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Blackpill Famous Streamer Asmongold gets a blackpill reality check from millions of women, desperately tries avoiding the subject



Mar 26, 2022
The TL;DR - Streamer Asmongold posts a picture of a noodlewhore gold-digger he 'dated' for a few days before she broke up with him, endless waves of foids pour in to express disgust and outrage at him being ugly and existing near a woman at the same time, Asmongold comically and desperately tries shifting the topic to avoid embarrassment and backlash

He spent so much time constantly whiteknighting for women on his streams against the Inkwells and the Blackpillers, yet his whole fucking twitter feed is just one giant blackpill, from millions of women, all displaying the same hivemind mentality without a single hint of dissent. Remember, if man is a virgin or gets rejected by women, it's because of his SHITTY PERSONALITY and insecurity, but at the same time it's also a crime against nature for them to see an ugly man, even a millionaire, with any woman.

And he can't even talk about the elephant in the room - he's too famous, striving too hard for the 'mainstream', and whiteknighted far, far too many women against the evil misogynists to even be able to even address the plain reality that he's showing on his own screen. Instead going off on a nervous humorous tagent about taco bell and "Uhhh guys you know, I'm just living my life... hehehehe... I don't even think about stuff, why are all those "people" (Read: Women ) mad, IDK, ha-ha-ha-ha"

Let me spell it out for you, since there are too many female streamers out there stepping on your balls for you to even be able to simply read what all of those women are saying - THEY ARE CALLING YOU UGLY. U-G-L-Y. "SHE SWAN, YOU FROG", "SHE A 10, HE A 2" is what's written under your feed in bold letters. They don't give a fuck about your room, they don't give a fuck about your quirky bell stories, they're just vapid, hypergamous lookists who hate you for being ugly and existing near a woman, let alone trying to date one.

But he just can't bring the words to his mouth. This is what he's showing everyone, but he can't actually describe what is blatantly happening for fear of vindicating the incels he tries so hard to separate himself from. This is what peak Orwellian gynocracy looks like.

And in case there was any uncertainty or misconception about the character of these foids and what's going on inside their brain, here's an exclusive of one of the foid commenters from that tweet being grilled about her attitude:


Will Reddit be covering this one?
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looksmatched couple
This is what peak Orwellian gynocracy looks like.

And these retards are the same ones that in universities and study centers talk about the "evil patriarchy that puts women below men."
That way Asmon is based, fuck those bitches, make them seethe
And these retards are the same ones that in universities and study centers talk about the "evil patriarchy that puts women below men."
Asmongold admitted that he could only get a girlfriend because of his status. He also confessed that people treated him badly for his looks and he couldn't make friends. He can accept some parts of female nature yet he can't stop defending them. There's so many men like this. Victims of women's abuse who refuse to turn on their abuser
"i cried"

what the fuck is wrong with these whores nowadays?

every whore needs a man to scream "MIND YOUR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS" at her until her eardrums explode
who's that Faggot
Also she is just another Chink whore with 10 kg of fakeup on her, literally his looksmacht, it is infuriating how low-iq women are
Asmongold admitted that he could only get a girlfriend because of his status. He also confessed that people treated him badly for his looks and he couldn't make friends. He can accept some parts of female nature yet he can't stop defending them. There's so many men like this. Victims of women's abuse who refuse to turn on their abuser
for most men, 1 gram of pussy = infinite forgiveness for women's behavior

story justice GIF by Primer
Look at the normies mocking his appearance in the comments. He can never escape being clowned on for his appearance. No matter how seriously he wants to be taken. If you're ugly/short normies automatically assign you to the role of the jester and talk down upon you if you don't take it without resistance.
"i cried"

what the fuck is wrong with these whores nowadays?

every whore needs a man to scream "MIND YOUR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS" at her until her eardrums explode
They're lookist. Women have always been this shallow. They're incapable of valuing men for anything outside of looks. Read any "romance" novels written by women and then read Shakespeare and you'll understand.

for most men, 1 gram of pussy = infinite forgiveness for women's behavior

story justice GIF by Primer
Facts. They'll never turn on their masters

to be fair he'd probably lose lots of money if he just admitted it
This is true as well.
And these retards are the same ones that in universities and study centers talk about the "evil patriarchy that puts women below men."

Asmongold admitted that he could only get a girlfriend because of his status. He also confessed that people treated him badly for his looks and he couldn't make friends. He can accept some parts of female nature yet he can't stop defending them. There's so many men like this. Victims of women's abuse who refuse to turn on their abuser

The video is absolutely insane. Asmon just goes through the twitter thread on his screen, which all of us can just see is brainless hordes of women mocking him for being ugly over and over and over and over again, just awkwardly stares at it, and then goes off on an unrelated 'funny' tangnet about how his GF broke up with him because he failed to take her to Taco Bell on a first date and instead took her to some Burger joint, then stares awkwardly at some more foids calling him ugly, and goes "Err, UHHH, hmmm, I don't understand, am I just that interesting? I'm just like living my life, I don't even care, why do these... uh... people care so much?"

HE CAN'T SPEAK. IT'S LITERALLY THE MEME. "IF I SPEAK..." He bashes 'bad misogynists' like Andrew Tate ( But for all the wrong reasons ), incels, 'creeps', blackpillers, chuds so often that he doesn't dare address what all of those women are doing to his viewers because then he might sound like 'one of us'.
It's crazy when you realise how looks really are EVERYTHING. No matter what you do, or how you act, your looks will always determine whether it is a bad or a good thing. There is no logic with those people, it is all about looks. If you kill a person, you can be forgiven and rehabilitated as long as you are chad, but if you exist next to a woman as a ugly men, you deserve 100 years of punishment and psychological torture.
The video is absolutely insane. Asmon just goes through the twitter thread on his screen, which all of us can just see is brainless hordes of women mocking him for being ugly over and over and over and over again, just awkwardly stares at it, and then goes off on an unrelated 'funny' tangnet about how his GF broke up with him because he failed to take her to Taco Bell on a first date and instead took her to some Burger joint, then stares awkwardly at some more foids calling him ugly, and goes "Err, UHHH, hmmm, I don't understand, am I just that interesting? I'm just like living my life, I don't even care, why do these... uh... people care so much?"

HE CAN'T SPEAK. IT'S LITERALLY THE MEME. "IF I SPEAK..." He bashes 'bad misogynists' like Andrew Tate ( But for all the wrong reasons ), incels, 'creeps', blackpillers, chuds so often that he doesn't dare address what all of those women are doing to his viewers because then he might sound like 'one of us'.
It's about a thing called KARMA
It's crazy when you realise how looks really are EVERYTHING. No matter what you do, or how you act, your looks will always determine whether it is a bad or a good thing. There is no logic with those people, it is all about looks. If you kill a person, you can be forgiven and rehabilitated as long as you are chad, but if you exist next to a woman as a ugly men, you deserve 100 years of punishment and psychological torture.
And these are the women with 'Love & Tolerance' posters.
The video is absolutely insane. Asmon just goes through the twitter thread on his screen, which all of us can just see is brainless hordes of women mocking him for being ugly over and over and over and over again, just awkwardly stares at it, and then goes off on an unrelated 'funny' tangnet about how his GF broke up with him because he failed to take her to Taco Bell on a first date and instead took her to some Burger joint, then stares awkwardly at some more foids calling him ugly, and goes "Err, UHHH, hmmm, I don't understand, am I just that interesting? I'm just like living my life, I don't even care, why do these... uh... people care so much?"

HE CAN'T SPEAK. IT'S LITERALLY THE MEME. "IF I SPEAK..." He bashes 'bad misogynists' like Andrew Tate ( But for all the wrong reasons ), incels, 'creeps', blackpillers, chuds so often that he doesn't dare address what all of those women are doing to his viewers because then he might sound like 'one of us'.
He's in denial. You can tell it's getting to him but he's trying to play it off like he's apathetic and finds it funny. He'd probably share the same sentiments we do on women if he wasn't famous. He holds his tongue and defends femoids because he knows he might get the opportunity to betabux with another one in the future. He'd have roped already if he didn't have status.

Good slave.
He's in denial. You can tell it's getting to him but he's trying to play it off like he's apathetic and finds it funny. He'd probably share the same sentiments we do on women if he wasn't famous. He holds his tongue and defends femoids because he knows he might get the opportunity to betabux with another one in the future. He'd have roped already if he didn't have status.

Good slave.

He's in denial alright, but I don't believe for a second that he has or ever had the potential to become a closeted blackpiller, not to mention he's already in his 30's, so the time to pick a side has long passed. If he was prone to internalizing any of our position at all, he would've just stuck to criticizing video games and absent-mindedly covering some dramas, and no one would fault for him that, he could still fly under the radar.

Instead, he goes out of his way to shame and freak out at anyone who doesn't toe his 'socially acceptable' and 'normative' views of women and only criticizes some Amber Heard type who goes after a beloved Chad every once in a blue moon while making sure to preach how wonderful 99% of women are.

If he wasn't famous, he'd be on IncelTears as 'One of the good guys' who understands woman are superior to him and any 'bitterness' against them is a thought-crime.
He'd probably share the same sentiments we do on women if he wasn't famous.

Good slave.
That's how it works once you make a good living from Jewish overlords, especially just for playing video games or babbling online. If you dare say a cross word about the wrong kind of person, you can lose it all. Hence, if you take anything these sold out people say seriously, you're silly.
He's in denial. You can tell it's getting to him but he's trying to play it off like he's apathetic and finds it funny. He'd probably share the same sentiments we do on women if he wasn't famous. He holds his tongue and defends femoids because he knows he might get the opportunity to betabux with another one in the future. He'd have roped already if he didn't have status.

Good slave.
Let's see her face with zero makeup.

So many guys like this, they are what they shit on but the tactics won't work; the minute they go for it with a woman they've landed themselves in hot water.

You can get away with average across the board if you have one standout top tier thing about you or you're above average in every way, less than that & you take what you can get & hold on for dear life; below that? See a hooker & get a dakimakura.
that's a subhuman fraudmaxxed noodle. but holes and kikes won't rest until 99.9% of men are permavirgin
Asmongold admitted that he could only get a girlfriend because of his status. He also confessed that people treated him badly for his looks and he couldn't make friends. He can accept some parts of female nature yet he can't stop defending them. There's so many men like this. Victims of women's abuse who refuse to turn on their abuser
cucks deserve anything and everything coming for them
the chinksect before the 10kg filler and makeup


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