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Ever notice how easy it is to blackpill intelligent people?



Aug 11, 2019
And how impossible it is to do the same to stupid ones?
Its because most of the Human population is made up of mindless NPCs
There are some bluepilled cucks with an IQ of Einstein
Low IQ people tend to operate on simplistic world views i.e. Just World fallacy, and/or My Anecdote Trumps Your Statistics
Idk bro there are loads of low iq blackpilled people.
I’m too afraid to blackpill people on incelology tbh and I don’t know everything about it even as one.
intelligence is separate to self-awareness

More like IQ is separate from intelligence. IQ is just cerebral virtuosity. Yes IQ shows how successful you are going to be in certain aspects of life but once you understand what it is it's not all that impressive. It's like with music. You got people who can play 200 million of notes a minute like it is nothing but they can't really write any good music. IQ is the same. People with high IQ can do some amazing things with their brains but when it comes to actual creative thinking, or to actually understanding reality there's no guarantees.
More like IQ is separate from intelligence. IQ is just cerebral virtuosity. Yes IQ shows how successful you are going to be in certain aspects of life but once you understand what it is it's not all that impressive. It's like with music. You got people who can play 200 million of notes a minute like it is nothing but they can't really write any good music. IQ is the same. People with high IQ can do some amazing things with their brains but when it comes to actual creative thinking, or to actually understanding reality there's no guarantees.
tbhtbh. I wish more people realized IQ is just a tool that tries to measure intelligence as opposed to an actual score that measures intelligence and knowledge and wisdom 100% with 0 flaws. Some people treat IQ like its a video game stat that measures how smart you are in all areas of life.
More like IQ is separate from intelligence. IQ is just cerebral virtuosity. Yes IQ shows how successful you are going to be in certain aspects of life but once you understand what it is it's not all that impressive. It's like with music. You got people who can play 200 million of notes a minute like it is nothing but they can't really write any good music. IQ is the same. People with high IQ can do some amazing things with their brains but when it comes to actual creative thinking, or to actually understanding reality there's no guarantees.
tbhtbh. I wish more people realized IQ is just a tool that tries to measure intelligence as opposed to an actual score that measures intelligence and knowledge and wisdom 100% with 0 flaws. Some people treat IQ like its a video game stat that measures how smart you are in all areas of life.
Being blackpilled does not mean you are high IQ. Even if you are high IQ, your IQ is not high enough to make you a non incel. Low IQ chad still mogs you from the Milky Way to Andromeda.
Its because most of the Human population is made up of mindless NPCs
I have a 30% success ratio when it comes to blackpilling my gaming friends. Some of the ones who didn't fully swallow the blackpill swallowed the blood red pill and went MGTOW. It's usually the biggest incel social losers or the most popular lifemoggers who reject the black pill, it's also usually the furthest right conservacucks and the furthest left SJW NPC cucks, LGBTbots, and femasite liars who reject the blackpill. Nobody has ever beat me in a debate about the blackpill (you cannot deny biology). People I wreck warn others that I'm an "incel recruiter" and "convert others into following a toxic mindset"...
There are some bluepilled cucks with an IQ of Einstein
Einstein was a fraudulent jew who got famous for presenting what others did.
I have a 30% success ratio when it comes to blackpilling my gaming friends. Some of the ones who didn't fully swallow the blackpill swallowed the blood red pill and went MGTOW. It's usually the biggest incel social losers or the most popular lifemoggers who reject the black pill, it's also usually the furthest right conservacucks and the furthest left SJW NPC cucks, LGBTbots, and femasite liars who reject the blackpill. Nobody has ever beat me in a debate about the blackpill (you cannot deny biology). People I wreck warn others that I'm an "incel recruiter" and "convert others into following a toxic mindset"...

Lmao, yeah one friend complains that I blackpilled him and now he can't go back and be deluded.
I’m a lowIQcel but I’m still blackpilled.
Einstein was a fraudulent jew who got famous for presenting what others did.

Lmao, yeah one friend complains that I blackpilled him and now he can't go back and be deluded.
I blackpilled a 6'3 BBC tyrone with a princely face... He's an incel because he's a quadriplegic. He said he can't stop rating faces irl now. He's more into MGTOW though because he's afraid that if he self identifies as incel then people will think he hates foids. Chads and tyrones are the easiest to blackpill, as soon as I talk to them they are like "oh, it all makes since now, now I know why people treat me so well and treat my ugly friends like shit... You opened my eyes bro". Normies are 50/50, half of them will accept the blackpill and half will reject it furiously like a foaming at the mouth femoid. Most average looking college age people (outside of reneck areas) are SJW NPCs. In my experience, other incels, especially truecels, are the hardest to blackpill. To accept the blackpill is to admit that it's over for them personally and they've seen too many happy endings in anime and are so autistic that they think they are somehow "kinder" and have "better personalities" than the normies. This kind of explains The CuckTears Effect.
intelligence is separate to self-awareness

It's linked. Awareness involves thinking about things other than yourself, which leads to learning about things other than yourself.

Yes, you can be blue pilled and be highly intelligent, but once faced with black pill truth you will see reason and yield to things like data much faster than the low IQ person.
It's never easy to blackpill someone as the brain will do anything in its power to reject everything that don't correspond with the things it has been taught at an early age, so the older you are the harder it is
He's an incel because he's a quadriplegic.
Fuck, what a shitty life really
It doesnt relate to high intellegence. It is about self consciousness. Different things.

Blackpill is easy to understand. It is too obvious. Even chim would understand.

It is something else.
And how impossible it is to do the same to stupid ones?
The higher the IQ, the higher it is to be self aware. It's why low IQ people can appear highly self confident and low inhib, because their low IQ makes them blissfully unaware of their flaws and limits their ability to think of future consequences.

If your IQ was low enough, you would walk right up to any foid as if you were gigaTyrone and the thought of rejection wouldn't even cross your mind because rejection, if it should happen, is in the future and you wouldn't be thinking ahead like that.

On the other hand, too much intelligence can lead to rejection of the black pill as well. When you are intelligent, you are better at rationalizing. Look at a highly intelligent person with fervent religious beliefs that they believe for emotional reasons. William Lane Craig is one. He's a very smart man but his fervent belief, based off of emotion, that the Bible is one hundred percent accurate will never let him admit that the earth is more than 10,000 years old. Every piece of evidence you give him that the earth is actually thousands of millions years old he'll find a way to rationalize it away.
I blackpilled a 6'3 BBC tyrone with a princely face... He's an incel because he's a quadriplegic.
Holy fuck it's like the universe, god, satan, loki or whoever played a cruel, sick, twisted joke on him. Makes him a 6'3, handsome Tyrone but quadriplegic and thus incel. If he was able bodied he'd be slaying. How did he become like that? Was he shot? My mom knew a Tyrone like that and he got into a fight with these two guys and beat them up. They retaliated a few days later by shooting him in the back which left him in a wheelchair for the rest of his life.
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Low IQ cucks would rather just downvote you.

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