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Blackpill Everyone wants white blonde stacies. If you don't want them you're a volcel.



mentally crippled by lonely teen years
Dec 27, 2019
The common argument is that ER was "volcel", because he wanted white blonde stacies. Well guess what, we all do, and if you don't, you're a volcel. As the saying goes, "volcel if you wouldn't".

Imagine being a homeless person surrounded by mansions. Do you think you'd want that? Of course you would, and why wouldn't you? Similarly, if you live in Southern California, you will desire hot white blonde chicks. But that doesn't mean you would refuse anything else. A homeless person wouldn't refuse a studio apartment.

In fact, a small part of me was even hoping that a girl would see the video and contact me to give me a chance to go on a date. That alone would have prevented the Day of Retribution, if one girl had just given me one chance. But no…

The truth is no chick showed interest in him his whole life. That is soul crushing. Even people on this forum get upset about "volcel brags". It's because a female showing interest in you is validating in and of itself.

tl;dr: seeing stacies as hot and feeling desire is NATURAL, and not "volcel"
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Its not about what we want, its about what we can get. And a blonde Stacy for this face is out of question.

So we just comfort ourselves by thinking "I'll settle for my looksmatch. I don't want a Stacy."
Having preferences doesn't make you a volcel. Excluding most of the population when you're drowning in sex/dating offers would make you a volcel, which is exactly what women do all the time. ITcels are retarded and dishonest af for using this foid logic against us
Its not about what we want, its about what we can get. And a blonde Stacy for this face is out of question.

So we just comfort ourselves by thinking "I'll settle for my looksmatch. I don't want a Stacy."
Our looksmatch is also out of the question :feels:
i don’t but i get nothing
Massive cope. W*ite worshiping is so fucking cucked. Not everyone wants blonde stacys. You want blonde stacys.
White girls arent that attarctive
I really don't care about race or hair color. White skin or blonde hair is not special to me.

I just want a girlfriend.

20200711 080502
didnt read much but let me tell ya .
the future of the hooman skin aint lookin too bright chief
also the future of the human areolas too mang :cool:
I have a very bad experience with a blonde roastie. I find them the least attractive, I wouldn't say no to one if they liked me though.
Exactly. Just like females want white Chads of the highest genetic quality, it is just as natural that incels would want white Stacies of the highest genetic quality.
I have a very bad experience with a blonde roastie. I find them the least attractive, I wouldn't say no to one if they liked me though.
at this point I wouldn't say no to a fucking landwhale. But If I could design my perfect women in no way she would be a blonde
Massive cope. W*ite worshiping is so fucking cucked. Not everyone wants blonde stacys. You want blonde stacys.
I've always preferred brown and dark hair tbh
I disagree and more I would gladly take one if I could. I don't "want".

It's the same as if I'm thirsty and I'm outside and need something to drink. And I mean very very thirsty.
I don't drink energy drinks. Actually, I never had an energy drink in all my life, but if I was really thirsty and I was in a store that only sold that and not another store for a long time or the others are closed? There's no way I'm letting myself die from dehydration.

In general I don't "want" a blonde white foid, but there's no way I'm going to tell one no if I had a chance with one because I'm not retarded. Same with I don't "want" a Spanish or Hispanic girl, but I would not tell one no or not have one if I could get one.

Do I want an energy drink? No, but I would drink it if I had no choice. Do I want a blonde girl? No, but I sure would marry one and live my life with one if it were possible.
Beggars can't be choosers and I think we are all beggars here right now. We're just not cucks.

I've always preferred brown and dark hair tbh
This for me. I don't really have an interest in light hair. I just don't really like it that much in how it looks. Plus, if I had to say if I really could choose? Like if I went the vocel route I would say I would probably like a black, asian, or indian. Those are the ones I find the most attractive. Doesn't mean I don't see a lot of white ones I don't like, I just like how those look more.

We all have out attractions, but you know damn well none of us is in the position to say to one, "Oh, you like me and want to give dating a shot? Sorry, but I don't like Jewish girls."
Who would say there here? Seriously who?
At the beginning i think most of us wanted a blonde stacy but then time went by and we got woke and said fuck them bitches
I want a hot blonde Stacy tbh
nope I just want autistic qt.
This for me. I don't really have an interest in light hair. I just don't really like it that much in how it looks. Plus, if I had to say if I really could choose? Like if I went the vocel route I would say I would probably like a black, asian, or indian. Those are the ones I find the most attractive. Doesn't mean I don't see a lot of white ones I don't like, I just like how those look more.

We all have out attractions, but you know damn well none of us is in the position to say to one, "Oh, you like me and want to give dating a shot? Sorry, but I don't like Jewish girls."
Who would say there here? Seriously who?
No man would say that except chad. Men are desperate af but women think men are just like them. Prolly because men = chad for them, the rest are background characters they forget about

Like you said, my ideal girl would have brown hair, but I'd take any girl regardless of hair color. Same for eye color, height, boob size, etc none of that really matters to us

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