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Venting Fapping is bad for you just like weed, don't follow the flock



Eat the bat kill the west
Feb 13, 2018
Both fucked my life, and mostly mentally
einstein and hawkings IQ combined * infinity post.
Fapping by itself isn't bad for you, it only becomes bad for you when you supplement it with copius amounts of porn/superstimulating material.
I smoked the devil's lettuce. I thought it ruined my life. Been sober for over a decade. Still here; still rotting.
just dont jerk it bro0o0o0o0o
Fapping itself isn't bad, but porn is because it can make you develop some weird-ass fetishes. Everything in moderation; if you watch porn only once or twice a week you should be fine.
Sorry, it's the only thing that keeps me sane
Too much of anything is bad
I lose respect for anyone that smokes weed. Or drinks really I just feel like, if you have to just get shitfaced in some manner or another every day you just have no strength. Unless of course, you are on the verge of suicide then its a double negative and you are incredibly strong for opting out of this hellish existence.
Gonna fap and smoke weed at the same time now :feelzez:
Gonna fap and smoke weed at the same time now :feelzez:

Wish I had weed right now, but holding back cause looking for a job. Tolerance will be way down when I get back into it though. :feelsgah:

Lmao one day I want to buy a hardcore vaporizer like this one:

Wish I had weed right now, but holding back cause looking for a job. Tolerance will be way down when I get back into it though. :feelsgah:

Lmao one day I want to buy a hardcore vaporizer like this one:

I don't do it that often so I'm fine with just my cheap pipe.
Have you ever done LSD?

Nah weed is pretty much as far as I've gone. And it's given me some pretty terrible panic attacks but I learned to prevent them. I can't imagine the fucked up things I'd see on LSD and I don't want to.
I want to throat fuck all nofap promoting jews
I always thought it was unhealthy not to ejaculate fairly often...

Like, a higher chance of testicular cancer? Or... something? I dunno. I might be making this up. XD

But I find it hard to believe that it's a major problem as long as it isn't stopping you from doing other things in life. And it will never really replace actual people and intimacy, surely.
Nah weed is pretty much as far as I've gone. And it's given me some pretty terrible panic attacks but I learned to prevent them. I can't imagine the fucked up things I'd see on LSD and I don't want to.

You do you. But I highly recommend an LSD experience in a safe setting. Many people who have used LSD regard it as a "peak" life experience. And the cool thing about it is that you can appreciate the experience without desiring to repeat it, kind of like having fond memories of a vacation you experienced. I've one had one LSD experience (the trip lasted 6+ hours and an "afterglow" the next day) and it was sublime. No anxiety but an intense appreciation of life, as if being a newborn seeing everything for the first time.
Fapping itself isn't bad, but porn is because it can make you develop some weird-ass fetishes. Everything in moderation; if you watch porn only once or twice a week you should be fine.
Fapping isnt good for test, unless you do it every 10 days or so
Fapping is literally my only remaining cope.
What else am I supposed to do?
You do you. But I highly recommend an LSD experience in a safe setting. Many people who have used LSD regard it as a "peak" life experience. And the cool thing about it is that you can appreciate the experience without desiring to repeat it, kind of like having fond memories of a vacation you experienced. I've one had one LSD experience (the trip lasted 6+ hours and an "afterglow" the next day) and it was sublime. No anxiety but an intense appreciation of life, as if being a newborn seeing everything for the first time.

I really am tempted. Everyone I know that has done it loved it. But I have enough intrusive horrifying thoughts as it is without having to see them with my own eyes. I can't imagine my brain crafting any positive hallucinations.

Would you say that you are aware that you are having an acid trip while it's happening? Or are you just fucked up beyond recognition? What sort of things did you actually see?
Im starting no fap today. Wish me luck.
Oh, I agree that weed is pretty degenerate yeah. It depends how strong a strain you smoke and how much you smoke. If it's quite mild then it's probably OK and the CBD might even be beneficial, along with the calming effect of it. But too much THC and yeah I think it will aid in derailing both your life and your mind.

As bad as moderate-heavy tobacco use can be in the long run, at the very least the nicotine was actually quite beneficial in the short term - giving people more focus and steadying their nerves, both of which can be tremendously helpful in life. Of course, the addiction becomes a weakness, but back before the health risks were known you wouldn't see a problem with even heavy use anyway. Shame that it's so unhealthy.
I really am tempted. Everyone I know that has done it loved it. But I have enough intrusive horrifying thoughts as it is without having to see them with my own eyes. I can't imagine my brain crafting any positive hallucinations.

Would you say that you are aware that you are having an acid trip while it's happening? Or are you just fucked up beyond recognition? What sort of things did you actually see?

I was fully aware. However, it's recommended to have a "trip sitter" for the first time, someone who has experienced LSD and is there for you in case your trip goes bad, which unfortunately can happen. This is why it's REALLY important to plan the experience, because during the peak of my trip I got into family drama and it was the most hellish (yet in hindsight hilarious) experience. Imagine trying to deal with your upset family while the walls of reality are dissolving around you -- very surreal experience. Honestly though I think if you have your own space and no one to bother you for the duration of the trip you should be fine.

Also, you can really only do one solid intense LSD trip something like once a month. It's impossible to repeat the experience too often.

The amount of empathy I had for everyone and everything during my experience was through the roof, and music sounded insanely pleasurable.

British author Aldous Huxley (member of the intellectual Huxley family and who died the same day as John F. Kennedy) wrote a famous short book titled The Doors of Perception about his experiences with mescaline, which is also a psychedlic drug like LSD. Pretty intellectual but I recommend it if you want to get an understanding of psychedelic experiences without actually doing the stuff:


On his deathbed Huxley had his wife inject him (not necessary for regular consumption) with a crazy dose of LSD and he went out in blissful glory.
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Weed is degenerate, waste of money. Fapping; everyone does it and its free, no addiciton most of the time and no negative health effects unless you fap 2+ times a day.
I'm also starting to believe that excessive fapping is bad, it's a symptom of a bigger problem which is likely lonliness and depression.
lol weed is degenerate...

hahaha weed is the only pleasure close to sex an incel will feel....
Fapping is impossible not to do as an incel
You need to ejaculate at least once a week. For good health. Wisdom teaches. Don't do fap marathons or weird special moves like rubbing against furniture or squeezing when you pull though. This can all cause a condition known as delayed ejaculation, also called retarded ejaculation or inhibited ejaculation. This is why you sometime hear of virgins who last for super long on their first time. It is not stamina, it is lack of stimulation. Often they cannot finnish inside but have to fap 15 minutes after sex to finnish at all.
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People are way to quick to blame weed when their life goes to shit and they just happen to smoke weed. Counter in every other factor and weed will likely be in the bottom few if there at all. Start addressing the real problems
welp im doing both right now as we speak
I'd rather kill myself than stop fapping and smoking weed

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