Back in my 20s when I was still trying to do the online dating thing I was truthful & honest in my profile. I said I was a virgin. People told me to lie. I didn't want to lie. I felt that was dishonest and how the fuck WHY would anybody start a relationship based on a lie? So I didn't lie but instead said I was little experience in relationships. I never so much as got a single email or interest on dating websites.
Near the end of my 20s I kind of was at my wits end and struggling to cope. So I asked my Chad cousin if he could help me create a profile. He said the usual stuff like I should take pictures with friends (Don't have any) so the girls could see me having fun. Said to just text them, "Hey, what's up?" (They never reply) and they should respond back within a day. All the typical fake shit that never works for losers. He is real close with a female cousin of ours and told her about my struggles. So she told everyone and a bunch of female family members were trying to help me create a profile.
Know what they all told me to do? They all told me to lie and say I've had plenty of girlfriends. That I've had plenty of experience but on a bit of a dry spell in case my date asks me any questions. Want to know something funny about all of these women? They are all the same type of woman that cries that all men lie and cheat on them and all they want is an honest guy that is nice and treats them right. Time and time again they cry that they want guys like us here on but that isn't who they want to fuck. That isn't who they want to date. They only want incels when they are 40+ with 2 kids and no other options left! FUCK.THESE.WHORES!!
I told them they could all go fuck themselves. I'm not having my whole relationship be built on a lie before we even know each other's first names. Holy shit I can't stand the hypocrisy of sluts in 2019.
(And all women are sluts FYI)
I don't understand why I'm pegged as a misogynist and bad guy for wanting to be with a virgin female if I am a virgin myself. It boggles my mind why a male can never question why a female needs to start having sex at 12.
I thought 12 was a child?
Why are we supporting tween/teens to be having sex in the first place?