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Venting Every short but cute looking dude here is an incel because they don't know how to use social media

  • Thread starter Deleted member 17235
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Deleted member 17235

Deleted member 17235

deutscher mischling
Feb 22, 2019
If you have a nice face but you are short you can still social mediamaxx but if you are tall and ugly unless you play in the fucking NBA you can't really take advantage of this asset, even if we assume height > face in the real world, face >>>>>>>>>>>>> height on the internet (and this is important for females)

Imagine this situation, you are a 20 year old, 6/10 female, would you seriously have this 6'5 dude as your boyfriend?
External contentduckduckgocom

Or this 5'5 dude?


As a female you could just hide your boyfriend from your friends and just show them his instagram profile instead, no one will realize how much of a dwarf he really is because he probably only takes full body pictures alone plus a lot of selfies, but you can't really hide ugliness and being tall is not really apparent (or impressive) when you see a dude in a fucking 6 inch phone.

I am convinced cutecels are mentally impaired low IQ dudes or vocels in disguise
No one here is cute looking. Except maybe knajjd, but I don't wanna say that because it's probably gay.
Ok, so if you're short+good face you might be able to get nudes? Why would I want that when I can google tits and get billions of results.

I would have no problem looking like the first dude if it meant being 6'5. Bottom guy mogs me to oblivion but 6'5 is slayer no matter what.
Bro the second pic is a woman
Well I am extremely non NT so I cant social media maxx anyway. Foids would also lose attraction irl as they would never be sexually attracted to a framelet manlet no matter the face
No one here is cute looking. Except maybe knajjd, but I don't wanna say that because it's probably gay.
I would say cute = face good looking enough for females to not giggle at you on social media, I have seen young foids in my japanese class laughing at an incel looking dude explaining some random fact about japanese culture, it doesn't matter how tall that dude might be, if foids laught at your existence is over, at the very least if you are cute you have some chance of statusmaxxing, as a tall dude those doors are closed unless you are again, in the fucking NBA

I am convinced cutecels are mentally impaired low IQ dudes

Ironically, I was once called "cute" by a middle-aged White female. She was giving me a neuro-psychological exam. (It was in the written report)

In all other places, though, I was treated as an ugly aspie...
This sure as hell doesn't apply to me, but since this is fakecels.is most guys here probably are "cute"
What's short? ion even know at this point
but 6'5 is slayer no matter what.
I would say the cutecel has some chance of nichemaxxing his nice face and getting a somewhat decent becky like this one
External contentaduckduckgocom

Meanwhile the tall ogre has to settle with another ogre
External contenatduckduckgocom
fucking somalis cant catch a break
No one here looks like a tik tok pretty boy with maybe the exception of @knajjd
No one here looks like a tik tok pretty boy with maybe the exception of @knajjd
This tell us something however, you can tell face has more potential in your attractiveness than height, cutecels without legs get GFs, meanwhile blind tallcels most likelly not
you loose whatever cuteness you had after 25,
I'm now 27,
you loose whatever cuteness you had after 25,
You do if you start balding, otherwise you can maintain it for a while but I guess you are right in the sense that once you reach 35+ you are probably better off being a tallcel
I would say the cutecel has some chance of nichemaxxing his nice face and getting a somewhat decent becky like this one
View attachment 546871
Meanwhile the tall ogre has to settle with another ogre
View attachment 546872
I wouldn't give a shit about relationships if I was 6'5.

At that point you can excel in sports and the business world with that height.

I fucking hate walking around being 5'8, I can't imagine how much satisfaction I would get as a 6'5 mogger.
Ok, so if you're short+good face you might be able to get nudes? Why would I want that when I can google tits and get billions of results.

I would have no problem looking like the first dude if it meant being 6'5. Bottom guy mogs me to oblivion but 6'5 is slayer no matter what.
restore the catgirl avi immediately
I wouldn't give a shit about relationships if I was 6'5.

At that point you can excel in sports and the business world with that height.

I fucking hate walking around being 5'8, I can't imagine how much satisfaction I would get as a 6'5 mogger.
The only sport where uncoordinated tall dudes are good is basketball, there are plenty of sports for manlets

>rock climbing
>martial arts (because weight classes)
>power lifting (same reason as above)
>Long distance running
>Table tennis
>Inline skating
>Airsoft/paintball, surfing, and snowboarding.
The only sport where uncoordinated tall dudes are good is basketball, there are plenty of sports for manlets

>rock climbing
>martial arts (because weight classes)
>power lifting (same reason as above)
>Long distance running
>Table tennis
>Inline skating
>Airsoft/paintball, surfing, and snowboarding.
wish I could've been a professional table tennis player :feelsbadman:
The only sport where uncoordinated tall dudes are good is basketball, there are plenty of sports for manlets

>rock climbing
>martial arts (because weight classes)
>power lifting (same reason as above)
>Long distance running
>Table tennis
>Inline skating
>Airsoft/paintball, surfing, and snowboarding.

wish I could've been a professional table tennis player :feelsbadman:
Yeah, definitly beats mogging 99% of men you see.
Exactly why height is cope. If you have a good face you can still use dating apps to your advantage
Cope what? a lion can never be as agile as a rabbit, a bull can never climb as good as a goat.

You will never be a top class parkour athlete if you have the body type of a strongman, there is a reason why tigers don't have the size of elephants, it would just not work as a viable strategy in their biome for hunting, same reason with sports, in some sports being a tall dude with large frame and thick bones is the total opposite of what you actually want to be
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Facial aesthetics are king on social media but social media by itself is nothing. You need to be able to go out to the real world and not get brutally mogged by the average man to keep her.
If you have a nice face but you are short you can still social mediamaxx but if you are tall and ugly unless you play in the fucking NBA you can't really take advantage of this asset, even if we assume height > face in the real world, face >>>>>>>>>>>>> height on the internet (and this is important for females)

Imagine this situation, you are a 20 year old, 6/10 female, would you seriously have this 6'5 dude as your boyfriend?
View attachment 546860

Or this 5'5 dude?

View attachment 546861

As a female you could just hide your boyfriend from your friends and just show them his instagram profile instead, no one will realize how much of a dwarf he really is because he probably only takes full body pictures alone plus a lot of selfies, but you can't really hide ugliness and being tall is not really apparent (or impressive) when you see a dude in a fucking 6 inch phone.

I am convinced cutecels are mentally impaired low IQ dudes or vocels in disguise
your coping based on cherry picking is cringey as fuck. stop it pls.
im 5'4 and slightly above average face and big ig account but i cant get shit. girls just ignore me or make me feel like a nuicense for even talking. or if i do meet them they will just literally laugh at me or tell me to go home or bully me about my height to my face unprovoked. and say really deep dark shit about how they wouldnt want to have kids with a short guy and how i can never change my height etc
Imagine this situation, you are a 20 year old, 6/10 female, would you seriously have this 6'5 dude as your boyfriend?

Or this 5'5 dude?

Neither. A foid would want a guy with the height of the former with the face of the latter and everything less is "settling" to her and thus an insult to her female "superiority".

Not to mention that the latter guy isn't just good looking; he's good-looking - a 10/10 in terms of attracting JBs. If any of us looked like that, we'd be slaying JBs left and right (even though it would lead to our imprisonment by the agecucked soyciety), not rotting in this forum.
>Table tennis
Wouldn't being a tallfag help with reaching the ball when it's on the other side of the table?

Archery is fucking tough in terms of strength requirements. Maybe if you're short but with a good strong frame, you can do it.
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Wouldn't being a tallfag help with reaching the ball when it's on the other side of the table?
Being a tallfag makes your acceleration and reaction times slower, for example literal 1 digit (talented) children can have competitive matches against pro adults just because they are agile as fuck.

Archery is fucking tough in terms of strength requirements. Maybe if you're short but with a good strong frame, you can do it
Any male can get the strength requirements for archery using weight lifting, you don’t need to be able to pull a train like strongmans do to be able to stabilize a bow, we are no in the middle ages anymore, you don’t need to pierce armored warriors, just middle sized animals like deer or practice targets in the case of olympic archery
Who on this forum is THAT cute, lmao. But hell, a guy that cute may do well on social media but once a foid sees that he is shorter than her when they meet irl her pussy will become drier than the Sahara desert. Also, as others have said, you age out of cuteness. If you are tall and cute you can become handsome, but if you are short, it won't matter if you end up aging into a handsome man if you are short. Obviously you have posted a cartoonishly ugly guy to compare him to but actually goofy looking tall dudes (not as ugly as in that pic) do infinitely better than any 5'5 prettyboy could hope to do. I've seen it myself. None of my friends over 6ft have any problem with women, and many of them are ugly. My aunt is basically a 10/10 foid for her age and she is married to a tall, balding, goofy ass looking dude with bad teeth and a crooked nose. Being tall and charming can mitigate all but the most severe of ugliness.

I think cuteness can save you if you are 5'7 to 5'8 minimum.

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