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Blackpill Even just ONE FLAW for males is a death sentence

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Jan 31, 2018
With just one flaw as a guy, you're at a severe disadvantage when it comes to relationships. Never forget that girls are genetic filters seeking out the absolute best of the best. If you have any of these sub-par qualities, you're beating a dead horse when it comes to finding something meaningful.

-Manlet: 5'7" and under
-Framecel: Under 160 lbs with small arms, legs, hands. Narrow shoulders, neck, wrists, etc..
-Fatty: 20% BF, obviously
-Balding: NW3 or worse
-Bad Skin: Acne, spots, blemishes, etc. Too pale or too dark of a tone.
-Bad Teeth
-Bug Eyes
-Horse Face
-Inbred Chin
-Huge Nose, Ears, or Lips
-Misshaped Features
-Narrow Palate
-Noticeable Asymmetry

Now if you don't have ANY of those flaws, you're most likely at the very least a 6/10 and a fakecel, but still remember that you need money and status paired with a completely NT mindset to secure something that doesn't make you gag.
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Kind of potato face, buggy-ish eyes, and fat (I know this is fakecel trait because easy to change, but I'm too lazy because women won't love me anyways).
If you're not perfect, then your existence is flawed.
Im a manlet with bad skin. No point in trying.
Kind of potato face, buggy-ish eyes, and fat (I know this is fakecel trait because easy to change, but I'm too lazy because women won't love me anyways).

Losing body-fat can get you more angularity while simultaneously making you fit, especially at 8-10%. Give it a shot if your serious about looksmaxing.
add ethnic to that list as well
add ethnic to that list as well

Ethnic isn't a death sentence. You just have to be better looking among your race like sub4 is death for whites, but sub8 is death for curries
Ethnic isn't a death sentence. You just have to be better looking among your race like sub4 is death for whites, but sub8 is death for curries
What about blacks? Light skin to be precise
You forgot age.

Being over 25 is 2 points off your looks.

Being over 30 is four points.

What about blacks? Light skin to be precise
Depends on how light skin. Light skin is usually a halo for blacks (makes them seem less like animals). I'd say sub5 is death for light skinned blacks.
You forgot age.

Being over 25 is 2 points off your looks.

Being over 30 is four points.


You mean virgin though. If you're 25+ and non-virgin, no hit to your looks beyond the actual hits of aging.
Depends on how light skin. Light skin is usually a halo for blacks (makes them seem less like animals). I'd say sub5 is death for light skinned blacks.

I think I might make it
You forgot age.

Being over 25 is 2 points off your looks.

Being over 30 is four points.


You could always age fraud with god-tier genetics. Guys like Brad Pitt peaked in their 30s. It just relates to everything else mentioned (balding, bad skin, etc.)
All true. Meanwhile females can have all sorts of flaws like pancake banana tits yet still get chased on Tinder.
I wouldn’t say one flaw, but two instead. With only one flaw at least there are other areas to look at, but with two you’re fucked. You’re second flaw essentially forms a mega flaw with your first and screams incel.
If you have the eurocentric look you can have a flaw and still be attractive to women
Yep. I'd be a 5/10 if it weren't for my one and only flaw: my nose. It's over.
If you have the eurocentric look you can have a flaw and still be attractive to women

This further reinstates the fact that cumcels are volcels.
This further reinstates the fact that cumcels are volcels.

Whoa whoa, I didn't know I was a volcel! Time to go out in my 99% WHITE COUNTRY and get laid with no effort! Wow, I should've gotten laid YEARS ago!

What a low IQ accusation.
Whoa whoa, I didn't know I was a volcel! Time to go out in my 99% WHITE COUNTRY and get laid with no effort! Wow, I should've gotten laid YEARS ago!

What a low IQ accusation.

You're volcel because you're not settling for landwhales/going to Asia. JBW theory is legit.
You're volcel because you're not settling for landwhales/going to Asia. JBW theory is legit.

Hey, guess what you privileged westerner? I'M POOR! I CANT AFFORD THE LUXURIES YOU CAN! I would've moved years ago if I could, but I can't. I can barely even pay for my fucking food let alone expensive ass tickets, housing etc.

And I have yet to see a single landwhale interested in me. Every piggy I see is with a 6'2 tall wide guy. Sure he might not be the best looking, but he's tall, which I'm not. I wouldn't be settling for them, they would be settling for ME. And women don't like settling lmao.

People who think white guys can always just do anything have NEVER been to any more rural parts of EE.
Hey, guess what you privileged westerner? I'M POOR! I CANT AFFORD THE LUXURIES YOU CAN! I would've moved years ago if I could, but I can't. I can barely even pay for my fucking food let alone expensive ass tickets, housing etc.

And I have yet to see a single landwhale interested in me. Every piggy I see is with a 6'2 tall wide guy. Sure he might not be the best looking, but he's tall, which I'm not. I wouldn't be settling for them, they would be settling for ME. And women don't like settling lmao.

People who think white guys can always just do anything have NEVER been to any more rural parts of EE.
I thought you were at least in Western Europe, kek. If you can get a job, you can find some Eastern European hottie though, I heard that practically everybody over there is poor. I wouldn't suggest moving to the west if you want to raise kids, they'll be degenerates once they grow up in a western environment.
I thought you were at least in Western Europe, kek. If you can get a job, you can find some Eastern European hottie though, I heard that practically everybody over there is poor. I wouldn't suggest moving to the west if you want to raise kids, they'll be degenerates once they grow up in a western environment.

>If you can get a job, you can find some Eastern European hottie though


No, just no lol... You have to have MEGA status for that. Those hotties you see only go for you if you're tall, robust and extremely extroverted. If you're not going to parties every week, doing drugs, owned at least 5 cars, beat up at least 7 people and have 50+ friends/contacts you're just going to be seen as a worthless pussy.
I literally don't have any friends, I'm short and small framed. Not a single woman here WILL EVER be interested in me, I'm the lowest of the low. Guys like me are nearly always virgins until they're 30 or something and they can get enough money to betabux.

And I don't have any good skills anyway, any job I will get will be minimum wage at best and the education I'm getting right now (trade school) probably wont be enough and I'll still be stuck with a dead-end job.

Western Europeans never have and never will truly understand how harsh life here really is.
>If you can get a job, you can find some Eastern European hottie though

View attachment 3547

No, just no lol... You have to have MEGA status for that. Those hotties you see only go for you if you're tall, robust and extremely extroverted. If you're not going to parties every week, doing drugs, owned at least 5 cars, beat up at least 7 people and have 50+ friends/contacts you're just going to be seen as a worthless pussy.
I literally don't have any friends, I'm short and small framed. Not a single woman here WILL EVER be interested in me, I'm the lowest of the low. Guys like me are nearly always virgins until they're 30 or something and they can get enough money to betabux.

And I don't have any good skills anyway, any job I will get will be minimum wage at best and the education I'm getting right now (trade school) probably wont be enough and I'll still be stuck with a dead-end job.

Western Europeans never have and never will truly understand how harsh life here really is.
+1 for Gaddafi. Well then boyo, you have to cope through studycelling and then either moving to the west (which I wouldn't recommend) or Thailand (which I do recommend) but only once you're able to secure a job or something.
+1 for Gaddafi. Well then boyo, you have to cope through studycelling and then either moving to the west (which I wouldn't recommend) or Thailand (which I do recommend) but only once you're able to secure a job or something.

I'm too old for that now, and I'm too depressed. Since I didn't go to HS I'm massively in a disadvantage, basically this trade school is all I got.
I'm not going to be ever accepted to uni because I'll never pass the exams, and I have zero motivation to study shit I absolutely hate anyway.
It would take me at least 6 years to catch up to all my studies to actually achieve something, which is far too long for me.

Here degrees and education really doesn't matter anyway, what matters is contacts. Even if you have only a primary school education (9 grades) you'll still get a decent job if you know the right people.

Most people earn around 800€ on average. I'm going to be earning half of that with minimum wage. Now deduct food and other items, which means I could maybe save up 20€ a month without starving. A full trip to Thailand would be well over 2000€ for tickets, housing, transport, food, etc. That means 240€ a year, which means in-order to save up enough money it would take me 9 years. And that's not even taking in emergencies or things that require me to spend the savings to not die! (i.e medical care which costs money here).

I can say without a doubt it's completely over for me. Guys dying alone as virgins isn't uncommon at all here due to how harsh and evil people here are, so I have no reason to believe it won't happen to me.
I'm too old for that now, and I'm too depressed. Since I didn't go to HS I'm massively in a disadvantage, basically this trade school is all I got.
I'm not going to be ever accepted to uni because I'll never pass the exams, and I have zero motivation to study shit I absolutely hate anyway.
It would take me at least 6 years to catch up to all my studies to actually achieve something, which is far too long for me.

Here degrees and education really doesn't matter anyway, what matters is contacts. Even if you have only a primary school education (9 grades) you'll still get a decent job if you know the right people.

Most people earn around 800€ on average. I'm going to be earning half of that with minimum wage. Now deduct food and other items, which means I could maybe save up 20€ a month without starving. A full trip to Thailand would be well over 2000€ for tickets, housing, transport, food, etc. That means 240€ a year, which means in-order to save up enough money it would take me 9 years. And that's not even taking in emergencies or things that require me to spend the savings to not die! (i.e medical care which costs money here).

I can say without a doubt it's completely over for me. Guys dying alone as virgins isn't uncommon at all here due to how harsh and evil people here are, so I have no reason to believe it won't happen to me.
Well, how old are you now then? If you're still in your 20s, it's definitely not too late. You'll be older than the rest, but who cares? If you can put yourself in a better situation financially speaking, why not go for it? Otherwise, why not try to find contacts? Surely you have friends who are doing better than you, you could ask them. Wow, 800 euros/month on average?!!? That's f-cked, dude. No wonder so many Poles enter other European countries for work.
Well, how old are you now then? If you're still in your 20s, it's definitely not too late. You'll be older than the rest, but who cares? If you can put yourself in a better situation financially speaking, why not go for it? Otherwise, why not try to find contacts? Surely you have friends who are doing better than you, you could ask them. Wow, 800 euros/month on average?!!? That's f-cked, dude. No wonder so many Poles enter other European countries for work.

My mind has been kicked down to shit, I'm not going to learn anything new. People just think studying is sooo easy if you "just put ur mind on it! work hard!" No, once you reach a certain point your brain will just REFUSE to want to deal with anything. Right now I'd never want to go to some normie uni with 6'2 guys hanging out with femoids. It would be the end of me. There's been countless threads here of incels regretting going to uni, it's just not a place for us.

And all that is cope anyway because again, I wouldn't pass the exams. I can't afford private tutoring and studying shit myself would just stress me out even more because I despise math and physics.

Also I have ZERO friends. I literally have nobody, zero contacts. Contacts are made through friends, I don't have any friends and neither can I make any friends.

And yeah it's fucked here, which is why so many people emigrate. But I would never move to the west, those self-centered pompous pricks can go fuck themselves and their welfare state. I'd rather be poor here than be only slightly less poor there and treated even more like shit.
Can you explain why people’s average tinder match rates are significantly higher in places like Belarus, Poland and Czech Republic than in Western European countries like the UK

I don't know, I haven't gotten a single match there. If you make it clear you're western then they'll think you're rich.

Besides, western men are by average more attractive than eastern euro men anyway. It's like asking "why does Chad get more matches than Chadlite?". Because he's more attractive.
I would have thought I’d get mogged harder in EE as the average height there is higher than in the UK.

Depends where you're looking. Central and southern is about the same if not shorter. Northern (Baltics, northern Poland to some extent) are taller.

Most of the guys on the street that I see are at least 6'0. But that doesn't really matter anyway, if you're GL enough you could get some whores on Tinder because you're not a local. Mostly it's the local guys who have to be insanely tall and extremely NT to ever succeed.
So I was looking at those statistics of average match rates in many countries posted a few days ago (don’t know if you saw that thread).

Belarus has an average match of 16%

UK has an average match rate of 1%

Is this because they think that us Western Europeans are richer and are thus only attracted to our money?

Possibly. Also UK womyn have a MUCH better selection, considering Chads run rampant there.
EE doesn't have as many GL Chads, which means they focus on instead of face but rather other trivial picky shit like amount of friends, money, height, frame etc. This also means that any actually good-looking guy facially can do much better.

If EE femoids had the same facial standards as UK femoids then they would have sex maybe once a decade.
My mind has been kicked down to shit, I'm not going to learn anything new. People just think studying is sooo easy if you "just put ur mind on it! work hard!" No, once you reach a certain point your brain will just REFUSE to want to deal with anything. Right now I'd never want to go to some normie uni with 6'2 guys hanging out with femoids. It would be the end of me. There's been countless threads here of incels regretting going to uni, it's just not a place for us.

And all that is cope anyway because again, I wouldn't pass the exams. I can't afford private tutoring and studying shit myself would just stress me out even more because I despise math and physics.

Also I have ZERO friends. I literally have nobody, zero contacts. Contacts are made through friends, I don't have any friends and neither can I make any friends.

And yeah it's fucked here, which is why so many people emigrate. But I would never move to the west, those self-centered pompous pricks can go fuck themselves and their welfare state. I'd rather be poor here than be only slightly less poor there and treated even more like shit.
I understand dude, studying is definitely more than just putting your mind to it. Your brain can burn out quickly. Have you never had friends before then? Elementary school?
I love how blackpilled this place is today.
I understand dude, studying is definitely more than just putting your mind to it. Your brain can burn out quickly. Have you never had friends before then? Elementary school?

I was bullied pretty badly and that turned me into an introverted loser with social anxiety. If you thought bullying in Western Europe is bad, then oh ho is it shit here if they REALLY hate you.
I was bullied pretty badly and that turned me into an introverted loser with social anxiety. If you thought bullying in Western Europe is bad, then oh ho is it shit here if they REALLY hate you.
I wasn't really bullied, man. There were like two people who treated me badly but not that I'd go as far to call it bullying, and it was brief. I was, however, teased about my nose, by guys always. Girls didn't tease me for that, and they liked me a lot. Platonically. Of course. Kek.
I wasn't really bullied, man. There were like two people who treated me badly but not that I'd go as far to call it bullying, and it was brief. I was, however, teased about my nose, by guys always. Girls didn't tease me for that, and they liked me a lot. Platonically. Of course. Kek.

You got lucky then, I had to face a lot of shit at school due to my behavior. I blame that on my shitty family.
You got lucky then, I had to face a lot of shit at school due to my behavior. I blame that on my shitty family.
Sorry to hear man. I did some weird shit in my high school but that didn't get me bullied. I guess Western Europeans are just nicer in general.
Fatty (BMI of 29.6), inexperienced and socially awkward 30 yo here.
philtrumcel, wristcel here

that's about it really
-bug eye
-potato face
-huge nose
It's over
What about small ears, and tbh I could have nothing on the list but look at my sig, it was always ovER
Disagree. It's a delicate balance of many features
-Manlet: 5'7" and under
-Balding: NW3 or worse
-Bad Teeth
It kinda infuriates me how my cousin and former best friend is just a notch above me in height (5'8"), has hair and OK teeth and does much better than me with girls (though he is literally settling as a betabux for an aging ugly femoid). He is a musician as an added benefit.
He is very social too and when we went to the supermarket to get beers and snacks etc you could see that his small-talk with the cashier brightened their day. I'm not even sure if he got the IOIs. (actually he didn't and I made him aware of it in my PUA days that he was a natural and he later told me I was right and he applied what I taught him. JFL @ my life)

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