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It's Over Everyone in my University Campus knows I'm an incel.



18 y.o, sub5, nonNT, 5'6, blackcel (Dark Virtue)
May 26, 2024
The FitxFearless video's total view count was over 3 million + reposts to probably 5 million.

So people from my Elementary School saw it, people from my middle school (the same middle school my brother went to saw it), people from my high school saw it, and people from the high school I was supposed to go to saw it.

Because after the middle school I went to, you're supposed to go to a neighbor specific highschool, but since I was in a different area, I went to a different high school, and because I knew no one there that probably related to my social isolation, but back to the main topic. People from the high school I went to saw it, and people at the high school I was supposed to go to saw it.

So I was walking in the Campus building. A 4th year student says unprompted "Yo, you were the guy from the FitxFearless video", I said "yeah", tried to play it off, then we talked about the video for 2 minutes then he asked for my Instagram.

So I got niggas out of nowhere just recognizing my face and approaching me.

The thing is I went to the University in my City, meaning everyone in the same branch of high schools go to the same Uni. So I saw 3 people from my old High School interacted with me.

One time, I was walking up the stairs on Uni campus. Some guy who was in my History class in high school, was walking across in the opposite direction, he saw me, he said "Hi", I said "Hi" back, and he fucking glanced the other direction so hard. So it's obvious he saw the video.

Some other guy in my High School saw me, and he was in a group, so he saw me, he said "Yo what's up, long time no see. You're a tough guy now", while laughing, I played it off, handshaked him, then continued walking. I heard the girl in the group (Who also went to my high school) saying "Why were you laughing?", then I heard him respond with "The video."

Another time was a different guy from the high school I went to was riding a bike because I was walking to campus, on the crosswalk he saw me and said "Hello" when we passed. He had the face, so you knew he also saw the video.

2 Girls who went to the same middle school I went to who also are at the University I'm at, I know they saw the video because they were staring at me whilst walking down the sidewalk. Like glancing at me like, with intrigue and disgust.

Another guy who went to the middle school I went to (but not the same high school), just 5 minutes ago, I was walking down the Campus, he was walking down and we made hard eye constant whilst walking for like 30 seconds, because our minds were processing the same thing like "Shit, it's him."

My elementary school, my middle school, the high school I went to, the high school I was supposed to go to, my university campus because even random 4th year niggas know me, I'm exposed.

So it's not just online shit anymore, it's in real life. It's only been 3 weeks at Uni, news spreads like crazy, so a right now couple people recognize me on Campus, another month in, 2 months in, everyone recognizes me.

Imagine everyone at your University knowing you're an incel. It's a nightmare but I'm excited for some reason. I smiled whilst typing this post unconsciously. Maybe because even if it's negative attention, it's attention nonetheless, or because of the adrenaline.

Because maybe the controversy is fun. I'm a global public humiliation. Millions of views, people from my High School saw it, people from my brother's middle school were talking about it (my brother is NT and he's mtn, popular so he wasn't getting roasted for the video, he's still popular), random 4th year student like a wild pokemon comes out of the bush "Yo, you were the guy from the FitxFearless video." Another one from my old high school "yo, what's up." As time goes on, more people are going to just unprompted approach me because of the Fitx video.

Before I dreaded this, and feared this would happen, but I've come to accept it. My life is "officially ruined." My reputation is "officially ruined." There's no escaping it, the damage is already done, everyone in my area fucking knows. The 4th year student who I never saw before in my life, saw the Fitx video, and knew I had a Youtube Channel, so he was like "You have a youtube channel?", and I said "Yeah, it's self improvement content."

Before I was thinking about dropping out, because I thought "There's no chance I'm getting a job, might as well drop out and try to go all in on trying to become self employed", but I want to stay in University because I want to play this game.

If I drop out to try to go all in the non-traditional path, I won't see any of the people at University, but that's boring. If my life is over, I want to view it as a game.

I want to see what happens. I want to know what will happen when the entire University will eventually recognize me from the Fitx video. There's people I went to middle school with who go to my University. There's people who I went to high school with who go to my University. What will happen when I encounter all of them?

My 3 options, are rotting, hiding, and head on confrontation. I could have got super depressed over the viral humiliation and rotted or roped. I could try to hide but a random 4th year student who I never saw before can recognize my face and approach me out of nowhere. Just in 3 weeks, it's been like 7 - 8 people in literal real life who've recognized or interacted with me based off the fitx video, not to mention the millions of views it's generated so it's over, I can't hide for shit. The last choice is head on confrontation.

So I'll confront the situation head on. I'll go to Uni, I'll go to events, clubs (as in things like chess club, boxing club, not the night clubs I'm a fucking virgin), and I'll see what happens. My life is genuinely over. I'm short, ugly, autistic, and I'm a public embarrassment for millions to see. Why not see it as a game and see what happens next?
What is fixfearless, and what video
Fucking hell OP. How are you coping with this?

However, in a year or two, they'll forget, and it will be like it never happened.
It has nothing to do with the video. If you are incel the second anyone takes a look at you they know you are incel.

Maybe now they know you officially identify as one and are active in an incel forum, but your inceldom itself was never a question to anyone.
Use it to statusmaxx nigga, all publicity is good publicity
Do not condone these actions at all, they are
Obviously evil and anyone who do that crime
Is a monstrous individual. These actions are
Terrible and such be punishable by death
Use it to statusmaxx nigga, all publicity is good publicity
Agreed. If you're an ugly short manlet, nobody would care about you, so it's not like there's anything to lose here.
You look pretty normie but the height brings you to sub5 levels unfortunately, a good lesson to never show your face or to go off site, treat all off site communication as nefarious in the future
Never heard of you or whatever video you’re talking about.. this is why anonymity is the key: don’t show face, real voice, etc.. kinda like that Darkcel guy on YouTube a couple of years ago.
No guns in Canada

What is fixfearless, and what video
Link to the video?
Never heard of you or whatever video you’re talking about.. this is why anonymity is the key: don’t show face, real voice, etc.. kinda like that Darkcel guy on YouTube a couple of years ago.

View: https://www.tiktok.com/@fitxfearless/video/7394220004297772319

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFDs4-bSO8U

It also got posted on Instagram and Youtube short, and it had a lot of reposts on tiktok, the total view count is at least 5 million, that's not even an exaggeration

Fucking hell OP. How are you coping with this?

However, in a year or two, they'll forget, and it will be like it never happened.

I'll confront it head on. The call happened in July, it's been 2 months and it's still blowing up. I think that in a year or 2, the views will surpass 10 million with the reposts so my situation is truly over. I cope by trivializing the situation in my head by viewing it as a game, but I know that the consequences of this are millions view me as a public embarrassment and I likely won't get a job
Use it to statusmaxx nigga, all publicity is good publicity
I'm going to statusmax instead of hide by confronting the situation head on

It has nothing to do with the video. If you are incel the second anyone takes a look at you they know you are incel.

Maybe now they know you officially identify as one and are active in an incel forum, but your inceldom itself was never a question to anyone.
That's a valid point
No guns in Canada

View: https://www.tiktok.com/@fitxfearless/video/7394220004297772319

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFDs4-bSO8U

It also got posted on Instagram and Youtube short, and it had a lot of reposts on tiktok, the total view count is at least 5 million, that's not even an exaggeration

I'll confront it head on. The call happened in July, it's been 2 months and it's still blowing up. I think that in a year or 2, the views will surpass 10 million with the reposts so my situation is truly over. I cope by trivializing the situation in my head by viewing it as a game, but I know that the consequences of this are millions view me as a public embarrassment and I likely won't get a job

I'm going to statusmax instead of hide by confronting the situation head on

That's a valid point

You mog me jfl, and why would you agree to do some jewtube interview in the first place, kinda dumb
You mog me jfl, and why would you agree to do some jewtube interview in the first place, kinda dumb
It was very dumb

Why did u say you were 21???
Because the livestream rules were 21+ and people from the Fitx server told me to say I'm 21 when I go on the call, being the oblivious autist I am I did exactly what they told me to do
It was very dumb

Because the livestream rules were 21+ and people from the Fitx server told me to say I'm 21 when I go on the call, being the oblivious autist I am I did exactly what they told me to do
Brutal you are viral. Your video randomly showed up on my CHINK TOK. Sorry man. They'll forget about it soon though. I give it like 9 months
I thought you were gonna quit the incel spaces all together? Welcome back I guess
Everyone in my job mocks me for my virginity
Lol you mog me bro. Black man mog Asian man any day.

Naturally more muscles, taller, bigger dick, look more intimidating. You're born with those attributes that an Asian male has to go to old school brutal Karate gym and bust his ass to blackbelt level for..
bro they already knew, your face brocel
Do they also know you use this forum?
time to run just be incel game
I'm going to be objective with you, I just watched the video now

You look worse in photos than in motion, I didn't see that you looked really bad in the video, just like a ltn-mtn black guy

Also you have a decent voice and (I think) good eyes

You spoke nervously, but it's not a big problem, you just sound like a guy with social anxiety, but nothing that isn't fixable.

You're not so bad

The problem is that the other guy attacked you throughout the video and tried to dominate you communicatively without having the slightest empathy for your situation or your points of view.

The problem was not you and your social anxiety, but meeting a guy like that, bullylike, live.

You were unlucky (or you didn't think it through beforehand) to go live to talk about your problems with a bully man.
Last edited:
my normie "friends" have seen and shared your video. fitxfearless has gone viral, and thus you have gone viral as a lolcow. It's pretty much over jfl. If you ever need someone to talk to feel free to message me.
Mogs me I ironically

That’s actually pretty cool
Have you talked to any girls since you received his gracious advice?
my normie "friends" have seen and shared your video. fitxfearless has gone viral, and thus you have gone viral as a lolcow. It's pretty much over jfl. If you ever need someone to talk to feel free to message me.

That's the situation. It's not just your friends, but millions and millions of people.

My life is a comedic nightmare.

What I want to do now, is to work towards an impossible goal that I'll never achieve, because I'll always be a global public humiliation.

The only other choice is roping and I'm never going to rope.

My unironic plan is to try to grow a movement and try to change society until my death.

I'm going to be objective with you, I just watched the video now

You look worse in photos than in motion, I didn't see that you looked really bad in the video, just like a ltn-mtn black guy

Also you have a decent voice and (I think) good eyes

You spoke nervously, but it's not a big problem, you just sound like a guy with social anxiety, but nothing that isn't fixable.

You're not so bad

The problem is that the other guy attacked you throughout the video and tried to dominate you communicatively without having the slightest empathy for your situation or your points of view.

The problem was not you and your social anxiety, but meeting a guy like that, bullylike, live.

You were unlucky (or you didn't think it through beforehand) to go live to talk about your problems with a bully man.
My Mom said the same thing but hating Fitx won't change my situation.
mogs me. ur an incelebrity now. go spread the pain and suffering that sub 5 men face. normies will mock you, but eventually the other sub 5 incels in denial will realize the blackpill was right all along and stop cuckolding for foids who couldn't care less about them.

and who gives a fuck if a bunch of normgroids are bullying you, they are worthless hivemind NPCs who will inevitably slave away for the (((elites))).
that must be painful and shameful
what that fitxfearless guy did to you
That's the situation. It's not just your friends, but millions and millions of people.

My life is a comedic nightmare.

What I want to do now, is to work towards an impossible goal that I'll never achieve, because I'll always be a global public humiliation.

The only other choice is roping and I'm never going to rope.

My unironic plan is to try to grow a movement and try to change society until my death.

My Mom said the same thing but hating Fitx won't change my situation.
You literally just have a black normie face that mogs at least 80% of this site, and in the n*g culture loving USA you should be swimming in snowbunnies.
You literally just have a black normie face that mogs at least 80% of this site, and in the n*g culture loving USA you should be swimming in snowbunnies.
other blacks that look like him are probably getting laid due to being extremely low inhib and the fact that white foids are literally obsessed with bbc.
u r a statusmaxxed celebrity now, soon u will get groupies and ascend
Nigga even I saw you and recognised you from the video.
other blacks that look like him are probably getting laid due to being extremely low inhib and the fact that white foids are literally obsessed with bbc.
exactly. Pull a nikocado avocado where you self improvemaxx


it's time for you to ascend fakecel nigga.
Didn’t you say you were quitting this forum? Also, you’re a retard for going public with this stuff in the first place
Didn’t you say you were quitting this forum? Also, you’re a retard for going public with this stuff in the first place
Changed my mind, and obviously. I know going on the call was dumb because I'm experiencing the ramifications irl
Brutal i hope to god you dont live in dorms

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