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SuicideFuel Fear Of Death Isn't Why You Haven't Killed Yourself Yet, It's The Delusion Of Hope (Which Will Fade Quickly In Your Late 20's)

Sparrow's Song

Sparrow's Song

Violent Convicted Chomo
Dec 14, 2017
If your face is ugly and you know that it's extremely unlikely that you'll have a worthy sexual and reproductive future. No truecel who seriously considers truicide is afraid to do it. All he has to do is look in the mirror before he Shuaibymaxxes or ODmaxxes, or bring his phone and take a selfie before basejumpmaxxing. The only thing that keeps you alive is the delusional hope that it will get better someday, the ridiculous idea that you'll make it through this. Let me tell you... if you're a truecel rather than an incel... You're not going to make it, it's not going to get better. Even if you wagecuck, you'll be in your 30's before you can afford surgery. Nothing but landwhales, single mothers, and roasties with high body counts. No barely legal JBs for you, no happy youthful memories for you, not good times with friends for you.

The best you can do is get a foid you're not attracted who has fucked at least thirty chads before settling down for your betabux and wagecuck your life away like a good little goy. If you have any honor at all, you'll just go MGTOW and pump and dump unless you find an 18-20 year old foid who is either a virgin or has a really low body count... but thirty year old men are literally walking hollows from Dark Souls so good luck attracting a fresh foid way past the prime your prime that you missed out on because of your face. Seriously, only chad gets to live a chad life... but if you cannot even get a taste of the chad life for a few years, it will haunt your mind and you'll kill yourself in your 40's right in front of your wife and kids. The only way to prevent a MASSIVE increase in ERs, male suicides, NEET protests, and drug addictions is free facial surgery, advancement in waifubot technology, and artificial wombs.

If you're a truecel, your challenge is like buying a house in the suburbs before you turn thirty? You think you can do that because most Americans can't That's how much it costs to save your life. From your mid twenties, regular incels have about 40% left in their Hope Meter... that's why normiecels/default incels aren't really that worried, they only need one to three common surgeries to become human beings. However, those incels will have a Hope Meter at about 20% by their late twenties if they aren't surgerymaxxed, and about 10% when they are almost 30. That's means it' a 90% chance their life will only get way worse and they are better off dead. Truecels in their mid 20's are barely clinging on to the Hope Meter at an average of about 5% due to how much it costs to make them human, they drop down to about 1% in their late twenties. At that point, it's only literally psychotic delusions and pure fantasy that their brains unleash on their minds in a desperate attempt at self preservation. It's already hopeless for them, they absolutely should rope because only a winning lottery ticket can save them. Once they approach 30, we're talking about 0.3% or less willpower to live. At that age, they should already be testing the limits with dangerous drugs, unafraid of overdosing in any way because those drugs will probably be the only thing that keeps them from roping before their 30th birthday. At 30, it's the two letter word or the four letter word.

Hope is literally bluepilled. It's as real as femoids caring about personality if you're a truecel. You are forsaken. There is no salvation. The rope beckons. I'm not encouraging roping. I'm just saying that it doesn't matter if the normies and foids win if a truecel ropes, because they win even more if he continues to suffer. Realizing that there is 0% hope left and sui is the best immediate action to take is the final and ultimate blackpill.

Giphy 24

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Giphy 22
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brutal i need these surgeries:

quadrangular lefort 1, sliding genio, bsso, ccw rotation or chinwing, almond eye and jaw implants also skin colouring and stroma. About 45-50k.

Also im 5'8 and dravidan, might as well go to Indonesia now
I fully expect to rope in middle-age life. Coping is easy as a youngcel, but I;m awar that it's going to get very difficult very fast when friends settle down in marriage, I'm totally without female contact, my career is dying and I have no hobbies.
brutal i need these surgeries:

quadrangular lefort 1, sliding genio, bsso, ccw rotation or chinwing, almond eye and jaw implants also skin colouring and stroma. About 45-50k.

Also im 5'8 and dravidan, might as well go to Indonesia now
Holy Fuck! If you need $40-$50K worth of surgery... your life is over pretty much. Legit truecels are rare on this forum. Are you a zoomer? If you are you might be at 15% on the Hope Meter.
Holy Fuck! If you need $40-$50K worth of surgery... your life is over pretty much. Legit truecels are rare on this forum. Are you a zoomer? If you are you might be at 15% on the Hope Meter.
im pretty sure im truecel, been rejected by heaps of foids, the only thing is im somewhat NT despite being pretty much an autist because of how low inhib. I think i can get looksmaxxed by 22 or 23 if i start wageslaving and stemmaxxing
brutal and sums up my situation pretty well. the concept of death doesn't bother me at all, I don't have any particular attachments in life that I 'live for' and my daily life is a constant struggle with self hatred, pain, frustration, guilt and shame. being able to play video games all day in quarantine is a nice pastime but it's not a sufficient meaning in life, especially when you're a social reject with basically nothing going for you. right now I still have some aspirations in academics and shit but if I knew for sure that my life is going to be like this forever and nothing is going to improve I would almost definitely commit suicide then and there
i think about it most every day now, and it's justified. but i still can't do it. feels weak.

by age 32 I would still take the deal of working hard to start a marriage and family with a younger woman, but it's not available to me, now or ever.
I'm in my 30's, and I'm more happy to be alive than any other time post puberty.
im pretty sure im truecel, been rejected by heaps of foids, the only thing is im somewhat NT despite being pretty much an autist because of how low inhib. I think i can get looksmaxxed by 22 or 23 if i start wageslaving and stemmaxxing
Hopefully your parents were rich enough to send you to college so you can earn enough wagecucking a cozy currycel IT job or something.
brutal and sums up my situation pretty well. the concept of death doesn't bother me at all, I don't have any particular attachments in life that I 'live for' and my daily life is a constant struggle with self hatred, pain, frustration, guilt and shame. being able to play video games all day in quarantine is a nice pastime but it's not a sufficient meaning in life, especially when you're a social reject with basically nothing going for you. right now I still have some aspirations in academics and shit but if I knew for sure that my life is going to be like this forever and nothing is going to improve I would almost definitely commit suicide then and there
Video games lose almost all enjoyability in your mid 20's. All they do is remind you that your life is worthless. You can't even focus on the game, you'll be distracted by dark thoughts. Make sure you mute everyone in game chat too, that way you don't have to here normie zoomers talking about their lives that are better than yours.
I'm not roping for two reasons. I'm not super religious, but I rather have a failsafe that I don't want to rope and find out reincarnation is real and because I rope I come back as dung beetle or someone that I right now mog. Also don't want to rope and find out hell exist and getting raped in the ass by demon gay chads up the ass for eternity.

Second reason is I don't want to miss out on some games I can still play and use as a cope. This might be a pathetic reason to some, but seeing as I'm not ascending with a foid, let me ascend in levels in a game then.
but if I knew for sure that my life is going to be like this forever and nothing is going to improve I would almost definitely commit suicide then and there
No one knows the future, unless you get permanently disabled, or get life in prison, your situation can change.
I'm in my 30's, and I'm more happy to be alive than any other time post puberty.
Do you live with a constant hashish supply? How many escorts to you fuck a week? How can a man be happy to be alive and ugly at the same time? Are you on some pills?
I don't want to rope and find out reincarnation is real and because I rope I come back as dung beetle or someone that I right now mog.
If reincarnation is real, whatever spiritual force or entity that is in charge of reincarnating you will respect the High IQ choice to rope and reincarnate you as something better as a reward for your logical thinking. Don't rope if you are young and/or can afford surgery though.
Do you live with a constant hashish supply? How many escorts to you fuck a week? How can a man be happy to be alive and ugly at the same time? Are you on some pills?
I vape weed but nothing else. I work out a lot and have a clean diet and play video games, escortcel, and have other copes which make me feel good. I escortcel about once a month, but I need to make money so I can do it more.
I vape weed but nothing else. I work out a lot and have a clean diet and play video games, escortcel, and other copes, which make me feel good. I escortcel about once a month but I need to make money so I can do it more.
I couldn't handle being in my 30's unless I was surgerymaxxed and reproducing with attractive foids that are barely legal. The only way I could handle it is if I took a brahmacharya vow until I overthrow the government or something. Even then, I'd have to be attractive looking for it to be a good cope.
I couldn't handle being in my 30's unless I was surgerymaxxed and reproducing with attractive foids that are barely legal. The only way I could handle it is if I took a brahmacharya vow until I overthrow the government or something. Even then, I'd have to be attractive looking for it to be a good cope.
You can handle it the same way you handle it in your 20's. Just stay healthy and have hope for the future. Surgerymaxxing can be on your to-do list any time as long as you don't become out of shape, plus in the future surgeries will be cheaper and more advanced.
You can handle it the same you handle it in your 20's. Just stay healthy and have hope for the future. Surgerymaxxing can be on your to-do list any time as long as you don't become out of shape, plus in the future surgeries will be cheaper and more advances.
It will only be worth it in my 30's if they have age reversing that I can afford by then too. No foids who are actually worth being with want men in their 30's unless they are giga chads.
I'm pretty sure it's fear of death. Even when I was completely hopeless that was the only thing that kept me from roping.
It will only be worth it in my 30's if they have age reversing that I can afford by then too. No foids who are actually worth being with want men in their 30's unless they are giga chads.
You can always make money and fuck foids in third world countries like Itsover. Or maybe soon men will get uncucked and take foid's rights away, then you can get a teen virgin from the west.
Just fix the title before it's over theory.
You can always make money and fuck foids in third world countries. Or maybe soon men will get uncucked and take foid's rights away, then you can get a teen virgin from the west.
We'd have to put a majority of men to the scimitar for enough men to be uncucked to fix this barbaric world. I know incels in their 40's, it's BRUTAL. They don't act sad, but I can tell there is hell in their hearts and they need a constant intake of drugs and alcohol to stay away from the rope.
Just fix the title before it's over theory.
Not only did you notify me that the title was fucked up, you allowed me to discover that titles can now be edited. Thank you so much. How long have we been able to edit titles?
We'd have to put a majority of men to the scimitar for enough men to be uncucked to fix this barbaric world. I know incels in their 40's, it's BRUTAL. They don't act sad, but I can tell there is hell in their hearts and they need a constant intake of drugs and alcohol to stay away from the rope.
Those men can get uncucked, and the blackpill community can do that for them. I've also seen incel looking men in their 40's and 50's who don't take any drugs.
No one knows the future, unless you get permanently disabled, or get life in prison, your situation can change.
it's a nice thought but if I fail academically can't get in to a prestigious college/uni I have absolutely nothing going for me. I would end up being an unemployed, mentally ill social reject with no skills and no prospects for a future at all
it's a nice thought but if I fail academically can't get in to a prestigious college/uni I have absolutely nothing going for me. I would end up being an unemployed, mentally ill social reject with no skills and no prospects for a future at all
You don't need a degree to make money. There are millions of other ways. Only normies make people think school is the only way.
but thirty year old men are literally walking hollows from Dark Souls
True, incels use a luck build but much to our luck item discovery is decreased.
The only way to prevent a MASSIVE increase in ERs, male suicides, NEET protests, and drug addictions is free facial surgery, advancement in waifubot technology, and artificial wombs.
Absolutely, at least people will go to work to buy a robot that will truly make them happy.

Your percentage calculation seriously made me laugh a lot, was feeling real shitty today :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
This has been a life fuel for me thank you fellowcel.
sui is the best immediate action to take is the final and ultimate blackpill
So true living is cucked but at least we'll live a decent life or will liberate ourselves from existence soon.
Absolutely, at least people will go to work to buy a robot that will truly make them happy.

Your percentage calculation seriously made me laugh a lot, was feeling real shitty today :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
This has been a life fuel for me thank you fellowcel.
One man's [SuicideFuel] is another man's [LifeFuel].

You were always able to do that.
Fuck, MENSA IQ mogs me then.
Thought it was laziness and survival instinct
Never have i read a title so true
Based post. For me it’s fear of messing up and becoming even more miserable.
I honestly can't refute anything written in this post, but its just too much of a blackpill for me to swallow. Why haven't you yourself roped OP?
Abit to tldr But title of thread is high IQ and i agree
I´m not afraid of death, but of dying
I honestly can't refute anything written in this post, but its just too much of a blackpill for me to swallow. Why haven't you yourself roped OP?
I actually have hope for surgeries tbh, if I succeed or not will determine my future
I consider myself to be only an incel but I’m in my early 20s and don’t see much hope. I hate it here. Shit ass country with it’s backwards social culture, laughable working culture, my “friends” are annoyingly rude and ostracize me, & I didn’t even finish school yet. I’m tired of wage slaving and I’m not going to find a foid in my life that’s going to fall in love with me. Women aren’t like that. Probably by my mid 20s I’ll look into buying a shotgun or high caliber pistol and finally ending it. My sister and parents will probably miss me for about a day and they’ll move on with their lives. They’ll say “at least his suffering is over” knowing that it never began for me.

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