel happy, so they talk about these things the most. It is their soul purpose after all.

They're essentially robots that exist with the sole purpose of obtaining resources from others without wasting their own. They are comparable to black holes, sucking all the energy around them, and remaining dissatisfied until there is nothing left to take.

They live only to satisfy their own happiness, and have no thoughts outside of gaining validation.

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What percentage of men are NPC ?
Well that's a hard question

My definition of an NPC is someone who is incapable of having inner thoughts, rational thinking, and one who fails to chase desires outside of material value.

Most men fit this category right off the bat, and all women are NPCs by default.

If I had to guess, I'd say that 85% of men are NPCs
High IQ thread. Women have super high levels of emotional lability (insane levels in the case of BPDs) and are way more worldy than men. They enjoy everything about the world, including the negative part men usually don't enjoy.
It's for if I write a novel I can look up categories and what great novelists have said about that topic.
Based. E books are very useful to study topics like that.
Based. E books are very useful to study topics like that.
I didn't get it from e-books, lol. I don't how to copy/paste from kindle, though obv there is some way. I typed it all out manually from real books over a period of many years, there's around 50 categories.
High IQ thread. Women have super high levels of emotional lability (insane levels in the case of BPDs) and are way more worldy than men. They enjoy everything about the world, including the negative part men usually don't enjoy.
this world is a paradise for women. them being able to complain and cry is part of that heaven. they love doing this.
and this should be kept in mind the next time some cuck here decides to "empathize" with foids.
I typed it all out manually from real books over a period of many years, there's around 50 categories.
Zeta high IQ, I'm too lazy for this shit.

I would use a free ware like Calibre to manage my e books, machine is more intelligent than I am for that matter.
Fuck cucks who take their emotions seriously. No sane man truly cares about random rosties getting groped, or having sex with adults when they were under 18, cucks only act like they care because they think it will get them sex.
Fuck cucks who take their emotions seriously. No sane man truly cares about random rosties getting groped, or having sex with adults when they were under 18, cucks only act like they care because they think it will get them sex.
There are agecucks here who empathize with young foids' "trauma" and "innocence."
They implant their own emotions from when they were a child into the heads of alien beings and think "I wouldn't want to be raped when I'm a child." And that's because they have experience of gnawing existential pain and keep returning to memories of pain, which a chaotic female brain does not do, but instead constantly seeks novel experiences.
And that empathy not only comes from cuckery and brainwashing, but from a self-righteous autogynephilic tranny instinct that says "I'm clean as a virgin, just like a little girl."

Keep in mind that a baby snake will grow into an adult snake, at what point was the "innocence" of the serpent destroyed there? That innocence is lost when the snake becomes aware it's a snake, which is day one. It was inherent from the egg. As soon as a foid realizes she is a foid and understands her natural mission, it's over for "innocence," (which is not even a real thing) and that happens with sentience. Virginity is important for hygiene but even virgins are whores. Men and woman brains are not even close to the same in depth. You are a fag if you keep going to that well of pretending to be a woman.

The post-war writers I talked about as a rule never go into the heads of women in their writing; it is futile. Only in weird circumstances like "After the Banquet" or "Quicksand," one is a very good educated guess at how a woman thinks (very evil, manipulative, and sex-oriented) and the second is a parody where the main woman character is basically Satan incarnate (a homosexual degenerate who tries to push trannyism upon her husband).
There are agecucks here who empathize with young foids' "trauma" and "innocence."
They implant their own emotions from when they were a child into the heads of alien beings and think "I wouldn't want to be raped when I'm a child." And that's because they have experience of gnawing existential pain and keep returning to memories of pain, which a chaotic female brain does not do, but instead constantly seeks novel experiences.
And that empathy not only comes from cuckery and brainwashing, but from a self-righteous autogynephilic tranny instinct that says "I'm clean as a virgin, just like a little girl."

Keep in mind that a baby snake will grow into an adult snake, at what point was the "innocence" of the serpent destroyed there? That innocence is lost when the snake becomes aware it's a snake, which is day one. It was inherent from the egg. As soon as a foid realizes she is a foid and understands her natural mission, it's over for "innocence," (which is not even a real thing) and that happens with sentience. Virginity is important for hygiene but even virgins are whores. Men and woman brains are not even close to the same in depth. You are a fag if you keep going to that well of pretending to be a woman.

The post-war writers I talked about as a rule never go into the heads of women in their writing; it is futile. Only in weird circumstances like "After the Banquet" or "Quicksand," one is a very good educated guess at how a woman thinks (very evil, manipulative, and sex-oriented) and the second is a parody where the main woman character is basically Satan incarnate (a homosexual degenerate who tries to push trannyism upon her husband).
As someone who went through a lot of trauma (including abuse of all sorts) as a kid, I couldn't give a shit about what a foid has gone through - they don't care about me, why should I empathize with them? It baffles me that some incels still care about a foid's emotions.

And as for the innocence thing, you're right. Those 14 year olds will grow up to be manipulative, vile roasties. Agecucks are the worst.

Also, the whole age of consent crap is a societal construct; that's why it varies from one country to another.
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As someone who went through a lot of trauma (including abuse of all sorts) as a kid, I couldn't give a shit about what foid has gone through - they don't care about me, why should I empathize with them? It baffles me that some incels still care about a foid's emotions.
As someone who went through a lot of trauma (including abuse of all sorts) as a kid, I couldn't give a shit about what foid has gone through - they don't care about me, why should I empathize with them? It baffles me that some incels still care about a foid's emotions.

And as for the innocence thing, you're right. Those 14 year olds will grow up to be manipulative, vile roasties. Agecucks are the worst.

Also, the whole age of consent crap is a societal construct; that's why it varies from one country to another.
there is no other reason agecucks would support age of consent and be anti "pedophilia" EXCEPT that they empathize with foids and have a deep connection with them and feel foids' "pain" like their own. this is quite pathetic to have such an effluence of pity and warmth for something that is not remotely similar to you in any way, like crying over lobsters who are cooked. (lobsters don't have nerves and can't feel pain, similar to what i'm talking about here). and at the same time having no such empathy for a "pedophile," who is exactly like yourself in many ways except doesn't equate himself to a baby foids like you do. i think having empathy is a "wanting to be" or "already is" the thing that one has empathy for. and agecucks here tend to be virgins who don't escortcel, they preserve their virginity as a symbol of "purity" that they mistakenly see in the young foids they identify with, who are unbeknownst to them already whores that have sucked many cocks. that's the only possible argument, that foids are essentially good and innocent beings until they hit a certain magic number, regardless of how many men they've fucked.
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99% of all great men of the past have written negative things about women. Yet "enlightened" libcucks nowadays think they were all wrong jfl.
There are agecucks here who empathize with young foids' "trauma" and "innocence."
They implant their own emotions from when they were a child into the heads of alien beings and think "I wouldn't want to be raped when I'm a child." And that's because they have experience of gnawing existential pain and keep returning to memories of pain, which a chaotic female brain does not do, but instead constantly seeks novel experiences.
And that empathy not only comes from cuckery and brainwashing, but from a self-righteous autogynephilic tranny instinct that says "I'm clean as a virgin, just like a little girl."
Are cucked men (i.e most men) trannies ? Do they have a part in them that feel like female ?
99% of all great men of the past have written negative things about women. Yet "enlightened" libcucks nowadays think they were all wrong jfl.
the problem is that literature has to be true (contrasted to factual) and if they proceed with this book burning, that's the end for the western canon. it's the equivalent of pseudoscience in literature to not write female characters honestly. a brainwashed writer today who writes women as if they are men will be destroyed by posterity and be a cringeworthy embarrassment if society recovers from this.
Are cucked men (i.e most men) trannies ? Do they have a part in them that feel like female ?
yeah, of course. they must be something essentially feminine about your brain if you go against your own self to take up arms and ally with the opposite of men (what you are).
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These men weren't afraid to tell it how it really is.

This post has some really good examples of how women go throughout their entire lives, and the men of the past were right on the money about them.

One thing you need to understand, Is that just like male NPCs, women don't have souls, therefore they have no inner dialog or thoughts outside of things that affect them emotionally.

Eating and sex makes them feel happy, so they talk about these things the most. It is their soul purpose after all.

They're essentially robots that exist with the sole purpose of obtaining resources from others without wasting their own. They are comparable to black holes, sucking all the energy around them, and remaining dissatisfied until there is nothing left to take.

They live only to satisfy their own happiness, and have no thoughts outside of gaining validation.

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I've always noticed how women live vicariously through their relationships; It's like their whole existence is defined by being in one. Even when girls talk to each other, it's never about general subjects, it's always about boyfriends and other people's relationships (Just look at the type of media that they consume). I even notice that most of the dating advice and romance novels are written by women, and the Ironic thing is as much women are invested in the notion of romance, men are the more romantic gender because we have genuine feelings towards our partners and care for them.
men are the more romantic gender because we have genuine feelings towards our partners and care for them.
cucks are also romantic but they are also evil and ignore bad things done by females and go against other men .
there is no other reason agecucks would support age of consent and be anti "pedophilia" EXCEPT that they empathize with foids and have a deep connection with them and feel foids' "pain" like their own. this is quite pathetic to have such an effluence of pity and warmth for something that is not remotely similar to you in any way, like crying over lobsters who are cooked. (lobsters don't have nerves and can't feel pain, similar to what i'm talking about here). and at the same time having no such empathy for a "pedophile," who is exactly like yourself in many ways except doesn't equate himself to a baby foids like you do. i think having empathy is a "wanting to be" or "already is" the thing that one has empathy for. and agecucks here tend to be virgins who don't escortcel, they preserve their virginity as a symbol of "purity" that they mistakenly see in the young foids they identify with, who are unbeknownst to them already whores that have sucked many cocks. that's the only possible argument, that foids are essentially good and innocent beings until they hit a certain magic number, regardless of how many men they've fucked.
Sex is the killer of innocence. I wasn't implying that foids are innocent when they're young. I was merely saying that they are not as bad as roasties in terms of how they treat ugly men.

I think agecucks are generally religious people, and refuse to escortcel/get with JB for religious reasons (which ironic since the catholic Curch is full of pedos).

I think having empathy has more to due with their bluepilled upbringing. Western society sees no problem with a 15 year old chad fucking hoards of females, even if he manipulates them into sleeping with him. Whereas a decent adult sleeping with a minor is a crime in most Western countries. Moreover, the Western society does not see a problem with cultures where the age of consent is lower than the one in the West. They brush it off by saying it's their culture. And I'm sure if any of those agecucks were to visit the Philippines where the age of consent is 12, they'd have no problem shoving their penis into a 12 year old vagina - but they won't do that in the West under the claim of it's not right to violate an innocent girl. I don't think they really care about a foid's "innocence", they are simply high on the bluepill.
There are agecucks here who empathize with young foids' "trauma" and "innocence."
They implant their own emotions from when they were a child into the heads of alien beings and think "I wouldn't want to be raped when I'm a child." And that's because they have experience of gnawing existential pain and keep returning to memories of pain, which a chaotic female brain does not do, but instead constantly seeks novel experiences.
And that empathy not only comes from cuckery and brainwashing, but from a self-righteous autogynephilic tranny instinct that says "I'm clean as a virgin, just like a little girl."

Keep in mind that a baby snake will grow into an adult snake, at what point was the "innocence" of the serpent destroyed there? That innocence is lost when the snake becomes aware it's a snake, which is day one. It was inherent from the egg. As soon as a foid realizes she is a foid and understands her natural mission, it's over for "innocence," (which is not even a real thing) and that happens with sentience. Virginity is important for hygiene but even virgins are whores. Men and woman brains are not even close to the same in depth. You are a fag if you keep going to that well of pretending to be a woman.

The post-war writers I talked about as a rule never go into the heads of women in their writing; it is futile. Only in weird circumstances like "After the Banquet" or "Quicksand," one is a very good educated guess at how a woman thinks (very evil, manipulative, and sex-oriented) and the second is a parody where the main woman character is basically Satan incarnate (a homosexual degenerate who tries to push trannyism upon her husband).
When those cucks put themselves in the young foid's shoes they are faggots, because they often think of a man trying to have sex with them, but they should think of it as an adult foid trying to have sex with them. Those agefags have no problem with adult foids having sex with under 16 boys.
this is quite pathetic to have such an effluence of pity and warmth for something that is not remotely similar to you in any way, like crying over lobsters who are cooked.
A rostie crying over the AoC being low isn't the same as a lobsater being killed. I can sympathize with being killed, not with some whore wanting to increase the AoC so young foids can take longer to become sluts.
Sex is the killer of innocence. I wasn't implying that foids are innocent when they're young. I was merely saying that they are not as bad as roasties in terms of how they treat ugly men.
there is definitely a negative change when a foid has sex for the first time, a blurring of the eyes, a shift in manner of thinking, as well as the physical corruption of microchimerism and loss of hymen. some writers even claim an oiliness of skin, an overproduction of sebaceous glands happens once a foid has fucked. this is meant to be symbol rather than literal.

you're right though that they don't have a full handle on their power until fucking for the first time. i just meant it's inevitable and agecucks who defend young foids are similar to those who ignore cancer because it's tiny and not impinging on the organs of the body.

A rostie crying over the AoC being low isn't the same as a lobsater being killed. I can sympathize with being killed, not with some whore wanting to increase the AoC so young foids can take longer to become sluts.

a lobster has no central nervous system. when it "screams" when placed into a boiling pot, that is the result of steam escaping from the apertures in its shell. lobsters don't feel pain and don't even have brains. it's one of the lowest forms of life. you shouldn't feel sorry for them. they aren't like dogs or cats.
When those cucks put themselves in the young foid's shoes they are faggots, because they often think of a man trying to have sex with them, but they should think of it as an adult foid trying to have sex with them. Those agefags have no problem with adult foids having sex with under 16 boys.
agecucks definitely have gay tendencies, probably imagine themselves as young girls as a fantasy.
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I've always noticed how women live vicariously through their relationships; It's like their whole existence is defined by being in one. Even when girls talk to each other, it's never about general subjects, it's always about boyfriends and other people's relationships (Just look at the type of media that they consume). I even notice that most of the dating advice and romance novels are written by women, and the Ironic thing is as much women are invested in the notion of romance, men are the more romantic gender because we have genuine feelings towards our partners and care for them.

Exactly, this is a perfect example.

Women do not aspire, nor do they dream to contribute to a greater good.

They exist to experience whatever tingles their dopamine receptors and gives them a good feeling.

They can't talk about anything but their boyfriends because they have no dreams or interests outside of the general population
the men of the past were right on the money about them.
:yes: Many great men from all around the world over time coming to one conclusion but I guess they're all misogynistic according to the :soy:
Foids aren't to be taken seriously whatsoever and no amount of emotional sympathy should be shown to them either especially in these times, when a woman really wants something from me anymore my response is always, "Does it involve you being naked and me getting sex?", if the answer is no I politely tell them to fuck off and go about my regular daily routine.

[It always is no BTW.]
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I've already explained in my other thread that women enjoy feeling physical pain. This is a companion piece about how their emotional pain is meaningless as well. Even though we base laws and policies on women's feelings.
Great thread, seeing men speak on women’s nature from the past is refreshing.
there is no other reason agecucks would support age of consent and be anti "pedophilia" EXCEPT that they empathize with foids and have a deep connection with them and feel foids' "pain" like their own. this is quite pathetic to have such an effluence of pity and warmth for something that is not remotely similar to you in any way, like crying over lobsters who are cooked.
Similar to how normies will assume a cute animal is harmless and won’t destroy their face or give them rabies.
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Emotions of women aren't deep and they bounce from one end of the spectrum to the other with so much ease that it's obvious you can't take their feelings seriously.
After a breakup, they are back to partying and fucking within days, and there's no evidence they feel trauma.
And it's obvious they enjoy wild swings of emotion, such as how they like to cause negative drama and treat funerals of their family members and friends (and enemies) as virtue signaling opportunities.

I have a RTF file of about 250,000 words on post-war Japanese writers writing about women. Mostly from Mishima but also Tanizaki, Dazai, and some others. Anything they write about women i put in this file. It is all very negative and most of what I know about women not really having negative emotions comes from there. I also have files on other subjects like death, superstition, etc, mostly from post-war Japanese writers but also from philosophy and poetry.

Here are some quotes from "No Longer Human," a novel I dislike overall but is perceptive about women.

This is talking about how women wake up with a "blank slate" every day. emotions are like food and they feel "hungry" again after a time. Maybe feeling sad is like taking a shit and feeling happy is like taking a piss and validation is like eating food. they require all of it and all of it brings satisfaction.

This is about how their emotions swing about and they take out their bad feelings on random people and then turn around and treat them well, showing they don't act on their emotional convictions, because they are so swingy. But, of course, this behavior causes lasting pain to men. (Only men feel lasting emotional pain.)

This is a quote about how they enjoy everything in life, even negative things, and are never satisfied. (applies to food and landwhales)

And a story of how grief means nothing to a woman and how short lasting it is. This is an autobiographical novel and Dazai took this from experience.

I've already explained in my other thread that women enjoy feeling physical pain. This is a companion piece about how their emotional pain is meaningless as well. Even though we base laws and policies on women's feelings.

I also have a collection of quotes about women from Yukio Mishima, a MUCH better writer than Osamu Dazai. TBH, Dazai was a bit of a cuck and I don't endorse reading his work. So I put everything valuable of his here for you to read.
It would be easier to not take women seriously if what they did didn't affect our lives at all.
It would be easier to not take women seriously if what they did didn't affect our lives at all.
i mean don't empathize with women. don't believe their "tears," their "anger," their "sadness." it's mostly directed to secretly tranny agecucks who see themselves in young foids and project their identity onto them, relating to the various troubles they feel as if they were the same as their own.

Pin and put this in must read content pls

Pin and put this in must read content pls
it's not that good, tbh.
Foids process emotions differently than men. What we experience stays with us for a long time. Emotions pass through them, do their thing and leave their body and they're back to being a blank slate again. I refuse to believe they are capable of deep sadness or existential angst.

Effortmogs and IQmogs 95% of the threads in ID
it's too "soft" IMO
this one should be in must-read:
Foids process emotions differently than men. What we experience stays with us for a long time. Emotions pass through them, do their thing and leave their body and they're back to being a blank slate again. I refuse to believe they are capable of deep sadness or existential angst.
yeah, it's all shallow bullshit
it's too "soft" IMO
Maby compared to your other threads. How many other thread ideas do you have?
this one should be in must-read:
JFL at the foid who conducted that study stating the exact opposite of the results because she knows it would brutally blackpill the readers :feelshaha:

@ShadowTheEdgehog was a based and high IQ user. I wonder why he requested ban
Maby compared to your other threads. How many other thread ideas do you have?
right now, i have 0 good ideas for threads. i was writing one on the importance of virginity in foids but it doesn't have a strong thesis.
JFL at the foid who conducted that study stating the exact opposite of the results because she knows it would brutally blackpill the readers

@ShadowTheEdgehog was a based and high IQ user. I wonder why he requested ban
i don't think his ban was requested. not sure what happened.
right now, i have 0 good ideas for threads. i was writing one on the importance of virginity in foids but it doesn't have a strong thesis.
I see

It doesn’t really need a strong thesis because the importance of virginity when it comes to foids has been proven many times here already tbh
i don't think his ban was requested. not sure what happened.
Damn, wtf. That’s weird because I don’t really remember anyone talking about or mentioning his ban when it happened
I see

It doesn’t really need a strong thesis because the importance of virginity when it comes to foids has been proven many times here already tbh
some of the points contradict each other. i want to conclude that death brings purity to whores, but that contradicts the fact that only virgins were sacrificed to gods.
Damn, wtf. That’s weird because I don’t remember anyone talking about or mentioning his ban when it happened
it's a mystery.
some of the points contradict each other. i want to conclude that death brings purity to whores, but that contradicts the fact that only virgins were sacrificed to gods.
Nothing could purify a non virgin foid tbh

Also that sounds too based for this forum ngl I feel like mods would take the thread down and maby give you a warning or even ban you
it's a mystery.
Unsettling shit man. But for some reason I feel like he’ll come back
or having sex with adults when they were under 18, cucks only act like they care because they think it will get them sex.
Some cuck: "but they are children!". These retards genuinely think that if a grown man had sex with a girl, it's entirely his fault. So soyciety thinks. "She was naive", "innocent", "easy to manipulate". Now listen retard, they had sex because they both wanted it. That girl would immediately shun the man or complain to other people
if he was undesirable.
Great thread, seeing men speak on women’s nature from the past is refreshing.

Similar to how normies will assume a cute animal is harmless and won’t destroy their face or give them rabies.
In nature the most beautiful things are the most poisonous and dangerous. For example, various mushrooms, plants, fruits etc.
Normies think if something looks beautiful then it must be harmless, good and innocent ( quite the opposite ).
Emotions of women aren't deep and they bounce from one end of the spectrum to the other with so much ease that it's obvious you can't take their feelings seriously.
After a breakup, they are back to partying and fucking within days, and there's no evidence they feel trauma.
And it's obvious they enjoy wild swings of emotion, such as how they like to cause negative drama and treat funerals of their family members and friends (and enemies) as virtue signaling opportunities.

I have a RTF file of about 250,000 words on post-war Japanese writers writing about women. Mostly from Mishima but also Tanizaki, Dazai, and some others. Anything they write about women i put in this file. It is all very negative and most of what I know about women not really having negative emotions comes from there. I also have files on other subjects like death, superstition, etc, mostly from post-war Japanese writers but also from philosophy and poetry.

Here are some quotes from "No Longer Human," a novel I dislike overall but is perceptive about women.

This is talking about how women wake up with a "blank slate" every day. emotions are like food and they feel "hungry" again after a time. Maybe feeling sad is like taking a shit and feeling happy is like taking a piss and validation is like eating food. they require all of it and all of it brings satisfaction.

This is about how their emotions swing about and they take out their bad feelings on random people and then turn around and treat them well, showing they don't act on their emotional convictions, because they are so swingy. But, of course, this behavior causes lasting pain to men. (Only men feel lasting emotional pain.)

This is a quote about how they enjoy everything in life, even negative things, and are never satisfied. (applies to food and landwhales)

And a story of how grief means nothing to a woman and how short lasting it is. This is an autobiographical novel and Dazai took this from experience.

I've already explained in my other thread that women enjoy feeling physical pain. This is a companion piece about how their emotional pain is meaningless as well. Even though we base laws and policies on women's feelings.

I also have a collection of quotes about women from Yukio Mishima, a MUCH better writer than Osamu Dazai. TBH, Dazai was a bit of a cuck and I don't endorse reading his work. So I put everything valuable of his here for you to read.
You wouldn't happen to be willing to share the documents or whatever, the best stuff anyway? Japanese seem very reflective, every action chosen specifically, nothing unnecessary added.

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