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Serious Fellow manlets, is short man syndrome real?



Former Wagecuck turned Neetbuxmaxxer. Gymcel
Aug 24, 2023
Fellow manlets
Have you ever been told you have short man syndrome or a napoleon complex?
I am wondering if it is real or not, or just more gaslighting from normies that deem it ok to make fun of short men, I could not imagine saying a black person has a nigger complex would go well, even though it is evident they are on average stupider than the average human.

I read this on wikipedia about Napoleon complex
In 2007, a study by the University of Central Lancashire concluded that the Napoleon complex is a myth, described in terms of the theory that shorter men are more aggressive to dominate those who are taller than they are. The study discovered that short men were less likely to lose their temper than men of average height. The experiment involved subjects dueling each other with sticks, with one subject deliberately rapping the other's knuckles. Heart monitors revealed that the taller men were more likely to lose their tempers and hit back. University of Central Lancashire lecturer Mike Eslea commented that "when people see a short man being aggressive, they are likely to think it is due to his size, simply because that attribute is obvious and grabs their attention".[7]

The Wessex Growth Study is a community-based longitudinal study conducted in the UK that monitored the psychological development of children from school entry to adulthood. The study was controlled for potential effects of gender and socioeconomic status, and found that "no significant differences in personality functioning or aspects of daily living were found which could be attributable to height";[8] this functioning included generalizations associated with the Napoleon complex, such as risk-taking behaviours.[9

This to me makes sense a shorter person would have to deal with more physical conflicts due to perceived weakness due to lack of height, a taller person would be more comfortable getting aggressive as their size deters any physical threats from occuring.

Although another study i found on another article says this:
Another study published in the Association for Psychological Science found evidence that shorter men are more likely to exhibit symptoms of the Napoleon Complex when put into a position of power against a taller opponent. They tested this by having them play the Dictator Game, where the aim of the game is to fairly divide money between two participants. Researchers found that shorter men were more likely to keep all the money for themselves if they thought the other participant was taller than them.

Which seems like bullshit to me, I am not sure how being shorter would make you keep more money in a game in an experiment

Although supposedly another study with 367 participants says that shorter men are more likely to exhibit DARK TRIAD TRAITS compared to taller people.
By being psychopathic, and manipulative, jfl because if that was the case there would be less manlets on here. I think they even cite more aggressive.
I think it makes sense for shorter men to exhibit more anti-social behaviour because of how we are treated, not correlated to an actual height.

What do you think fellow brocels? I think short man syndrome is blatant discrimination from tallfags that make their height their personality
napoleon complex is a myth created by normies to keep manlets in line.
normies will bully manlets relentlessly and then after a manlet gets angry and tries to fight back, they'll gaslight him by saying "why are you so angry ? do you have a napoleon complex?"
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napoleon complex is a myth created by normies to keep manlets in line.
normies will bully manlets relentlessly and then after a manlet gets angry and tries to fight back, they'll gaslight him by saying "why are you so angry ? do you have a napoleon complex?
Yeah literally I have always seen it this way, it is kind of like the 5 foot bagel guy, eventually you are just going to lose it due to being treated as a subhuman, such incidents would not occur if normies were not so ruthless.

All the studies on it seem weak at best and nothing definitive I wanted to see if anyone had anything definitive on it
No it's not real, they label us as Napoleon due to his aggressiveness. The only reason a short man gets aggressive is due to being relentlessly picked on or the butt of jokes.
such incidents would not occur if normies were not so ruthless.
leftist normies will always be ruthless towards men, "body positivity" is meme created to help fat foids cope with being their shortcoming (being fat), there will never any "body positivity" or acceptance for manlets
Napoleon was pretty average for the time and its pure gaslighting no chip on my shoulder just wish normies and cunts would fuck off and not bully me for it. Idc toilets do not want sex with me for that and jaw their hostility is so much worse.
They want to erradicate us and frame it as us being just mere suicidie stastics, its super obvious.
leftist normies will always be ruthless towards men, "body positivity" is meme created to help fat foids cope with being their shortcoming (being fat), there will never any "body positivity" or acceptance for manlets
It's never talked about since in male masculinity admitting a shortcoming is considered a weakness
Napoleon was pretty average for the time and its pure gaslighting no chip on my shoulder just wish normies and cunts would fuck off and not bully me for it. Idc toilets do not want sex with me for that and jaw their hostility is so much worse.
Yeah I agree, quality of life is always better than being spurned by femoids
Think my mom said this once but im not sure
Napoleon was pretty average for the time and its pure gaslighting no chip on my shoulder just wish normies and cunts would fuck off and not bully me for it. Idc toilets do not want sex with me for that and jaw their hostility is so much worse.
Yeah I read about that looking through articles for short man syndrome, he was average height but he was constantly surrounded by his imperial guards that were selected one of the reason being their height, so he was heightmogged everywhere he went, then on top of that it was a british psyop to say he was short.
It's never talked about since in male masculinity admitting a shortcoming is considered a weakness
Yeah that is one of the reasons I use this forum, you cannot trust anyone with open honesty, you are just giving them a weak spot to attack, and normies love to kick people when they are down since they themselves are weak and in denail of what they themselves are. Men will always lie to make themselves look better not only is that proven in studies I think, but it is extremely obvious once you pay attention to it, men are always trying to exaggerate financial status success with females so on and so on.
When something like success with females, I am not less of a man for not having sex, its just a ridiculous height standard I will never meet, I would say most men are more like females in 2023, they gossip just like them.
As a semi manlet aka 511 in a world of 6.4 every time i go outside i get height mogged
It's probably real as in manlets need to compensate with aggressiveness to have any chance of reproducing.
Fellow manlets
Have you ever been told you have short man syndrome or a napoleon complex?
I am wondering if it is real or not, or just more gaslighting from normies that deem it ok to make fun of short men, I could not imagine saying a black person has a nigger complex would go well, even though it is evident they are on average stupider than the average human.

I read this on wikipedia about Napoleon complex
In 2007, a study by the University of Central Lancashire concluded that the Napoleon complex is a myth, described in terms of the theory that shorter men are more aggressive to dominate those who are taller than they are. The study discovered that short men were less likely to lose their temper than men of average height. The experiment involved subjects dueling each other with sticks, with one subject deliberately rapping the other's knuckles. Heart monitors revealed that the taller men were more likely to lose their tempers and hit back. University of Central Lancashire lecturer Mike Eslea commented that "when people see a short man being aggressive, they are likely to think it is due to his size, simply because that attribute is obvious and grabs their attention".[7]

The Wessex Growth Study is a community-based longitudinal study conducted in the UK that monitored the psychological development of children from school entry to adulthood. The study was controlled for potential effects of gender and socioeconomic status, and found that "no significant differences in personality functioning or aspects of daily living were found which could be attributable to height";[8] this functioning included generalizations associated with the Napoleon complex, such as risk-taking behaviours.[9

This to me makes sense a shorter person would have to deal with more physical conflicts due to perceived weakness due to lack of height, a taller person would be more comfortable getting aggressive as their size deters any physical threats from occuring.

Although another study i found on another article says this:
Another study published in the Association for Psychological Science found evidence that shorter men are more likely to exhibit symptoms of the Napoleon Complex when put into a position of power against a taller opponent. They tested this by having them play the Dictator Game, where the aim of the game is to fairly divide money between two participants. Researchers found that shorter men were more likely to keep all the money for themselves if they thought the other participant was taller than them.

Which seems like bullshit to me, I am not sure how being shorter would make you keep more money in a game in an experiment

Although supposedly another study with 367 participants says that shorter men are more likely to exhibit DARK TRIAD TRAITS compared to taller people.
By being psychopathic, and manipulative, jfl because if that was the case there would be less manlets on here. I think they even cite more aggressive.
I think it makes sense for shorter men to exhibit more anti-social behaviour because of how we are treated, not correlated to an actual height.

What do you think fellow brocels? I think short man syndrome is blatant discrimination from tallfags that make their height their personality
Thats why I love Tony montana hes a gangster manlet
No, anyone who thinks so is a normie.
no its stupid
It's obviously untrue. Tall people act aggressively and they're so masculine. Short people act aggressively and they're compensating.
It's obviously untrue. Tall people act aggressively and they're so masculine. Short people act aggressively and they're compensating.
Yeah, regardless i have been gaslit by normies before.
Imagine saying an agressive black person has africa man syndrome or a nigger complex, even though such a statement would actually hold more truth
Yeah, regardless i have been gaslit by normies before.
Imagine saying an agressive black person has africa man syndrome or a nigger complex, even though such a statement would actually hold more truth
"african man syndrome or a nigger complex" :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
"african man syndrome or a nigger complex" :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
exactly even though they scientifically are low inhib low IQ agressive are less inclined to nurture their young and try fuck more and stuff. I would be labelled a racist for saying something like that but a short man syndrome or napoleon complex based on mostly nothing is a-ok to soyciety :soy:
Being short I think can make you a little less agressive on average and thats it, well some studies suggest you can become manipulative and have dark triad traits and stuff but the study for it does not seem very good and if anything is more of a result of discrimination than an inherent difference in your brain, I don't think growth plates and growth hormones change your brain
Fellow manlets
Have you ever been told you have short man syndrome or a napoleon complex?
I am wondering if it is real or not, or just more gaslighting from normies that deem it ok to make fun of short men, I could not imagine saying a black person has a nigger complex would go well, even though it is evident they are on average stupider than the average human.

I read this on wikipedia about Napoleon complex
In 2007, a study by the University of Central Lancashire concluded that the Napoleon complex is a myth, described in terms of the theory that shorter men are more aggressive to dominate those who are taller than they are. The study discovered that short men were less likely to lose their temper than men of average height. The experiment involved subjects dueling each other with sticks, with one subject deliberately rapping the other's knuckles. Heart monitors revealed that the taller men were more likely to lose their tempers and hit back. University of Central Lancashire lecturer Mike Eslea commented that "when people see a short man being aggressive, they are likely to think it is due to his size, simply because that attribute is obvious and grabs their attention".[7]

The Wessex Growth Study is a community-based longitudinal study conducted in the UK that monitored the psychological development of children from school entry to adulthood. The study was controlled for potential effects of gender and socioeconomic status, and found that "no significant differences in personality functioning or aspects of daily living were found which could be attributable to height";[8] this functioning included generalizations associated with the Napoleon complex, such as risk-taking behaviours.[9

This to me makes sense a shorter person would have to deal with more physical conflicts due to perceived weakness due to lack of height, a taller person would be more comfortable getting aggressive as their size deters any physical threats from occuring.

Although another study i found on another article says this:
Another study published in the Association for Psychological Science found evidence that shorter men are more likely to exhibit symptoms of the Napoleon Complex when put into a position of power against a taller opponent. They tested this by having them play the Dictator Game, where the aim of the game is to fairly divide money between two participants. Researchers found that shorter men were more likely to keep all the money for themselves if they thought the other participant was taller than them.

Which seems like bullshit to me, I am not sure how being shorter would make you keep more money in a game in an experiment

Although supposedly another study with 367 participants says that shorter men are more likely to exhibit DARK TRIAD TRAITS compared to taller people.
By being psychopathic, and manipulative, jfl because if that was the case there would be less manlets on here. I think they even cite more aggressive.
I think it makes sense for shorter men to exhibit more anti-social behaviour because of how we are treated, not correlated to an actual height.

What do you think fellow brocels? I think short man syndrome is blatant discrimination from tallfags that make their height their personality
I don't even have confidence in anything. I honestly wish every day that I could wake up dead. I get disrespected everywhere I go and people act hostile towards me so I try my best to be super polite acting almost like I would be there bitch but then I give them the cold shoulder after they ask me for favors. I don't like making friends. I don't like socializing with people more attractive than me. I had bad experience with those fucks.

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