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SuicideFuel Even my own mother



Jul 30, 2018
JFL even my own mom. God bless her soul and I consider her to be one of the best women on earth, but even she broke down and started crying to me the other day. The reason?

My cousin who just turned 11 visited with his family the other day and is now taller than me. I couldn't take it and tried to voidmaxx while they were there as much as possible, but they forcibly made me come to eat dinner and stuff. Let me tell you brocells, it is like dragging your ballsack across fucking needles its so hurtful. My mom was all jolly and nice during the time they visited but after they left she broke down.

I'm making this post to remind you guys that I know, some of us have mothers we love who have been complete unicorns compared to todays society, but even they in their heart of hearts begin hating and despising you. Just think about it, every mother imagines their son will grow up to become the main character, they have confidence in that belief and start formulating a mental image of future you as a child. And guess what? Ask any mother if they think their mental image of their son will end up being a short deformed manlet and you all know what the answer will be.

Bottom line, women are genetically predisposed to want chad in effect facet of their lives. Weather it be their lovers, their husbands, their sons or brothers or fathers and if you are not that, EVEN WITH THE BEST OF WOMEN, animosity and hatred of you starts growing in the heart.

My advice, begin voidmaxxing them and any other female relative you have. Some people may be taking care of their elderly parents, for them I unserstand that you will need to interact with them as caregivers, but even then, do the bare minimum. Don't sit around for idle talks, don't try to hug them or kiss them. Make sure a distance comes between you and them and believe me, while they might seem hurt on the outside, inside they appreciate it.
your mom gave you shit genes then blames you for it

How tall are you?
So you got your short genes from your mother, then she blames you for it? jfc fuck women.
I know man, Its so fucking hard, because she shows affection a lot of times, and geinuine affection, but I know deep down she hates me for what I am, and that makes me question the affection, Hence why I am going for a lot lot more distance
How old are you and when did you start puberty?
I am 23 now, I had a job before rona but it went away so I have to temporarily live at home, but once it all lifts, I might move to pluto. I don't know when puberty started, but I stopped growing around 14
I know man, Its so fucking hard, because she shows affection a lot of times, and geinuine affection, but I know deep down she hates me for what I am, and that makes me question the affection, Hence why I am going for a lot lot more distance

I am 23 now, I had a job before rona but it went away so I have to temporarily live at home, but once it all lifts, I might move to pluto. I don't know when puberty started, but I stopped growing around 14
fucking brutal, I am like 3-4 inches below my expected height it sucks
I know man, Its so fucking hard, because she shows affection a lot of times, and geinuine affection, but I know deep down she hates me for what I am, and that makes me question the affection, Hence why I am going for a lot lot more distance
Fuck her tbh, her shitty genes are the reason you're a turbomanlet, the only person she should hate is herself.
My mom should have been a crazy cat lady (hates cats btw), and my dad a creepy old guy.
Lol. I could see the disgust in my mother's face when she realized I am norwooding. She absolutely hates bald men, that's a side of her I never knew. How am i supposed to cope with balding if my own mother hates it. She would console by saying many men are bald but I don't know she is consoling me or herself.
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What the hell is voidmaxxing?
Means avoiding them as much as pobbile, There is always a void where your presence should be. Soon you will be forgotten and they will move on. Its easier than facing them and dealing with their bs everyday.
I'm 5'4

Get out of home and live your life. Gradually get away from your family. You are out of place there.
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Lol. I could see the disgust in my mother's face when she realized I am norwooding. She absolutely hates bald men, that's a side of her I never knew. How am i supposed to cope with balding if my own mother hates it. She would console by saying many men are bald but I don't know she is consoling me or herself.
Same JFL, I am also norwooding, but alteast there are very good copes for that or even cures in some cases. What the fuck can you do about bones man FUCK.
Wish I had the gomu gomu no mi, would just stretch myself tall
Get out of home and live your life. Gradually get away from your family. You are out of place there.
Completely agree. The moment I get something I will move out. Problem is I am not a normie and hence don't have many friends who I could live with, but I have some savings, I am thinking of buying a car and just homelessmaxxing with the care in the meantime.
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make sure you don't become dependent on them though, they can do crazy shit like put you in an institution if they decide your grades or socialization is going too poorly. gotta stay on top of things. lord knows i got close to that shit when i was younger.
make sure you don't become dependent on them though, they can do crazy shit like put you in an institution if they decide your grades or socialization is going too poorly. gotta stay on top of things. lord knows i got close to that shit when i was younger.
Thank fuck that phase of my life when I was still in school is over. They did become very overbearing of me. My dad personally went to school to argue with the principal once because I was not making any friends, so they literally forced me to sit next to this polite chadlite who wanted nothing to do with me, but just tolerated me. Well, when we sat together It was fun for me atleast.

I got a job before Rona at an insurance company, but I got laidoff caus of Rona so I had to move in again. Once I get back on my feet NEVER AGAIN.
Thank fuck that phase of my life when I was still in school is over. They did become very overbearing of me. My dad personally went to school to argue with the principal once because I was not making any friends, so they literally forced me to sit next to this polite chadlite who wanted nothing to do with me, but just tolerated me. Well, when we sat together It was fun for me atleast.

I got a job before Rona at an insurance company, but I got laidoff caus of Rona so I had to move in again. Once I get back on my feet NEVER AGAIN.
yeah that's how it goes, they talk to the teachers and shit and make things even more awkward, never really helping. thankfully it ends as soon as you become independent.

keep fighting bro because you still have a decent start to work with. my parents never even wanted me or my brother which was insanely brutal to realize and made digging out of that situation even harder. but we still made it out.
My mom was all jolly and nice during the time they visited but after they left she broke down.
Did she articulate or showed that it was you, what broke her down, especially your height?

your mom gave you shit genes then blames you for it
I see no blaming yet, only a (mental) weak, selfish mother, who is disappointed that OP turned out manlet and not her Chad vision. A sister, who thinks you are ugly would not "break down" because of this. She is may well aware that it is "her son", "her genes".
Or she is maybe only very sad, because she wants only the best for his son, a happy fulfilled life and knows that this would be difficult to impossible with that looks/height - and that she will maybe not have grandchildren.
JFL even my own mom. God bless her soul and I consider her to be one of the best women on earth, but even she broke down and started crying to me the other day. The reason?

My cousin who just turned 11 visited with his family the other day and is now taller than me. I couldn't take it and tried to voidmaxx while they were there as much as possible, but they forcibly made me come to eat dinner and stuff. Let me tell you brocells, it is like dragging your ballsack across fucking needles its so hurtful. My mom was all jolly and nice during the time they visited but after they left she broke down.

I'm making this post to remind you guys that I know, some of us have mothers we love who have been complete unicorns compared to todays society, but even they in their heart of hearts begin hating and despising you. Just think about it, every mother imagines their son will grow up to become the main character, they have confidence in that belief and start formulating a mental image of future you as a child. And guess what? Ask any mother if they think their mental image of their son will end up being a short deformed manlet and you all know what the answer will be.

Bottom line, women are genetically predisposed to want chad in effect facet of their lives. Weather it be their lovers, their husbands, their sons or brothers or fathers and if you are not that, EVEN WITH THE BEST OF WOMEN, animosity and hatred of you starts growing in the heart.

My advice, begin voidmaxxing them and any other female relative you have. Some people may be taking care of their elderly parents, for them I unserstand that you will need to interact with them as caregivers, but even then, do the bare minimum. Don't sit around for idle talks, don't try to hug them or kiss them. Make sure a distance comes between you and them and believe me, while they might seem hurt on the outside, inside they appreciate it.
super unclear
you didnt stipulate why she started crying, did she validate the assertion by you in the thread that she was crying because of your brutal mogging.
For all we know she could have seen its a wonderful life right after they left and was crying over this movie.
Context is everything, if you make a metaphor there is a certain break off point where you need to actually lead the second party into the scenario enough for them to be able to "get" the metaphor.
Otherwise its just vague self absorbed nonesense, that spergs will say people "don't get it" when in reality they did not give enough context or environmental information to be gotten in the first place.
I am pretty sure my mother is disappointed in me cause she and my sisters act like i am worthless piece of trash, fuck mothers to hell and back.
Did she articulate or showed that it was you, what broke her down, especially your height?

I see no blaming yet, only a (mental) weak, selfish mother, who is disappointed that OP turned out manlet and not her Chad vision. A sister, who thinks you are ugly would not "break down" because of this. She is may well aware that it is "her son", "her genes".
Or she is maybe only very sad, because she wants only the best for his son, a happy fulfilled life and knows that this would be difficult to impossible with that looks/height - and that she will maybe not have grandchildren.

Well from what I remember, she just started talking about the guests and saying how everyone seems healthy, she then brought up my cousin and went "hes getting tall" and asked if he was taller than me, I said he was slightly taller and she said "thats nice" and she kind of glassed over. She then started crying and saying how it was such a shame that I didn't get taller, saying that she always imagined that I would be taller than my dad, and that I was a large baby at my birth, so she always pictured me getting tall. I told her I had no control over it and there was nothing to be done now and she just nodded her head. A lot of the value of what she saw in me was based in physicality like height though, I can tell asmuch. She gave me the basic drivel next about how I should be confident, and look there are so many successful short men! blah blah. But our relationship has gotten strained from them on.

Its extra fucked for me because literally every single male relative I have is taller than me. I legit feel like someone just cast a spell and stopped my grow completely, I don't have any health issues, no hormone abnormalities. I just didn't grow.

The fact that some of her love was conditional on my physicality like height makes me feel like there is no true love is this world tbh. Not even between mothers and children. Look at cats for example, they are usually very good mothers when they give birth. But do they really give a shit about the kittens? No, its just hormones. It's the same with all of us. Parents love children who look better more.

The game was rigged from the start boys. Evolution wants us to die and be forgotten.
you didnt stipulate why she started crying, did she validate the assertion by you in the thread that she was crying because of your brutal mogging.
We had a conversation the next day after the guests left. It was the mogging specifically that caused her to break down.
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Well from what I remember, she just started talking about the guests and saying how everyone seems healthy, she then brought up my cousin and went "hes getting tall" and asked if he was taller than me, I said he was slightly taller and she said "thats nice" and she kind of glassed over. She then started crying and saying how it was such a shame that I didn't get taller, saying that she always imagined that I would be taller than my dad, and that I was a large baby at my birth, so she always pictured me getting tall. I told her I had no control over it and there was nothing to be done now and she just nodded her head. A lot of the value of what she saw in me was based in physicality like height though, I can tell asmuch. She gave me the basic drivel next about how I should be confident, and look there are so many successful short men! blah blah. But our relationship has gotten strained from them on.

Its extra fucked for me because literally every single male relative I have is taller than me. I legit feel like someone just cast a spell and stopped my grow completely, I don't have any health issues, no hormone abnormalities. I just didn't grow.

The fact that some of her love was conditional on my physicality like height makes me feel like there is no true love is this world tbh. Not even between mothers and children. Look at cats for example, they are usually very good mothers when they give birth. But do they really give a shit about the kittens? No, its just hormones. It's the same with all of us. Parents love children who look better more.

The game was rigged from the start boys. Evolution wants us to die and be forgotten.

We had a conversation the next day after the guests left. It was the mogging specifically that caused her to break down.

Honestly if you were tall she'd probably shit on you anyway for not looking like chad.
I got a job be
Well from what I remember, she just started talking about the guests and saying how everyone seems healthy, she then brought up my cousin and went "hes getting tall" and asked if he was taller than me, I said he was slightly taller and she said "thats nice" and she kind of glassed over. She then started crying and saying how it was such a shame that I didn't get taller, saying that she always imagined that I would be taller than my dad, and that I was a large baby at my birth, so she always pictured me getting tall. I told her I had no control over it and there was nothing to be done now and she just nodded her head. A lot of the value of what she saw in me was based in physicality like height though, I can tell asmuch. She gave me the basic drivel next about how I should be confident, and look there are so many successful short men! blah blah. But our relationship has gotten strained from them on.

Its extra fucked for me because literally every single male relative I have is taller than me. I legit feel like someone just cast a spell and stopped my grow completely, I don't have any health issues, no hormone abnormalities. I just didn't grow.

The fact that some of her love was conditional on my physicality like height makes me feel like there is no true love is this world tbh. Not even between mothers and children. Look at cats for example, they are usually very good mothers when they give birth. But do they really give a shit about the kittens? No, its just hormones. It's the same with all of us. Parents love children who look better more.

The game was rigged from the start boys. Evolution wants us to die and be forgotten.

We had a conversation the next day after the guests left. It was the mogging specifically that caused her to break down.
What was your diet like when you were growing up? tbh not getting good nutrition while growing could cause this.
He was not tbh, my parents I'd say my mom is slightly above average and my dad is average looking

Mom 5'2, dad 5'10
You got the height gene from your mother, brutal.
23 and 5'3?

you're done
This is the type of shit that builds up hate and the aggression meter i would of filpped out on her as soon she started to cry :woke: because I already can feel their shame but ya took it well

This is the type of shit that builds up hate and the aggression meter i would of filpped out on her as soon she started to cry :woke: because I already can feel their shame but ya took it well

How the fuck do you deal with parents dropping MOABs on your ass? There is no acceptable way, and this is not a situattion where I grew up with abusive parents. My entire point is that my mom has been wonderful to me her entire life, but even the best of women are just women at the end of the day hence my moms breakdown.

I still do love her, but there is no escaping nature, so I will voidmaxx
23 and 5'3?

you're done
How could something that never even began be done
How the fuck do you deal with parents dropping MOABs on your ass? There is no acceptable way, and this is not a situattion where I grew up with abusive parents. My entire point is that my mom has been wonderful to me her entire life, but even the best of women are just women at the end of the day hence my moms breakdown.

I still do love her, but there is no escaping nature, so I will voidmaxx
ya have to leave before ya become a “servant” to her again you’re right you can’t avoid nature and ya parents will continue to shame ya for not having a social and love life on top of your physical build .Ya didn’t start yelling at her but I would of ended that conversation immediately cause it makes me feel worse and no answer is acceptable for them.
i am ashamed of my situation as a supahman so i try to avoid my chad dad who lives overseas (sorry dad but it's better for you to think i hate you then for you to discover that your incel son will die alone in a ditch somewhere) and the rest of my family(not including my mom) who is also overseas.i just have nothing to say to them and i am an embarrassment to normies so i try my best to not mingle with them.i want to talk to them and see if they alright personally(instead of asking my mom) but i am too ashamed and in the end it's better for them.it's better for them to think i am distant and aloof then for them to think i will forever be a loser.

Everytime i try to be with my family it just makes things even worse.A friend of my family who was there at a gathering and said i always looked sad and that i should get a girly so that i could be happy.i look like just another sad loser,and it's harder to cope when everyone you know and care about feel both sadness and disgust over your situation.so i try to be a neet and to isolate myself from my family.I talk to my mom and feel less scared talking to her,but she is extremely deluded and thinks i am some random volcel chad(she says girls look at me kek).i just hope everything goes well with them,and i hope that next year i will be able to get the fuck out of here and live as an hermit or as monk.
Low T if you think your own mother doesn't like you

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