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FA Women asked for pics of what they consider ugly/average/attractive guys.

Deleted member 236

Deleted member 236

Nov 8, 2017

Happy reading.
I refuse to visit Cuckitt anymore.
VLÖ said:
I refuse to visit Cuckitt anymore.

Can't man. A lot of responses with pics. Worth reading.

One girl posted blackops2cel as "unattractive" lol. A mixture of honesty and virture signalling.
they picked normies for attractive so as not to offend anyone

idiotic shit, not worth reading
mylifeistrash said:
they picked normies for attractive so as not to offend anyone

idiotic shit, not worth reading

Yeah, scrolling down. One picked Ryan Gosling as unattractive LOLOL
Even the ugly ones mog the shit out of me.

It's OVER.
[font=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Unattractive <-- even so, if we got to know each other and enjoyed spending time together, I could definitely see myself becoming attracted to him.[size=small][font=Tahoma,Verdana,Arial,Sans-Serif]

to bad she would never give him the time of day

Average <-- definitely high end of average, but it was the best I could find[size=small][font=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]
http://media.gulflive.com/mississippi-press-news/photo/Shea Dobson.jpg[/font][/size]


Attractive <-- getting well into the territory where, if he approached me in a bar, I would think his friends dared him to[/font]
[font=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]This is such a narrow range of ethnicities... I mean, you could make one for Asian men, Indian men, etc. etc... but that would take wayyyyy too long. Maybe someone else will do it. Anyways, point is, attractiveness is (fairly) subjective, and who you find good-looking has a lot to do with the league you're in already.[/font]

guys don't reside in the same planet as women so most are well out of their "league"

even women on the internet can't be believed. she posted pics of ugly guys to prove "its all in you head"
Lol'd at jsanza's picture in first comment
uglylifematters said:

to bad she would never give him the time of day

http://media.gulflive.com/mississippi-press-news/photo/Shea Dobson.jpg[/font][/size][/color]


guys don't reside in the same planet as women so most are well out of their "league"

even women on the internet can't be believed. she posted pics of ugly guys to prove "its all in you head"

That middle guy is ugly.
existentialhack said:
That middle guy is ugly.

I saw the pic and yeah I agree he is ugly. it was more what she wrote that spoke to me. my bad for the miscommunication
uglylifematters said:
I saw the pic and yeah I agree he is ugly. it was more what she wrote that spoke to me. my bad for the miscommunication

Most of them can't even answer the question, much less answer it honestly.

That board_gaming cunt needs beheading.
Most people here amog the "unattractive" and so-called "average" guys

Pure bullshit.
lol @ asking females for honest opinion. They lie through their teeth.
"Indian here. You’re right.

If you read up on North Indians and where they came from, you’ll find that europeans and North Indians branched off from the same common ancestors. North Indians actually do have a lot of “Caucasian” DNA in them, which is why albino (pale skin blue eyed) Indians end up looking exactly like whites.

The reason why this girl finds North Indians more attractive is because they look white and they have lighter skin.

Literally none of the pictures posted had a South Indian (except for the “unattractive” pic), or any dark skinned Indian. Sucks to be born with a little too much melanin huh."

Never take a female's word at face value. They are lying sociopathic narcissists. They weren't made to think or talk, their only use is to be inseminated and to produce offspring.
First image I open is jnzansa . _ . ok
A good 40 percent of guys in my uni mog the 'attractive' example. It's over
She posted a picture of Jsanza as the unattractive guy L O L
at least there are some females in there that actually understand or know what unattractive looks like, unfortunately pretty much the rest are still coping
Jockcel said:
She posted a picture of Jsanza as the unattractive guy L O L

It's absolutely OVER for him.
VLÖ said:
I refuse to visit Cuckitt anymore.
unattractive is 5-6/10 usually.
Tfw all the ones listed as "unnattractive" mog you.

It's fucking over.

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