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Discussion fellow fat-cels, do you think we possibly we over-eat because we don't want to hate women?



May 20, 2018
One thing about being a chubbo is I think it makes me more at peace with foids being disinterested in me.

I for example often feel justified in not being attracted to 900 lb female landwhales, I don't hate myself for it, so I would be a hypocrite to hate foids for also not wanting to be attracted to 900lb male landwhales.

I'm not actually 900lbs, but it's the same principal, just having the line drawn at a different cutoff point for the standards.

So if a foid doesn't want to flirt with me, or acts repulsed if I'm around her, I can resist misogynistic impulses.

I can think "that's perfectly logical, I'm a fatass, I don't deserve her affection because I'm not fit, NOT BEGRUDGED"

If I actually made more of an effort to be fit and somehow got ripped though... I couldn't justify such an internal monologue.

Instead I would have to assume it's some other factor: she can't be hating the overindulgent low-willpower aspect of my personality exhibited in excess adipose storage, because that evidence would not be there.

So instead, she must hate some other factor about me, like my face, my height, my mannerisms, my opinions, etc.

A foid disliking those things is something I would be less at peace with. I might be tempted into hating her as a result.

But I never have to think about foids hating me for those reasons because I have my fat to blame as the reason for her disinterest, so that I can forgive her for that disinterest.

It's a kind of cope for sure, but an unusual form of cope.

Instead of coping with loneliness in general, it just copes with avoiding the impulse to hate others for rejecting me, if I can construct a reason to reject me which I would consider justified.
Gigacope. You're fat because you're lazy.
I've been gaining fat lately FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK I was supposed to be fucking 4 kgs less than I am by now. FUUUUUUUUUUCK.

Ok it's fine I'll just switch to auschwitz diet again.
Women suck
we hate them because they suck
and because we aren't bluepilled
end of story (btw not fatcel)

You are perhaps more able to embrace this because of not being a fatcel.

My point is that by being fatcel I am inherently kinda bluepilling myself because I can always blame my fatness as a justifiable reason for a foid shunning me.

You don't have fat to blame, so you know the foid shuns you for other reasons.

Gigacope. You're fat because you're lazy.
Obesity has multifaceted causes. My point is that I could have four (or even more?) factors:

1) food tastes good, can't control how much I take, because I want to feel good​
2) exercise is hard, I don't do it enough because it's uncomfortable​
3) exercise takes time, I don't do it enough because I want to watch TV instead​
4) if I lose my fat, I must confront other reasons a foid shuns me​

These would all occupy ??% of the reason. I don't know specifically, or in what order to rank them.

I don't know that ranking them is necessarily important, just acknowledging they could all be major factors.

Or just drinks calories and eats fake food.
I don't drink a lot of soda but I put about 3 tablespoons of sugar into every cup of coffee I drink, and I usually drink 2 per day, so cutting out 6 tablespoons of sucrose per day would probably help in slimming down.

Aside from the sugar high I get from doing this, I also wonder if maybe a subconscious factor is I want to have my fat to blame for foids disliking me, so I don't have to dwell upon other reasons.
What are you bullshitting about?
Obesity is caused by a surplus of calories.
Eat less.
Initially you said 'lazy' which would have to do with not wanting to exercise.

Now you're identifying that it's also not wanting to stop eating.

I wouldn't call the latter laziness so much as lack of impulse control. I guess you could call impulse control a type of effort though.

The point being that 'surplus' is caused both by the amount in vs the amount expended.

Anyway what I'm getting at here is that aside from laziness there could be other factors.

Like for example I'm sometimes not a lazy guy. I can work out in the yard for hours, lift heavy weights, spend a lot of time writing something.

So it could be oversimplifying to just call it laziness. there could be other factors at work which make an otherwise hard-working person "selectively lazy" when it comes to certain tasks

Like for example: what if the reason I don't want to do foreskin restoration or jelqing even though I might have the discipline to do it is because I'm afraid it would be pointless because my dick would get rejected regardless.
Initially you said 'lazy' which would have to do with not wanting to exercise.

Now you're identifying that it's also not wanting to stop eating.

I wouldn't call the latter laziness so much as lack of impulse control. I guess you could call impulse control a type of effort though.

The point being that 'surplus' is caused both by the amount in vs the amount expended.

Anyway what I'm getting at here is that aside from laziness there could be other factors.

Like for example I'm sometimes not a lazy guy. I can work out in the yard for hours, lift heavy weights, spend a lot of time writing something.

So it could be oversimplifying to just call it laziness. there could be other factors at work which make an otherwise hard-working person "selectively lazy" when it comes to certain tasks

Like for example: what if the reason I don't want to do foreskin restoration or jelqing even though I might have the discipline to do it is because I'm afraid it would be pointless because my dick would get rejected regardless.
You could've done your daily pushups during the time you spent writing this.
You could've done your daily pushups during the time you spent writing this.
right, which shows I'm not lazy (and I do sometimes do pushups) but maybe something is holding back my enthusiasm, like dreading putting in this work and still being disliked due to face/dick/inexperience/wealth/status
You guys seem to miss the fact that I admit to being lazy, I'm just saying there's more factors supplementing the laziness.
Im overweight and its because I sit on my bum everyday eating like shit
Stop coping you do a similar thing to me and thats why ur fat
I use food as an anti depressant, when I go on a diet it feels like I have forgotten to take my meds.
Im overweight
and its because I sit on my bum everyday eating like shit
Stop coping
you do a similar thing to me
and thats why ur fat

What I'm talking about is WHY we sit on our bums and WHY we eat shit.

Wanting to embrace fatness as an excuse to avoid rejection could factor into it.

Kind of like how guys who don't approach women can rationalize to themselves "I'm not dating women because I don't make myself available to them"

That excuse prevents getting angry at women for rejecting since you remove opportunity to get rejected.

I sometimes wonder if some fat women do this too.

Like "I don't want to hate gigachad, but I can forgive gigachad for rejecting me for being fat because fatties deserve to be rejected"

Perhaps deep down she fears gigachad would reject her even if she is thin? But if she remains fat she never has to confront that possibility.

That might even be true with women who embrace complete slutdom.

Subconsciously they might think "if I'm a dirty slut who fucks a bunch of abusive men in alleyways, gigachad will be right to reject me because I don't deserve rejespect"

Doing this avoids having to confront the possibility that even if she remained a pure virgin non-slut that she still might not be beautiful enough to win gigachad's affection.

She wants to put gigachad on a pedestol as a guy who would embrace the "real her" if she were not a landwhale or a slut, and so hides herself behind these two excuses for gigachad to righteously reject her.

I'm worried about doing a similar thing myself.

Maybe I want to subconciously keep women on a pedestol as goddess who would "accept the real me" if only I did not give her good reasons to reject me...
(being fat, hiding in my room, saying rude things on the internet, thinking blenders are AWRIGHT, posting pomf memes)​

By embracing these excuses, I can attribute rejection from foids to these reasons and forgive the foids, hold high opinions of them.

Whereas if I improved myself or otherwise removed excuses, I would be left with less palatable blackpills as to why foids don't want to be with me.

Living the reality of those blackpills would make hatred harder to resist, and I would naturally un-pedestol the foids.

Without the foids on pedestols to hope for, the distant dream of overcoming my limitations to achieve those goddesses, I might lose will to persist in this life?

Maybe that is what I fear, becoming too bitter (embracing the blackpill) so I guard against that by not utterly maxing my potential (not gymmaxing, remaining obese, not bahting so much) because if I maxed my potential and still failed, it's an utter smack in the face of how brutal foids really are.

I don't need to encounter how brutal foids are (just like landwhales don't need to encounter how brutal gigachad is) by embracing GOOD reasons for them to reject me, so I never need to know there are also bad reasons.
I use food as an anti depressant, when I go on a diet it feels like I have forgotten to take my meds.
you can eat delicious food every day and still be in great shape. usually in the morning I make a protein shake with milk/bananas/peanut butter/cacao flavor whey protein. tastes great, no unhealthy stuff and lots of protein. meat like steak, chicken, fish etc with cheese is great and also very healthy. combine that with regular exercise (squats, sit ups, weight lifting etc) and you will look & feel way better than being a gluttonous piece of shit
Gigacope. You're fat because you're lazy.
In first world countries they feed them processed shit if you have bad genetics your finished only way to drop fat is to run few kilometers everyday. I say from experience I used to be pretty fat my metabolism is still fucked.
Isn't gluttony a sin?

If you're fat you're lazy. Its that simple. Its not hard to just eat less and do hiit every day of the week
Isn't gluttony a sin?
habitual greed or excess in eating.
I dont excessively eat or be greedy and eat (never really have) but I have been losing weight, i just rarely exercise and make bad diet choices
This is kinda dumb imo, illusions about foids aren't worth risking your health for
habitual greed or excess in eating.
I dont excessively eat or be greedy and eat (never really have) but I have been losing weight, i just rarely exercise and make bad diet choices
That’s what a sinner would say
As someone who was formerly obese, I ate because I got burned out trying to ascend. If you look really closely at most fat men, most are facially ugly, short, and balding. They are advanced rotters.
One thing about being a chubbo is I think it makes me more at peace with foids being disinterested in me.

I for example often feel justified in not being attracted to 900 lb female landwhales, I don't hate myself for it, so I would be a hypocrite to hate foids for also not wanting to be attracted to 900lb male landwhales.

I'm not actually 900lbs, but it's the same principal, just having the line drawn at a different cutoff point for the standards.

So if a foid doesn't want to flirt with me, or acts repulsed if I'm around her, I can resist misogynistic impulses.

I can think "that's perfectly logical, I'm a fatass, I don't deserve her affection because I'm not fit, NOT BEGRUDGED"

If I actually made more of an effort to be fit and somehow got ripped though... I couldn't justify such an internal monologue.

Instead I would have to assume it's some other factor: she can't be hating the overindulgent low-willpower aspect of my personality exhibited in excess adipose storage, because that evidence would not be there.

So instead, she must hate some other factor about me, like my face, my height, my mannerisms, my opinions, etc.

A foid disliking those things is something I would be less at peace with. I might be tempted into hating her as a result.

But I never have to think about foids hating me for those reasons because I have my fat to blame as the reason for her disinterest, so that I can forgive her for that disinterest.

It's a kind of cope for sure, but an unusual form of cope.

Instead of coping with loneliness in general, it just copes with avoiding the impulse to hate others for rejecting me, if I can construct a reason to reject me which I would consider justified.
nail on da head man

usually it is unsuccessful men , unsuccessful with women i mean, they know the games rigged so simultaneously cope with bingeing on food for dopamine, but i think this is just as large a factor, they protect their own ego by bloating up, so they actually become even less desirable to women so women ignoring and detesting of them can be justified in a way less ego damaging way and has actually been outsourced straight to its because im fat. Not because like you said every other factor damages your ego massively, reasons for women being rude and rejecting you based on your face, your height, your personality are WAY WAY WAY more damaging to your sense of self worth and ego than just im fat ahhh women only go for skinny guys.

Literally the biggest self defence mechanism out there, its like playing football as a local team against a professional team you get hammered 10 nil in the first half, the second half your local team starts to take the piss and score own goals have no keeper and play 10 men up front, they then can say ahhhh we weren't playing properly so the loss doesn't count teeeeee heeeeeeee
when in reality after half time , THEY KNEW THEY WERE NEVER GOING TO WIN so chimped out to make it look like they weren't trying, and outsourced the lose to herrr derrr didn't try were taking the piss, not the professional team are way better than us and we cant win, because the not trying protects their ego more than accepting they are better than us by a mile and losing the game legitimately 20-0
Ok it's fine I'll just switch to auschwitz diet again.
I switched to this but I'm doing it write this time. Fasting with salt and potassium. I lost fat and gained muscle from my physical job but it's too slow.
I switched to this but I'm doing it write this time. Fasting with salt and potassium. I lost fat and gained muscle from my physical job but it's too slow.

Well it cant go any faster unless you wanna die.
Well it cant go any faster unless you wanna die.
I meant I was doing regular dieting before and it was too slow even though I lost fat and gained muscle. It's too slow for me now.

Also right* wtf

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