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JFL Every foid i know tells stories about being raped



Saw spear enthusiast
May 14, 2019
I wonder who this rapey guys with amazing personalities are. Must be evil inklers, not tallfag chads for sure
Sex with chad= "just exploring muh sexuality teehee"
Sex with short ugly balding men= RAPE WE SHOULD NUKE THESE EVIL INKELS
they are basically humble bragging about how they get sex and are desired enough that someone would risk jail raping them
I noticed the same. Always seems to be either their uncles or their cousins. They will tell these fake stories to receive some attention. Poor souls.
they are basically humble bragging about how they get sex and are desired enough that someone would risk jail raping them
I said this on a GMOD RP server and got permabanned. Fucking soyboy cunts.
Kinda weird how rape cases are all conveniently on the rise, in the age where its easy and beneficial for a woman to claim a man raped her

Gorilla in congo
Rape = Slept with a guy but ended up regretting it the next day because his jawline wasnt at a perfect 90 degree angle and was instead at 89 degrees

they are basically humble bragging about how they get sex and are desired enough that someone would risk jail raping them
Yea, women actually love the idea of someone going so far as to rape them.
Think about it: When it comes to light that a man raped a foid, his entire life is ruined, he is imprisoned, his repuation tarnished forever.
And now if a guy still did it regardless of the consequences its the ultimate compliment for a foid. The man is willing to throw away his entire life just to have sex with the hole, the hole has that much value to him and so much power over him, its so unresistable to him.
Sex with chad= "just exploring muh sexuality teehee"
Sex with short ugly balding men= RAPE WE SHOULD NUKE THESE EVIL INKELS
Or as the late Roger Scruton put it: "Sexual harassment just means advances made by the unattractive."
Rape = Slept with a guy but ended up regretting it the next day because his jawline wasnt at a perfect 90 degree angle and was instead at 89 degrees
Over for subchads
Sex with any man that they then look back later and find something even remotely wrong = rape.

“omg we had sex and he was Virgo while I am Sagittarius, HELP I WAS RAPED” :foidSoy:
it's me i raped all the women
i dont really know too many girls that claim they were raped tbh. i know a few but they are attention whores so nobody believes them. what i do typically hear is a lot of girls claiming either of the two
1) they were sexually assaulted in some way (most typical case is being groped/fondled)
2) they get "lustful stares" and "unwanted attention" when they go out

Every girl I meet has at least 1 of those 2 scenarios always happening to them. I can't really talk shit because I've fondled young girls and I've written this before but I would go to concerts a lot solely to grope crowd surfers and girls waiting in line. And for the second reason COME ON!! Guys have fucking eyeballs in their head! Of course we are going to look. Scenario 2 is the one I get most mad about when girls talk about because I'm not doing anything to you. I'm literally just looking. You are a person. You are in front of me. GTFO with your "b-but I feel bad he looked at me" bullshit

And as Shower was putting it I also know a lot of girls who "claim" their Uncle fondled them. It's a bit unvelivable tbh. EVERY girl has an Uncle that fondled them? GTF-outta here. There aren't even that many Uncles alive for that to be the case. And let's assume she is telling the truth
a) The Uncle is affectionate and just physically friendly (i.e. no boundaries are crossed the dumb cunt just wants to send someone to jail)
b) One time he picked her up and his hand grazed an ass cheek and because she felt a moment of *uaaghhhh* because SHE was sexually excited a man touched her "no-no parts" then she projects that he was sexually assaulting her
c) She was being flirty with her Uncle and was testing out her young sexual prowress and when he advances things then she reels back and tells everyone so he gets in trouble for what SHE DID because she is a stupid bitch and can't handle the consequences of her own actions:feelsdevil:
Never believe anything coming from a foids mouth
‘Rape’ is a meme when it comes to most women.

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