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every SFcels argument in a nutshell



Jan 8, 2022
I think it’s just to be different from normies and in spite of them.
expecting someone to care about incels when we were nowhere near as prominent as we are now is anachronistic and retarded
it'd be like asking what the ancient Romans have ever done for incels?
in both cases, they curtailed degeneracy and hypersexuality, root causes of inceldom
SFcels are low IQ as fuck. they somehow can't see the irony in having an allegiance towards a culture or people that sees them as inferior subhuman beings. truecels who don't have room tempt IQ know not to concern themselves with culture, ethnicity, race, or nationality since they'd be giving their time, energy, and resources to others who don't give a fuck about them.
expecting someone to care about incels when we were nowhere near as prominent as we are now is anachronistic and retarded
it'd be like asking what the ancient Romans have ever done for incels?
in both cases, they curtailed degeneracy and hypersexuality, root causes of inceldom
nigga incels just means someone that cannot get laid and those people always existed and have been made fun of for centuries. nazis idolized white aryan chads so people like us would literally be considered subhumans or weak by them. also the root causes of inceldom isnt just degeneracy, its hypergamy which always exists even in "conservative" societies. you just support nazism to spite normies and to sound badass, which is fine but dont act like it will unironically help us (it wont)
nigga incels just means someone that cannot get laid and those people always existed and have been made fun of for centuries.
we always existed but we were statistical anomalies. You would need to be exceptionally deformed like Henri de Toulouse-Latrec tier back in the day to be an incel, or exceptionally fucked in the mental health department like Van Gogh. it IS anachronistic to expect people from the past to care about an issue that is only pressing and affecting the makeup of society in the 21st century. the majority of people on this forum, including a great deal of autistcels, would not be incels a century ago.
nazis idolized white aryan chads so people like us would literally be considered subhumans or weak by them.
this is nothing new, everyone at that time idolized a perfect representation of their countryman, like the "New Soviet Man", a virile, muscular Chad built to defend communism from "social parasites", or the entire Americana shit. besides, you're still using a modern viewpoint on Germany. Himmler would be an incel in modern times, just look at the dude. not to mention the average german was not a tall, muscular, aryan specimen, they were normies with mid-faces.
also the root causes of inceldom isnt just degeneracy, its hypergamy which always exists even in "conservative" societies.
hypergamy is degeneracy. everything against traditional gender roles is degenerate. it will always exist because it's female nature, but the nazis at least tried to PUNISH it
you just support nazism to spite normies and to sound badass, which is fine but dont act like it will unironically help us (it wont)
i wouldn't say i adhere to it (it's an ideology made to fit the problems and issues of mid 20th century Germany, and is not exactly applicable to modern times) but I will view any ideology that fights against feminism, promiscuity, degeneracy, hypergamy, and faggotry as something to be supported.
the majority of people on this forum, including a great deal of autistcels, would not be incels a century ago.
I doubt that. back then instead of foids picking you it was her family. and if you were autistic or had nothing good going for you then you would have quite a hard time getting picked. it was easier for sure but youre exaggerating
hypergamy is degeneracy. everything against traditional gender roles is degenerate. it will always exist because it's female nature, but the nazis at least tried to PUNISH it
hypergamy is literally the main principle of trad gender roles. the women only pairs with the man that has a better socioeconomic status than her
i wouldn't say i adhere to it (it's an ideology made to fit the problems and issues of mid 20th century Germany, and is not exactly applicable to modern times) but I will view any ideology that fights against feminism, promiscuity, degeneracy, hypergamy, and faggotry as something to be supported.
fair enough but Id much rather support a single ideology thats more supportive of us than a bunch of loosely related ideologies. it would send the wrong message
hypergamy is literally the main principle of trad gender roles. the women only pairs with the man that has a better socioeconomic status than her
not ideally, even back in the day this is something usually exclusive to cities and the upper classes. in villages where everyone had similar social statuses this wouldn't happen, as there wasn't a way for anyone to "marry up". besides, it's not as if it's impossible for society to exist without it, just take away the right of women to decide, like back in Rome
fair enough but Id much rather support a single ideology thats more supportive of us than a bunch of loosely related ideologies. it would send the wrong message
there are none, unless it's fantasy shit like marxism-rodgerism
The SS was overseen by Heinrich Himmler, who hoped that its elite soldiers would serve as a racial vanguard for a revitalized Germanity. “As far as the value of our blood and the numbers of our population are concerned, we are dying out,” he said in a 1931 address to the SS. “We are called upon to establish foundations so that the next generation can make history.” An agronomist by training, Himmler supervised this undertaking with a level of attention that bordered on voyeurism; initially, all SS leaders’ marriage applications had to be referred to him. All were expected to reproduce: Four children was considered “the minimum amount … for a good sound marriage.” Himmler had no problem with childbearing outside marriage, and criticized the Catholic Church’s hostility toward illegitimate births. Raising “illegitimate or orphaned children of good blood” should be an “accepted custom,” Himmler wrote. In 1939, he issued an order that called on members of the SS to procreate wherever they could, including with women to whom they were not married.

According to Himmler, the Lebensborn homes were intended “primarily for the brides and wives of our young SS men, and secondarily for illegitimate mothers of good blood.” But the latter were, in practice, a majority. Far from the eyes of the world, single mothers could give birth in Lebensborn homes and, if they wanted to, abandon their babies,
who would receive the best care before being placed in an adoptive family—so long as the biological parents met the racial criteria (photos of both were required).

Supposedly, some prominent figures and officials in the Nazi government publicly condoned, endorsed and even outright encouraged having children out of wedlock. Ngl, that sounds rather degenerate to me and pervasive in ways that promote female hypergamy. At the very least, you can say it's not very reflective of a society that's supposed to emphasize traditional values that oppose and prevent female hypergamy. This vital part of the Lebensborn program is actually at odds with what you would expect of a society that aims to keep female promiscuity in check. Especially the detail where Himmler intended for the state to cover the tax burden costs of single moms with tax payer money so foids can get away with just abandoning their children to leave for another man in order to presumably have as many Aryan babies as possible.

To play devil's advocate, you could argue they were forced to resort to desperate measures to do anything to raise their low birthrates and fertility but paying to support the kids of single moms pump and dumped by Chads sounds really gynocentric BOTH in theory on paper and in practice when implemented in reality. After all, the Nazi requirements for Lebensborn program eligibility would've heavily favored and skewed towards what we consider physically attractive Chads and Stacies today to let them reproduce over normie and incel tier men/women in looks, so the former have sex more often and have more kids than the latter.

This isn't much different than the principle which Western governments follow when they enact fiscal and social policies soaking up tax dollars to pay for the welfare money of single moms from non white minorities. Except it's white baby mommas getting gibs now. Considering how most people on welfare in absolute terms are still white, most single moms on welfare support today are still white single moms that Chad pump and dumped. Once you take this point into account, the Nazis were intentionally doing what modern Western are doing today on purpose for the most part. In both cases, they're subsidizing foids who don't have the face the consequences of their actions of being impregnated by a Chad they fucked, simply because the state provides for their needs.

The only difference is that the Nazis only applies this to Aryan (white) single moms where as the modern West applies this to both white and ethnic single moms. Either way, females get away with the negative repercussions of sleeping around because of the gynocentric financial and socioeconomic privileges granted upon them by the government. Which in turn makes the governments effectively gynocentric governments since they espouse gynocentric policies that operate under ideas that resemble aspects of foid worship mentality. Following this train of thought, you can logically make the connection that the Nazis were gynocentric in a similar manner to the West today, at least in this one specific regard. The Lebensborn program does make a decently convincing case for this conclusion to be true or at bare minimum, valid to a degree.

Maybe I should've made a thread on this, it's a little bit too much for one post.

Source: https://web.archive.org/web/2024022...rogram-adopted-children-birth-origins/672962/
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Like we've spoken about, you're a SFcel at this point for just being White & not wanting your area to be flooded with infinite bamalians.
The funny thing is we wouldve been targeted in nazi germany, including sfcels if they were autistic. You also had to be a certain height to join the ss
1. Only people who were "targeted" were those severely disabled to the point they didn't even know what was going on.
2. Hitler was very likely Autistic himself, as well as some others.
3. The height part is true, but it's because the SS was supposed to be the "best of the best" & height correlated(at least to them) with physical abilities. Many higher-ups were literally excluded themselves.
expecting someone to care about incels when we were nowhere near as prominent as we are now is anachronistic and retarded
it'd be like asking what the ancient Romans have ever done for incels?
in both cases, they curtailed degeneracy and hypersexuality, root causes of inceldom
Not per-say the root causes of Inceldom, but they did clamp down upon the issues making life worse for everyone, and ofc we are still impacted by that, hence what they did was good.
nigga incels just means someone that cannot get laid and those people always existed and have been made fun of for centuries. nazis idolized white aryan chads so people like us would literally be considered subhumans or weak by them. also the root causes of inceldom isnt just degeneracy, its hypergamy which always exists even in "conservative" societies. you just support nazism to spite normies and to sound badass, which is fine but dont act like it will unironically help us (it wont)
All of that Chad-worship has been done in every ideology, culture, etc. it's a sort of "literally me" sense when you see it in propaganda.
I don't understand SFcels

they deny the holocaust but praise the nazis

the nazis didn't do much good if the holocaust didn't happen, tho
I don't understand SFcels

they deny the holocaust but praise the nazis

the nazis didn't do much good if the holocaust didn't happen, tho
Hitler was a british agent sent to deliver the jews onto their zionist ethnostate by providing a pretense for such an act
My very accurate indisputable sources nobody takes seriously can verify this
Hitler was a british agent sent to deliver the jews onto their zionist ethnostate by providing a pretense for such an act
My very accurate indisputable sources nobody takes seriously can verify this
maybe he was an adherent of just be lenin (jbl) theory
SFfags are cringe
Lenin also hated Russians so maybe Hitler actually hated Germany as well
fascinating, so

the germans sent lenin to russia

the british sent hitler to germany

the indians sent rishi to britain

the pakis sent nehru to india

psyop wheel in the sky keeps turning
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fascinating, so

the germans sent lenin to russia

the british sent hitler to germany

the indians sent rishi to britain

the pakis sent nehru to india

great psyop wheel in the sky keeps turning
And the feds sent the owners of this site to create .is
All of that Chad-worship has been done in every ideology, culture, etc. it's a sort of "literally me" sense when you see it in propaganda.
yeah, just like how low tier normgroids nowadays make memes inserting their argument as gigachads because they see themselves as the chad. no matter what the reasoning behind it is if you see yourself as chad youre subconsciously gonna see non-chads as inferior
@weaselbomber you were very correct in this thread.
@weaselbomber you were very correct in this thread.
people tend to project modern issues and sensibilities into history and it's inherently wrong. it makes ZERO sense to ask "what have the Nazis ever done to incels?" and it comes off as disingenuous because no one back then did anything for us because we were not enough of an unit to be of any relevance, this is an exclusively modern problem, might as well ask why Otto the Great didn't bother setting up copyright laws
people tend to project modern issues and sensibilities into history and it's inherently wrong. it makes ZERO sense to ask "what have the Nazis ever done to incels?" and it comes off as disingenuous because no one back then did anything for us because we were not enough of an unit to be of any relevance, this is an exclusively modern problem, might as well ask why Otto the Great didn't bother setting up copyright laws
Yeah agreed, it's just their system was pragmatically best for society, which still affects us ofc.
people tend to project modern issues and sensibilities into history and it's inherently wrong. it makes ZERO sense to ask "what have the Nazis ever done to incels?" and it comes off as disingenuous because no one back then did anything for us because we were not enough of an unit to be of any relevance, this is an exclusively modern problem, might as well ask why Otto the Great didn't bother setting up copyright laws
nobody here idolizes otto the great and tries to shoehorn him into inceldom though
nobody here idolizes otto the great and tries to shoehorn him into inceldom though
like i said before it's only natural some incels would idolize a traditionalist ideology that emphasizes gender roles and masculine, virile martial virtue

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