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Venting Every time a foid talks about preferring tall guys...



feminae stultae sunt | 5'3 goblin-manlet
May 19, 2018
I get so mad. I don't really get bothered by a lot of things but I still get pissed every time I hear some dumb foid talking about mens height and even more "triggered" when they talk about hating manlets. Anytime I've asked a girl out or shown any interest they always go "teehee I only like TALL guys" or they talk about how much they don't care about looks/height until I ask them out and then its suddenly "well I don't care about height as long as he's taller than me TEE HEE".

Stupid vapid whores will also screech like banshees if you turn down their lard ass for being too fat because "body shaming is mean". Naturally this only applies to foids because the same women will talk about how much they hate short men and how they should all fuck off and die. At least you can change being fat, they're just too lazy and they think their still entitled to Chad's dick just because they have a vagina so they don't even bother losing weight ever.

Honestly every time I hear some dumb foid saying some dumb shit about manlets I want to bash their legs in with a bat. I'm so sick of them being cunts to manlets because its super socially acceptable and they know it. Most of them talk about being such "good people" who are against bullying while at the same time they pull shit like this. I swear to God all foids are hypocritical cunts who only virtue signal to cover their ass so when people make fun of them they can scream about it. None of them care about being a good person though its all for show. I'm genuinely praying right now that every foid who's said a manlet joke gets raped and murdered.

inb4 some dumb lurker sees this and thinks "its not that bad". Think again cuck:
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Tall girls diaries fuck you
and these are just some examples.
Just grow taller bro:soy::soy::soy:
Personality matters more bro:soy::soy::soy:
Just grow taller bro:soy::soy::soy:
Personality matters more bro:soy::soy::soy:
they don't even say personality matters tbh they just say "die alone manlet get over it scum"
I am beyond thankful I'm not a manlet.

Manlets are probably so fucked up mentally from being constantly emasculated and looked at as inferior since they were children. Height is the most important thing in being respected as a man. If you're a manlet, the chance of getting respect is super fucking low. You need a Chad face, and many times, even that's not enough.
They get triggered by the suggestion to eat less and lose weight, while discriminating against short men, something that can't be changed.
If you are a manlet you don't exist for foids, they won't even bother to talk to you.:feelsbadman:
frustrated ogreposting checking in
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, us manlets are the only truecels
I share your frustrations.
if a foidlet ever rejects me on height she better hope there isnt a bat around cos you best believe im beating her thick skull in til her brain contents are all over the floor
Im a tallcel but my face is a 2/10. So close. So close. :(
I've never seen a woman insulting short men outside of the USA while shilling for tallfags. Did this ever happen to any Eurocels?

Hate being a manlet as I get put down on the domiance hierarchy by taller guys all the time tho. But I couldn't care less about women being taller than me, thats hot af tbh.
Im a tallcel but my face is a 2/10. So close. So close. :(
Have you ever been admired for being tall?
I've never seen a woman insulting short men outside of the USA while shilling for tallfags. Did this ever happen to any Eurocels?

Hate being a manlet as I get put down on the domiance hierarchy by taller guys all the time tho. But I couldn't care less about women being taller than me, thats hot af tbh.

Have you ever been admired for being tall?

Americans tend to be more low IQ, uncultured and act uncivilized but females are nonetheless the same everywhere when it comes to height, even if they don't act as obnoxious.
thinking being tall means your not incel , lol @ OP :feelskek:
I never said being tall means you can't be incel. That being said tall incels have it way easier. If a tall incel suddenly became a manlet would kill himself.
I get so mad. I don't really get bothered by a lot of things but I still get pissed every time I hear some dumb foid talking about mens height and even more "triggered" when they talk about hating manlets. Anytime I've asked a girl out or shown any interest they always go "teehee I only like TALL guys" or they talk about how much they don't care about looks/height until I ask them out and then its suddenly "well I don't care about height as long as he's taller than me TEE HEE".

Stupid vapid whores will also screech like banshees if you turn down their lard ass for being too fat because "body shaming is mean". Naturally this only applies to foids because the same women will talk about how much they hate short men and how they should all fuck off and die. At least you can change being fat, they're just too lazy and they think their still entitled to Chad's dick just because they have a vagina so they don't even bother losing weight ever.

Honestly every time I hear some dumb foid saying some dumb shit about manlets I want to bash their legs in with a bat. I'm so sick of them being cunts to manlets because its super socially acceptable and they know it. Most of them talk about being such "good people" who are against bullying while at the same time they pull shit like this. I swear to God all foids are hypocritical cunts who only virtue signal to cover their ass so when people make fun of them they can scream about it. None of them care about being a good person though its all for show. I'm genuinely praying right now that every foid who's said a manlet joke gets raped and murdered.

inb4 some dumb lurker sees this and thinks "its not that bad". Think again cuck: View attachment 48395View attachment 48396View attachment 48397and these are just some examples.

Hear you loud & clear Bro.

It's double standards, discriminatory & hateful not to mention bigoted. In a world, day & age where men's modifiable skills should take precedence peeps still want to go on about something you can't change. If they said that about skin colour they'd be merry hell to pay.
I share your frustrations.
If you are a manlet you don't exist for foids, they won't even bother to talk to you.:feelsbadman:
They get triggered by the suggestion to eat less and lose weight, while discriminating against short men, something that can't be changed.
they don't even say personality matters tbh they just say "die alone manlet get over it scum"
@ Inceltears... You've seen it with your own 2 eyes. How is any of this fair? Why are you trying to downplay & dampen our experiences after initially denying & dismissing it? Why can't we be angry & vent?
Americans tend to be more low IQ, uncultured and act uncivilized but females are nonetheless the same everywhere when it comes to height, even if they don't act as obnoxious.
I just never saw any mockings outside of US twitter and 4chan let alone real life. I think manlet hate is so normalized that noone has to actually mention it
@ Inceltears... You've seen it with your own 2 eyes. How is any of this fair? Why are you trying to downplay & dampen our experiences after initially denying & dismissing it? Why can't we be angry & vent?
You know if it was a black guy complaining about racists they wouldn't care. But because it's a short guy they think its that were just whiney and that its annoying. It's almost funny since most people not caring that manlets get shit on all the time shows how much society hates them and how normalized it is.
You know if it was a black guy complaining about racists they wouldn't care. But because it's a short guy they think its that were just whiney and that its annoying. It's almost funny since most people not caring that manlets get shit on all the time shows how much society hates them and how normalized it is.

Agreed. There's nothing more to say really.
She is taller ?

Just get a chainsaw bro !
Blackpill is that height-exclusion is not exclusive to foids. Height is an extreme advantage in everything.
Blackpill is that height-exclusion is not exclusive to foids. Height is an extreme advantage in everything.
Blackpill is that height-exclusion is not exclusive to foids. Height is an extreme advantage in everything.
Blackpill is that height-exclusion is not exclusive to foids. Height is an extreme advantage in everything.
Blackpill is that height-exclusion is not exclusive to foids. Height is an extreme advantage in everything.
That's what I hate about tallfags saying they can be incel too. Like no shit you can be incel but manlets will always be disrespected in all aspects of his life. A lot of them don't really get it tbh
Asteroid. Now.
A lot of the time it comes from fat bitches who could lose 100 lbs or so. Women don't get irony do they? You can't make yourself taller but that bitch can lose some goddamn weight
I am beyond thankful I'm not a manlet.

Manlets are probably so fucked up mentally from being constantly emasculated and looked at as inferior since they were children. Height is the most important thing in being respected as a man. If you're a manlet, the chance of getting respect is super fucking low. You need a Chad face, and many times, even that's not enough.
I know what you mean. People here like to compete for who has it worse, but the problem is some 7/10s think they are 2/10s. Their self perception is warped, to say nothing of the fact heterosexual men can’t really judge other men or themselves anyway. I always wonder how many incels would be diagnosed with body dismorphia if they actually went to therapists.

Height is the one true indicator. You can pretty much line up every member and measure them to discover who is the most fucked.

It’s been found that height is a greater unearned privilege in social interactions than race or sex. Everyone is so hung up about racism and sexism, and one of the most powerful and pervasive axis of discrimination in our society is ignored.

A lot of the time it comes from fat bitches who could lose 100 lbs or so. Women don't get irony do they? You can't make yourself taller but that bitch can lose some goddamn weight
That’s what hakes it ragefuel.
Gotta get to Japan.

Went to China and I was still below-average :feelsrope:

China and Singapore are two trash countries.

Should've went to Taiwan.

Plus you were with a bunch of cucks that literally mugged you the entire time you were there.

Being 6'4 is pretty much the only thing I've got going for me. Doesn't help when your face looks like shit.
whenever a foid talks about being attracted to tall guys what she really means is being attracted to tall chads with perfectly symmetrical, positively tilted eyes and a forward grown lower third
Being 6'4 is pretty much the only thing I've got going for me. Doesn't help when your face looks like shit.
at least you got that tbh. I'd kill an entire bus of people just to be 6'
whenever a foid talks about being attracted to tall guys what she really means is being attracted to tall chads with perfectly symmetrical, positively tilted eyes and a forward grown lower third

tall guys can get away with being uglier though. In order to ascend as a manlet you have to have a Chad face and be a millionaire while tall guys only have to be not ugly. It still sucks for tall ugly men but thats because they are ugly. If they looked the same but were short as well they would be hated wayyyy more.
at least you got that tbh. I'd kill an entire bus of people just to be 6'

Think of it this way, when you're tall and ugly it only makes your ugly mug stand out more in a crowd. I've often wished to be smaller so I could "hide" in the crowds. People often notice tall people so you get stares.
Think of it this way, when you're tall and ugly it only makes your ugly mug stand out more in a crowd. I've often wished to be smaller so I could "hide" in the crowds. People often notice tall people so you get stares.
Anyone not average gets stares too so I can totally relate. Being 5'3'' I get people staring at me all the time. Professors always recognize me/know me really fast since I stand out lmao. I'm sure being 6'4'' you get it similar/worse since you are bigger.
I get so mad. I don't really get bothered by a lot of things but I still get pissed every time I hear some dumb foid talking about mens height and even more "triggered" when they talk about hating manlets. Anytime I've asked a girl out or shown any interest they always go "teehee I only like TALL guys" or they talk about how much they don't care about looks/height until I ask them out and then its suddenly "well I don't care about height as long as he's taller than me TEE HEE".

Stupid vapid whores will also screech like banshees if you turn down their lard ass for being too fat because "body shaming is mean". Naturally this only applies to foids because the same women will talk about how much they hate short men and how they should all fuck off and die. At least you can change being fat, they're just too lazy and they think their still entitled to Chad's dick just because they have a vagina so they don't even bother losing weight ever.

Honestly every time I hear some dumb foid saying some dumb shit about manlets I want to bash their legs in with a bat. I'm so sick of them being cunts to manlets because its super socially acceptable and they know it. Most of them talk about being such "good people" who are against bullying while at the same time they pull shit like this. I swear to God all foids are hypocritical cunts who only virtue signal to cover their ass so when people make fun of them they can scream about it. None of them care about being a good person though its all for show. I'm genuinely praying right now that every foid who's said a manlet joke gets raped and murdered.

inb4 some dumb lurker sees this and thinks "its not that bad". Think again cuck: View attachment 48395View attachment 48396View attachment 48397and these are just some examples.
They perceive us manlets as weak though we can tear them apart, if it wasn't for "civilized society" they would be reminded we're the dominate gender harshly, and be forced to treat us with respect
They perceive us manlets as weak though we can tear them apart, if it wasn't for "civilized society" they would be reminded we're the dominate gender harshly, and be forced to treat us with respect
I wonder if I could take on a 6' foid
That facebook post is an absolute abomination. That bitch honestly deserves to get killed by a bus. Literally if a guy posted with even a hint of saying "300 lbs girls are a turnoff" he'd instantly get roasted by the entire community.

Everyone who liked that post needs to fucking get cancer and die.
That facebook post is an absolute abomination. That bitch honestly deserves to get killed by a bus. Literally if a guy posted with even a hint of saying "300 lbs girls are a turnoff" he'd instantly get roasted by the entire community.

Everyone who liked that post needs to fucking get cancer and die.
58 of those cunts should be suffocating in a gas chamber.
I wonder if I could take on a 6' foid
No doubt! we're designed for it they're not, you underestimate it now but when tempted you would release a inner fierceness you never realized you had, foids can never have this no matter how hard they try.
Fuck it. Us manlets should congregate and suicide in mass. There is no point to our existence. We are worthless scum.
Fuck it. Us manlets should congregate and suicide in mass. There is no point to our existence. We are worthless scum.
Would be a reasonable option ngl ngl

We ogrecels have it bad too. All attention we ever get is from guys in the gym when we gymcel but girls ignore us they dont even wanna friendzone a subhuman ogre. But at least we mog manlets ngl ngl

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