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RageFuel Evil virtue signalling whore wants to castrate and turn her 7 year old son into a tranny. Father tries to fight for custody but jury rules against him



Oct 7, 2019


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I'm here to bump the thread
not one click, but clown world tbh
Lol damn, modern kids are so low-functioning, kid is 7 and acts like a toddler, Dad speaks to him in a baby voice. Typical white middle class ghoul-child, looks tired and unhealthy like he's never been let outside since he popped out of his old roastie mom's stale womb. This nation will not survive.
I fucking hate feminism and leftism
What a villainous woman. I wonder why she is called doctor.
Poor young lad.
His whore of a mother should take a quick look at this, before considering butchering the genitalia from her own son.
This goes beyond any level of mental illness, that´ve ever seen in my life.
Absolutely horrifying.

Don't 50% commit suicide or something?
41% by data.
Soon it will reach 50% if this insanity keeps going out of control.
As long as this is allowed, we are headed for disaster.
Poor young lad.
His whore of a mother should take a quick look at this, before considering butchering the genitalia from her own son.
This goes beyond any level of mental illness, that´ve ever seen in my life.
Absolutely horrifying.

That video is hilarious ngl, finally a well done video on the tranny topic that BTFO's all the normies and delusional trannies, but reality is that normies still wont care and they will refuse to watch the sheer horror of those mutilations so they can still live in their bubble and virtue signal about trannies. Its same when it comes to abortion, normies support it and get their information trough media, articles and animations that try to portray it in a highly positive light ignoring and shielding them from reality of procedure and side effects, but if they saw the sheer brutality of it most of them would think differently.
That video is hilarious ngl, finally a well done video on the tranny topic that BTFO's all the normies and delusional trannies, but reality is that normies still wont care and they will refuse to watch the sheer horror of those mutilations so they can still live in their bubble and virtue signal about trannies. Its same when it comes to abortion, normies support it and get their information trough media, articles and animations that try to portray it in every positive ignoring reality of procedure and side effects, but if they saw the sheer brutality of it most of them would think differently.
One thing comes to question...
Are these surgeons sociopaths ?
Good Lord.
One thing comes to question...
Are these surgeons sociopaths ?
Good Lord.
Sure they are from them to psychiatrists (mostly females) that are involved into this shit, Hippocratic oath and ethics do not matter anymore, the whole medical system today is built around extracting money, most of them worship money and some are so deluded, indoctrinated and far gone they think they are doing things like these for a good cause. Killed fetuses, cut off foreskin, genital mutilation, they make big money from those procedures despite them having nothing to do with healthcare. They say the best treatment for trannies is to cut of their genitalia, ignoring all the major side effects, suicide and depression rates, in reality besides costly mutilation, those trannies have to visit psychiatrists, consume and live on pills, synthetic hormones and God knows what more for life, meanwhile they wont make someone disabled, blind on purpose, cut off legs and hands to people that have fantasies about for years because they won't get anything in back for doing it, so they still treat them today like they used to treat trannies once, with acceptance of the current situation.
Lol damn, modern kids are so low-functioning, kid is 7 and acts like a toddler

I am 25 and act like a toddler. It is truly over. Men has become absoutely weak and pussies.
Sure they are from them to psychiatrists (mostly females) that are involved into this shit, Hippocratic oath and ethics do not matter anymore, the whole medical system today is built around extracting money, most of them worship money and some are so deluded, indoctrinated and far gone they think they are doing things like these for a good cause. Killed fetuses, cut off foreskin, genital mutilation, they make big money from those procedures despite them having nothing to do with healthcare. They say the best treatment for trannies is to cut of their genitalia, ignoring all the major side effects, suicide and depression rates, in reality besides costly mutilation, those trannies have to visit psychiatrists, consume and live on pills, synthetic hormones and God knows what more for life, meanwhile they wont make someone disabled, blind on purpose, cut off legs and hands to people that have fantasies about for years because they won't get anything in back for doing it, so they still treat them today like they used to treat trannies once, with acceptance of the current situation.
Its a very sick world we currently live in.
We got to thank our overlords.
Say... Thanks Jooz.
All because of the filthy kike
this is why i support the abolition of womens rights and the implementation of sharia law.

making men masters of foids would be the best thing yet

if this were to happen, you would first beat ur wife til she complies, and if she doesn't then u bribe the "religious police" and have them imprison her on false charges
Father is a cuck if he doesn't kill the judge,jury and the mother. Then he should make a last stand
40% suicide rate kek
The kid could grow up to become a Chadlite , His mother will ruin him
there's little to no justice in this world
What a horrifying nightmare. No hope for this kid unless someone intervenes
Father is a cuck if he doesn't kill the judge,jury and the mother. Then he should make a last stand
This is the only acceptable choice. He would legit be a hero to many if he did this (in minecraft).
Abhorrent yet unsurprising.
Why wouldn't you want to be a foid in 2019?
I think I saw this in another thread yesterday....still bullshit.
Lol damn, modern kids are so low-functioning, kid is 7 and acts like a toddler, Dad speaks to him in a baby voice. Typical white middle class ghoul-child, looks tired and unhealthy like he's never been let outside since he popped out of his old roastie mom's stale womb. This nation will not survive.
i noticed this about the younger kids in my family too. When i was their age (sounding like a boomer now) i wasn't talking like a baby and being talked to like a toddler from my parents or family. Now the kids these days do this and it's ALL over. My sister is 8 and talks like she's 4 or 5. I'm telling you man, it's a mixture of the jews putting shit in our food and water, plus pushing stupid school topics on the kids, AND the parents being fucking retarted and not raising a child correctly.
i noticed this about the younger kids in my family too. When i was their age (sounding like a boomer now) i wasn't talking like a baby and being talked to like a toddler from my parents or family. Now the kids these days do this and it's ALL over. My sister is 8 and talks like she's 4 or 5. I'm telling you man, it's a mixture of the jews putting shit in our food and water, plus pushing stupid school topics on the kids, AND the parents being fucking retarted and not raising a child correctly.
Dude I'm rewatching the OP video now and JFL this kid can BARELY talk and has an unmistakable speech impediment, pronouncing hair clips as "hey cwips"
he kinda looks like a soy, im surprised he doesnt want a tranny son
I feel she may be setting up her child for misery and regret
If this is the same thing as the one I read a while ago the kids name is Jacob and the entire story is fucked up. I'm surprised this isn't considered child abuse yet. It honestly disgusts me

Edit: it was a while ago so I may not remember the name right
When will the west finally be destroyed

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