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Females are SO QUICK getting a new boyfriend



Aug 10, 2019
Anyone else noticed this?

Femoid together with guy, "loves him soo much!"
They break up
2 weeks after, together with new guy, "loves him soooo much ,best in the world!"
breaks up
1 week after, next guy: "IM SOOO IN LOVE!"

And so it goes on and on and on and on.

They seem to be able to COMPLETELY FORGET their previous boyfriend and all the memories in ONE second, they can "change" who they love so fucking quickly.

Why the fuck is this? Whats going on with female biology?
idk but its degenerate
it’s status projection behavior. They want to look unapproachable to low tier men, they have everything they want yet they have such a strong mentality to show like if they’re worth something. fuck them.
foids will always have at least 5 backups, the abundance of men they have is insane, 80% of guys will struggle to get a girl before 30 while women have a farm of chads to choose from. even while dating a guy they'll be talking to 10 other orbiters just in case they're single for longer than a day
I'm honestly starting to question if females are capable of loving in the same way men are.
A woman can never love you for who you are. Only men can truly love.
Yes Ive noticed, femoids can't spend a day being single, fucking whores
Because they live on just exist mode. They have an infinite amount of orbiters
Yes thats why i get really triggered when i see le femcels.
My Tyrone brother recently broke up with his gf and he told me how she found another Tyrone a week later :feelskek: ngl I thought it’d black pill him but the next day he was back to fucking foids. Foids and chads are no different when it comes to their relationship habits.
My Tyrone brother recently broke up with his gf and he told me how she found another Tyrone a week later :feelskek: ngl I thought it’d black pill him but the next day he was back to fucking foids. Foids and chads are no different when it comes to their relationship habits.
Only difference between foids and Chads is that Chads are less selective.
Why the fuck is this? Whats going on with female biology?
Boyfriends are furniture men: They don't care about their furnitures. If a better-looking furniture comes along they are willing to dump the older one. Furnitures are for show-off.
while women have a farm of chads to choose from.
They have a farm of chads to choose from in regards to who they can fuck, not who can commit to them.
My Tyrone brother recently broke up with his gf and he told me how she found another Tyrone a week later :feelskek: ngl I thought it’d black pill him but the next day he was back to fucking foids. Foids and chads are no different when it comes to their relationship habits.
You should have blackpilled him in how women treat men as furnitures, they don't care about us and are willing to break up with them if they can get a better furniture.
Boyfriends are furniture men: They don't care about their furnitures. If a better-looking furniture comes along they are willing to dump the older one. Furnitures are for show-off.
Tolstoy IQ comparison
I think someone here said that in the past losing a partner in the past was very frequent so it makes sense why they would be able to adapt that quickly. Depressed women stopped reproducing after it happened. Turbowhores, which everyone is descended from nowadays didn't.
Boyfriends are furniture men: They don't care about their furnitures. If a better-looking furniture comes along they are willing to dump the older one. Furnitures are for show-off.

They have a farm of chads to choose from in regards to who they can fuck, not who can commit to them.

You should have blackpilled him in how women treat men as furnitures, they don't care about us and are willing to break up with them if they can get a better furniture.
He already knows that, but he said he doesn’t care because he could just look for another foid if that happens (I really can’t make this shit up :feelsrope: that could’ve been me but my genes fucked me over)
He already knows that, but he said he doesn’t care because he could just look for another foid if that happens (I really can’t make this shit up :feelsrope: that could’ve been me but my genes fucked me over)
Based. He doesn't care if a foid dumps him. Better than the soyboys on this forum who talk about teenage love (nobody falls in love with your personality).
I'm honestly starting to question if females are capable of loving in the same way men are.

I think it's even confirmed via studies, women do not feel the same way men do. This phenomena of a girl leaving a man, for another within a short period of time wouldn't happen so often if they had even half of the empathy some men do.
It seems as if Foids see dating as just a game, pick & choose until one looks like *insert celebrity here*. Men, look for companionship and trust, women want status & security.
It's because women don't actually value relationships, they just want chad to pump them full of cum
I think it's even confirmed via studies, women do not feel the same way men do. This phenomena of a girl leaving a man, for another within a short period of time wouldn't happen so often if they had even half of the empathy some men do.
It seems as if Foids see dating as just a game, pick & choose until one looks like *insert celebrity here*. Men, look for companionship and trust, women want status & security.
Brutal and high iq :blackpill:
Women don't have feelings. They either see those men as walking dildos or trophy boyfriends.
femoids are incapable of love
I'm honestly starting to question if females are capable of loving in the same way men are.
They aren't. There's nothing to question.

Anyone else noticed this?

Femoid together with guy, "loves him soo much!"
They break up
2 weeks after, together with new guy, "loves him soooo much ,best in the world!"
breaks up
1 week after, next guy: "IM SOOO IN LOVE!"

And so it goes on and on and on and on.

They seem to be able to COMPLETELY FORGET their previous boyfriend and all the memories in ONE second, they can "change" who they love so fucking quickly.

Why the fuck is this? Whats going on with female biology?
They're doing it to avoid looking low status due to lack of Chad boyfriend. No, they never loved any of them.
In the noble defense of the foid, I need to mention that this phenomenon usually exists because foids usually don't break-up with her boyfriend, unless another guy is already on the horizon.

And to bash men most men don't care, if a foid has a boyfriend, enough to interfere with a foid in a relationship (i.e. "this girl I work with is cute but she has a boyfriend...so whatz?"). Probably some biological reason that underlies this tbh. Wouldn't be surprised if it was primal behaviour/evolutionary.

Cliffs: Life on Tutorial Mode
I'm honestly starting to question if females are capable of loving in the same way men are.
No they aren’t. They aren’t capable of intellectual thought at all. There whole lives just revolve around fucking chad and Instagram followers.
basic instinct from the old times
female brain seeks strong and capable protector at all times
I'm honestly starting to question if females are capable of loving in the same way men are.

Their obsession with status gets in the way of them loving someone unconditionally. Really, the only way you can date a woman and know she truly loves you is if she is equal or better looking then you, and has more status and money then you do. Of course this means us incels are doomed to a lonely life for eternity, but it also screws over wealthy and high status men, who have women throwing themselves at them for every reason other then love
Their obsession with status gets in the way of them loving someone unconditionally. Really, the only way you can date a woman and know she truly loves you is if she is equal or better looking then you, and has more status and money then you do. Of course this means us incels are doomed to a lonely life for eternity, but it also screws over wealthy and high status men, who have women throwing themselves at them for every reason other then love

This never ever happends. Therefor, women NEVER truly love men.
>females are tribal minded
>back when tribes were overtaken by superior tribes, females had to adapt to the new tribe to survive
>the hunters of the former tribe are now dead
>females are now sexually attracted to the superior hunters of the new tribe

>"what previous boyfriend?"
>"look who I have now! Much better than before!"
I'm honestly starting to question if females are capable of loving in the same way men are.
They're not.
I think it's even confirmed via studies, women do not feel the same way men do. This phenomena of a girl leaving a man, for another within a short period of time wouldn't happen so often if they had even half of the empathy some men do.
It seems as if Foids see dating as just a game, pick & choose until one looks like *insert celebrity here*. Men, look for companionship and trust, women want status & security.
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That's because women are used to being socially privileged, and often have far more experience with past male partners than vice versa, making them far more used to break-up, this means that they can dump as many men as they want and replace them with a new one like as if it never happened.

Men however, have to actually work in order for these things like these to flourish.

It makes me think about how things would be if it were reversed, we would be living like kings! :feelskek:
My Stacy cousin whom I grew up with has many different boyfriends within a year. Last time I check she had a typical textbook Chad and left him for a different buff guy, and now she's single again and onto the next one
foids will always have at least 5 backups, the abundance of men they have is insane, 80% of guys will struggle to get a girl before 30 while women have a farm of chads to choose from. even while dating a guy they'll be talking to 10 other orbiters just in case they're single for longer than a day

What anime is your dp from?
They seem to be able to COMPLETELY FORGET their previous boyfriend and all the memories in ONE second, they can "c
Oh no they don't forget. If the bf was Chad, they'll still remember him decades later and imagine being with him while getting fucked by their betabuxx once every leap year.

Foids monkey branch anyway, so they were already fucking the new guy(s) before breaking up.
Women are biologically capable of loving only their offspring. Men are dispensable and replaceable.

All of those comments about loving her boyfriend, while true in the moment, aren't genuine. When she says, "I love you," to him or, "I love him," to her friends and family what she's really saying is, "I love what you/he can offer me and do for me."

Briffault was spot on.
Females aren't logical. They're dumb as shit. Once they're done pretending to be all "lovey dovey", "loyal", and "committed" with their current sap boyfriend, they move right to the next "best" option. It doesn't even matter how long she's been together with said sap. These uncaring cunts have power in numbers of potential mates and they know this so it's easy for them to immediately move on and switch up. They're too weak and insecure to be truly single for long yet have the nerve to tell us "relationships and sex aren't everything sweetie :soy: ". Go to hell you hypocritical whores.
i thought wamen were strong and independnt? why do they need man? oh right they just need chad to fuck
Why the fuck is this? Whats going on with female biology?
It's not easy to explain from an evolutionary point of view. Women are supposed to bound with their sexual partner.

I'd say one issue is that we were never meant to live in such high density populations. Women are exposed to way more attractive men than they were supposed to.

An other attempt at explaining it is that women are programmed to cuckold their husbands as much as they can. So even if they have bonded with their betabuxx, they are always susceptible to the alphafuxx, with whom they don't bound.

When they don't exhibit any betabuxx behavior, what remains is the alphafuxx one.
It's the light switch effect in action. Women use their emotional state to define reality. Their thought process looks something like this: If true love is permanent and real, and I am not feeling true love for this man, but rather disdain and anger, then I must be feeling this way because of who he is. He makes me feel bad, so he cannot be good. And since this man makes me feel bad I could not have loved him, because I would never love somebody who makes me feel bad (the qualities he exhibits now must have been inherent qualities he has always had). So I must have never loved them to begin with. The entire relationship must have been a lie. Real true love would be permanent, and this is not permanent, so it was never real true love and he simply selfishly used me.
foids will always have at least 5 backups, the abundance of men they have is insane, 80% of guys will struggle to get a girl before 30 while women have a farm of chads to choose from. even while dating a guy they'll be talking to 10 other orbiters just in case they're single for longer than a day
It's the light switch effect in action. Women use their emotional state to define reality. Their thought process looks something like this: If true love is permanent and real, and I am not feeling true love for this man, but rather disdain and anger, then I must be feeling this way because of who he is. He makes me feel bad, so he cannot be good. And since this man makes me feel bad I could not have loved him, because I would never love somebody who makes me feel bad (the qualities he exhibits now must have been inherent qualities he has always had). So I must have never loved them to begin with. The entire relationship must have been a lie. Real true love would be permanent, and this is not permanent, so it was never real true love and he simply selfishly used me.

This, right here, is why women should never be in positions of power or executive authority and decision-making.

The ancients knew this about women. No matter how cucked the world will get, these truths will remain unforgotten.
They're never actually single. They always have a back up plan.

Women don't love like men do. It's all about how they feel and that changes from one moment to the next.
It's not easy to explain from an evolutionary point of view. Women are supposed to bound with their sexual partner.

I'd say one issue is that we were never meant to live in such high density populations. Women are exposed to way more attractive men than they were supposed to.

An other attempt at explaining it is that women are programmed to cuckold their husbands as much as they can. So even if they have bonded with their betabuxx, they are always susceptible to the alphafuxx, with whom they don't bound.

When they don't exhibit any betabuxx behavior, what remains is the alphafuxx one.

Its just sad really. They EMOTIONALLY BOND with their "beta", their fucking man, making him love them, then they , without any regret, go get fucked hardcore by some fucking alpha-male, with no remorce.

Fucking shit we need to fix this shit.

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