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Blackpill Experience at work/school this week.

  • Thread starter ShadowTheEdgehog
  • Start date


El Capitano
Jan 6, 2020

1. Was sitting in hallway, browsing on my phone (ugh) when two girls pass in front of me, walking form my righ to my left. They whisper to each other after passing me and then they giggle.
The hallway is around 100m long, there was not a single other person in the hallway.

2. Foid teacher talks to other student about how the masks make it difficult to read peoples facial expressions because they cover the lower half of the face.
Felt weird to me because I realized that I dont give a fuck about facial expressions at all. Masks changed literally nothing for me. When I talk to people I usually look at their chest or somewhere else in the room. I didnt realize that this was an actual issue for normies.

They now even introduced TRANSPARENT masks at my job to fix this jfl.

Leaf transparent face mask leaf mask 640x533

3. New foid apprentice at work. The usual spiel unfolds. They probably let her in on "the weird guy" so she starts giving me weird looks, like "aha, thats the retard everybody been talking about". I also had to explain something to her briefly and I fucking couldnt talk right. So I spent like a minute talking, thinking that I am coherent but probably sounding like
"uggu uggu babbidi babbidi buub bub bub bu baabd gububububuuu"
- immediately after I am done, she looks at me like "wtf?" and says "eeeh can you say that again please, what exactely am I supposed to do?"

View: https://youtu.be/H0FCcjwV9Kw?t=2
(sorry for linking this, just relevant)

4. In my class, they put like paper trash shit, like strips of paper, in my hoody. This is not the first time this has happen to me in my life. Back in the day in school, on the bus, they would stack paper snips on my head from behind on the bus.

36877313 scrap of shredded paper background

5.I think people at my job and at work think that I am gay. Because this one foid teacher keeps fucking saying shit to me and yesterday I found out that she is the school counselor for "sexuality and gender" or some shit. And at my job too. Because when I talk to people irl, I talk kind of high pitched and nervously.
And ive had people at my job make references to my fake gf and sometimes openly say "we all know whos gay right" type of shit in my presence.

6.Train station yesterday. Paid attention to peoples heights. 180cm is avg here for males. Meaning that 50% of the men mog me. But then you have an additional amount of foids here that are either the same height as you or taller. So it feels more like 70% mog since I am 179. My brother is 190cm, my dad too. My brother is 3 years younger and weights fucking 30lbs more than me. My parents cope by saying he is "fat". The dude plays sports, he fucking mogs me hard.


How was your week fellow cels?

Actually read all of it. Can relate to some of what you posted
t. also 179

I learned more kanji, so I guess it has been Ok.
are you using anki or supermemo?
Not a good week:
-My knee feels like it has some form of arthritis
-Someone stole money from me and had to contact the bank about it
-I went to the dentist, need a cavity filling
-I'm worried I might have got the corona from having to go outside doing chores day in and day out
-A couple of websites I visit just up and 404'd without any warning

It's been a pretty shitty week. I'm glad you were unbanned yet again. Good posters on this site are dropping like flies.
Not a good week:
-My knee feels like it has some form of arthritis
-Someone stole money from me and had to contact the bank about it
-I went to the dentist, need a cavity filling
-I'm worried I might have got the corona from having to go outside doing chores day in and day out
-A couple of websites I visit just up and 404'd without any warning

It's been a pretty shitty week. I'm glad you were unbanned yet again. Good posters on this site are dropping like flies.
fuck, you know how it is, my back and shit. bones cracking, neck straining, the usual shit.
My teeth hurt too, I hope its just nerves and not sleeping. I dont think its a cavity, would hurt more.

The website thing, always always always back shit up. I lost so much data over the years.
Sometimes I go back and look throug archives forever to pull up some old webm.

Feeling for yor bro. The arthritis, look into oxalates to prevent it.

low oxalate diet can prevent it. My mom doesnt listen and her toes and shoulder are starting to go. Cant help it I guess, boomers gonna boom.

Lol, why the fuck am I a good user? Most people here dont even know who I am.
fuck, you know how it is, my back and shit. bones cracking, neck straining, the usual shit.
My teeth hurt too, I hope its just nerves and not sleeping. I dont think its a cavity, would hurt more.

The website thing, always always always back shit up. I lost so much data over the years.
Sometimes I go back and look throug archives forever to pull up some old webm.

Feeling for yor bro. The arthritis, look into oxalates to prevent it.

low oxalate diet can prevent it. My mom doesnt listen and her toes and shoulder are starting to go. Cant help it I guess, boomers gonna boom.

Lol, why the fuck am I a good user? Most people here dont even know who I am.
I appreciate the link to help with low oxalate diets. I think you're informative and don't just spam shitposts for what it's worth. Plus any anime-themed avi/sig (esp. Lain) can't be bad to me :feelsautistic:
I appreciate the link to help with low oxalate diets. I think you're informative and don't just spam shitposts for what it's worth. Plus any anime-themed avi/sig (esp. Lain) can't be bad to me :feelsautistic:
I did spam a little bit recently, which is why I got banned twice in a row.

lol anime avi cels are og internet users. Its mostly newfags and normies that get upset over anime. There used to be even a meme thing about some people having a violent reaction to "cuteness" (you know that thing when people say shit like "so cute, i feel like punching a wall"?).

Poloncuteaggressionresearch ce3b10 7986243

basically the poster says that there is research that shows that people with underdevloped frontal lobes are more likely to react violently to "cuteness".
He then bridges from this to using anime as a filter to sort out "leftists" (aka normalfags as being left leaning is the status quo nowadays) since anime is basically nothing but "cuteness" (highly neotenous faces even on adult characters and to an extend even on male characters - huge eyes, tiny noses, big fucking heads...).

BTW did you see my thread on women being attracted to animals? It had 8 fucking people saying it should be pinned but the mods let it slide.

basically there is research that shows that women get wet from looking at animals having sex, unlike men.
Then one female researcher stupidely said "women getting wet is not a sign of them being aroused" - aha. So when I look at a dog and I get a boner its just because I am excited and happy and not because I want to fuck it, aaaaaaaaaaalrightooooo
I did spam a little bit recently, which is why I got banned twice in a row.

lol anime avi cels are og internet users. Its mostly newfags and normies that get upset over anime. There used to be even a meme thing about some people having a violent reaction to "cuteness" (you know that thing when people say shit like "so cute, i feel like punching a wall"?).

View attachment 349783

basically the poster says that there is research that shows that people with underdevloped frontal lobes are more likely to react violently to "cuteness".
He then bridges from this to using anime as a filter to sort out "leftists" (aka normalfags as being left leaning is the status quo nowadays) since anime is basically nothing but "cuteness" (highly neotenous faces even on adult characters and to an extend even on male characters - huge eyes, tiny noses, big fucking heads...).

BTW did you see my thread on women being attracted to animals? It had 8 fucking people saying it should be pinned but the mods let it slide.

basically there is research that shows that women get wet from looking at animals having sex, unlike men.
Then one female researcher stupidely said "women getting wet is not a sign of them being aroused" - aha. So when I look at a dog and I get a boner its just because I am excited and happy and not because I want to fuck it, aaaaaaaaaaalrightooooo
I did see the women animal attraction thread. It's interesting and disturbing at the same time. It really should be stickied but for some reason as you mentioned, the mods won't do it. I dunno what's going on anymore these days.
Its scary how much I relate to your stories, almost as if its me who wrote them, we are even the exact same height, 179 cm.
I did see the women animal attraction thread. It's interesting and disturbing at the same time. It really should be stickied but for some reason as you mentioned, the mods won't do it. I dunno what's going on anymore these days.
they clearly have an agenda and want to push the forum in a certain direction, which is why all the good posters get banned now for bs reasons.
Im going to say it now, at some point they will allow women.

Its scary how much I relate to your stories, almost as if its me who wrote them, we are even the exact same height, 179 cm.

I get the same feeling often. It just indicates to me that
a) either you are all feds and fucking with my brain
b) there is a tiny group of people that I can relate too

in the beginning, when I started posting here, I had this weird feeling because people kept replying with stories so similar to mine lol. I honestly thought that I maybe went to school with some of them or some shit.
Turns out that human nature and especially foid nature is just the same cookie-cutter shit all across the globe.

Unfortunately, the feeling is getting more rare and rare. This may as well be the last place for people like us. Even on remote and "extreme" right wing forums you cant get away with shitting on women.

We are a rare type of people. Usually when I click with someone it immediately evolves into a huge discussion. One time I contacted this dude from 8chan r9k, guy from chicago, we ended up talking for 6 hours on the phone. My parents got mad lol.

To what specifically can you relate too? I like reading, so dont hold back.
That was brutal op, you should try to practice looking at peoples in the eyes, it is a hard thing to do but it is doable, i always struggle with that too, but i think that it show that you value yourself as equal to them so they are less likely to think less of you. As for my week i was LDARing into deep depression like usual.
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To what specifically can you relate too? I like reading, so dont hold back.
I can relate to the first part about being randomly laughed at by foids/random people, this shit happens when I'm in random places outside or even in college or my job, I also get stared at with a look of disgust from foids when I'm in public

Also this:
When I talk to people I usually look at their chest or somewhere else in the room. I didnt realize that this was an actual issue for normies.
I'm pretty shit at eye contact and I try to avoid it whenever possible, mainly because I hate people looking at my ugly 3/10 face + social anxiety.

I also had to explain something to her briefly and I fucking couldnt talk right. So I spent like a minute talking, thinking that I am coherent but probably sounding like
"uggu uggu babbidi babbidi buub bub bub bu baabd gububububuuu"
- immediately after I am done, she looks at me like "wtf?" and says "eeeh can you say that again please, what exactely am I supposed to do?"
I can relate to this too, If I feel nervous in social situations or have to explain something to someone, I become really incoherent and after I'm done talking the other person would be like "what?"

6.Train station yesterday. Paid attention to peoples heights. 180cm is avg here for males. Meaning that 50% of the men mog me. But then you have an additional amount of foids here that are either the same height as you or taller. So it feels more like 70% mog since I am 179. My brother is 190cm, my dad too. My brother is 3 years younger and weights fucking 30lbs more than me. My parents cope by saying he is "fat". The dude plays sports, he fucking mogs me hard.
I am also 179 cm and i get heightmogged by my brother who is 185cm (although he is older than me). although I'm not too insecure about my height, face is my main problem.

I've also read some of your other posts before where you wrote your stories/experiences etc that I could relate to, it's true that we are a rare type, even 4chan /r9k/ which used to be the place for incel men is now filled with normies and foids, and if you make a women hate thread there nowadays you will get shitted on and called an "incel" jfl.

I'm not too good at putting my thoughts into words etc but I might make a thread in the future talking about some of my experiences/stories in detail, and I'll make sure to tag you in it because you might be able to relate to some of it as well.
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jfl still going to school and work
I did spam a little bit recently, which is why I got banned twice in a row.

lol anime avi cels are og internet users. Its mostly newfags and normies that get upset over anime. There used to be even a meme thing about some people having a violent reaction to "cuteness" (you know that thing when people say shit like "so cute, i feel like punching a wall"?).

View attachment 349783

basically the poster says that there is research that shows that people with underdevloped frontal lobes are more likely to react violently to "cuteness".
He then bridges from this to using anime as a filter to sort out "leftists" (aka normalfags as being left leaning is the status quo nowadays) since anime is basically nothing but "cuteness" (highly neotenous faces even on adult characters and to an extend even on male characters - huge eyes, tiny noses, big fucking heads...).

BTW did you see my thread on women being attracted to animals? It had 8 fucking people saying it should be pinned but the mods let it slide.

basically there is research that shows that women get wet from looking at animals having sex, unlike men.
Then one female researcher stupidely said "women getting wet is not a sign of them being aroused" - aha. So when I look at a dog and I get a boner its just because I am excited and happy and not because I want to fuck it, aaaaaaaaaaalrightooooo
99% of right leaning people with anime pfp always ended up as being legit faggots

btw I remember hearing you, you didn't sound high pitch at all
99% of right leaning people with anime pfp always ended up as being legit faggots

btw I remember hearing you, you didn't sound high pitch at all
idk, I talk high pitched and nasal a lot. Especially in social situations.

The thing about anime pfp, ok I understand. I think we have to differentiate between avatar fags (inevitable on forums with accounts) and people using anime as a signifier. On imageboards, nobody is running around pretending to be an anime character. He would instantely be called out and shamed.

I think what I said holds up in that context. I think that avatarfagging in general brings gayness into the community.

jfl still going to school and work
cant help it, gotta make that dough yo.
I can relate to the first part about being randomly laughed at by foids/random people, this shit happens when I'm in random places outside or even in college or my job, I also get stared at with a look of disgust from foids when I'm in public

Also this:

I'm pretty shit at eye contact and I try to avoid it whenever possible, mainly because I hate people looking at my ugly 3/10 face + social anxiety.


I can relate to this too, If I feel nervous in social situations or have to explain something to someone, I become really incoherent and after I'm done talking the other person would be like "what?"

I am also 179 cm and i get heightmogged by my brother who is 185cm (although he is older than me). although I'm not too insecure about my height, face is my main problem.

I've also read some of your other posts before where you wrote your stories/experiences etc that I could relate to, it's true that we are a rare type, even 4chan /r9k/ which used to be the place for incel men is now filled with normies and foids, and if you make a women hate thread there nowadays you will get shitted on and called an "incel" jfl.

I'm not too good at putting my thoughts into words etc but I might make a thread in the future talking about some of my experiences/stories in detail, and I'll make sure to tag you in it because you might be able to relate to some of it as well.
I will be looking forward to that thread buddy
Lain big smile alpha

That was brutal op, you should try to practice looking at peoples in the eyes, it is a hard thing to do but it is doable, i always struggle with that too, but i think that it show that you value yourself as equal to them so they are less likely to think less of you. As for my week i was LDARing into deep depression like usual.
fuck, reminds me of eggy, was watching his latest stream this morning.
poor guy spent like 3 months in bed, he looks fucked up :cryfeels:

I cant look people in the eyes efficently though, I loose focus, it takes concentration.
just neetmaxxing
idk, I talk high pitched and nasal a lot. Especially in social situations.

The thing about anime pfp, ok I understand. I think we have to differentiate between avatar fags (inevitable on forums with accounts) and people using anime as a signifier. On imageboards, nobody is running around pretending to be an anime character. He would instantely be called out and shamed.

I think what I said holds up in that context. I think that avatarfagging in general brings gayness into the community.

cant help it, gotta make that dough yo.

I will be looking forward to that thread buddy
View attachment 349866

fuck, reminds me of eggy, was watching his latest stream this morning.
poor guy spent like 3 months in bed, he looks fucked up :cryfeels:

I cant look people in the eyes efficently though, I loose focus, it takes concentration.
has eggy gone back into a depression i thought he became an internet youtube star and ascended
has eggy gone back into a depression i thought he became an internet youtube star and ascended
his life sucks ass ngl. IDK whats going on, he is still streaming and drinks a lot. Got fat again after loosing weight.
I feel for the guy ngl. I just caught the livestream this morning and said a few nice things even tho it doesnt help much.
He didnt look that good.
damn eggy is a legend remember when he did the reverse mullett and had it short at the front and long on the sides

different note what do you think about nick fuentes i think he is pretty high iq and based although way too right wing

he kills some girls and straight up mocks the living crap out of them here

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_vOWSTQ6GQ

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