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Blackpill "Even people that have everything get depressed a lot and only pretend to be happy"



Feb 5, 2018
this is complete cope. We are on one extreme end of the spectrum where life is nothing but endless misery and pain. The people on the other spectrum never ever get depressed. They are constantly high energy and happy because their life is the direct opposite of ours. It´s not an illusion. When I was in my teens I used to be a foreign exchange student and used to live in a picture perfect family 24/7 for a year. My host sisters were always happy and in a great mood because they pretty much had the perfect life. They had a loving family, had money and good looking chad boyfriends.

"Those people that post all these great photos of themselves travelling, enjoying life are in reality miserable and feel like they need to compensate"

That´s a bluepilled statement that you read a lot from jealous people and it couldn´t be further from the truth. People just want to believe that everyone suffers at some point in their lives, but it´s simply not true. Some people literally go through life without feeling sadness, let alone depression even once.
I agree, it's cope. Which makes me wonder why Chester Bennington roped. I can get why Robin Williams did, because he was a betabucks and divorced, but Chester had 6 kids and a loving wife (no run of the mill betabucks has 6 kids with his wife). This shit is just strange, my best guess is that he realized that he wasn't gonna be younger than his current self and choked on the agepill.
I agree, it's cope. Which makes me wonder why Chester Bennington roped. I can get why Robin Williams did, because he was a betabucks and divorced, but Chester had 6 kids and a loving wife (no run of the mill betabucks has 6 kids with his wife). This shit is just strange, my best guess is that he realized that he wasn't gonna be younger than his current self and choked on the agepill.
he didn´t have gigachad looks, no way she loved him.
he didn´t have gigachad looks, no way she loved him.
Fuck, you're right. Guess a single :chad: is worth more than an entire band of talented normies in this ass backwards world. :feelsbadman:
foids are incapable of feeling true depression
I agree, it's cope. Which makes me wonder why Chester Bennington roped. I can get why Robin Williams did, because he was a betabucks and divorced, but Chester had 6 kids and a loving wife (no run of the mill betabucks has 6 kids with his wife). This shit is just strange, my best guess is that he realized that he wasn't gonna be younger than his current self and choked on the agepill.

Definitely she cucked him and fucked other men. No way those blonde blue eyed kids are his biological children.

Chester bennington with family and friends 20th annual nickelodeons C0CN2K
That´s a bluepilled statement that you read a lot from jealous people and it couldn´t be further from the truth. People just want to believe that everyone suffers at some point in their lives, but it´s simply not true. Some people literally go through life without feeling sadness, let alone depression even once.

yes, you can figure out those people if they bitch about boredom a lot, and act like it's the king of bad moods rofl.
imagine the absolute bottom for you being 'feeling bored'.
100 % cope
(Long ass post incoming as always, have to vent )
Depression and feeling down or sad are two different things
Depression is an illness not some feeling you have for a short period of time
Most people, that say that they are depressed are just bored/sad or whatever in a normal context
Depression of course can vary in terms of its strength, it can have many symptoms
For instance, you literally dont have the energy, to get up and go to the toilet, even though you are nearly pissing yourself, you cannot get up to brush your teeth, and this can go on 24/7 without any increase in energy
You can have biological symptoms like irregular heartbeat, erectile disfunction, hallucinations, tinitus, going blind, being dizzy, unable to talk, unable to keep posture, dry lips, skin problems etc the list is long
On the psychological side you can develop other strong mental issues like general anxiety disorder, depersonalization etc
Just to get the definition straight what we are talking about here
90 % of normies do not have depression !

And of course everyone suffers in some way in their life
But what is suffering to them?, suffering to them is, they did not get a table at their favorite restaurant because its full, so they have to go to their second favorite one
Meanwhile some people on here, did not even hold hands with a girl in their entire life

I can tell you, most people, the majority, does not suffer
They have first world problems, which i would not consider suffering
Ive met so many people in my life, and i saw how their life was, and how their family was, and how they interacted with other people
Those are people who never felt suffering, never
Especially when i often had people tell me, "open up, whats wrong" "you seem down, i want to help you"
I was so naive to actually think that they really wanted to help me
But do you know what those people want to hear?
"yes so okay, this girl ditched on me :("
Or some bullshit like that
When i opened up, i did not even start with something dramatic which happened in my life, and their reaction already was like
What the fuck is wrong with you freak, i dont want to hear that
And thats the thing, this shit is alien to them, they never expierenced it, and they cant comprehend in which hell some people live, and they dont care
First they act so helpful and when you start talking, its like they feel disgusted by you
Man i had so much shit happening to me, i got raped as a child, beaten daily, i lost family member which were very important to me, i had friends dying, i saw shit beyond believe
I dont even talk about it, because i know no one cares, and people will use it to put me down, if you show weakness in our fucked up society, you will get destroyed for it
Most people do not have a bad life, they dont suffer, they dont care, they life a completely different live than most of us, and they cannot even comprehend what we are going through
I think anyone is capable of feeling depressed. Yes, what saddens Chad may seem trivial and minuscule when compared to our plight but I think you’re deluded if you think Chad’s life is just sunshine and rainbows tbh.

I don’t expect many to agree with this.
They think not getting a date is pure depression and sui worthy.

I dare you normie cucks to live my life.
People do get depressed for different reasons. For example if someone loses their family they may feel depressed. It's about perspective.
I’d rather cry in a Lamborghini than cry in my bed at night with the life I have now
depression is genetic

you'll see a lot of inbred races get it (jews) but other like blacks in africa living in shitholes never get it
If we had everything, there’s no chance we would be depressed . Depression and loneliness is the most humbling thing IMO and u realize the only things that really matter are the little things and creature comforts . That’s really it .. just having a steady stream of good experiences to draw dopamine from . People who haven’t been to actual rock bottom don’t know what it is, so they assume if they ever feel sad or low or whatever relative to how they normally feel , that must be what depression is . They can’t fathom anything worse.
this is complete cope. We are on one extreme end of the spectrum where life is nothing but endless misery and pain. The people on the other spectrum never ever get depressed. They are constantly high energy and happy because their life is the direct opposite of ours. It´s not an illusion. When I was in my teens I used to be a foreign exchange student and used to live in a picture perfect family 24/7 for a year. My host sisters were always happy and in a great mood because they pretty much had the perfect life. They had a loving family, had money and good looking chad boyfriends.

"Those people that post all these great photos of themselves travelling, enjoying life are in reality miserable and feel like they need to compensate"

That´s a bluepilled statement that you read a lot from jealous people and it couldn´t be further from the truth. People just want to believe that everyone suffers at some point in their lives, but it´s simply not true. Some people literally go through life without feeling sadness, let alone depression even once.

I've noticed this. Their feigned humility is actually conceitedness aka Stakhnovite style.
The majority of people will never go through a real depression, but they will go through bouts of sadness, which they mistake for depression, since being genuinely sad about something is such a foreign emotion they don't know how to classify it. They live their lives with such luxury that crying at a movie is something they'll consider a real deep sadness; with anything that goes beyond something such as that, they will classify depression.
Fuck, you're right. Guess a single :chad: is worth more than an entire band of talented normies in this ass backwards world. :feelsbadman:
alot of band guys get their shit wet because of their money and the spotlight only to get cucked up I mean look at john lennon for the greatest example of betabux motherfucker with shit tier taste settling for nothing.
I agree, it's cope. Which makes me wonder why Chester Bennington roped. I can get why Robin Williams did, because he was a betabucks and divorced, but Chester had 6 kids and a loving wife (no run of the mill betabucks has 6 kids with his wife). This shit is just strange, my best guess is that he realized that he wasn't gonna be younger than his current self and choked on the agepill.

it was a shitty thing to do leaving his 6 kids without a father..
"Those people that post all these great photos of themselves travelling, enjoying life are in reality miserable and feel like they need to compensate"

That´s a bluepilled statement that you read a lot from jealous people and it couldn´t be further from the truth.

Exactly. The problem is actually that you have to look at people living a perfect life, while you are rot inside of your appartement. I do still live with my partens. Nothing belongs to me. This existence is indeed utterly meaningless. It is like I am nothing but a silent spectator without any influence whatsoever, even though i am trying to change it.
Which makes me wonder why Chester Bennington roped.

His allegedly suicide is a bit fishy.
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Normie faggots are so fucking ungrateful! They don't
deserve shit they have.
There’s gotta be a difference between depression and utter despair

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